Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 33

Találatok száma: 2086


I’ll Lay the World at Your Feet

My head is dizzy with your love,
It is a dope, I am drunk.
I needn’t any words of pride,
When I have you, the love of mine.
You are a ray in my hard life
You brought some light into my soul.
I’ll never meet a better one,
When you, my happiness, are close.
I’ll lay the world at your feet, dear,
I’ll warm your heart with warmth of me.
I’ll give you everything I may,
You will be happy I can say.
I’ll present flowers to you,
They will be flowers of love,
I’ll bring you into paradise
For no one but for us two.
And heaps of billions sparkling stars
Will fall like cover at your feet.
And million roses and bunches
You’ll see around you just simple.
I’ll lay the world at your feet, dear,
I’ll warm your heart with warmth of me.
I’ll give you everything I may,
You will be happy I can say.

With Me It's Like That (lapada, lapada)

If you're depressed
Feeling unloved
With me it's like that
Lapada, lapada, lapada, lapada 1
Hey ladies
Lucas Lucco has arrived
The best of the party
Only wanting to give you love
I'm with the face of a saint
But I don't have a foolish one
Where I arrive
I'm the king of the party
If you're depressed
Feeling unloved
With me it's like that
Lapada, lapada, lapada, lapada
  • 1. synonymous with 'paulada', sort of being hit? could be also in relation to sex

You Forgot About Me

Versions: #1
You forgot about me, oh
You forgot about me
May it be a judgement on you, oh
May it be a judgement on you
May no one have you under their spell1, oh
May no one have you under their spell
May you still remain mine
May no one have you under their spell, oh
May no one have you under their spell
May you still remain mine
The thing I love is your love
Cuts me to the quick
Didn't you ever think?
Didn't you ever think, oh?
That your dandler would give a cry like this,
That your dandler would give a cry like this.
The Özlüce creek, oh
The Özlüce creek.
Is in the midst of two mountains
Is in the midst of two mountains
May it never be wiped off from your face
May it never be wiped off from your face
The wound of my knife
The thing I love is your love
Cuts me to the quick
Didn't you ever think?
Didn't you ever think, oh?
That your dandler would give a cry like this,
That your dandler would give a cry like this.
  • 1. He wants her all to himself, doesn't want her to get married to another

Let's not be sad

There is lots of thing that we gonna be sad from now on
That's why let's not be sad today at least
How many days we have that we will make a love from now on?
Let's put out of everything and let's no think
Years was spent apart from you
The roads are wrong, my turning back is a right one
The illnesses, the hospitals, the deaths, the funerals
The prisons are waiting you for saying something true
The house we were born in is destroyed, all dreams to be destroyed
We will be out of spirits in any case, that's why let's not be sad already
There is lots of thing that we gonna be sad from now on
That's why let's not be sad today at least
How many days we have that we will make a love from now on?
Let's put out of everything and let's no think
Years was spent apart from you
The roads are wrong, my turning back is a right one
The illnesses, the hospitals, the deaths, the funerals
The prisons are waiting you for saying something true
The house we were born in is destroyed, all dreams to be destroyed
We will be out of spirits in any case, that's why let's not be sad already
Let's not be sad, not be sad

The hippos' songs

There are hippos flying lazy
By a pleasant gurgling rill.
Wearing boots
I run like crazy
With my scoop-net down the hill.
When I catch a single hippo
I will cage him right away.
“Sing a ditty,
Dear hippo!”
This is what I’ll merely say.
If he doesn’t feel like singing
Then of course I’ll let him go,
May the greatest herd of hippos
Float forever to and fro!
Let the hippos fly like sparrows
Far and wide,
Far and wide…
Let them sing their simple carols
From the sky,
From the sky.

