Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 68

Találatok száma: 3068


BWV 248 IV Cantata for New Year 6 Aria T: I will live only for Your honor.

I will live only for Your honor,
my Savior, give me strength and courage,
so that my heart can do it eagerly!
Strengthen me
to exalt Your mercy worthily
and with gratitude!

BWV 248 Cantata for New Year, 1.Chorus: With gratitude, with praise.

With gratitude, with praise,
fall before the Almighty's throne of grace!
God's Son
desires to become
the Savior and Redeemer of the world,
God's Son
suppresses the rage and fury of the enemy.

BWV 248 IV Cantata for new year 5 Recitative B S: O joy, thy name shall now alone.

O joy, thy name shall now alone
Within my bosom dwell!
Jesus, my true joy and pleasure,
My true treasure, share and hope,
Thus will I call thy name with rapture
When breast and heart for thee with love are burning.
My salvation, crown and health,
But, dearest, tell me now:
How thee to praise, how thee to thank.
King and shepherd, sun and radiance,
Ah, how shall I worthily,
My Lord Jesus, give thee praise?

BWV 245 János-passió 24 Ária B és Kórus: Siessetek, ti meggyötört lelkek.

Siessetek, ti meggyötört lelkek,
hagyjátok el szenvedéseitek helyét!
A Golgotára!
Keljetek útra a hitnek szárnyain,
A Kereszt dombjára.
Ott virágzik üdvötök.

Songs Are Useless

Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.
You're everything, you're everything to me.
I have nothing else to say but that
'cause time goes by or stops here.
You're everything to me.
I don't see anything more urgent
than enjoying the moment we have.
The moment is now.
Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.
If I was everything, everything to you,
what else do you want after this?
Time could stop here.
You're everything to me.
Let's enjoy the time we have
and we will see tomorrow,
and we will see for good.
Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.
Songs don't replace anything.
Don't replace anything.
Songs are useless.
They're nothing but words and wind.
They never go too far
and never last for too long.

If You Just Love

The stars in the sky resemble me
So they’re always at the same place
Today, just like yesterday
I’m staying by your side
If you love me
Don’t hesitate
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
Even a short, passing memory
Can be a comfort
The star reflecting on my window
Resemble you
So I want to place it in my eyes
Even if the dark sky covers you
I’ll shine on you
If you love me
Don’t hesitate
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
We’ll never know the end of a beginning
But if our hearts are toward each other
That’s enough
So don’t hesitate anymore
If you love me
Just as I am
If you feel the same
Even if a painful tomorrow comes
We’ll be able to embrace
All of the moments we spent together
If you love me
If you love me

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 10: Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat.

Ária A
Aludj, drágám, élvezd a nyugalmat,
egykor majd felébredsz mindnyájunk üdvére.
Most légy boldog
anyád kebelén
szívünk örömére.

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 8: Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban.

8. Korál
Nézzétek, ott fekszik a sötét istállóban,
kinek uralma mindenre kiterjed!
Hol elébb egy jószág kereste táplálékát,
ott most a Szűznek gyermeke pihen.

BWV 248 Karácsonyi Oratórium II, 9: Pásztorok, menjetek oda.

Recitativo B
Pásztorok, menjetek oda,
hogy lássátok a csodát,
ott találjátok majd Isten Fiát
kemény jászolban feküdni.
Énekeljetek bölcsőjénél
kedves hangon altató dalt,
együtt a kórussal.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 10: Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.

Air A
Sleep, my dearest, enjoy your rest.
wake after this so that all may thrive!
Comfort the breast,
feel the pleasure
with which we make glad our hearts!

BWV 248 II, 8 Chorale: Look, there lies in the dark stable.

8. Chorale
Look, there lies in the dark stable
one who has dominion over all!
Where once an ox sought food
now rests the Virgin's child.

BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio II, 9: Then go there, you shepherds, go.

Recitativ B
Then go there, you shepherds, go,
that you may see the wonder:
And if you find the son of the Highest
lying in a hard manger,
then sing to him in his cradle
in a sweet tone
and with the whole choir
this song for his rest!

BWV 248, II, 4 Recitative B: What God promised to Abraham.

