Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 1

Találatok száma: 63


Vas szívek

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tekints a lángoló Birodaalomra
Hiába próbálod megmenteni Berlint
Ez az út halállal és fájdalommal van kikövezve
A túlparton, vége van a háborúnak
Ki hitte volna ezt valaha is
Úgy látszik semmit sem tudták elérni
Csak egy napnyi séta, egész úton
A frontok bezárúlnak közel a háború befejezéséhez
A 12. Hadtest beavatkozás
Nyissatok egy útvonalat az embereknek
A csapatok szétszórtan
Ez a háború vége
(Ne térintsenek el!)
Érd el az Elba partját
Itt a vég, a háborút elvesztették
Biztonságban tartva őket, amíg a folyón át nem kelnek
*Ez nem csata, hanem mentőakció*
Tartják a helyüket, míg az utolsó szakasz is átkel
'Siessetek, várunk rátok'
9. hadosztály emberei a civilek
Kiszolgáltatottak, akik megadták magukat a nyugatnak
Ki éli túl és ki hal meg?
Kriegsglück döntése
Azok, akik veszteség nélkül jutottak át.
Van okuk elgondolkodni.
Nem Berlinről van szó, nem a Birodalomról,
Hanem az emberekről, akik értük harcoltak,
Milyen békére számíthatnak?
Ez a háború vége
(Ne térintsenek el!)
Érd el az Elba partját
Itt a vég, a háborút elvesztették
Biztonságban tartva őket, amíg a folyón át nem kelnek
*Ez nem csata, hanem mentőakció*
Tartják a helyüket, míg az utolsó szakasz is átkel
'Siessetek, várunk rátok'
9. hadosztály emberei a civilek
Kiszolgáltatottak, megadták magukat a nyugatnak
Nézd a lángokban álló várost a túlparton
Lángokba borulva ahogy két világ összecsap
Ki tekinthet most büszkén vissza
A túlparton, vége van a háborúnak
Itt a vég, a háborút elvesztették
Biztonságban tartva őket, amíg a folyón át nem kelnek
*Ez nem csata, hanem mentőakció*
Tartják a helyüket, míg az utolsó szakasz is átkel
'Siessetek, várunk rátok'
9. hadosztály emberei a civilek
Kiszolgáltatottak, megadták magukat a nyugatnak
Nézd a lángokban álló várost a túlparton
Lángokba borulva ahogy két világ összecsap
Ki tekinthet most büszkén vissza
A túlparton, vége van a háborúnak
Tekints a lángoló Birodaalomra
Hiába próbálod megmenteni Berlint
Ez az út halállal és fájdalommal van kikövezve
A túlparton, vége van a háborúnak...


Van egy gonosz vírus, mi az emberiséget fenyegeti.
Nem a legmodernebb, komoly lelkiállapot.
A rablók, hátba szúrók, a kétszínű elit,
Társadalmi fenyegetés, társadalmi kór.
Erőszak az elmén, szociális zavar,
Cinikusok, Fásultság-kivagyiság rendje.
A társadalmi hanyatlás kezdetét figyelve,
Élet káoszán gúnyolódik, kárörvend,
Felfalja a saját önbecsülésedet.
Minden szóra lecsap, mit esetleg mondasz.
Erőszak az elmén, szociális zavar,
Cinikusok, Fásultság-kivagyiság rendje.
Felszínesen mosolyogva egy kézfogás.
Árulást tervezget, amint hátat fordítasz.
Erőszak az elmén, szociális zavar,
Cinikusok, Fásultság-kivagyiság rendje.
A társadalmi hanyatlás kezdetét figyelve,
Kárörvendés vagy gúny… az élet káoszán.
Mikor féltékenység s gyűlölet miatt
Minden jó kárba vész,
Minden maró ész s tőr-hazugság.
És mindig, ha azt hiszed, biztonságban vagy,
És amint elfordulsz tőlük,
Tudod, hogy mind papírkésüket fenik.
Az elmédben,
Minden a fejedben,
Próbáld kibogozni!
Az elmédben,
Minden a fejedben,
Próbáld elkerülni!
Lelkiismeret nélkül rombolnak,
S még élvezik is a dolgot.
Ők egy kór, mi a mi elménkben él.
Elsüllyesztve a hajót s ott akarják hagyni,
Ahogy rajtad s rajtam nevetnek,
Tudod, hogy mindig ez történik.
Az elmédben,
Minden a fejedben,
Próbáld kibogozni!
Az elmédben,
Minden a fejedben,
Próbáld elkerülni!
A patkányok a pincében, tudod, ki vagy,
A patkányok a pincében, tudod, ki vagy,
A patkányok a pincében, tudod, ki vagy,
A patkányok a pincében, tudod, ki vagy,
Vagy mégsem?
Vagy mégsem?
Vagy mégsem?
Vagy mégsem?
A társadalmi hanyatlás kezdetét figyelve…