A blizzard sweeps along the street

A wild blizzard sweeps along the city street
Behind the blizzard follows my precious and sweet
You just wait, just wait my beautiful, my life
Let me just look at you, my joy, throughout the tonight
You just wait, just wait my beautiful, my life
Let me take a look at you, my joy, throughout the tonight
Be it on your pleasant beauty full of grace
Be it on your white like marble pleasant face
You just wait, just wait my beautiful, my life
Let me take a look at you, my joy, throughout the tonight
You just wait, just wait my beautiful, my life
Let me take a look at you, my joy, throughout the tonight
Your beauty even drove me to insanity
It dried up a handsome fellow like me
You just wait, just wait my beautiful, my life
Let me take a look at you, my joy, throughout the tonight
You just wait, just wait my beautiful, my life
Let me take a look at you, my joy, throughout the tonight
Let me take a look at you, my joy, throughout the tonight

How I Love All This

Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness
How I love all this
But the heart inside me is sad
When I ride fancy horses
Over beautiful slavonian land
Empty houses, empty streets
And no one to greet me
Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness
When I sit in front of my house
On a Sunday like I used to
As if the old linden tree whispers
Telling stories of when everything was happy
I still hope everyone will come back
But there is no one to greet me
Small streets die of sadness
Empty fields, houses, barns
Now I too will die of sadness


The world is full of things that we can't control
You will be left alone
I wish you were happy
I will never leave you
Sticky things like jealousy
are our love
I wish you were happy
I will never leave you
Stay with me, please
Please get diseased with me
Things that will fall down
will embrace us
Precious things don't last forever contrarily to our hope
You will be left alone
If it can't be eternal even for a moment,
it would be better to disappear
Stay with me, please
Please get diseased with me
Things that will fall down
will embrace us

The Way Does Not Lead Home

By the horizon a boat is waiting
tied to the bank and time is passing.
A dawn black as coal and a single word
are you ready to board?
At the furthest edge the yellow moon
in the darkness is writing, pale, reticent.
It counts your steps and a single word
are you ready to board?
I sit by the cross and I kiss you.
The cold sorrow stings.
The principle of God is engraved in your torment.
I cry because I know you must
know the angels won't fly tonight
and the way does not lead home.
Whispering voices, white socks.
A hard chair, your wet locks.
A sea of morphine hides the nerves.
In your head ghosts awaken
that can't find the way home.
Your journey's begun and the boat is waiting
Your soul like a shadow is gliding.
On white linen you lie, clean.
Tonight you'll sail from the land alone
and the way does not lead home.


Eljöttem, újra eljöttem
Még ha tudom is azt hogy igazam van, akkor is itt vagyok, jöttem
Az ajtód előtt én voltam
Betartottam a szavamat és eljöttem (hozzád)
Még ha nem is látod be a hibáidat
Én neked az életemet adtam
Jöttem, jöttem
Betartottam a szavamat és eljöttem (hozzád)
Megígértem neked hogy melletted fogok lenni
Addig míg a halál el nem választ minket egymástól
Ha kételkedsz a szerelmemben, akkor
Miért nem engedem neked, hogy elmenj?
Miért nem engedem neked, hogy egyedül légy?
Ha annyira könnyű lett volna már rég leléptem volna
Idővel érthetővé válik, hogy megérdemeltede vagy sem
A te szerelmed olyan mint egy tőr a szívemben
Nem akartam hogy a szíved az én kezemben törjön szét
Ne foglalkozz azokkal akik rólunk beszélnek
és akik azt mondják hogy a szerelmünk véget ért
Látom a könnyeidet, a szemeid pirosak
Megfogtam a kezed és nem engedem el
Vissza jöttem és betartottam a szavam
Letörlöm a könnyeidet
és elmegyek innen veled
Eljöttem, újra eljöttem
Még ha tudom is azt hogy igazam van, akkor is itt vagyok, jöttem
Az ajtód előtt én voltam
Betartottam a szavamat és eljöttem (hozzád)
Még ha nem is látod be a hibáidat
Én neked az életemet adtam
Jöttem, jöttem
Betartottam a szavamat és eljöttem (hozzád)
Jöttem fájdalmakkal teli utakról, bárhogy könyörögsz
Nem fordulok vissza soha ha te vagy az
Miért szerettem? Már nem tudom kinyitni a szemeimet (nem tudok rá nézni)
Nem tudom megfogni azokat a kezeket
Nem tudom elviselni az érveidet, kedvesem
Jöttem, az álmatlan éjszakákat
nem tudtam elviselni
Erölködöm, elhagy az erőm
Te is mondd, én is így vagyok ezzel
Úgy ahogyan te is, tönkrementem
Eljöttem, újra eljöttem
Még ha tudom is azt hogy igazam van, akkor is itt vagyok, jöttem
Az ajtód előtt én voltam
Betartottam a szavamat és eljöttem (hozzád)
Még ha nem is látod be a hibáidat
Én neked az életemet adtam
Jöttem, jöttem
Betartottam a szavamat és eljöttem (hozzád)

