Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 10


Köszönöm nincs káromkodás

Egy férfi egy síró gyereknek segíteni ment.
Az anya nem bízott, hogy akarna megmenteni.
És azonnal egy ragadozóvá vádoltak.
Még kérdezd, hogy miért víz borrá változik.
Egy nő elesik az utcán, de
itt nem segítenek, ha meg vagy zavarodva.
Halló, a szívroham volt,
sincs visszaút az életre.
Miért olyan átkozott nehéz a szemébe nézni,
vagy sziát megmondani.
Egyfolytában a kerek sarkokkal összeütközünk
és azt mondjuk, nehogy tudjuk (azt tenni).
És börtönbe kerülnünk kellene-e az idő megöléséért?
Bár ez az idő öl minket el,
senki sem fog elkaptatni.
Nem tudod kinyitni a szájadat,
körülnézni visszavonulsz,
mikor kiáltja a világ a bolondságáért.
De ha kiabálsz hangosabban,
felhallatsziktatod a hangodat
és az erőt következő napig.
Óóó, óóó, köszönöm nincs káromkodás.
Óóó, óóó, felkelsz győztesként.
És néha, amint rendesen haladnak a dolgok,
azt kapod, amit érdemeltél is.
Azaz ha bocsánatot kérsz, megbocsátok neked,
és az élet ismét kedves.
A nevelés nem előkerül Google-ból,
de nem mindig ítéljük el az otthonokat,
mert nem vagyunk egyformák.
Valaki verést kap, valaki számítógépet.
És vigyázz, nehogy rámosolyogd valakin,
mert ez átragadhat.
Sosem megtudunk,
hogy Jáncsi szeretett mézeskalácsot vagy Juliskát?
És a magány veszélyesebb, mint a túlsúly,
és a bizalom jobb, mint az üldözés.
Nem tudod kinyitni a szájadat,
körülnézni visszavonulsz,
mikor kiáltja a világ a bolondságáért.
De ha kiabálsz hangosabban,
felhallatsziktatod a hangodat
és az erőt következő napig.
Óóó, óóó, köszönöm nincs káromkodás.
Óóó, óóó, felkelsz győztesként.
Köszönöm nincs, köszönöm nincs, köszönöm nincs káromkodás...
Nem tudod kinyitni a szájadat,
körülnézni visszavonulsz,
mikor kiáltja a világ a bolondságáért.
De ha kiabálsz hangosabban,
felhallatsziktatod a hangodat
és az erőt következő napig.
Óóó, óóó, köszönöm nincs káromkodás.
Óóó, óóó, felkelsz győztesként.
Köszönöm nincs, köszönöm nincs, köszönöm nincs káromkodás...

Gyűlöletet megunt

Félek, hogy
raktak mozogni az embereket.
Siess, siess,
nehogy szorongni odaérjen az agy túl sokat.
Félek, hogy
mindenki csak vakon irányul a jövendőre.
A nyilaim nem rászállnak addig.
Dobok egy kenyeret egyszerre.
Mit hozza az élet,
jöjjön hozzám.
A hiba lehetősége az emberiességre a jelentést megengedi.
Ugyanaz a hamu,
ugyanaz a könnyű levegő leszünk.
Úgyhogy most béke,
ez a világ a gyűlöletet megunt.
Akár hiszel a sorsban, akár nem.
Teljesen mindegy, amíg gondolkodsz.
Ez a másodperc hordozzon magát,
az mindennek a-ja és o-ja. (leglényegesebb)
De ha bámulsz csak egy fát,
eltűnhet az egész erdő.
De ha csak látod az erdőt,
talán nem észreveszed a legpompásabb fát.
Mit hozza az élet,
jöjjön hozzám.
A hiba lehetősége az emberiességre a jelentést megengedi.
Ugyanaz a hamu,
ugyanaz a könnyű levegő leszünk.
Úgyhogy most béke,
ez a világ a gyűlöletet megunt.

