Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 47


This world is a woman

Gypsy paths in the end of summer
will attract your eyes for a long time.
Sun and wind change places
and smile at photo enthusiasts.
Insane herrings, crazy over the sunset
madly call after someone.
Children's faces next to sand castles
believe and pray for something imagined.
A thousand more notes and a thousand more words
will quietly be hidden by hot beaches
dedicated to such simple insanity-
this world is a woman, the sea is her element
Sea wolves, sunny oldies,
slowly tell of who they've loved.
In their eyes can be seen naked
blonde girls born from the foam
A thousand more notes and a thousand more words
will quietly be hidden by hot beaches
dedicated to such simple insanity-
this world is a woman, the sea is her element.
This world is a woman, the sea is her element. (x2)
Dedicated to such simple insanity-
this world is a woman, the sea is her element (x3)

Please, Leave Me Alone

Just what made you decide
That you can have me just like in the movies,
That I should be the same as your wives,
That I would be a picture you've hidden away?
I, too, can have the troubles
Like every other person – and I do,
So pray to your god
For me to be your living truth.
Please, leave me alone!
Let me be by myself tonight
And when the dawn comes
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
I didn't hide from anyone,
I opened all curtains in front of me.
Please, leave me alone!
I'm happier in my solitude.
Just what made you decide
That you can have me just like in the movies,
That I should be the same as your wives,
That I would be a picture you've hidden away?
Please, leave me alone!
Let me be by myself tonight
And when the dawn comes
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
If you will, I'll even give you my heart.
I'll even give you my heart.

Song to Stalin's good health

Accept, Great Stalin, our Father,
The love of hearts devoted to the homeland,
Accept the deference of your people
On your joyous birthday.
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!
You illuminated our epoch with clear light,
You are the closest person to us all,
With you, we went the glorious, difficult road,
Fighting for the honour of our native land.
You lead us on Lenin's path,
You call us all to new exploits,
With you, we entered sunny life,
Fighting for peace and building communism!
We all sing praise to your deeds,
Live, our Leader, live to make us happy!

The sunless nights

The streets of Moscow fade into darkness
Wandering wind sweeps the sidewalks
The walls of the houses vault in the rain
There's no one left at the taxicab stands
The time's running out the time is too short
It already reached the last day
In the streets of Moscow, the last evening fades away,
The story ends at the bend of a train station.
Ira, don't you know that those sunless nights
That I live far away from you are sad and alike!
Ira, don't you know that this vast cold hallway...
Who takes me away from you freezes and marvels me
The streets of Moscow leave us in the dark
The wandering wind sweeps away our story
Behind the stars the day is about to dawn
And I'll come back to never leave you again
The time's running out the time is too short
It already reached the last day
But you can trust me in this upside down world
I'll know how to get back to your universe.
Ira, don't you know that those sunless nights
That I live far away from you are sad and alike
Ira, don't you know that vast cold hallway
Who takes me away from you freezes and marvels me

The Good Weather Is Over Now

How the sidewalk is shining in the rain – like new!
Good afternoon, my old, healed love!
Stop for a while, let me see you – barely aged.
What an unexpected meeting, in this autumn mud!
And your eyes are still like velvet...
Listen, let's make a little escape, huh? There's a café across the way.
Yes, I see, you're in a hurry – come if you like.
No, I'm not crying, not tears, no – it's just raining again.
It's just that good weather is over
and the rain falls down, and the rain falls down.
It's just that we have to accept
that we hurt inside, that we hurt inside.
Well, at least I could see you – you have a white tuft.1
What an unexpected meeting – no, I'm not sorry.
And your eyes are still like velvet...
Let's make a little escape, huh? Let's sit down for coffee.
Yes, yes – I know you're in a hurry. Then I, suddenly...
No, I'm not crying, not tears, no – it's just that rain again.
And the sidewalk is shining in the rain, like new...
Farewell, farewell, my old, healed love!
The good weather is over now
and the rain falls down, and the rain falls down.
We just have to accept now
that we hurt inside, that we hurt inside. / x2
  • 1. of hair

I Believe In You

I believe in you
And I see that your eyes promise me
A luminous sky
Of happiness.
I believe in you
Because your glance controls me
With its mysterious air,
Deep as the sea.
And so I'll follow you
Wherever you guide me.
With you I would like to walk
By endless pathways.
And so I'll follow you
Along invisible paths,
Through the heavens and hells
By light and darkness, I believe in you.
I believe in you,
I see that in your soul there is tenderness,
and that's why I entrust you
My life without fear.
I believe in you
And I want to offer you the sweetness
Of all my affection
And my everlasting love.
And so I'll follow you
Wherever you guide me.
With you I would like to walk
By endless pathways.
And so I'll follow you
Along invisible paths,
Through the heavens and hells
By light and darkness, I believe in you.
  • En: Total, partial or modification reproduction of this lyrics without the express and/or written permission of the author is prohibited. All translations on this website are protected by ''.