Tömjén és vas

Kövesd a halottat
a sötétben a kárhozatra.
Jámbor fejjel
És démon a szívében.
Esküdj az éjre,
Egy evangélista nemzet születik
A sötétség zászlaja alatt
gyűjtsd össze a vadakat
bátor férfiak hordájában.
Szövetséges testvérek
Küzdjetek meg az átok viharával.
A zászlókat a magasba
Ahogy felkelünk, mint egy felesküdött légió
Mindannyian a fényért
Harcra fel
És az éjszaka hősöket hív
Állj készen a tűzparancsra
Vörösben tündökölve
Gyere és kelj fel, hogy ne legyen lelkiismeret furdalásod
Álj fel mint az erő
Emelkedj fel a holtakon
Hozz minket előre
Tömjén és vas
Harcolj egész éjszaka
Zászlóink belobogják a földeket
Az egészet vörösben
Mindent megkaphatsz
Tömjén és vas
kövesd a harcot
Helyesen cselekedj, hisz védelmezni jöttünk
Üreg az átkozott
A megváltás művészetében
Bukott és kitíltott
Az angyalok halnak meg először
Szolga az életben
És elkápráztotta az Éden
Szolgák túlvilági fényben
Temesd el az éjszakát a császári éhségben
Cselekedj vagy meghalsz
A félelem erődjében
nem tagadhat meg
Minden szent csodát
Törj ki
A világ súlya alatt
Orvosság küldött
Az éjjel árulásba süllyedt
Megtépve a hazug szándékától
ördög a fejbe
Gyere és törj ki
Emeld a kardod
Álj fel mint egy horda
Emelkedj fel a holtakon
Hozz minket előre
Tömjén és vas
Harcolj egész éjszaka
Zászlóink belobogják a földeket
Az egészet vörösben
Mindent megkaphatsz
Tömjén és vas
kövesd a harcot
Helyesen cselekedj, hisz védelmezni jöttünk
Mikor mindanyian együtt vagyunk
Emelkedj fel a holtakon
Hozz minket előre
Tömjén és vas
Harcolj egész éjszaka
Zászlóink belobogják a földeket
Az egészet vörösben
Mindent megkaphatsz
Tömjén és vas
kövesd a harcot
Helyesen cselekedj, hisz védelmezni jöttünk
Amikor örökké élünk

Innen az Örökkévalóságig

A lány beleszeretett az ő olajos gépezetébe
Odahajolt és megtörölgette a fejét
Tiszta indulás
Sosem látott még szörnyeteget
De még is akart
Többet, többet, többet
De amikor sétált
Végig az utcán
Hallott egy hangot amitől
Felrobbant a szíve
Azt suttogta hogy szálljon fel
'Elviszlek egy körre
Innen az Örökkévalóságba'
Pokol nem is rossz hely
A pokol innen az örökkévalóságig tart
Pokol nem is rossz hely
A pokol innen az örökkévalóságig tart
A lány bizonyára megint
Furákat álmodott
Sosem ült még ilyen aljas gépen
Olyan volt mintha fellegekben járna
Még azt is hitte hogy hallotta
A motort sóhajtani
De mint minden álom, egyszer véget ért
Bukfenceztek egyet az ördögkanyarban
A szörnyeteg és Charlotte
Ugyan olyanok voltak
Mindig az utat választották
Innen az Örökkévalóságba
Pokol nem is rossz hely
A pokol innen az örökkévalóságig tart
Pokol nem is rossz hely
A pokol innen az örökkévalóságig tart