What God promised to Abraham
He now allows to the band of shepherds
To be shown as fulfilled.
A shepherd had all beforehand
to learn from God.
And now also a shepherd must of the deed
that was promised in the past
first know of the fulfilment.

Genghis Khan

The story, once told to someone
The beautiful story about sacrificing one's body for the country
He helped the weak and loved them
He gave courage to those who were sad
He was a hero in my heart
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
Everyone loved him like a star of the sky
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
He planted courage in my small heart
To me, who had a lot of fear, wa ha ha ha
Gave me courage, wa ha ha ha
He was a hero in my heart
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
Everyone loved him like a star of the sky
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
He planted courage in my small heart
To me, who had a lot of fear, wa ha ha ha
Gave me courage, wa ha ha ha
Forever, I will keep the dream and courage
The story, once told to someone
The beautiful story about sacrificing one's body for the country
He helped the weak and loved them
He gave courage to those who were sad
He was a hero in my heart
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
Everyone loved him like a star of the sky
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
He planted courage in my small heart
To me, who had a lot of fear, wa ha ha ha
Gave me courage, wa ha ha ha
Forever, I will keep the dream and courage
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
Everyone loved him like a star of the sky
Geng Geng Genghis Khan
He planted courage in my small heart
To me, who had a lot of fear, wa ha ha ha
Gave me courage, wa ha ha ha
Forever, I will keep the dream and courage

Oh heart! don't look to the world

Oh heart!don't look to the world the day comes the amusement ends
Cry my eyes don't stop!come soul leaves this body
Know your health is a blessing,give your heart to Allah for worship
You be called and go to grave then this universe ends
Be a servant to Allah with loyalty, the property of world is sedition
You be wrapped to a shroud worldly wealth ends
Don't be obey those who is the people of this time,don't have talk too much
Because they go different way to Allah's way in every way
All the world are passenger since the time of Adam
Everyday thousand caravan who caught to claw of death goes
Be preparedness to the death Kelâmi don't be unwary even if you will catch a breath
Friend dies,enemy dies,close friends dies

The best summer

Wind blows the text book to which page
Four seasons change very fast
Before the bell rang
Stay with my table mate one more time
This graduate is just a comma
Leaves flew and sun dazzling our eyes
There's a whole new world out of the school
How to make
A nice goodbye
Every memory is so special
When we join the social life in the future
Remember to look back our photos
Right here waiting to chat with you
Listen to your golden memories
Please don't forget those years
Please remember the best summer
Shinning with those remarkable miss
Walk towards with courage
Although feel like wanna cry
The face we can recall
Leaves flew and sun dazzling our eyes
There's a whole new world out of the school
How to make
A nice goodbye
Every memory is so special
When we join the social life in the future
Remember to look back our photos
Right here waiting to chat with you
Listen to your golden memories
Please don't forget those years
Please remember the best summer
Shinning with those remarkable miss
Walk towards with courage
Although feel like wanna cry again
This time
This moment
If it's very hard to say goodbye
Then we promise to meet up next time
Please remember the best summer
Shinning with those remarkable miss
Walk towards with courage
Although feel like wanna cry again
Familiar faces
Missing you

Like There Is No Tomorrow

It'll pass one day,
While walking on that old street
As if there is no
Other way or time
I saw him/her
That old neckerchief on the neck
As if it is the end
Eyes became full of tears...
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again
He/she approached silently
Threw an irresolute glance
Wanted to speak
Then I heard
He/she desisted from this wicked world
I cried a lot too
And never walked on that street again.
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again
Like there is no tomorrow
Like there is no tomorrow
Drunk again
Drunk again

Használt szeretők

Zenét hallgatunk
Egyszer hallottuk már
Leveszed a pólót
Ledobod a földre
Aztán elkúszol a hálószobáig
De megállsz az ajtónál
A beszélgetéseink megöregednek, te és én
Jó ideje egy szót sem szóltunk
Elvesztem a humorom
Te pedig a mosolyod
Az éjszaka leír minket
A hold elárul minket
A sötét pedig felfed minket
És a takarók alatt
Használt szeretők fekszenek
Évszakok és fájdalmak
Közösen készített képek
Dohányozni kezdesz
Én könyvet olvasok
Elvesztem a látásom
Te pedig a külsőd
És a zene
Keserűt és édeset játszik
Kibontod a hajad
Elgurulsz a székeddel
És az ágyhoz kúszol
De megállsz a lábánál
Az éjszaka leír minket
A hold elárul minket
A sötét pedig felfed minket
És a takarók alatt
Használt szeretők fekszenek
Valami a hangomban
Emlékeztet téged
Valamire, amit régebben mondogattam
Amit úgy szerettél
Az éjszaka leír minket
A zongora minket játszik
A sötét pedig felfed minket
És a takarók alatt
Használt szeretők fekszenek