Thank you is not a swear

Versions: #1
A man went to help a crying child
The mother didn't believe he really wanted to save him
And so he was accused of being a beast
He even asked how could the water change into wine
A woman falls on the street
Here we won't help you if you're crazy
Come on, it was a heart attack
And no coming back to life
Why is it so fucking hard to look in the eyes
And say hi
We're always just hitting these round corners
And saying that we just can't
And should we go to prison for killing time
And though this time is killing us
No-one will ever catch it
You can't open your mouth
You're swept aside to see
How the world yells of it's craziness
But if you yell louder
Your voice will be heard
And you'll get strength for another day
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, thank you is not a swear
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
And sometimes when things go right
You'll get what you want
So if you apologize, you'll be forgiven
And life is good again
How to raise kids can't be found on Google
But you can't always judge home
'Cause there's so many kinds of people here
Some get beaten up and some get a computer
And look out so that you don't smile at anyone
'Cause it can be contagious
And will we ever know
If Hansel loved the cookie or Gretel more
And being lonely is more dangerous than being overweight
And trust is way better than hostility
You can't open your mouth
You're swept aside to see
How the world yells of it's craziness
But if you yell louder
Your voice will be heard
And you'll get strength for another day
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, thank you is not a swear
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
Thank you is not, thank you is not, thank you is not a swear
You can't open your mouth
You're swept aside to see
How the world yells of it's craziness
But if you yell louder
Your voice will be heard
And you'll get strength for another day
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, thank you is not a swear
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
Thank you is not, thank you is not, thank you is not a swear

In (those) blue lights

Versions: #1
You came fast
and picked me up from Hämeentie (Hämee road)
You kept the front seat free.
Commuters were left to dodge the mud
when we were already speeding away
And on the backseat we managed to fit four
I guess they were in a huge rush to Kontula
When in those blue lights, I looked at you
you looked so beautiful.
And in those blue lights,
you could not see me
You were already elsewhere
We drove down the 'ring'
and we clapped a bit, when you passed a few SUV's
It was raining in Vantaa
and I started to get tired
in my yes, markets flashed by
And somehow we found ourselves colliding with the railings of a bride
somewhere we heard, when everything shattered into pieces
When in those blue lights, I looked at you
you looked so beautiful.
And in those blue lights,
you could not see me
You were already elsewhere
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep in those white sheets
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep long and peacefully
Let us go into a slow-motion film
When in those blue lights, I looked at you
you looked so beautiful.
And in those blue lights,
you could not see me
You were already elsewhere
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep in those white sheets
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep long and peacefully
In those white sheets.
Long and peacefully.


Versions: #3
It's your warmth
That got me addicted
To the great feeling
That no law applies to
Then the endless eloquence came
If I was away for a second
It was eternity for you
We were so close to each other
It was perfect love
Somewhere that 'but' was hanging
That we swallowed
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's look at the wavering grain
It bends beautifully from your gaze
And so do I
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's not fix the leaky bowl
Let's make love at the same time
As those butterflies
That fade away slowly
We were the perfect love, I guess
The other had the knob of power
The other one was left with the hinges
You limited everything
That I had in life
A ring doesn't bring love
In a raging hand
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's look at the wavering grain
It bends beautifully from your gaze
And so do I
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's not fix the leaky bowl
Let's make love at the same time
As those butterflies
Everything died from your gaze
As did I too
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's fall in the middle of a fur rug
Let's say goodbye to these times
Just like those butterflies do
Honey, now we're quiet
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Finns don't dance

Versions: #2
It's a summer Saturday
I've gone to my summer cottage
I've already chopped the firewood
the radio broke too
The lake is calm
but I'm restless, oh
then I hear his voice
The old neighbor Jack
came back from the U.S.
Now he's coming to bring me
with him to the dance
He's wearing a Stetson
and crocodile leather boots
and I wonder how this will turn out
Because Finns don't dance
no cha-cha-cha
I can only do polka
Can't dance no sambada
I can do letkajenkka
Don't dance
no boogie-boo
I can only do waltz
Others don't dance, don't dance, don't dance
Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance
Jack takes me
to the dance pavillion
The band is unloading the van
the gang is waiting to be asked for a dance
Men on one side
and women on the other
and that's how it all begins
When the first chord plays
Jack looked at me
He shows with his hands
hey look here to the south
I got myself a dance partner
I heard the orchestra
before this day I thought
Finns don't dance
no cha-cha-cha
I can only do polka
Can't dance no sambada
I can do letkajenkka
Don't dance
no boogie-boo
I can only do waltz
Others don't dance, don't dance, don't dance
Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance
Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance
Finns don't dance
just polka
I also want to do
Don't dance just jenkka
I also want to do sambada
Don't dance even if they had Tango shoes
I also want to do boogie-boos
and dance and dance and dance
Finns don't dance