Stars over Pantelleria1
And over a riad, hidden from the whole world in a medina2
Through the canopy3
They flicker like your eyes in the night
In a planetarium in the middle of the desert
Night clouds hang like stucco
Reminding us of the Empire style of apartments
In that Stalinist skyscraper where we lived3
The tree grows deep, you know
The trembling waters are an valuable treasure
The tree blossoms and gives a sign
Carefully nourishes you and leads away
Broken mosaic under the foliage
Abandoned park from a series of dreams
May you always be kept by your
Special detachment of lions roaming the water
On the days when it's slush outside, turn on the beat
You'll remember Capri and Amalfi
Atlas and Alps, distant lighthouses
Lazy summer in the courtyard
This is not a verse - this is a talisman
Stars over Pantelleria
And over a riad, being hidden from the whole world in a medina
They blessed your steps along the way
Looking from under the Virgin Mary's handkerchief
Grapes, dates, pomegranates, figs
Outside your beauty they are bitterer than wormwood
As the drunken Hasid told us, twisting
Next year in Jerusalem4
Gloom, moon over Africa
Even in the theater of operations, an intermission is taken
You are at the gates to the park, look
Jacques Majorelle and Yves Saint Laurent are walking there5
They snake through arches of grasses
Gravel underfoot creaks to the beat
Maghreb is snoring, the dial says tick-tock
And it's so blue that the flowers are sleeping, blinking their petals
Garden is covered with ceramics and marble
The trail is entwined with blackthorn and laurel
A bird lands on a palm tree
A lion is sitting, mirroring in the water
They patrol the perimeter of your sleep
As long as your strength is dormant
Let them grow, the cold will subside, evaporate
Over the alley, don't forget that spring is ahead
If the city goes crazy, it means the sun will soon rise
But until then
Stars over Pantelleria
And over a riad, hidden from the whole world in a medina
Through the canopy
They flicker like your eyes in the night
Grapes, dates, pomegranates, figs
Outside your beauty they are bitterer than wormwood
As the rabbi told the muezzin:
'Look at the stars over Pantelleria'
  • 1. Pantelleria (Italy) is an island in the Mediterranean between Tunisia and the Apennine Peninsula.
  • 2. A riad is a traditional Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden or courtyard. Medina is the old part of an Arab city.
  • Canopy is a curtain, a cover around the bed, covering from light, sounds, dust.
  • 4. Among Jews, after the end of the Seder Pesach service, outside of Jerusalem, the words 'Next year in Jerusalem' are traditionally said. The author is of Jewish origin himself.
  • 5. Jacques Majorelle is a French orientalist artist (this genre is characterized by the so-called 'dialogue of cultures' - West and East), who traveled a lot, and was inspired, among other things, by Italy.
    Yves Saint Laurent is a French fashion designer (“high fashion”), who noted, in particular, that he was inspired in his work by the works of painters: “... I always strive for the purity of the lines of Matisse.”

To Run Alone

Let yourself be happy
calm your thoughts
who now has the power
to wander around with worries
Living in longing
quiet waves that's don't let go
and how to sail onward
when you can't see the shore
But with me you won't see boats sinking
i don't get frightened by storms any longer
they call this growing up
and even if my eyes are tired
and my tears fall clearly
from here it's possible only to rise up
and to run alone
To run, to run, to run alone...
to run, to run, to run alone...
to run, to run, to run alone...
to run, to run, to run alone...
But with me you won't see boats sinking
i don't get frightened by storms any longer
they call this growing up
and even if my eyes are tired
and my tears fall clearly
from here it's possible only to rise up
and to run alone
To run, to run, to run alone...


Having risen up from a gutter-like life
I live while achieving what I want
I am rising, higher and higher
Money is like a first love who cheated on me
I curse it and love it simultaneously
On stage we are all monkeys or strippers
Before this foam dissipates we're getting paper
I had no money so I was supported by the state
I had no money so I couldn’t study art
I had no money so I stole my friend’s mp3 player
I needed money so I even stole it from others
So I don’t crave money
I know about my trashy past
I will never repeat it
My charm is my crappy pronunciation due to my missing teeth
Here I just shovel in the money
In the swamp of life, in the swamp of life
I see a bigger world
So that I won’t have regret at the end of my life
I run like crazy
Like crazy
In the swamp of life, in the swamp of life
I see a bigger world
So that I won’t have regret at the end of my life
I run like crazy
Like crazy
Here, authority is absolute
Paper is boss for the convenience of people
Democratic Republic of Korea
No, perhaps the monarchy never ended
but i on give a fuck like the Older Brother Sang-Soo
Always full erection, I will never bow down
And I’m not afraid like Older Brother Kang Chun-Hyeok
Try to kill me, but if you do, do it right
I had no money so I know hip-hop music
I had no money so I know real love
I had no money so I understand guys who are ***
I had no money so I became strong in the end
In the swamp of life, in the swamp of life
I see a bigger world
So that I won’t have regret at the end of my life
I run like crazy
Like crazy
In the swamp of life, in the swamp of life
I see a bigger world
So that I won’t have regret at the end of my life
I run like crazy and live like crazy
Having risen up from a gutter-like life
I live while achieving what I want
I am rising, higher and higher
In the swamp of life, in the swamp of life
I see a bigger world
So that I won’t have regret at the end of my life
I run like crazy
Like crazy
In the swamp of life, in the swamp of life
I see a bigger world
So that I won’t have regret at the end of my life
I run like crazy
I live like crazy


