Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 3

Találatok száma: 119


Happiness in your hands

You are ready for a talk
Alone with yourself
When a noose is hanging from the ceiling
If someone knocks on the door
When your life is on the line
Then open it and take a step
Only the strong in spirit
Don't fall down
They run away from the evil
To come back again
When the happiness is in your hands
Hold onto it
To wake up from sadness
On your way to there
Never looked
Any farther than your nose beyond the horizon
All that you have
Is only four walls
It's better to think twice
When knee-deep in the water
Than to drown in the darkness
When you have caught happiness
Keep it safe
Only the strong in spirit
Don't fall down
They run away from the evil
To come back again
When the happiness is in your hands
Hold onto it
To wake up from sadness
On your way to there

My delicate basil

My delicate basil , my marjoram
you will make me give up on my mother
Come over the glassed window, girl
so as i can see your semolina-colored face.
Those stares you climb up, i wish i could climb them up too
for each step we will take, i will give you a sweet kiss.


My voice sings a song I don’t recognize
All the city lights go out
If I breathe, I'll change bit by bit
Leaving the city, I'm searching for a flower
Still, my familiar ankles run away
Still, my familiar ankles have run away
My voice keeps on singing a song I don't recognize
The dream is over
Though I tell such lies
Still, my familiar ankles run away
Still, my familiar ankles have run away
They’ll disappear tomorrow
Even if these footprints disappear
I'll sing, I'll sing a song

Daytime moon

A midday without sound
the wind is just bright.
The petals that seemed a little sleepy swayed.
This unintentional feeling that I can not explain.
Look, how do people call this feeling in words?
The story of trapping the white sand moon.
Tell me the story as if the light falls. Gently.
There will be a time to know the pain in my heart.
And I'll be kinder than I am now.
This warmhearted feeling that I can not explain.
Look, how do people name this feeling?
The white sand moon is too bright to see.
Tell me about the distant future. Gently.

A house on the moon

A sky,
a distant sky,
and a muttering voice.
Your dream now turns the wheels of the stars.
I felt I exist nowhere.
I felt that way
until I knew your eyes.
There is one crescent moon
in the corner of my chest.
it shines to illuminate even the narrowest roads.
The stars
are gently pointing.
Your destination
will be a crystal forest.
I someday,
with the palm of my hand,
I want to protect you from everything.
At a warm night,
There's a house where a small growing moon lives.
However when you sleep,
it shines with a gentle light.
There is one crescent moon
in the corner of my chest.
it shines to illuminate even the narrowest roads.

Please grant me a wish

Please grant my wish.
There's a glass lily in my chest.
Please shatter it, with your fingers.
Far away to the new east.
Your heart is like a flying bird.
See the dream.
It's far away.
Your wish is reflected on the fountain at your feet.
My thoughts have changed its shape
before I knew it.
Until the time when we meet again in the blue morning.
Ah ah.
I know
it hurts like
flowing light dizziness.
Far away to the new east.
Your heart will be sucked in.
See the rainbow.
It's solitude.
It will be gently embraced deep in the sky.
Where does the silent midday breeze sleep?
Unreachable prayers
will hide their voices.
Ah ah...gently.
Submerge in the bottom of the air.
Soak in fragrant ether.
So I will not let anyone else touch it.
My thoughts have changed its shape before I knew it.
Until the time
when we meet again in the blue morning.
Ah ah...surely.
Please grant my wish.
Please grant my wish...


You and I
You when I
The stars, slowly fallin`
I'd like to call this mood romantic
I dreamed a dream, up all night, just you and I
Next to a name I have been writing all day
I scribble my own
As still I don’t know
Cause you still don’t my heart
Just, alone on a night like this I think of you
I’m in love, everything feels like a dream when i’m by your side
More beautiful than anything in this world
I do not wish for anything more
Just stay as you are
like this, the way you are
A night filled with stars
Laning against the window, I think of you 
A night full of moon
Softly drenched in blooming romance
It’s only you that i want
i call you on a night like this (dark night)
Until we reach there, hoping
Not giving it up, like those stars
you, Ye
If only I could look at you like this
Anytime I want
I fall for your gaze, feels like I could die (Killer)
All day, all night
You know I want u, love u
Would u be mine?
Good night
A night filled with stars
A night full of moon
It’s only you that i want
I call you on a night like this
Until we reach there, hoping
Not giving it up, like those stars


When i feel you
I'm talking about your voice
Dimly lighted street, together ah
When the noises get quiet too, I am
That makes me go crazy
I think about it before I fall asleep
You're low and high, just right size
is is
Whispers are melting my ears
Better just kill me
We've already been here before
Every night i listen to your voice and sleep
W Word plays, pillow talk
feelin' your voicegasm bae
Vibrant hues, sweet dreams
feelin' your voicegasm bae be b babe
Yea i don't wanna think about you babe (anymore)
But i feel you
Pictures taken, vista film* babe
In the end i'm back to you again, babe
That makes me go crazy
I think about it before I fall asleep
You're low and high, just right size
is is
Whispers are melting my ears
Better just kill me
We've already been here before
Every night i listen to your voice and sleep
W Word plays, pillow talk
feelin' your voicegasm bae
Vibrant hues, sweet dreams
feelin' your voicegasm bae be b
Yeah im gonna die in your voice come on
* He’s talking about AGFA Vista Plus Camera Film, negative film rolls for old type personal cameras. Since the rise of digital cameras that kind of photographic films are mainly out of use. However AGFA has revived that particular product and you can purchase it now.