Two people

I listened to you for six years
But one day you spoke a little louder
You said that you couldn't
Spend a day with me anymore
I thought 'oh, what now?'
Well thanks for these years to you too
I listened to you for six years
You should've spoken with a louder voice
Two people
And life can just break apart
Everything happens suddenly
I can't understand
But when the anger changes
And even the sadness fades away
Then what's left?
Two people who have their whole lives ahead of them
I listened to you for six years
And I changed myself a bit too much for you
Like a coin in a well
I drowned because all of your wishes
Now I'm floating again
And reviving myself back to life
I listened to you for six years
I should've spoken my self too
Two people
And life can just break apart
Everything happens suddenly
I can't understand
But when the anger changes
And even the sadness fades away
Then what's left?
Two people who have their whole lives ahead of them
Lives ahead of them
Lives ahead of them
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)


Versions: #2
A woman, a miracle in her arms,
The life ended in a great battle,
which ending was taken before the time.
Child, bruises in the hands going to school,
A heavy bag for an unknown house.
From the grave of the tomb is warmer,
Some people only love the alive ones and some, falling on the floor.
Hey world, don't let the sun go down,
Even when sometimes everything seems darker, because our next parade is invaluable.
Hey world, here a long time ago was revolving,
Someone on the plan goes out, someone land,
Before us, it's known the unknown.
The look of the Sun is far away from here and I know it,
You will not be afraid of the fear,
if you don't know anyone here.
We will be very different contexts, tunnels,
hands and legs of the war,
but in the same we will all go (we will all end).
Hey world, don't let the sun go down,
Even when sometimes everything seems darker, because our next parade is invaluable.
Hey world, here a long time ago was revolving,
Someone on the plan goes out, someone land,
Before us, it's known the unknown.
Man is a wolf to man,
Man is a wolf to man,
I hope you think the opposite.
There is angry behind the fear,
But the fear of the fear,
that someone will accept when you bring them down.
Hey world, don't let the sun go down,
Even when sometimes everything seems darker, because our next parade is invaluable.
Hey world, here a long time ago was revolving,
Someone on the plan goes out, someone land,
Before us, it's known the unknown.

Highway of craziness

Versions: #1#2
Close your eyes, close your mouth, close your every sense and this will be easier
Count to five thousand, low your shoulders back to their place
Again a 'bang bang' can be heard, you walk away, you want a day when no one wouldn't rage
It's a dark evening, but at the streets there are lightheads
You speed up, taking another of what you see
This town yells, that what where when is happening
And even though people come to help who's able to get happy
And when nothing feels like anything and nobody touches for free
Then Peter fucks as much as he cans, but Tinkerbell doesn't float for free
When the lights are out you see everything
When the lights are out you stay to be awake
You close your eyes and breathe
You are gonna make it through everything
Someone took your strength although you yelled no
This is the highway of craziness
You open your eyes and breathe, maybe tomorrow you'll understand
You are still alive! You are still alive!
You want out of wheel that rolls but doesn't advance your journey
You run from goal to goal, but can't come up with anything beautiful
Ah, and you hate so much how overthinking inflames hate
And the vegans are fighting that who here has nerves to eat fruit flesh
And how many still believes that by their dream we are taken
If you diverge from the road are all of the burial plots taken after all?
When the lights are out you see everything
When the lights are out you stay to be awake
You close your eyes and breathe
You are gonna make it through everything
Someone took your strength although you yelled no
This is the highway of craziness
You open your eyes and breathe, tomorrow you'll understand
You are still alive! You are still alive!
Close your eyes, close your mouth, close your every sense and this will be easier
When the lights are out you see everything
When the lights are out you stay to be awake
You close your eyes and breathe
You are gonna make it through everything
Someone took your strength although you yelled no
This is the highway of craziness
You open your eyes and breathe, tomorrow you'll understand
You are still alive! You are still alive! You are still alive!
thank you so much for reading this and more thanks if you liked this <3