in a world full of sly people
“being good, doesn’t get you anything”
mercy is a gift and a curse at the same time.

Berlin Angel

Love that follows the manual is one way traffic
A lost kitten cries out 'meow'
The Berlin Wall was destroyed
And the phone rang, ring ring ring
My head and body fades transparent
Because your voice is so far
I should be able to become an angel someday, so..
Reactions are fiction
I don't get any response at all
A lost kitten is somehow...
Give me a fairy-tale kiss
When the spell is broken, bye bye bye
Disappearing like the emperor's new clothes
Your voice pierces in
I should be able to become an angel someday, so..
Mirror the mirror, Mr. Mirror,
I want to become an angel someday
I want to become an angel someday
I wonder if I can
My head and body fades transparent
Because your voice is so far

Summer Solstice

Come to think of it, it's true that funny story happened
Even if I regret it, it's too late now
That's right, it's a confusing situation, and in the end
We reconciled somehow or another
No, no, no need to talk about that old tale
It's not a good memory anyway
Hey, more importantly, how about a fairy-tale like this?
My heart somehow makes a fuss
By the way, stop talking to yourself
Let's take a rest in the park
Hey, more importantly, ah that's right - the rest of the fairy-tale
Like I thought, it somehow makes a fuss
13, seeing dreams, 14, discovering darkness
15, if you lose yourself in love, a hot, hot, tantilising summer will come
18, cherry blossoms fall, 19, recklessness
20, without becoming an adult, a hot, hot, boiling summer will come
Saying you'll make your way out of this town
And that someday you will become big
It's less than a delusion, quite stupid
Be sensible and go watch TV
If you get bored of this and that,
Before you know it, you'll be in full bloom
That's less than a delusion, quite stupid
That dazzling summer's straying rhapsody
It's fine, even if you grow up,
It's fine, even if you stay a child,
It's fine, even if you grow up,
It's fine, it's fine

A Certain Around

A situation within expectations is calling you
A dazzling open secret is all around you
An everlasting summer vacation, stupid
A sickly sweet, sweet, sweet sweet sweet
If our eyes meet oui, oui, oui oui oui
A sickly sweet, sweet, sweet sweet sweet
If our eyes meet oui, oui, oui oui oui
I can't stop my love for you, my love for you, forever
I can't stop my love for you, my love for you, forever
The chaos exceedingly goes on and on
After that, going on towards an unthinkable future
I think I know too much, come on
A perfect swim, swim, swim swim swim
If our eyes meet wink, wink, wink wink wink
A perfect swim, swim, swim swim swim
If our eyes meet wink, wink, wink wink wink
Look, the real world is over there
The chaotic universe is right over there
The things I don't know are always
All right by your side
All around you, around you
Around you, around you
Around you, around you
Around you, around you
Completely sick, sick, sick sick sick
If our eyes meet miss, miss, I missing you
Completely sick, sick, sick sick sick
If our eyes meet miss, miss, I missing you
A sickly sweet, sweet, sweet sweet sweet
If our eyes meet oui, oui, oui oui oui
A sickly sweet, sweet, sweet sweet sweet
If our eyes meet oui, oui, oui oui oui
I can't stop my love for you, my love for you, forever
I can't stop my love for you, my love for you, forever