Christina is dancing

Christina is dancing over the meadows
She is dancing alone under the stars
She is swaying her skirt over the flowers
Thinking of her dear friend only
Why did you not come to the birches?
Why have you forgotten the one you hold dear?
Why did I stand there waiting
When you've got someone else close to your heart?
Reflection in the black tarn
Tell me am I not the most beautiful one in the village?
Answer me white water lily
Has the summer seen a more beauteous bride?
Christina is dancing over the meadows
She is dancing alone under the stars
She is dancing in the early hours of dawn
Thinking of her dear friend only
Reflection in the black tarn
Tell me am I not the most beautiful one in the village?
Answer me white water lily
Has the summer seen a more beauteous bride?
Christina is dancing over the meadows
She is dancing alone under the stars
She is dancing in the early hours of dawn
Thinking of her dear friend only
She is dancing in the early hours of dawn
Thinking of her dear friend only

Soumatou ~Past Sky~

Looking at the sky of the past, nothing seems to change
Once again looking at the sky of the past I begin to ask questions
As I ride upon the passing time the scenery changes
In order to rush my sadness I want to cut the sadness in my heart
The scenery that the two of us saw together in the past
There is nothing left to fade away my memories wake up
Looking at the sky of the past, nothing seems to change
Once again looking at the sky of the past I begin to ask questions
Nothing has changed for the two of us who know the past
The two of us who know the past will start walking in our dreams

