A keresés eredménye oldal 1
Találatok száma: 35
Pá gyönyör
Versions: #1Egyik reggel, mikor felébredtem -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Egyik reggel, mikor felébredtem -
szemben állt az áruló
Óh, partizán, vigyél el engem -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Óh, partizán, vigyél el engem -
mert érzem, hogy haldoklom
Ha partizánként porladok el -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Ha partizánként porladok el -
temess el, testvérem
Hegyek között temess el, kérlek -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Hegyek között temess el, kérlek -
hantomra virágot ültess
S aki arra jár majd, elámul rajta -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
S aki arra jár majd, elámul rajta -
mily szép a partizán virága
Szép virág az: a partizáné -
Óh, pá gyönyör, pá gyönyör, pá, pá, pá
Szép virág az: a partizáné -
szép virág a szabadságé!
Of the late Duce the newspapers had narratedhis final mishap
that follows his fatale capture
and his destiny that is yet to be fuffiled.
As Mussolini was arrested,
guarded together with Claretta,
put in a little settler room
where they stayed for about two days.
Dark and gloomy was that room,
guarded well by two Partisans
that the fate they had in their hands
of whom was owed to every pain.
He was put beside Claretta
to enjoy all that he must
to enjoy all that he wished
from Italy his carnal brother.
The executioner entered into the room.
Mussolini close by the bed,
out of orbit were his eyes and in his chest
a terrible mortal terror.
The tyrant brought his baret
from when he was a repubblic guard
and a nut colored coat,
was the already finished man.
Mussolini ascended in the ranks
with force in that which is so far gone,
but the force of every italian
destroyed that cruel oppressor.
Seeing the patriot he then asked him:
'What is it that you've come here to do'?
'We both want to be free,
yes really this is freedom'.
Mussolini as a good knight
or that place he was about to leave from,
proceeding the woman he wanted
but to go ahead she did want.
After saying this the executioner decided
to hit the tyrant and Claretta.
on the tyrants atlast revenge
will always be awful down there.
on the tyrants atlast revenge
will always be awful down there.
Girolemin (Little Jerome)
Girolemin! Girolemin!My father is a knife sharpener, I am the little knife sharpener
my father earns money, I can't even get five bucks.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
I came from far away with my grindstone
I make my grindstone spin fast to make a living.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
Three bucks for a pipe, three bucks for tobacco
even if I'm simple-minded, I deserve respect.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
I work for men and for women too
and most gladly for pretty young women.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
My father is a knife sharpener, I am the little knife sharpener
when my father dies, I'll be the knife sharpener.
'Zinn' and 'zonn' goes the grindstone, and 'zinn' and 'zonn' and 'zann',
it's a craft that lifts one's spirits, it's a good job to have.
Hymn of the Submariners
(They) brush the black waves in the thick darkness,From the proud turrets every careful eye is!
Silent and invisible, the submarines leave!
Hearts and engines of attackers
Against the immensity!
Go through the wide sea
Laughing in the face of the death and the fate!
Hit and bury
Every enemy who we encounter on the way!
This is how the marinar lives
Deep in the heart of the resounding sea!
He doesn't care about the enemy and the adversity because he knows he will win!
Down beneath the gray wave of mist in the dawn
A gray turret spies on its prey as it passes!
Shoot from the fast and infallible submarine
Straight and confident beats the torpedo
Crashes, upsets the sea!
Go through the wide sea
Laughing in the face of the death and the fate!
Hit and bury
Every enemy who we encounter on the way!
This is how the marinar lives
Deep in the heart of the resounding sea!
He doesn't care about the enemy and the adversity because he knows he will win!
Now on the light blue wave in the morning's light
Every motor whispers like a triumphal song!
Submarines return to inaccessible ports:
Every flag proudly flying
Each win worth!
Go through the wide sea
Laughing in the face of the death and the fate!
Hit and bury
Every enemy who we encounter on the way!
This is how the marinar lives
Deep in the heart of the resounding sea!
He doesn't care about the enemy and the adversity because he knows he will win!
Goodbye Turin
Goodbye Turin, I'm going away,I going away to work.
I just don't know what it is,
I feel my heart tremble.
Goodbye Turin, my beautiful land,
How much sadness, how much thoughts.
I find it hard to believe
That I must abandon you.
I'll never see again the Mole,
Amd your gardens.
I'll never bring again the beautiful girls at the Valentino.
Goodbye Turin,
I'm going away,
I going away to work.