Benten-sama is Spiritual

Benten-sama is spiritual
Eternity is his sanctuary
Benten-sama is spiritual, tual, tu-tu
What he sends out under the blazing sun remains in an eternal dream
Benten-sama is spirtual, tual, tu-tu
Placing the Takarabune onto the waves,
And setting sail after waking up from a long sleep
Promising 'I'll come again'
You disappear somewhere in time
Concussion, concussion, concussion, everything goes blank
Falling down, falling down, falling down, everything
One by one, and one more,
I etch out impossible characters
The best, the best, just the best
Ahh, this wanderer ends their trip here
The mountain storm calls love, and strikes open the gates to hell
I say no to another sad ending, I run around searching for a payphone
Boys & girls, boys & girls, boys & girls, a story about this time
Falling love, falling love, falling love, all year
One more time, one more time, let me hear that heavenly voice baby
One more time, one more time, let me hear that heavenly voice, c'mon
Give me a morning call and wake me up
Give me a morning call sometime, okay?
I'm, I'm, definitely kinda
Human nature
I'm definitely kinda human nature
Everything goes blank, everything goes blank
One more time, one more time, let me hear that heavenly voice baby
One more time, one more time, let me hear that heavenly voice, c'mon

13th Girl

It came so suddenly one day
Like the blooming of spring, like a summer sunset
Like an autumn harvest, like the end of winter
A brand new day
Day breaks and the sky grows bright
Moving in the blink of an eye
It sparkles brightly, 4am
The sun rises up, lunch time
Thank you everyone, good work today
Vision spinning at the hustle and bustle of noon
The sky grows dark, magic hour
Somehow on the brink of a heartbreak
Un uneasy 7pm
Ahh, stuck in a labyrinth of thought, midnight
The moon that I can see from my window
The clock strikes twelve
Dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
I'm dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
It came so suddenly one day
Those distant times have passed, ever since that nostalgic day
While on the way to giving up
One day when I was a boy, she came down
Her eyes were shining in the morning sunlight
The nature of love, God only knows
But I can't help falling in love with you
The future has come to pass, I'm coming
Brand new day
Dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
I'm dying to fall in love with you
I'm dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
I'm dying to fall in love with you
Dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
I'm dying dying dying, dying dying dying,
Time to say goodbye darling
Day breaks and the sky grows bright
Moving in the blink of an eye
It sparkles brightly, 4am
Now, let's just calm our breathing a little
At times like these, it's best to calm down
A brightly sparkling brand new day

I Am Me

At the convenience store in the dead of night yesterday, I saw you
But, yesterday isn't today anymore,
So I wasn't called out to
Tomorrow, I'll definitely
Today isn't today either,
Even if always is like always
Something's different, a little different
I saw you at the convenience store in the dead of night today, too
But it'll be the weekend already tomorrow,
So I want to try calling out to you
Mission complete, excitement late at night
Mission complete, excitement late at night
Someday, I want us to become a combo
I want the two of us to go to the convenience store together
I want to make sure
That today is definitely today
Even if always is like always
Something's different, a little different
At the convenience store in the dead of night yesterday, I saw you
If I wasn't me anymore,
I might have been called out to
Mission complete, excitement late at night
Mission complete, excitement late at night
I want a good enough mood for two people
I want us two to get into a good mood
Why I am me? I don't know who I am
Why I am me? I don't know who I am
Someone is turning into me
I want to become me

Ultra Soda

The emergency stairs, until I can open the door
There's 13 more floors to climb
During strange situations, the always-ringing siren
Ahh, urges me on loudly
Even if I live my life pretending to be courageous,
My fingers tremble
It can't stop, it won't stop
It seems a missile is coming from a far-away planet
I really wanna drink ice-cream soda, ahh
Fizz, fizz fizz fizz, it bursts out
Sugar, sugar sugarless love
Fizz, fizz fizz fizz, it burst out and disappeared
I saw a dream yesterday, until I could open the door
There was 13 more floors to climb
It can't stop, it won't stop
From a far-away planet, a missile is
Like you've seen it before, like you've heard it before,
Like you've said it before, that's déjà vu
Like you've seen it before, like you've heard it before,
Like you've said it before, that's déjà vu
That's right, I really wanna drink ice-cream soda
Fizz, fizz fizz fizz, it bursts out
Sugar, sugar sugarless love
Fizz, fizz fizz fizz, it burst out and disappeared
Soft, soft soft, she looks so fickle
In fact, she's always dithering, ahh
Soft, soft soft softly swaying wavy hair
Fizz, fizz fizz fizz, it bursts out
Sugar, sugar sugarless love
Fizz, fizz fizz fizz, it burst out and disappeared
That's right, I really wanna drink ice-cream soda

