The piece of the world surrounded by barbed wire,Where people are only numbers.
Where the vile brother oppresses his brother,
And death is stretching its bony hand.
There has been so much blood there—so many tears shed,
There every night you wake up from your dream with a scream of fear,
And when someone asks you: where is Hell?—
You can easily answer:
Birkenau, damned Birkenau,
Bathed in blood and tears,
Forgotten by God, the bottom of hell.
Birkenau—the most terrible ordeal,
The common grave of the millions of victims,
he kingdom of evil where there is no God—
That’s Birkenau!
The crematorium chimney is vomiting flames,
Vomiting with the stench of burned bodies all around,
It is the end of the prisoner’s terrible ordeal
The end of the road—and the end of human torture.
Here you won’t have a grave, my friend