But I would give my life
For come back soon.
This morning arrived the documents,
A smiling postman brought them.
Oh my beauty city, I have to leave
And left my beautiful Turin.
I'll never see again the Mole,
Amd your gardens.
I'll never bring again the beautiful girls at the Valentino.
Goodbye Turin,
I'm going away,
I going away to work.
But I would give my life
For come back soon!
Nowadays all the eldersAre doing the chics, the doormat.
It's obvious, considering the current time
They are doing, they are doing the youngster
Who pinch you for the street,
who tell to you a 'word'
Who send you a [love] message.
All of this, eh, why?
Because there is not the youth!
They must return,
those soldiers of our,
Then we'll do a beautiful celebration!
We will march
oh, soldier throw yourself in my arms!
An old man sing and around
the other elders sings a chorus
Moon, love and serenades
ended up, ended up in their hands.
And they paint their hair,
eyebrows and mustaches
to look younger
but, essentially, what should they do
if they don't have youngness?
They must return,
those soldiers of our,
Then we'll do a beautiful celebration!
We will march
oh, soldier throw yourself in my arms!
In the beach this morning
An old coot appears
And tell me, if you want
take advantage, take advantage of the situation!
Gray beard, go away!
Gray beard, throw yourself into the sea!
the world came to the end,
with an old man of this kind,
without fire of youthfulness!
They must return,
those soldiers of our,
Then we'll do a beautiful celebration!
We will march
oh, soldier throw yourself in my arms!
You Gorizia sorrowful
You Gorizia sorrowfulyou loved my Fatherland so much
the 205th infantry troop
came to conquer you.
To come and conquer you
we have lost so many companions
all young people in their twenties
they don't come back to their homes.
Those cowards of Lords
'Long live the war ' they shouted at them
with his scream they have deceived us
those cowards of Lords
Ó, Gorizia, lesújt rád az átkunk!
Versions: #2Nyári nap volt, felvirradt a hajnal,
sok bajtársunk elindult a frontra,
lelkük búbánat nagy súlya nyomta,
várta őket az országhatár.
Zúgó szélvészben, ömlő esőben
s golyózáporban pusztultak ezrek,
és kik öldöklő harcban elestek,
így kiáltoztak, félholtan már:
Ó, Gorizia, lesújt rád az átkunk!
Minden háborgó szív téged vádol!
Tudtuk mindnyájan már induláskor,
hogy sok társunk nem tér vissza majd.
Ó, ti gyávák, kik túléltek mindent,
selymes ágyakban, asszonyt csókolva,
vígan éltek - s mi hullunk halomra,
mert a háború gyilkolni hajt.
Mind, kik járják a véres mezőket
túl a feltépett országhatáron,
haldokolván azt sóhajtják: szálljon
átok arra, ki ölni uszít!
Drága párom, ha nem látlak többé,
emlegess régi társakkal engem,
őrizd emlékem csöpp gyermekemben,
s óvd, hogy ő majd ne végezze így.
Ó, Gorizia, lesújt rád az átkunk!
Minden háborgó szív téged vádol!
Tudtuk mindnyájan már induláskor,
hogy sok társunk nem tér vissza majd.
Fütyül a szél
Fütyül a szél, tombol a vihar,cipőnk szakadt, de menni kell,
hogy meghódítsuk a vörös tavaszt,
ahol a jövő napja kél.
Hogy meghódítsuk a vörös tavaszt,
ahol a jövő napja kél.
A lázadónak minden vidék otthona,
minden asszony érte sóhajtozik,
éjjel őt őrzik a csillagok,
erős a szíve, karja lesújtani kész.
Éjjel őt őrzik a csillagok,
erős a szíve, karja lesújtani kész.
Ha elér minket a kegyetlen halál,
kemény bosszút áll a partizán:
a hitvány fasiszta áruló
balvégzete immár bizonyos.
A hitvány fasiszta áruló
balvégzete immár bizonyos.
Elül a szél, lenyugszik a vihar,
hazatér a büszke partizán
vörös zászlaját lobogtatva:
győztesek és végre szabadok vagyunk.
Vörös zászlaját lobogtatva:
győztesek és végre szabadok vagyunk.
Twenty days on the OrtigaraWith no change to dismount
Bang, bang...
Our heads are full of lice
And we have no food to eat
Bang, bang...
We just went down to the valley
Battalion, you've already got no more soldiers
Bang, bang...
