Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 48



Hey? Where were you?
Next to the window, the sky grows brighter.
And you say to me:
'Maybe someday we'll run into each other again'
In a new town I hear the rumbling of the sea
With a smile in their face, someone waves to me.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that you love the mornings.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that, now, in your garden it blooms, oh Flowers!
Lastly, there is something I forgot to ask you
'Why did we met that day?', I mutter without thinking.
On the other side of the crowd and the festival music
I remember someone beckoning me.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that you don't fear the mornings.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that it downpours in your window.
You know, around here changed as well.
I got tired of waiting for the cry of a new-born
Again somewhere.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that you love the mornings.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
So that, now, in your garden it blooms.
Here, I pray and I pray and I pray
With all my heart I pray
For the name that I called in this darkness.
The tale continues.
Bloom in me
Oh Flower!
What's the color? Ultramarine! Rose!
That's splendid! It's the best!

First morning

(You thought it would be easy to be with me
This body cannot have everything
While you roar, everyone loves you, everyone praises you
And it's not possible tonight, my brother)
[Verse 1]
She spent a lot of time
on me excessively
She leaves, I stay
Like an old lighter without flints
And that is your life, so put yourself together
and a whore and a moon on the same ship
Women wanted me
Who they want to love and be married with
And I am crazy, there is nothing crazier
And everything of mine is in vain
When she is the villian
So I didn't see what is coming
She left me without both wings
First morning I am without her
First morning I am without her
[Verse 2]
Your lips are elegant
Like ripe wild cherries
There's never a boring night
With her, nights are hotter and hotter
And that is your life, so put yourself together
and a whore and a moon on the same ship
Women wanted me
Who they want to love and be married with
And I am crazy, there is nothing crazier
And everything of mine is in vain
When she is the villian
So I didn't see what is coming
She left me without both wings
First morning I am without her
First morning I am without her
(You thought it would be easy to be with me
This body cannot have everything
While you roar, everyone loves you, everyone praises you
And it's not possible tonight, my brother)
Women wanted me
Who they want to love and be married with
And I am crazy, there is nothing crazier
And everything of mine is in vain
When she is the villian
So I didn't see what is coming
She left me without both wings
First morning I am without her
First morning I am without her

Always yours

Álo dadjen ahte dáistalivččen áberávkkuid vuostá.
In leat doppe gos mun galggašin.
Gáddenba ahte láhpiimet oktasaš vuođuštussamet.
Gohccájehket, dat lea bahát manin dat gullo.
Allet daja ahte dáhpiimet dán spealu.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
Allet oaččo mu massit doivon.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
Lean boahtán danin maid lean bálkestan eret.
Dušše plásta ja heahpat leat báhcán.
Nu ahte manne eat fas álggat álggus?
Álggahivččen ráhkademiin soabahusaid.
Allet daja ahte dáhpiimet dán spealu.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
Allet oaččo mu massit doivon.
Freezing winds are howling so much.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
Iskamen savvit, iskit vuođđodivvut.
Iskamen savvit, iskit vuođđodivvut.
O-ooh I’m always yours.
O-ooh I’m always yours.

Camellias Inn

Cleaning the cloudy glass with the hand
Will you see the future?
Even if I love you, you're someone else's wife
Even if it blooms red, a winter flower
Blooms alone in the camellias inn
The sinful traces of a removed ring
Bite them with all your might
Even if I burn, you're someone else's wife
Sad destiny has the winter flower
There's no need of future in the camellias inn
At least until the morning
Will you let me dream in your arms?
Even if I exhaust, you're someone else's wife
Even if we bloom together, we're winter flowers
When will come the spring to the camellias inn?

Gigantic Lake

mountains of cream
sweets and cakes
a moon made of plastic
and children without dresses
are sitting on a cloud and sing
the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
yes, the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
and we're alone, alone
floating along and singing
Jack is locked up in his room, and chasing bunnies
Franky and Max are picking mushrooms
the grass is glistening
and the sky drips with moisture
light falls like rain
and many stars
we sit on a cloud and sing
and the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
yes, the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake
yes, the wind is laughing, on a gigantic lake

Nothing But My Will

Neither the cruelty nor reproval done by this solitude
Who cares, the wall imsurpassable is mine
Even if the meretricious ships aboard afar
Guess the land it passes through is mine
Got injury, no animal can cure
Got burdens, no shops can measure
What of it, the shadow haven't been on path yet
Thus it sends, to the god, tis all mine

Resist, ye, my heart!