The Tanker King

It was a spring morning when I had my first breakdown. I had thought about myself and life for a bit, when I suddenly became nauseous and something was pressing on my throat in a way that I thought I was being strangled.
I fell onto the street, gasping for air like a maniac but it just got even worse. I was getting dizzy, I spun in a circle ten times and thought everyone was pointing their fingers at me, until I realised I wasn't wearing any clothes.
I ran and ran, found an open ground level window, climbed inside and hid, shaking from fear and the cold, in some corner.
It took a while until I realised, that I was in a pawn shop. The room was full of old clothes, and I immediately dressed in harem pants, top boots and chain mail, slung an old crossbow over my back and immediately felt relaxed and invincible again.
I marched out onto the street and suddenly was at the personnel entrance of the mall, where I had been working the garbage incinerator. As I saw it, I was getting nauseous with anger, I ran through the security guard, ripped all telephone cables out of the wall, smashed the control clock out of the wall and continued to rage through the salesrooms.
As I came to the candy shop, the first cashier stood half hidden behind a pillar on a ladder to better catch the children stealing. He always brought them in to the administrators for a large bonus for everyone he caught. His dirty smile as he spotted me made me so angry, I fired my crossbow at him without aiming, and the bolt barely missed his neck and went through his suit jacket collar and nailed him to the pillar. I kicked away the ladder underneath him, so he just hung there like a wet bag. And while he thrashed and screamed I threw over one shelf after the other and distributed the toys among the children.
And in the middle of the big turmoil the boss of the house came to me and hissed at me: 'What are you doing there? Come with me into my office immediately, you idiot!' I loaded my crossbow and said: 'Suck my ass, you motherfucker! Raise your hands and move!' Then he saw the cashier hanging from the pillar and became pale as a corpse. I pushed him into the cargo elevator without the customers wondering about it as they thought it to be a publicity stunt, drove with him to the paper incinerator, gave him a kick pushing him through the big incinerator door, and as the police sirens were howling outside there was already nothing left of him.
I ran outside, threw the crossbow away, jumped onto a ladies' bicycle without a master and chased across the city to the town entrance and after one hour of cycling I fell off the bike half-dead and fell asleep under a shrub. The morning after it was cold as ice outside and with that came fear. I had killed a leading executive! Now I would be chased and hunted everywhere! And in my panic I stumbled further and further into the forest and around noon I found an abandoned air shelter. The door was open and in the corner of the room was a sub machine gun wrapped in oil paper and a case of ammunition. I assembled the gun. It worked and I immediately felt invincible again. I decided to move into the bunker and get supplies, to survive in hiding.
And on the same day I robbed three banks. I forced my way through the doors with the bicycle every time, drove in a circle, fired the SMG into the ceiling so that the plaster splashed around and screamed: 'I am the pied piper of Hamelin, where are the mice here?!' ['mice' being a slang term for money in German]
And as I acquired around 100,000 Marks like that, I went shopping at the supermarket and managed to get back to my shelter on hidden paths.
(Guitar Interlude)
I remained invisible, until no more newspaper articles about me were published, then started to acquire what I needed in small chunks and lived some very calm months. I grew hemp in a flower pot, smoked a joint every now and then, relaxed in my hammock and listened - with my SMG on my belly - to the charts on a mobile radio and I was happy. But just like most happy people I was also getting dumber and dumber after a while, and to work against that I was writing letters to the editor by the truckload and took a bath in a fenced-off lake near me, that was owned by the Tanker King.
So, one day at noon - I was sitting really calmly in the water with my SMG - suddenly there stood some guy in a shirt, green apron, straw hat, spade over his shoulder and told me, this was private property, and what would happen if everyone acted like I was acting there. I said: 'Yeah, if everyone acted like that, then the Tanker King would soon be out of the picture here with his view of the lake.' I asked him if he really needed to degrade himself as a gardener servant to the Tanker King. Then he said: 'I'm not the gardener, I am the Tanker King!' I said: 'That's just unbelievable, firing the gardener, flowering the dahlias yourself and letting your money work in your stead! That's going to end now!' I wanted to pull the trigger right then and there, then hesitated and couldn't do it after all and instead I just forced him to smoke a joint as thick as a chimney. And I said: 'So! And now I want to see how billionaires are living!'
We walked the few hundred meters to his mansion and as we arrived, he was already high as a kite. He staggered around in front of me into a giant patio towards a luxurious sitting area, where the Tanker Queen sat and relaxed. With a small doggy in her arms, with a blue ribbon and a pink asshole and she mumbled without opening her eyes: 'Rudy, is it you? I'll say, Ari Onassis has invited us to a Safari!' The Tanker King stared at his wife first as if he didn't understand a word, then started to dance around her and mimicked her voice: 'With Ari on Safari!' The Tanker Queen opened her eyes, spotted us and fled up the stairs, screaming. The Tanker King took a battle axe hanging on the wall and went, Ari Safari, after her.
Then I thought 'That drama I have to watch from the outside!' I sat down on a swing hammock and already I saw the Tanker King crawl out of a window on the roof. The bloody axe in his hand he spread his arms, jumped and - splat - hit the ground directly in front of my feet. I went back to my bunker for now and went back to sleep.
The morning after I heard the news broadcast. Half the world was upside down. They also talked about me. The Tanker Queen had given testimony. Her husband had not killed her with the axe, but only the doggy and people were talking about an economic catastrophe caused by the sudden death of the Tanker King. And further they said all state police were searching with hounds, radar, helicopters and tanks after the insane murderer with the chain mail and top boots. I was getting really anxious and I closed up the bunker and didn't dare to come out for weeks.
After a while I felt so miserable and lonely, that I started talking to myself. I desperately needed someone to talk to! But someone who would be able to understand the whole affair with the Tanker King! And I didn't know anyone like that. But then I had an idea: If there was no one alive like that, then maybe I could talk to someone dead. So I sneaked out of the forest around midnight to the next town. I knew a house there, in which people were holding séances on a regular basis.
And I got lucky too, the séance was underway already. I pushed the door open with my foot, SMG in my hand and shouted: 'Don't panic, gentlemen, and put your hands on the table!' But just as they put their hands on the flat surface, the table started to shake and levitate all by itself a few meters above the floor. I said: 'Come on, children, don't fool around, put your hands above your heads!' Immediately all hands went up into the air and the table plummeted back to the ground and I said: 'So, who of you lot is the supreme druid? Gimme a line to Che Guevara, I want to finally talk to a reasonable human!'
First they weren't sure who I meant, but then applied themselves and finally I heard a noise in the line and I heard the voice of Che Guevara: 'What do you want of me?' I told him who I was and what I did and that I needed guidance. And the voice asked me a bit annoyed what the big idea was and if I ever heard of organised class struggle. I said, nope, I never did. The voice went silent for a moment and then continued a lot more comforting and friendly: Yeah, then it would be hard to help me, I was sick and it would be best if I visited a psychoanalyst soon.
Totally depressed I crawled back to my bunker, as I heard the metal cans ringing that were attached to the alarm wire I set up around my hiding place. With my whole body shaking from fear I went there and saw a Volkswagen car standing there, with a naked couple on the front seat. The bumper had gotten tangled up in my alarm wire, so the cans were ringing without pause.
I was so offended that I pushed my SMG into the back of the guy and screamed at him: 'Stop this immediately! Far and wide nothing but the most beautiful untouched nature and you are doing gymnastics in your stinky car. Get out of there, immediately, into the bluebells!' The poor guy began to whine into my ears: 'Why did you scare us like that? Now my acquaintance here has a cramp and we are stuck!' That was just what I needed.
We talked a while about what we could do and decided it would be best to stick the bride with a needle into her leg, as a shock therapy, but of course no one of us had a needle with them. This was taking too much time for my taste and I said: 'Enough! If you want a needle, you will have to crawl the few hundred meters to the sewing box yourself!' The operation succeeded in the end. And only after the two left the shelter I realised, I had made a horrible mistake...

