Naked song
Awaken from caresses,I still feel your embrace running over my body.
Shaken and tenuous I continue going in your image.
My simple bird-call was so full of instincts . . . !
From me fled the hours of robust will,
and left my sensation, humble of reasons.
I did not know of ages nor of rigid reflections.
I was Life, my beloved!
The life that passed through the birdsong
And the artery of the tree.
I could have drawn aside other softer notes,
but my fertile longing did not know of any shortcuts:
I gripped myself to the crazy hour,
and my sylvan leaves folded beneath you.
I released myself to the purity of a love lacking clothes
that carried my life from the unreal to the human,
and I should have seen myself wholly in a shout of tears,
in remembrance of birds!
I didn't know how to shield myself from the invincible currents
I was Life, my beloved!
The life that in you yourself misled its course
to give itself to my arms.