They got you wounded, haven't they
All of your sides got blistered
No science can take care of this
Mind is torn sack, unrovelled lace
You are the target of the arrows coming from above
A frame tamboured with fire
Don't rebel at dust and ashes
Resist, ye, my heart, for another breath!

Stand UP!

In dry weathers I can feel the wind
I’ll wipe my lipstick off and look at the mirror
I’ll bend my hair and tie it up tight
I’m Ready to Go with the signal of the headwind
I’ll stop laughing at the correct things
I don’t want my life to be swept away anymore
Keep on trying
It’s new style
In a world stained by shadows, I’ll run through the deep forest
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
To reach what I desire
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
Cold nights will be over
Feeling the sound of my heartbeat through my shirt
I’ve just taken the first steps of my life
Keep on trying
It’s new style
The world’s reflection in the water, seeing the future, I can take them back
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
To reach what I desire
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
Cold nights will be over
I’ll put an end to my heart that’s shaking and is about to sink
With my small and strong clenched hands
I have an unforgettable feeling
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
To reach what I desire
Stand up
I’m gonna Stand up
Just do it Stand up
There is no night Without stars
Cold nights will be over

Benim efendim

My lord I'm tied to you
my weir came down
with one blow of yours
I was sea
Mountain top was my weir
Now you're my advice to the world
I learnt from you what to not die is
I got lost and exhausted in you
I asked the mirror where I, myself, am
My lord I'm tied to you
My lord, I was loaded with the decree
I was cauterized and sealed in the heart
I became your soldier
I got my turban on head
My arrow is in the quiver
My lasso is in hand
I learnt from you what to not die is
I got lost and exhausted in you
I asked the mirror where I, myself, am
My lord I'm tied to you


The city turned upside down
No light nor life found in the night
It was just you in that night
Who was laughing at such height
A broken door, air bursts in
Filling up my lungs, now, please don’t speak
It was just you in that night
Who was laughing at such height
It is just me in this city
Who is living through such affright
A word finally let out
In a foreign tongue
Anybody out there
Who speaks their tongue?
To where the fallen sign points
We must hurry, beyond the end
From here and on, it is just us
It was just you in that morning
Whose mouth was enjoying all that chat
It was just me in that moment
Who was holding back the tears for that
It was just you in that night
Who was laughing at such height
It is just me in this city
Who is living through such a fight

Dreamers' Club

Versions: #1
In the lines of those who walk like a flock, I got lost
I was swept away up to my weaknesses, when looking for a meaning.
I am doing fine, walking on glasses.
I am doing fine, I am walking, walking
To the club of dreamers of justice, I arrived by mistake 1
I asked only for more love, and received reality
I am doing fine, dancing on glasses
I am doing fine, I am dancing, dancing
The poet of paucity and sadness
I was, I thought of being.
The essence of speech is the soul,
I knew it and forgot to admit
To the place of the seers I went, groping like a blind man
in my sins I sanctified, when I could have waived
I am doing fine, walking on glasses.
I am doing fine, I am walking, walking
The poet of paucity and sadness
I was, I thought of being.
The essence of speech is the soul,
I knew it and forgot to admit
  • 1. Also: To the dreamers' club on Jupiter, I arrived by mistake'

Elegant Girl

Hey do you know?
Hey do you know?
The worries of a beautiful girl?
Hey, if you want it,
Hey, you can have it, but
That beautiful girl can’t be radiant without it
One cannot cry in the presence of others,
That’s just how it is
If being beautiful is a 'sin'
I'll even accept any punishment
Dance elegantly,
Girls have wings of their heart
You're royal, however,
Those wings are incredibly fragile,
So be gentle
Yes, The fact that the scenery
Yes, is becoming hazy
Is the fault of the beautiful girl, isn’t it?
Yes, there are answers
Yes, that beautiful people know
That supposedly only beautiful people know
I don't laugh or make silly faces,
I've been like this for some time now
I wish I could let you see the beauty
While I sing and hum in the shower
Dance elegantly,
Through the stars of the night sky
Royal feelings,
I have a feeling that I’ll meet someone
Ah, things are heating up, aren't they?
Dance elegantly,
Through the stars of the night sky
Royal feelings,
I have a feeling that I’ll meet someone
Ah, things are heating up, aren't they?