Phantom terror

Being deceived by those who catch an eye
On the wrapped hourglass that misleads you
To a precious landscape which scatters like dust with no trace
I am not me
I vanish into the void without making a screech
The wind swell torments my ears
Devoured by anxiety and despair that wraps around me
My tears are all dried up and I have lost feelings
On someone's behalf, who would live for me?
Being washed away by recurrent mistakes
On the rotating hourglass that misleads you
To the closed, wavering heart that's hard like a fossil shell
I am in a dream
I fall into the nothingness and vanish without making a screech
All the virtual images that's been built with strength, collapses in front of me
Picking up and collecting its rolled fragments
My hands clench in pain and bleed
With that lonely lie, go ahead and hurt me again
And I'll become possessed by an inedible, phantom nightmare
My tears drag out the ugliness of this illusion as I try to crawl away
The wind swell torments my ears
Devoured by anxiety and despair that wraps around me
My tears are all dried up and I have lost feelings
On someone's behalf, who would cry for me?

Közel vagy

Te vagy az éjféli suttogás, whiskey
Olyan közel vagy, a veszélyzónában.
Nagy szükségem van a műfaj klasszikusára,
Csak egy szikra a tűz előtt.
A főút mentén haladok, szeretlek
Csak gyorsítok, nem fékezek.
Vagyok, amilyen vagyok, követem az elveket
Ez az életem. Egy új oldal.
Egész idő alatt velem vagy, a hátamhoz simulva,
Napról napra közelebb jutunk álmunkhoz.
Tudod, hogy együtt minden nehézséget leküzdünk
Érted felfordítom ezt a világot.
Nélküled nem lennék teljes egész,
A szerelmed nélkül egyszerűen meghalok.
Ez az egész világ elviselhetetlen lenne számomra,
Egyedül csak rád van szükségem.
A holdfény a semmibe vész,
Fél óra múlva hajnalodik.
Ő kísér téged a tekintetével.
És nem kellenek felesleges szavak,
Az életünkben ott a szerelem.
Olyan jól érzem magam, amikor mellettem vagy.
Úgy várlak ismét, éjszaka
Szeretném megosztani veled ezeket a perceket.
Csak a tiéd vagyok, neked adom mindenem
A feladatom, hogy boldoggá tegyelek.
A zodiákus jegyeink tökéletesen megegyeznek,
Már egy család vagyunk - kutyánk is van.
Ígérem, az életünk nem lesz unalmas
Sok esemény lesz, az út nyitva áll.
A kapcsolatunk egyre erősödik,
A mosolyod gyógyít - jobban érzem magam.
A sors ajándékot készített számunkra,
Apa leszek, te pedig anyává válsz.
Nélküled nem lennék teljes egész,
A szerelmed nélkül egyszerűen meghalok.
Ez az egész világ elviselhetetlen lenne számomra,
Egyedül csak rád van szükségem.
Refrén (2x):
A holdfény a semmibe vész,
Fél óra múlva hajnalodik.
Ő kísér téged a tekintetével.
És nem kellenek felesleges szavak,
Az életünkben ott a szerelem.
Olyan jól érzem magam, amikor mellettem vagy.
Mellettem vagy...
A holdfény a semmibe vész,
Fél óra múlva hajnalodik.
Ő kísér téged a tekintetével.
És nem kellenek felesleges szavak,
Az életünkben ott a szerelem.
Olyan jól érzem magam, amikor mellettem vagy.