Annyira örülök

Nagyon örülök, nagyon örülök
Örülök, örülök, örülök
Nagyon örülök, nagyon örülök
Örülök, örülök, örülök
Nem tudom, mit csináljak,
Nem tudom, mit tegyek,
Nem tudom, mitévő legyek
Unom már a sírást,
Elegem van a siránkozásból,
Belefáradtam érted könnyeket hullatni
Nagyon örülök, nagyon örülök
Örülök, örülök, örülök
Nagyon örülök, nagyon örülök
Örülök, örülök, örülök
Unom már a sírást,
Elegem van a szűkölésből,
Belefáradtam érted rinyálni
Nem tudom, mit tegyek,
Nem tudom, mit tegyek,
Nem tudom, mit tegyek
Annyira örülök, annyira örülök
Örülök, örülök, örülök
Annyira örülök, annyira örülök
Örülök, örülök, örülök

Seraphim's Regret

I am floating, greets the night wind
Decorating the life, darkened by memories
I am flying
Away, to the black clouds, decorating
The long night
Like a tear, dripping in the soul
Spell out, never returning
Repeating what happened
To You(*), I lean on
To You, I prostrate
To You, I lament
A life, vanished forever

Mood of a Wanderer

Mood of a wanderer -
Like a shooting star shining in the sky.
Destiny of a wanderer -
Like an ant at the bottom of a pot.
As well do I know
About the significance of life
As well do I know
Fooling around seems endless
As well do I want
To live a good life
As well do I want
As well do I want
To restart my life
Who'll ever understand
Who'll ever comfort
The emptiness in my heart?
(Above 3x)

Ő az én mindenem

Ő az én mindenem
Kérdezik, melyik nő az enyém
Azt mondtam hogy 'az Egyetlen'
Azóta én úgy szólítalak, hogy 'bébi' mivel hogy
Nélküled nincs értelme semminek
Nélküled vak lettem volna
Nélküled nem tudom hova lennék
Nélküled elveszett vagyok a szélben
Csak te érted, több ezer mérföldre mennék
Csak te érted, fúródik a szívembe egy nyíl
Csak miattad, a környezetemben lévő összes kurv*tól megszabadulok
Esküszöm, csak rólad beszélek az összes csajnak és srácnak
Az angyaloknak is rólad beszélek az álmaimban
És igen, úgy beszélek rólad mint egy őrült, még a szomszédomat is felidegesítem ezzel
Többet beszélek rólad, mint amennyit ő a saját lányáról
Csak azért teszem ezt mert tényleg így akarom csinálni
Folyton a fejemben jársz
És nem számít, hogy mennyire ölellek mert nem tudok veled betelni
Ők akartak az én bánatomra gyógymód lenni
De azt nem tudják hogy az én megnyugvásomnak te vagy a gyógyszere
Azok a zöld szemeid, a kis gödröcskéid
Elvarázsol, Ő az én mindenem
Mindenem, mindenem
Ő az én mindenem, mindenem
Mindenem, mindenem
Ő az én mindenem
Ő az én mindenem
Csak te vagy az én egyetlenem és mindenem
A gyógyszerem, a vitaminom, francba is jót teszel nekem
Nyilvánvaló, mikor te nem vagy akkor valami hiányzik
Szívritmuszavar van, néküled semmi nem úgy megy ahogy szokott
Megáll néküled az életem
Az Isten legyen áldott, hogy ő nekem küldött téged
Milyen véletlen, milyen sors ez
Minden meg lett írva, az én szívem mélyére
Ma mindenkinek meg kell tudnia, hogy
Ő az én mindenem
Ők akartak az én bánatomra gyógymód lenni
De azt nem tudják hogy az én megnyugvásomnak te vagy a gyógyszere
Azok a zöld szemeid, a kis gödröcskéid
Elvarázsol, Ő az én mindenem
Mindenem, mindenem
Ő az én mindenem, mindenem
Mindenem, mindenem
Ő az én mindenem
Ők akartak az én bánatomra gyógymód lenni
De azt nem tudják hogy az én megnyugvásomnak te vagy a gyógyszere
Azok a zöld szemeid, a kis gödröcskéid
Elvarázsol, Ő az én mindenem
Mindenem, mindenem
Ő az én mindenem, mindenem
Mindenem, mindenem
Ő az én mindenem