By Chance, New Town

It reaches me through online news, the tale of your heroism
Generation after generation, the shooting star of this lonely town
By chance, I just happened to be there, that's all
By chance, we just happened to meet eyes that day, that's all it was
To the lifestyle of us two living in New Town,
I don't want a new type, the truth about the rumors, no thank you
In the intersection where the deadline lies in wait
Pretending to have it tough, a heroine of falsehoods
Scared of rollercoasters, there's no way you could be, right?
I'll put a ribbon on all the bothersome things, and it's a present (for you)
By chance, I just happened to be there, that's simply all
By chance, our hands happened to touch that day, that's simply all it was
Inside the case in a 2 bedroom apartment in New Town,
A nuclear family that has nothing like mutant growth going on
Deep breaths during the cooldown, with two out and bases loaded
The New Town floated up, an ordinary sweet home
New town, new town, new town,
By chance, new town
New town, new town
By chance

Genesis SOS

After throwing out the Genesis, the world is
The ringtone keeps ringing out, I cannot answer your call right now
Through the tone sounding out 'beep', I oversleep to the limit
A huge conspiracy breaks out, a slow morning in a backward glance
After the tone sounds out 'beep', a message
Your message is the essence of everyday
Sentences we repeat, ahh nonsense
Your message is just like an SOS
SOS, an overflowing SOS
Ahh, after throwing out the Genesis, it's like my wildest dreams
An update at 0:00 on the dot, though my chest hurts a little
The message is an SOS
The ringtone keeps ringing out, I cannot answer your call right now
It sounds out 'beep', it sounds out 'beep', ah, the tone reverberates
The message is an SOS
Sos, an overflowing SOS
Come now,
I want to throw away omnipotence, and drown in a normal love
Though I don't mind if it becomes 0:00
After throwing out the Genesis, what became of the world?
Without the message being thrown out, I wonder if you're doing well
(Wait a sec)
The message is (an SOS), the message is (an SOS)
The message is (an SOS), the message is (an SOS)
The message is (an SOS), the message is (an SOS)
The message is (an SOS), the message is (an SOS)
(Cya later)

Capital Modern

I came to after fainting
A ceiling I don't know, where is this place?
Tokyo's Symbol Tower that can be seen out the window
It's pure white
Searching for wi-fi, I roam and walk around
The manga cafe I finally found,
It's covered in ashes and only the roof is visible
Why? Where is that person?
Tokyo City, the skyscrapers standing in line
Tokyo City, of 808 towns
Tokyo City, in a HatoBus GOGO
Tokyo City, the capital that disappeared with my dreams
Please, don't look at me with those eyes, my heart feels like it might break
Please, don't look at me with those eyes, my heart feels like it might break
You over there, do you know the way?
Up ahead, go to straight
I realised when I passed them by,
That person's body was made of iron
Noisily bustling about, the path home
Got roused up with talk of secrets
As it is now, I won't be able to get past the mountain of rubble
Why? Let me go to school!
Pretend, then Tokyo is a nice place
Pretend, and come on over at least once
Pretend, and to the flower garden GOGO
Pretend, the capital that disappeared with my dreams
Please, don't speak with words I don't know
Please, don't speak with words I don't know
I got sick of walking around every night and loitering about
And then I finally found a mechanical human,
Who had the face and voice of that person
Why? Why won't you move?
Tokyo City, the skyscrapers standing in line
Tokyo City, of 808 towns
Tokyo City, in a HatoBus GOGO
Tokyo City, the capital that disappeared with my dreams
Pretend, then Tokyo is a nice place
Pretend, and come on over at least once
Pretend, and to the flower garden GOGO
Pretend, the capital that disappeared with my dreams
Please, don't look at me with those eyes, my heart feels like it might break
Please, don't look at me with those eyes, my heart feels like it might break
Please, don't speak with words I don't know
Please, don't speak with words I don't know