BWV 245, 20 Ária T: Figyeld csak, hogy az ő vérszínezte.

Figyeld csak, hogy az ő vérszínezte háta
az égbolthoz hasonló!
Ott, amint bűneink
özönének árja lezúdult,
ragyog a mindennél szebb szivárvány,
mint Isten kegyelmének jele.


Versions: #1
Morality is essential, finishing is important
We won't be wrong, ma'am
It's time to speak openly
Listen what happens
Is your father your king mother or countess
As a result, the princess doesn't come out of the air
Don't give up on your little mind, please.
You will find better you find shit
They don't shit, damn you like me
I think they try to remove the nail,
It is not enough, you will ruin the big pliers
Should your hands touch your hands?
You find shit like this again
If it comes to your mind, planting
If not, February, March, April or something
Did they add medication or to your cake?
A ring if your ring finger is empty
Big diamonds on plugs
Years go by, I remember my memory
You will find better you find shit
They don't shit, damn you like me
I think they try to remove the nail,
It is not enough, you will ruin the big pliers
Oh baby, I've been so hard, am I unfair to you
You find shit like this again

You caused

Why did you come to this place?
Are you a flood, are you raining?
You have an opportunity for my bad days
Are you an enemy or a friend?
I sincerely listened to your word
I landed in dream love
I don't think you are an understatement of what you are
Are you a descending slack during my saz
Once I get worse my name is
My image here is my taste tasting
My only (last) wish is to reach you
Are you going to nurşan?

Nem Akarom Beismerni

Nem akarom beismerni, hogy
Még mindig hiányzol
Hogyan tudnám elfelejteni?
Hisz ígéretett tettünk
Nem akarom beismerni
Nehéz ezt megérteni
Hogyan tudnám elfelejteni
A napot, amikor hazudtál nekem?
Kérlek, ne menj sehova, maradj mellettem
Még ha ezt mondom is, már túl késő
Az a te, akit az álmaimban elképzeltem
Nos, már megváltozott
Ki tudja, talán lehet, hogy még visszajöhetsz
De mi értelme ezt mondani, hisz legutóbb is így történt
Ahogy látom, már rég vége számodra
Te voltál az, aki miatt összetörtünk, igen
Őszinte leszek
Fel akarom adni, de
Nem tudom
Miattad nem tudom feladni
Még egy kicsit tovább várok
Ahogy mostanáig is csináltam, woah
Nem akarom beismerni, hogy
Még mindig hiányzol
Hogyan tudnám elfelejteni?
Hisz ígéretett tettünk
Nem akarom beismerni
Nehéz ezt megérteni
Hogyan tudnám elfelejteni
A napot, amikor hazudtál nekem?
Nem akarom beismerni, hogy
Még mindig hiányzol
Hogyan tudnám elfelejteni?
Hisz ígéretett tettünk
Nem akarom beismerni
Nehéz ezt megérteni
Hogyan tudnám elfelejteni
A napot, amikor hazudtál nekem?
Da da da da da da
Egész éjjel ébren maradok
Mert nem tudok nem rád gondolni
Da da da da da da
Csak maradj velem
Nem akarom beismerni, hogy
Még mindig hiányzol
Hogyan tudnám elfelejteni?
Nem akarom beismerni
Nehéz ezt megérteni
Talán én is elfelejtem majd

BWV 245 20 Aria T: Consider how his back so stained with bleeding.