She Is My Everything

She is my everything
They ask me which woman is mine
I said 'you are my only one'
Since then I've been calling you 'baby', cause
Without you nothing makes sense
Without you i would be blind
Without you i don't know where to go
Without you, i'm lost in wind
Just for you, i run thousand miles
Just for you, my heart catches an arrow
Just for you, i say 'bye' to all hoes around me
I swear, i'm talking about you to every men and every women
I'm talking about you to angels in my dreams
And yes, i'm talking about you, i even annoy my neighbor
And i'm talking about you more than he does about his own daughter
It's easy to understand, i do it cause i want to
You are always in my mind
And it doesn't matter how long i hug you cause it's never enough
They say they want to be remedy to my pain
You are the cure of my serenity, they don't know
Your green eyes, your dimples
You stole me away, she is my everything
My everything, my everything
She is my everything
My everything, my everything
She is my everything
She is my everything
My one and everything is just you
My medicine, my vitamin, damn it, you are making me good
It's clear that something is missing when you are not there
Heart rhythm disorder, without you nothing works
It comes to a standstill

The Heavens Watch Over

Just a couple of streets and two buildings
So close together, so far apart
Like two parallel lines
That are never to cross
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us
Beyond the wall, beyond the fence
There's someone in love, who won't give in
There's someone else, who is so like me
Someone else who might be waiting for me?
Because what is without, is not what is within
And we will tear this veil from our face
Even if we are far apart, the heart knows
Even if we are far apart, the heart reaches out
You say, there are no coincidences
Someone up there is guiding things
The heavens are watching over us


Spreading out deeply familiar scenery
The feeling of that day, the moment I ran away
The meaning of each other, our promise
I'll remember always
Passed days, tomorrow's you
Far away passed beyond
Close your eyes in that time
Forever with you no matter
What I'll remember you
Reaching out your hand You
Once again us forever
Tell me now
The day we support each other
Holding you on a long night woo
Anytime in here stay
Will you remember?
Long harsh
Fainted night of time yesterday
After wandering take a little break
Your voice suddenly heard
Makes me being myself tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight)
For life (for life)
When a miracle made by chance
Shines on us in the night sky
Forever with you no matter
What I'll remember you
Reaching out your hand, you
Once again us forever
Tell me now
The day we support each other
Holding you on a long night woo
Anytime in here stay
Will you remember?
The heart that I couldn't say
Find in the time to understand it all
Hold our hands tight and look at the sky
Fly high with you forever
(Just take my hand)
Forever with you no matter
What I'll remember you
Reaching out your hand, you (reaching out your hand, you)
Once again us forever (once again us forever)
Tell me now
The day we support each other (support each other)
Holding you on a long night woo
Anytime in here stay
I'll never forget

I Bred a Child

I put my glorious soil* into his swaddle
In the mirrored cradle I rose my son
I fed him, I rose him, I made him a soldier
One day he's gone, never turned back...
I fed him, I rose him, I made him a soldier
One day he's gone, never turned back...
One beautiful face I can remember
His fire that's burning inside me
No fellow should condemn us
He got me burnt, who can cure?
No fellow should condemn us
One day he's gone, never turned back...
One day he's gone, never turned back...

Fate Followed Me Step By Step

My silly heart, I couldn't land in one thing
I have bore many troubles, but not this one
Fate followed me step by step, I got hurt
I don't know what I've done to fate, O my life! I still crave you
Those I called rose turned into thorns, instead of the rose my life has wilted
My wound aches, I couldn't find a friend to heal it
Fate followed me step by step, I got hurt
I don't know what I've done to fate, O my life! I still crave you
This world says 'Poor Emrah', my tears flow
I wanted to send greetings to that lover I couldn't
Fate followed me step by step, I got hurt
I don't know what I've done to fate, O my life! I still crave you


Versions: #1
Its been a Century not seeing your face,
not wrapping around your waist,
not resting in your eye,
not asking questions to the brightness of your wisdom,
not touching the warmth of your abdomen.
For a Century waits for me
a woman in one city.
We were on the same branch of a tree, on the same branch.
We fell off the same branch and were torn apart.
Between us, a Century of time,
a road of a Century.
Its been a Century in the twilight
that I have been running after her.