Enjovher® All Right Reserved.

Te vagy a mindenem

A szemeidet nézem,
a pillantásaid az éjszakában
ismét elönt engem
Ki az, aki után mégy,
nem tudom, s nem érdekel
Az arcodat nézem,
az én lelkemben leszel mindig
örök nyomot hagytál bennem
Kérlek, még ma este
felejtsd el a múltadat
felejtsd el a félelmeid
Te vagy a mindenem,
én nem létezem nélküled
de te másnak adtad
őszinte ölelésedet
Te vagy a mindenem
bár elárultad a szerelmünket
Ezen az éjszakán
a régi fényedben ragyogsz
Te vagy a mindenem
sohasem volt másik nőm
de te másnak adtad
őszinte ölelésedet
Te vagy a mindenem
csak engedd, még ma éjjel
visszatérjen a régi érzés
teljesen a végsőkig
Az arcodat nézem
az én lelkemben leszel mindig
örök nyomot hagytál bennem
Kérlek, még ma este
felejtsd el a múltadat
felejtsd el a félelmed
Te vagy a mindenem
én nem létezem nélküled
de te másnak adtad
őszinte ölelésedet
Te vagy a mindenem
bár elárultad a szerelmünket
Ezen az éjszakán
a régi fényedben ragyogsz
Te vagy a mindenem
sohasem volt másik nőm
de te másnak adtad
őszinte ölelésedet
Te vagy a mindenem
Csak engedd, még ma éjjel
visszatérjen a régi érzés
teljesen a végsőkig
Amíg nézlek, hogy elmégy,
a rossz szavakat lenyelem
ne mondj semmit
s én várni foglak

Neked voltam

Emlékszel-e még az álmomra?
Amikben megtaláltad az utadat
És a szerelmet ebben az óceánban
Amit gyöngéd kezeimmel
Tudtam neked adni.
Neked én voltam a holdfény az illatos sötétben
Hullócsillag fénye, egy szerzetes suttogása.
Neked én voltam a mindennapok értelme
Ma már az én lélegzetem is hideg. Egy régi refrén maradtál.
Emlékszel-e még a vérpezsdítő randikra,
amikor kiejtettük a gyöngéd sóhajokat szóként?
A szerelem, magától jött,
Csak egy pillanatra állt meg,
Aztán elszállt messzire.
Neked én voltam a holdfény az illatos sötétben
Hullócsillag fénye, egy szerzetes suttogása.
Neked én voltam a mindennapok értelme
Ma már az én lélegzetem is hideg. Egy régi refrén maradtál.
Emlékszel-e még az álmomra?

Walls of glass

Your hands they burn the night,
the thrill and passion they may happen.
My - No, and your - Yes -
all this maybe is forthcoming
Scatter my soul at full,
but will you be my fate?
Maybe today, maybe here,
maybe tomorrow in the morn',
maybe with you, maybe with me
a wonder shall happen.
Maybe I, maybe you,
hidden behind some walls of glass
with souls blended then,
again we shall be strangers.
Maybe today, maybe here,
maybe tomorrow in the morn',
maybe with you, maybe with me
a wonder shall happen.
Maybe in us she will melt
the heavy walls of glass
Come, love,
I don't wish another thing.
Your hands burn the night
the thrill and passion they may happen.
My - no, and your - Yes -
all this maybe is forthcoming.
Scatter my soul at full,
but will you be my fate?
Maybe today, maybe here,
maybe tomorrow in the morn',
maybe with you, maybe with me
a wonder shall happen.
Maybe I, maybe you,
hidden behind some walls of glass
with souls blended then,
again we shall be strangers.
Maybe today, maybe here,
maybe tomorrow in the morn',
maybe with you, maybe with me
a wonder shall happen.
Maybe in us she will melt
the heavy walls of glass
Come, love,
I don't wish another thing.
Come, love,
I don't wish another thing.
People who wish to use this translation to send PM(Private Message) to me.

