Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 20


And therefore these young girls

And therefore these young girls
were sustained by the supreme man
for their viriginal nature is the standard of royal descent.

Also, of the maids

Versions: #2
O noblest greenness, who have your roots in the sun,
and who shine in bright serenity on the wheel,
whom no earthly excellence contains:
You are held all around by the embraces of the divine mysteries.
You glow red like the dawn, and you burn like the sun’s fire.

Eucharius, you walked a joyous road

Versions: #2
1a. Eucharius,
you walked a joyous road
when you stayed with the son of God,
touching him
and seeing the miracles that he wrought.
1b. You loved him perfectly
whilst your comrades were terrified:
for they were only human,
they had no power
to gaze perfectly on what is good.
2a. But you embraced him
in the ardent love of total charity,
when you gathered to yourself
the sheaves of his commands.
2b. Eucharius,
you were truly blissful
when the word of God
imbued you with the fire of the dove,
at which you were irradiated like a dawn
and thus built the foundation for Ecclesia.
3a. And in your heart sparkles the day
on which three tabernacles
stand high over a marble pillar
in the city of God.
3b. With your lips Ecclesia savors
old wine and new,
that is, the cup of holiness.
4a. In your teaching, what is more,
Ecclesia was made rational,
so that she called out on the mountains
and the hills and forests stooped
to suckle at her breasts.
4b. Now, with your radiant voice,
pray to the Son of God for this flock,
lest it fail in the divine rites:
rather let it become a living holocaust
before God’s altar.

Jerusalem, city of gold

Jerusalem, city of gold,
graced with royal purple,
building of utmost bounty,
you never-darkened light,
you are made beautiful
in the dawn, and in the sunlight’s blaze.
You blessed childhood,
sparkling in the dawn,
and you, admirable time of youth,
burning in sunlight.
In these, noble Rupert,
you gleamed like a gem,
so you cannot be obscured
by foolish men:
the valley cannot hide the mountain.
Jerusalem, your windows
are framed wondrously
with topaz and sapphire.
As your brightness, Rupert, gleams in them,
you cannot be obscured
by the apathy of men’s ways:
the valley cannot hide the mountain –
crowned with roses, lilies and purple,
in a true vision.
Tender flower of the field,
and sweet green of the apple,
fruit with no bitter core,
enticing no hearts into crimes!
Noble urn
that remains untarnished,
not drunk to the dregs
in the dance in the ancient cave,
nor destroyed
in the attacks of the ancient ravager –
the Holy Spirit makes music over you,
for you belong to the dances of angels,
since in the Son of God you are made beautiful,
having no flaw.
What a glorious urn you are,
you who in your childhood
and youth
thirsted for God, in fear of God,
in the embrace of love,
and in the softest fragrance of holy works!
your foundations are set
with fiery stones,
that is, with publicans and sinners:
they were the lost sheep,
but, found through the Son of God,
they raced towards you
and were set in you.
Thus your walls flash with living stones
which, through a supreme exertion of good will,
flew like clouds in the heavens.
And so your towers, Jerusalem,
glint red and white through the redness
and whiteness of the saints
and all the limbs of God made beautiful –
you lack none, Jerusalem.
As for you, made beautiful
and crowned,
who live in Jerusalem,
and you, Rupert,
who are their companion in this habitation,
help us, the household
laboring in exile!

Mathias, a saint through being chosen

Mathias, a saint through being chosen,
a champion in his victory,
did not know himself chosen before the Lamb’s blood was shed:
he was tardy in knowledge,
like a man who is not perfectly awake.
God’s gift aroused him,
so that for joy he rose like a giant
in his strength:
God foresaw him
as he had foreseen the man
whom he formed of clay
when the first angel,
who denied God, fell.
The man who saw his choice,
alas, alas, he fell!
He had oxen and rams at his bidding,
yet he looked away from them,
turned his back
and abandoned them.
Thus he plunged in the pit of coal
and, kissing his own desires,
in his ardor
he raised them high, like an Olympus.
Then Mathias, divinely chosen,
rose like a giant,
because God set him
in the place that Judas, the lost, rejected:
O wondrous miracle
that shone through him thus!
For God foresaw him
in his miracles,
though he had not yet the merit of accomplishment,
but the mystery of God
had joy in him,
joy that in its original plan
it did not have.
Joy of joys
that God works in this way,
when he lavishes his grace on one who does not know,
so that the child does not know
where the grown man will fly,
whose wings God has given to the child!
For God savors the one
who does not know himself,
because his voice
is crying out to God,
as Mathias cried,
God, my God,
who created me,
all my works are yours!
So now let all Ecclesia take joy
in Mathias,
he whom God thus chose in the cleft where the
dove nestles.