Herzen aus Eisen

Seht das Reich in Flammen
Versuchen vergeblich Berlin zu retten
Es ist ein Weg durch Tod und Schmerz
Am anderen Ufer wartet das Ende des Krieges
Wer hätte es je glauben können,
Scheint, als wäre nichts erreicht worden
Nur einen Tag zu laufen, den ganzen Weg zu gehen
Die Fronten verengen sich
Als das Ende näher rückt,
Greift die 12.Armee ein
Eröffnen eine Route, holen die Menschen raus,
Ihre Streitkräfte verteilen sich
Es ist das Ende des Krieges
(Haltet den Korridor!)
Erreicht das Ufer der Elbe
Es ist das Ende, der Krieg ist verloren
Beschützen sie bis der Fluss überquert ist
Keine Schlacht, eine Rettungsaktion
Halten ihre Stellung bis zum letzten Zug
'Beeilt euch, wir warten auf euch'
Männer der 9. wie auch Zivilisten
Enteignet, ergeben sich dem Westen
Wer wird überleben und wer wird sterben?
Das entscheidet das Kriegsglück
Die, die es ohne Verlust auf die andere Seite geschafft haben,
Haben einen Grund zurückzublicken
Es geht nicht um Berlin, es geht nicht um das Reich,
Es geht um die Männer, die für sie kämpften,
Welchen Frieden können sie erwarten?
Es ist das Ende des Krieges
(Haltet den Korridor!)
Erreicht das Ufer der Elbe
Es ist das Ende, der Krieg ist verloren
Beschützen sie bis der Fluss überquert ist
Keine Schlacht, eine Rettungsaktion
Halten ihre Stellung bis zum letzten Zug
'Beeilt euch, wir warten auf euch'
Männer der 9. wie auch Zivilisten
Enteignet, ergeben sich dem Westen
Seht die Stadt auf der anderen Seite brennen
Geht in Flammen unter während zwei Welten kollidieren
Wer kann jetzt noch mit Stolz zurückblicken?
Am anderen Ufer ist das Ende des Krieges (x2)
Es ist das Ende, der Krieg ist verloren
Beschützen sie bis der Fluss überquert ist
Keine Schlacht, eine Rettungsaktion
Halten ihre Stellung bis zum letzten Zug
'Beeilt euch, wir warten auf euch'
Männer der 9. wie auch Zivilisten
Enteignet, ergeben sich dem Westen
Seht die Stadt auf der anderen Seite brennen
Geht in Flammen unter während zwei Welten kollidieren
Wer kann jetzt noch mit Stolz zurückblicken?
Am anderen Ufer ist das Ende des Krieges (x2)
Seht das Reich in Flammen
Versuchen vergeblich Berlin zu retten
Es ist ein Weg durch Tod und Schmerz
Am anderen Ufer wartet das Ende des Krieges...

Kids No Return

Pursing my lips into a straight line
The evening glow has a bit of a sentimental mood
That girl who grumpily muttered 'Sorry'
Clutching a missile, she disappeared in an instant
Running into one another on the way home, running into a classmate
Stop being so cruel, God
The pretty girl soared, her youth came to ruin
What became of that pretty girl? Good luck charms in the labyrinth
Running into one another on the way home, running into that girl's boyfriend
Stop being so cruel, God
I stole the sun, the street light flickers
I already took time off work, barely making the last train
Ahh, I see. Well, whatever.
Meanwhile, in modern Tokyo, it's our time to shine
Wait, wait, wait, wait, time out
Somehow, it feels like this room is being watched
I feel it, this high beep sound, Keep On & Unstoppable
With a shaking and trembling voice, 'Go ahead'
'Isn't this a time machine?'
I won't press it, I won't run, I won't speak, I won't return, I can't return anymore
I did this and that, things that can't be taken back
I'm so sorry
Adventurer girl, no return
That girl with a one-way ticket, no return
Adventurer girl, no return
That girl with a one-way ticket, no return
Adventurer girl, no return
That girl with a one-way ticket, no return
Adventurer girl, no return
That girl with a one-way ticket, no return
The pretty girl soared, her youth came to ruin
What became of that pretty girl? Abracadabra in the labyrinth
Inventor kid, no return
That guy with a one-way ticket, no return
Inventor kid, no return
That guy with a one-way ticket, no return
The pretty girl soared, her taxes came to ruin
What became of that pretty girl? Watching that famous scene once more
The pretty girl soared, her youth came to ruin
What became of that pretty girl?