Isten előtt esküszöm neked

Sötét a szív, nincs egy fénysugár
amióta te elhagytál engem
kérdelek téged, kérdlek hogy hová
hová kellene nekem elszaladnom
ha mindenhol tehozzád tartozom
Én is bűnös vagyok
azt kétségtelenül tudom
rengeteg bizonyíték van erre
amikor éjszaka rám néztél
én egy vadállat voltam
amikor reggel elhagytalak
Refren 2x
Isten előtt esküszöm neked
tenélküled én nem létezem
nem lélegzem, nem járok, beszélek
semmi sem könnyű nekem
mert csak akkor élek hogyha
itt vagy, amikor kinyitom a szemeimet
Én is bűnös vagyok
azt kétségtelenül tudom
rengeteg bizonyíték van erre
amikor éjszaka rám néztél
én egy vadállat voltam
amikor reggel elhagytalak
Refren 2x
Isten előtt esküszöm neked
tenélküled én nem létezem
nem lélegzem, nem járok, beszélek
semmi sem könnyű nekem
mert csak akkor élek hogyha
itt vagy, amikor kinyitom a szemeimet
Mindent megadj nekem vagy semmit sem
Ma éjjel az életem kockára teszem
Refren 2x
Isten előtt esküszöm neked
tenélküled én nem létezem
nem lélegzem, nem járok, beszélek
semmi sem könnyű nekem
mert csak akkor élek hogyha
itt vagy, amikor kinyitom a szemeimet


When you find a clover by yourself
with the enticing four leaves,
the happiest year for you will be ahead
and all you have desired most
Such a clover if you pick
is a sign of fortunate prediction
but happiness must be seeked out -
it never comes alone / by itself.
Chorus: (x2)
Clovers, clovers, clovers,
I've been looking for you across the endless land
Clovers, clover, clovers,
you are countless, only with three leaves instead.
I want of the tiny magical leaves
one to be for me in the world -
they bring only four hopes,
but one (of them) is always love.
Chorus: (x2)
Clovers, clovers, clovers,
I've been looking for you across the endless land
Clovers, clover, clovers,
you are countless, only with three leaves instead.


Love, love is joy
Love is a laugh
Love, love
Is silence under the stars
I don't remember
Where and when
Where and when I met you
Your smile
My voice
All is a distant memory
Love, love will be
Immortal for centuries
But, but only once
But alive only once
But, but only once
But only once, alive
The heavens above us
The pathwalk below us
And the moon that was shining
Your smile
My voice
All is a distant memory
Love, love will be
Immortal for centuries
But, but only once
But alive only once
Love is immortal
But alive only once
EN: In case you would like to use any of my translations somewhere, all I would like you to do is to mention where you've taken it from and to notify me if possible. After all, other people's content should be given proper credit, right?
BG: В случай че искате да използвате който и да е от преводите ми някъде, не искам нищо друго освен да споменете откъде сте го взели и по възможност да ме уведомите. Все пак бива чуждият труд да се цени, нали така?


How many dreams, how many fates
the live meets and separates
Yesterday forward, tomorrow backwards
in strange cycle of fates
Memories here, even there
one collected, other scattered
I see in a blink world that is yet not found
with one final flaming match
Moon of the wild, or one hope
is rising slowly, and as if it's sign
Traveller in the night finds boat and shore
and it goes erstwhile again to find love
Yesterday forward, tomorrow backwards
in strange cycle of fates
Day after day in this life
to you I travel my love
Meeting you here, even there
but today where you are I wish to know
I see in a blink world that is yet not found
with one final flaming match
Memories here, even there
one collected, other scattered
I see in a blink world that is yet not found
with one final flaming match
Memories, memories, memories
People who wish to use this translation to send PM(Private Message) to me.

Ivan´s riverbeds

Beautiful Anka is in pain
her mother gave her water to drink
clear water from source
from the Ivan´s riverbeds
All doctors treated her
and magicians and wizards
but Anka is sad, veins
because of lost love
It doesn`t help water, mother
from Ivan´s riverbeds
neither doctors nor wizards
It doesn`t help water, mother
from Ivan´s riverbeds
my medicine, my old one
is sweet mouth of Jovan
Old mother was cried
because Anka will not be cured
blue hyacinth will wither
die because of love
You don´t cry, old mother
beautiful Anka say
in my dream Jova showed to me
i will be cured from love