Suffering and loving

Can't tell if it's old mug shot fragment,
Or feel alarmed me.
I get enough air,
You, very dear to me,
Tried to love me at night.
I'm addicted to that thought,
That you and no one else are near.
Forgotten by me, don't deceive,
Let's be with me down to the last second.
But we didn't realize one thing:
That we, as all people,
Suffer and love.
Don't deceive me, I'm with you,
No one else will be so closest.
Can't tell, if we somehow ice to each other,
Or to be nearby is my destiny.
Let's forget at sunset all, that has gone before.
I'll find you on retro shots.
I'm addicted to that thought,
That you and no one else are near.
Forgotten by me, don't deceive,
Let's be with me down to the last second.

My Paradise

Versions: #3
I guess it's my paradise
To find his hidden reflections
In items covered by blackness,
And hear birds in his voice.
I guess it's my paradise
Lights from a window tell me:
One touch away is the heaven
That's painted into his eyes.
And i don't mind he doesn't know
Who i am, what i do,
That i walk barefoot on ice,
Blizzard and storm through and through,
And that vanilla snowflakes
Keep falling within my dreams...
He'll stay forever in my thoughts
And on my mind, and it means
There is no shame in screaming out loud
That i am in love
Few words he said in just three minutes
Burned right into my blood
And though i tell myself
That everything is fine, so it be
I know for sure, i still need him...
Here with me.
I guess it's my paradise
To go flower hunting
Pretend to save them from bad wind
And lie that they were a gift.
And just 'cause you're in it
I meet each frozen dawn rising
Over your planet's horizon
Where bridges keep people split.

I Have a Word I Fain Would Say (Trans. by Zabel C. Boyajian)

I have a word I fain would say—list patiently, Light of my Eyes

Without the what are the song and dance to me? (Translation by Zabele C. Boyajian)

Without thee what are song and dance to me?
The castagnettes I throw down wearily.
My heart and thoughts are ever filled with thee,
So rhymes and verses leave me, one by one.
How can one bandage serve for gashes twain?
How on two masters wait a single swain?
Would not one gardener tend two groves in vain?
For he must graft the saplings one by one.
Well said our fathers, speaking of such woes,
“I made a garden, others plucked the rose.
Theirs was the sweetness, mine the thorny close.”
In sooth these things befell me one by one!
Without thee what are riches unto me?
What worth could I in silks or cashmeres see?
Arrayed in rags and sackcloth I would be,
Wandering around the convents, one by one,
To meet perchance with some one, who might tell,
My fair one, how to free me from thy spell

Before the day begins

From the world's four directions,
From the rowan roads,
Where the forest is burnt,
The wind is fatigued,
Night and front,
Where the unyielded crop,
where the blackened hawthorn,
The day begins
The sun will hug us to its hands
And look: the land heavy of blood,
Will once again bear us cereal field,
A golden dust
They'll embrace women under their roof
And look: they'll laugh through tears
Once again someone's going to play for us to dance
Maybe now
In a day, in two,
In a night, in three,
But not today
The breads will be baked in our ovens
And look: There where only smoke used to be,
With flower will the war's remnant be scarred over,
With the color of the roses
Our new children will be born
And look: they'll laugh that we
Once again recall this mean time,
The time of storms
In a day, in two,
In a night, in three,
But not today
In a night, in day
You'll see,
The dawn will come

I am waiting

It's late at night
I'm waiting at the window
It's late at night
I'm waiting at the window
I dream of a fugitive
I'm flying street by street
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
The light of your eyes
It makes me wet slowly
The light of your eyes
It makes me wet slowly
I stay silent from your voice
I drink in drops by drops
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
But you, but you are not
But you are not visible
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
You forget me, you forget me
I'm waiting, I'm waiting