Consider how his back so stained with bleeding
In every portion
Doth heaven imitate,
On which, when once the waves and waters
From our own Flood of sin have settled,
The world's most lovely rainbow, arching,
As God's own sign of blessing stands!

Turn around and look at the world

Versions: #1
If you are all alone, get up and take a look outside your window
Has the sun risen up, has the rain fallen?
Turn around and look at the world
If everyone is gone, turn around quietly and take a look
Has any dear friends left, has your love faded away?
Turn around and look at the world, turn around and look at the world
If you are as lonely as a fall, as defenseless as a winter,
Or if you are an autumn, at the beginning of the road
Never give up, just get up and take a look outside your window
Has the sun risen up, has the rain fallen?
Turn around and look at the world

All I ask for

Away with your empty fears,
Forget the terrors of the night.
I'm here, to grieve with you
So that your sorrows will not sadden you.
I am your freedom,
I am your faithful shield,
I'll prevent trouble,
I'll protect you from fear.
Just tell me that you love me,
Dispel the darkness and open my mind,
Let me know that you are with me forever,
Promise to take away my sorrow,
This is all I ask for.
I will be your protection,
All I ask is for you to trust
me, and your worries will melt away.
Be my freedom,
Stay close to me, so that I can run into your tender arms when I am afraid.
Just give me a chance to go through life with you
And forget about being alone.
Tell me that you need me.
I will share my destiny with you.
Christine, this is all I ask for.
Give me a chance to go through life with you.
I'm always prepared to be there for you.
Be with me each day and night.
Tell me that you love me.
Yes, I love you.
Believe me, this is all I ask for.
I will share my destiny with you.
Believe me, this is all I ask for.

More than this, less than that

More than this, less than that
Follow the normal steps of love
More than this, less than that
Come on, don't restrain
When the cheerful season
Gets near the city
Everybody everywhere
Will make a romance bloom
You're too far
From the type I love
But if I can't agree with you
I'll miss the chance
This is this and that is that
Understand me with the proper level
This is this and that is that
Be tender with your hands
Turning over the pages
Of a very suggestive magazine
From between my fingers
I refreshed my heart
More than revolving
I want to advance
Because if I did it once
I won't change
More than this, less than that
Follow the normal steps of love
More than this, less than that
Come on, don't restrain
This is this and that is that
Understand me with the proper level
This is this and that is that
Be tender with your hands

Stephane Legar

did you think you'll walk here with a tail and I won't write a song?
wagging the tale
don't wag it here in front of my eyes
Stephane, Stephane
what have you got there?
show us the mongoose
the channukah lamp
Stephane, Stephane
what have you got there?
what is it, three legs?
show us the Shamash (the highest candle in the channukah lamp)
come on, show us real quick
how is he doing a flick flack with it
how is he doing a somersault with it
compared to him I have a tic-tac
despite the two meters
I think he has there a rope
pull the rope
show to Guy Pines (pronounced like 'penis')
goes on
the stage, I'm
on the sky (hebrew slang for 'happy')
closing my eyes
it blocks my view
three legs
believe me
Stephane, Stephane
what have you got there?
show us the mongoose
the channukah lamp
Stephane, Stephane
what have you got there?
what is it, three legs?
show us the Shamash (the highest candle in the channukah lamp)
A whole nation want answears, Stephane
walking with a handful of money, rolling them (referred to females)
get the guinea pig, show us the jonj
the bush isn't enough, we wanna see George
show the hanj
show the guy
let me shoot with it in the trainings in lachish BAP (command training base)
doesn't matter if it's a golck or a sniper
we are awaiting
we are waiting
comme ci comme ca (a song in french by Stephane), merci sweetheart
where is the baguette, let the Gucci Zara
Eifel tower is hiding there
how can one play on such a guitar
how do you fly it to europe
two seats, one for the antilope
in his birth the doctor shouted 'hopa!'
and here he pulls it out before the drop
goes on
the stage, I'm
on the sky (hebrew slang for 'happy')
closing my eyes
it blocks my view
three legs
believe me
Stephane, Stephane
what have you got there?
show us the mongoose
the channukah lamp
Stephane, Stephane
what have you got there?
what is it, three legs?
show us the Shamash (the highest candle in the channukah lamp)