Battalion of dead souls
How many cowards at Milan!
Bang, bang...
Behind the bridge their's a graveyard
Graveyard for us soldiers
Bang, bang...
When you're in that trench
Young soldier, you can't talk nomore
Bang, bang...
Oh infantry graveyard
Maybe one day I'll come to you
Bang, bang
The Song of Grappa
Mount Grappa you are my motherlandour sun shines over you
Those who hope and wait they look at you
they look at the brothers at guard on you
The enemy's already broken against you,
he who already aimed to Italy
no one can pass such a bulwark
put in charge to Italian hearts.
Mount Grappa you are my motherland,
you are the star showing the way
you are the glory, the will, the destiny,
that makes us remembering Italy
Your peaks were always banned
to the foot of the hated foreigner
he doesn't know the way on your flanks
that he tried to fight out.
Like the snow that in winter covers you
with a white mantel so you are pure
and undefeated with the pride of having
never let the enemy pass.
Mount Grappa you are my motherland...
O mountain, you are sacred to us
the stormy ranks, with flags
raised will descend from you
to drive out the enemy
We will soon see the days
of our servitude, that we
endured with great efforts,
change in a serene future.
Mount Grappa you are my motherland...
In the Middle of the Field
In the middle of the field, do you know what was there?In the middle of the field, do you know what was there?
In the middle of the field there was a tree,
a tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the tree, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the tree, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the tree, there was the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the branch, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the branch, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the branch, there was the twig,
the twig sticking to the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the twig, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the twig, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the twig, there were the leaves,
the leaves sticking to the twig,
the twig sticking to the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the leaves, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the leaves, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the leaves, there was the nest,
the nest sticking to the leaves,
the leaves sticking to the twig,
the twig sticking to the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the nest, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the nest, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the nest, there were the eggs,
the eggs sticking to the nest,
the nest sticking to the leaves,
the leaves sticking to the twig,
the twig sticking to the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the eggs, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the eggs, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the eggs, there was the bird,
the bird sticking to the eggs,
the eggs sticking to the nest,
the nest sticking to the leaves,
the leaves sticking to the twig,
the twig sticking to the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the bird, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the bird, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the bird, there was the beak,
the beak sticking to the bird,
the bird sticking to the eggs,
the eggs sticking to the nest,
the nest sticking to the leaves,
the leaves sticking to the twig,
the twig sticking to the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
Sticking to the beak, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the beak, do you know what was there?
Sticking to the beak, there was the goat,1
the goat sticking to the beak,
the beak sticking to the bird,
the bird sticking to the eggs,
the eggs sticking to the nest,
the nest sticking to the leaves,
the leaves sticking to the twig,
the twig sticking to the branch,
the branch sticking to the tree,
and the tree planted in the field.
- 1. bèch = beak.
bèch = billy goat.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV
We laid aside our guitars and drumsfor this tune has to change now.
We are outlaws, fear is our tune
and now we want to sing with guns,
and now we want to sing with guns.
So let's sing now this new song
that all you people are going to learn.
Don't give a damn of the Bourbon king,
this is our land and nobody takes it,
this is our land and nobody takes it.
All the villages in Basilicata
are rising up and want to fight,
even Calabria is now insurging
and we're going to scare the enemy,
and we're going to scare the enemy.
You saw the wolf and got so scared,
but you don't know the truth yet.
The real wolf who eats children
is the Piedmontese so let's drive him away
is the Piedmontese so let's drive him away
All ye fair maidens who give your heart
if you really want to save the outlaw
don't look for him, forget his name,
we're at war with a merciless enemy,
we're at war with a merciless enemy.
You were born as a man, you die as an outlaw,
we'll shoot and fight up to the last.
And if we die, so bring us a flower
and an oath for our liberty,
and an oath for our liberty.
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
The land of sun
Today I'm so glad,I'm almost going to cry from this happiness!
But is it true or not that I've come back to Naples?
But is it true that I'm here?
The train was yet in a station
When I've heard the first mandolins.
This is the land of the sun!
This is the land of the sea!
This is the land where all words
Are sweet or bitter,
But always are words of love!
This all is my destiny!
How could I search a fortune abroad if I want to live here?
Give me the wine, I want to drink so much wine,
I need to get drunk!
In these four walls I'm happy:
My mom is beside me, and my beloved sings.
This is the land of the sun!
This is the land of the sea!
This is the land where all words
Are sweet or bitter,
But always are words of love!
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.