the living light saw you
in the likeness of a sage,
you who returned to God
the pure rivulets flowing from God
when you bedewed
the greenness of the flowers.
Thus you are a friend of the living God
and a lucent crystal in the graciousness
of the paths of right,
on which, sage-like, you ran.

Bishop of the true city

Versions: #2
Bishop of the true city,
who, mounting heavenward on the temple
of the cornerstone,
were laid low on earth
for the sake of God.
You, an alien from the race of this world,
longed to become an exile
for the love of Christ.
Mountain of the mind enclosed,
you continually revealed your beauty’s aspect
in the mirror of the dove.
In the secret place you hid,
drunk with the scent of flowers,
through the trellis of the saints
glinting towards God.
Summit among heaven’s keystones,
that for transparency of life
sold the world,
this contest, gracious confessor,
is with you forever in the Lord.
For in your mind
the living spring with its most radiant light
brought forth the purest rivulets
on the path of salvation.
You are a great tower
before the altar of the highest God,
and to the summit of this tower you gave shade
with the smoke of fragrances.
O Disibod,
in your brightness,
through images of pure sound,
wondrously, you built the limbs of praise,
two-part music,
through the Son of Man.
You stand on high,
not blushing before the living God,
and with green dew you protect
those praising God with this song:
“O gentle life
and blessed perseverance,
which in this blessed Disibod always built
the most glorious brightness
in the heavenly Jerusalem.
Now praise be to God,
and in the form of that priestly beauty,
as he toils manfully.
Let heaven’s citizens rejoice
because of those who imitate them
in this way!

O wonder, O how wondrous

O wonder, O how wondrous!
A hidden form, so hard, so high,so steep,
surpasses in its lofty honor—
where Living Height itself
reveals the mysteries.
And so, O Disibod,
you shall arise at th’ end of time
as first you rose—
the flow’r of all the branches
of the world
comes to your aid.

You blissful soul

You blissful soul,
whose body,
born of earth,
you trod down in the pilgrimage
of this world.
Thus by divine rationality,
which made you its own mirror,
you have been crowned.
The Holy Spirit, moreover, was wont to gaze
upon you as its own dwelling-place.
Thus by divine rationality,
which made you its own mirror,
you have been crowned.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

O virgin Ecclesia

Versions: #2
O virgin Ecclesia,
let us now lament:
for a savage wolf
has stolen your children from your side.
Woe to the cunning serpent!
Yet how precious is
the blood of the Savior,
who beneath the king’s banner
married Ecclesia
to himself,
and so now
seeks her children.

Blissful childhood

Blissful childhood
of Disibod, the chosen one,
a childhood so inspired by God
that later your holiest deeds,
among the miracles of God,
were as if you were exuding
the softest scent
of balm.

Most blessed Rupert

Most blessed Rupert,
you who in the flower of your age
did not beget
or bear the devil’s vices,
so that you left the shipwrecked
world behind –
now intercede
for those who attend on you in God!

O glittering starlight

O glittering starlight,
O most splendid and special form
of regal marriage,
O shining gem:
you are adorned like a noble lady
who has no blemish.
And you are a companion of angels
and a citizen among the saints.
Flee, O flee the cave
of the old betrayer
and come, O come into the king’s palace.

O ruby blood

O ruby blood
which flowed from on high
where divinity touched.
You are a flower
that the winter
of the serpent's breath
can never injure.

Holy Spirit

Honor be to you, O Holy Spirit,
who, through the mind of the virgin Ursula,
brought together a whirling tumult of the purest doves.
Thereupon, like Abraham,
she relinquished her homeland,
and releasing herself from worldly betrothal,
she entered into the embrace of the Lamb.
So this pure golden army with flowing hair
passed over the sea.
O whoever heard of such as this?
For she released herself from worldly betrothal,
and entered into the embrace of the Lamb Himself.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
She released herself from worldly betrothal,
and entered in to the embrace of the Lamb Himself.