Moonlight Milky Way

I sing at the Moulin Rouge at the end of the Mil-Mil-Milky Way
Tonight, I'll put on an act and dance
That girl who gradually falls in love, You Can Do tying dreams together
Tonight's mood has been decided and a pulse trembles out
Midnight, at 3:00, I unprecedently go down the bay coast road
Tonight, I'll put on an act and tie time together
That detached irritable girl, she completely fell in love too late
The chime rings out, 'Are you free tonight?'
A skyscraper looking down on two people
The end of showtime is signalled
Attention that paints the stage
I open the one night curtains
The moonlight at the end of the Mil-Mil-Milky Way shines loosely
Tonight, I'll put on an act and dance
That girl who completely fell in love realises it at the curtain call
Thinking about it at the end makes you get lost in the pulse
A dizzying-like halation
The end of showtime is signalled
Just like a repeating motion
When I want to see you, I always end up doing so
A skyscraper looking down on two people
The end of showtime is signalled
Attention that paints the stage
I open the one night curtains
Give me your hand, give me your hand,
Give me your hand, say good night
Give me your hand, give me your hand,
Give me your hand, say good night
Give me your hand, give me your hand,
Give me your hand, say good night
Give me your hand, give me your hand,
Give me your hand, say good night
Kiss me your hand, kiss me your hand,
Kiss me your hand, say goodbye
Kiss me your hand, kiss me your hand,
Kiss me your hand, say goodbye
Kiss me your hand, kiss me your hand,
Kiss me your hand, say goodbye
Kiss me your hand, kiss me your hand,
Kiss me your hand, say goodbye

30 Million Years

I've been in love for 30 million years
Taking the train from the liberal arts university
It's almost vaction time, we'll be preparing tonight
Pack the rice cooker kit into a rucksack
The lights along the Tokyu line illuminate the night
Passing the season of fresh newcomers starting their training
How many Gulf Wars has it been including this one?
With love from the front of the north entrance ticket gate
The dusty rain hits the window
Everyone in the world looks monotone
I dreamt of you in the bullet train
Though I have no worries, though I have no worries
I've been in love for 30 million years
I board rapid-service commuter only trains
It's almost vaction time, we'll be preparing tonight
Pack a little over 30 million yen into a rucksack
The contrail looks like part of a painting
And somebody put it into a color code
I dreamt of you in the bullet train
Though I have no worries, though I have no worries


For three weeks starting today, you mustn't wake up BABY
It's flooding heavily outside, if you wake up it'll be dangerous BABY
When I jumped out of bed on the morning Earth ceased to exist,
My home was drifting down the milky way, OH OH, why is that so?
Earth has ceased to exist, before I knew it
It disappeared somewhere towards the milky way, OH OH, what do I do?
I can't live as I please anymore either, huh
Even though I want to be excited, and to have fun
I don't understand difficult things,
But you said it with a tense expression, on the last night
For three weeks starting today, you mustn't wake up BABY
It's flooding heavily outside, if you wake up it'll be dangerous BABY
For three weeks starting today, you mustn't wake up BABY
It's chaos outside, you need to stay asleep BABY
It's been three days since Earth ceased to exist, I'm really bored
Are my distress signals getting through? OH OH, answer me
What worries me is that I can't read
The shounen manga that I loved, what should I do?
I'm a Shogakukan fan, let me read Spirits, BABY
Leave it to me to unravel the mysteries in MONSTER's final volume, BABY
(You said it)
For three weeks starting today, you mustn't wake up BABY
It's flooding heavily outside, if you wake up it'll be dangerous BABY
For three weeks starting today, you mustn't wake up BABY
It's chaos outside, you need to stay asleep BABY
(Baby baby baby baby baby baby)

Peperoncino Candy

Pe-pe-peperoncino candy
Yo-yo-you are even more dandy
Ra-ra-rainy on Wednesday
E-e-early afternoon on Thursday
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
March 3rd is Girl's Festivall
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
Isn't that a lie?
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
Even if she goes astray, she's definitely a real lady (a real lady)
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
When she's in her house, she's definitely a real lady
Pe-pe-peperoncino candy
To-to-tomorrow is definitely Sunday
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
Three nights and four days of going into hiding
Didn't you say 'there's no way'?
Isn't that a lie?
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
Even if she goes astray, she's definitely a real lady (a real lady)
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
When she's in her house, she's definitely a real lady
Ahh, a lady
That girl is definitely a real lady (lady)
Even if she goes astray, she's definitely a real lady (a real lady)
That girl is definitely, when she's in her house she's definitely
A real lady (lady)
In her heart, she's definitely a real lady