A szerelem szerelem - Intro

Tudni akarom, amikor a szerelem,
amikor a szerelem, és a szerelem szerelem.
Érezni akarom, amikor a szerelem,
amikor a szerelem szerelem, és a szerelem szerelem.
A szerelem szerelem.


[Verse 1]
Itt élek, ebben az összetört városban,
ahol nehéz megtalálni a szerelmet,
mindent láttam már
és nem volt szép.
s a szívem vakká tett.
Rendben van az,
hogy így bánsz velem?
Mindig ugyanaz történik,
mindent megadnak amire valaha is vágytál,
aztán visszaveszik, azt mondja 'Hiba volt'.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
[Verse 2]
Mindenki el akar kapni,
de senki sem akar maradni.
Valóban örökké itt maradsz?
Vagy te is elsétálsz majd?
Ez mindig ilyen?
Minden egyes csók búcsúcsók.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
Akár a dominó.
Akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek,
a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
Minden út a véghez jut,
minden történet magányosan hagy,
minden időt feleslegesen töltöttem a szerelemmel.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.
A padlóra zuhannak, akár a dominó.
Egyik éjjel ölelnek, a következő pillanatban pedig elengednek.
Egyesével égetik fel egymást, akár a dominó.

Valami megmagyarázhatatlan erő

Ha rád nézek még mindig akarlak!
Amikor elmész a világom megremeg
Ha szólítasz, futok utánad
Elmondhatjuk, hogy szeretjük egymást
Játsszuk azt hogy nincs más,
Ha meghallom a nevedet, futok utánad
Az szeretném, hogy eméssz el!
Csak Te tudod, mire van szükségem
Meg van a hatalmad
Valami megmagyarázhatatlan erő
Hatalmad van felettem
Mindenem a tiéd
Miért nem teljesülhet?
Hatalmad van felettem
Valami megmagyarázhatatlan erő
Fölöttem állsz mert ezt szeretném
Senki voltam amíg meg nem találtál
Volt bennem rossz de te felülírtad.
Ha szólítasz, futok utánad
egyre közelebb, közelebb kerülök hozzád
Él bennem a neved! Futok utánad!
Várok rád!
Ha kész vagy hívj!
Hívj ha készen állsz!
Hívj ha készen állsz!
Hívj ha készen állsz!
Hívj ha készen állsz!
Azt szeretném eméssz el!
Csak Te tudod, mire van szükségem
Meg van a hatalmad
Felfoghatatlan erő
Hatalmad van fölöttem
Mindent tudok, nem látod?
Miért nem engedsz közel?
Hisz megtehetnéd…
Felfoghatatlan erő
Hatalmad van fölöttem
Elcsábítottál örökre
Beleragadtam szépségedbe
Most már tudom, hogy kihasználtál
De készen állok
De készen állok
Csak tévedtél
Már nem rád van szükségem.
Ha most megérintesz tudni fogod vérzik a szívem
Készen állok
Készen állok

We Cry Behind Dark Glasses

Versions: #2
Some people don't chase after women,
They are never alone, whereas we
We are dying for each that passes,
We whimper for each one of them
We go down into a bar,
We know good old Alex
We take a table
And talk for nights
Bad women approach,
Bad women watch,
They whistle at us,
They spread the contagion
They say ah, ah, ah
And die for us
They say ah, ah, ah
But we are keeping it for you
A lot of women are alone with
The candle, they caress it
Whereas we stand on the street
And curse that we were born
We go down into a bar,
We know good old Alex
We take a table
And cry under our dark glasses
Bad women approach,
Bad women watch,
They whistle at us,
They like dresses
Some people don't chase after women,
Whereas we stand on the street
And curse that we were born
We cry under our dark glasses