The dances are becoming more ferocious

Into a rest, into a battle, following me.
Keep the formation, chasing after a star.
This century’s dances got tired of the walls of the cities,
Poems got tired of music, music got tired of words.
A blow, a glitch, rushing headstrong into a wall.
Just dance, sing in rhythm with your own self.
The same notes, a familiar tune,
But dances are becoming more ferocious.
Catharsis, a dream or a nervous breakdown,
Dancing with a noose around the neck.
This century’s dances got tired of the walls of the cities,
Poems got tired of music, music got tired of words.
Parodies on parodies,
Imitating the imitators,
An orphanage for the abandoned muses,
Dropped there by a good samaritan.
The same notes, a familiar tune,
But dances are becoming more fierce.
Catharsis, a dream or a nervous breakdown,
Dancing with a noose around the neck
Into a rest, into a battle, following me.
Keep the formation, chasing after a star.
A blow, a glitch, rushing headstrong into a wall.
Just dance, sing in rhythm with your own self.

Élet-halál kérdése

Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Nem, nem elég a búcsú ennyi idő után
Ő nélküle nem megy, nem tudok semmit sem mondani a szívnek
Nem, nem érhet véget így egyetlen egy szavaddal
A szerelem nem elég, annak aki elmegy minden út egy kifogás
Értenem kellett volna talán, látnom kellett volna, hogy a szerelem végetért
Kényszerítettelek hogy maradj? Későn értettem meg, bocsáss meg!
Ó, Én a lezárt ajtók vendége,
A csended hallgatója,
Én voltam, aki várta, hogy megérkezzen az, aki soha nem jött el.
Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Nem, nem elég a búcsú ennyi idő után
Ő nélküle nem megy, nem tudok semmit sem mondani a szívnek
Nem, nem érhet véget így egyetlen egy szavaddal
A szerelem nem elég, annak aki elmegy minden út egy kifogás
Értenem kellett volna talán, látnom kellett volna, hogy a szerelem végetért
Kényszerítettelek hogy maradj? Későn értettem meg, bocsáss meg!
Ó, Te a rom álmainak az oka
A zsákutcák árnyéka
Egy élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!
Ó, Te élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése..
Élet-halál kérdése voltál
Maradj távol!

My Walls

Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!

Shepherds Song

The sheep are bleating on the tel1
the young goats are playing cheerfully in the shade
his flute will be played
a gleaming song for Dahlia.
He is a shepherd and she is a shepherdess
how beautiful and delightful
the fields will carry her image
night and day and Dahlia
To clarify
she will come to water her flock
he will look
what a shame that he is not a sheep
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
There in the village
he will sneak up to her window
until late at night
he sees, she does not
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
To invite her
to a movie he must
but this is totally absurd
because he is in the Bible
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
He sees, she does not
  • 1. hill, barrow, down

My Walls

Between my walls
Worse than an abyss
Spoof, blood, pus, dirt and utter darkness
Here is a hell for you
For me this is nothing but the heaven!
I'm at the peak of my insanity
At the bottom of orgasm
Come with me
Follow me
Boiling oil
Overheated arbalet arrows
Chock-full sulphur barrels
Suppress your narsist sensations but all for you!
No, no one will hear your shrieks
Yet my laughs can be heard by everyone
Dear guests
I assure you
You will all want to die
When I'm closer than the breath you take
Where are my beautiful whores
My slaves
My souls
Worship to your only master
Heed all of my laughs
Between those walls none of you are human
None of you is higher than me
Stop screaming you wretched inferiors
There is no one can hear you
Inferior human beings
What more you can be further than being slaves
Tis obvious that possessing you shan't satisfy me
Yet tis me who worships to orgasm and pleasure
The god of yours has come, worship you inferior beings!

Shepherds Song

The sheep are bleating on the tel1
the young goats are playing cheerfully in the shade
his flute will be played
a gleaming song for Dahlia.
He is a shepherd and she is a shepherdess
how beautiful and delightful
the fields will carry her image
night and day and Dahlia
To clarify
she will come to water her flock
he will look
what a shame that he is not a sheep
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
There in the village
he will sneak up to her window
until late at night
he sees, she does not
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
To invite her
to a movie he must
but this is totally absurd
because he is in the Bible
The sheep are bleating on the tel...
He sees, she does not
  • 1. hill, barrow, down