A Star Called Sun

White snow, grey ice,
on cracked earth.
On it, like a patchwork quilt -
lies a city in a loop of roads.
And above the city clouds drift,
hiding a heavenly light.
And above the city - there's a yellow haze,
the city has lived for two thousand years,
under the light of a star
called Sun...
And for thousand years - there's been war,
war for no special reason.
War - is the business of the young,
to stop them from aging.
Red, red blood.
After an hour it's just earth.
after two on it there's flowers and grass,
after three it's alive once more,
warmed by the rays of a star
called Sun...
And we know, that it's always been this way.
That fate favors the one,
who lives by his own rules,
and who is fated to die young.
He doesn't remember the word 'yes' or 'no',
he doesn't recall ranks, nor names.
And is capable of reaching the stars,
not considering it, to be a dream,
and to fall, burnt by the star called Sun.

Ez is egy éjszaka, mely elmúlik majd

Várom azt a percet, mikor tán nekem is marad valami belőled,
De mozdulni sem tudok, hiába hagynám el egy lépésre a földet
De tudom, ez még nem a vége, hisz nem, ez nem lehet,
Nézz rám, kérlek, hogy legalább ez maradjon belőled nekem.
Ha módom volna rá, bizony, megfognám két kezed,
Hogy itt maradj velem, hogy el ne veszejtselek,
hogy úgy érezzem, egy pár pillanatig még melletted vagyok,
kit érdekel, eztán majd mennyi fájdalmat kapok.
De ha elveszítelek, többé semmi sem lesz ugyanaz,
hisz azt sem tudom majd, merre kutassalak
De ha kettőnk közül csak az egyikünk nyerhet,
Hát inkább te légy az, elmúlik majd, s talán elfelejtlek.
Mint két ellenfél, úgy harcol bennem a szív és az ész,
de egy vesztes játékban, mondd, lehet-e győztes aki merész?
Megannyi gondolat kavarog most bennem,
de jól tudom, úgyis az lesz a vége, mit már előre megálmodtál nekem...


Versions: #1
My place is on the left, and I have to sit,
I don't get why it's so cold here,
I don't know my neighbor, even though we've been together for a year.
And we're drowning, even though we know, the ford is right here.
And everyone looks with hope at the ceiling.
A trolley, that goes east,
A trolleybus that goes east,
A trolley...
We're all brothers, we're forty-second cousins,
And we're heading, I don't know where, and why.
My neighbor cant bear it, he wants to leave,
But he can't leave, he doesn't know the way.
And we're wondering, what's the use?
On the trolley, that goes east.
In the cabin there's no driver, but we keep going,
And the motors rusted, but we go forward.
We sit here quietly, looking at the spot,
Where for a moment a star appeared.
We keep silent, but we know, he helped us with this,
Trolleybus, that goes to the east...

It's alright, we have 20 minutes on foot

Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Who the real friends are
How the days are best short
When i need them, they are always here
Like brothers of good and evil
And how do i go now and stay with you?
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know, one doesn't change
We're naive, but clean
Always us, always the same
No need to show off
We know where we come from
And where we go
How do i go now
And not turn with you?
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know where i belong...
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Now i know
Where i belong
Every night and every day
Hey, hey, hello, i'm coming alone
I mean, it's alright
We have 20 minutes on foot

Come back to Zagreb

Parks and movie theaters, cafes and clubs
They were our playgrounds
I can't (say) without you, but also when i'm with you
I can't even say how much i needed you
The home is the same, the flower is waiting for you
The coffee doesn't have the same taste without you
Come back to Zagreb
If you could, if you want
Come back to days when we were wild.
Come back to Zagreb
If you could, if you want
You belong here, so stay here.
Verbal acrobatics, stupid situations,
that's us.
Whoever said that we are forever,
when we know that everything has its own lifespan.
The home is the same, the flower is waiting for you
The coffee doesn't have the same taste without you
Come back to Zagreb
If you could, if you want
Come back to days when we were wild.
Come back to Zagreb
If you could, if you want
You belong here, so stay here.
Come back to Zagreb, come back from the holiday
Be next to me again.
I won't be calm if i knew i didn't try
Saving all that's left.
Come back to Zagreb
If you could, if you want
Come back to days when we were wild.
Come back to Zagreb
If you could, if you want
You belong here, so stay here.
Come back to Zagreb
Come back to Zagreb
Come back to Zagreb

I'm getting on the bus to the other world, See ya!

I'm getting on the bus to the other world, See ya.
I can't count the number of lives I ruined when I was young, I'd smile while I buried another life before heading home
Looking back now I should've been the first one to die.
So cheerful despite the gloomy atmosphere
I've lost my will to live
Life is just needless long
Nothing but meaningless wrinkles and creases
My heart pointlessly laments this hopeless take on life, spitting out ideals that just hurt my ears!
What value is there to a life that wants to end? Am I just being selfish? I don't even know what to think! In the end, after a few years I'll just be a nuisance so just stab me, kill me and take me away.
I'm getting on the bus to the other world, See ya.
I still remember all the times I was made fun of as a kid, these unreasonable thoughts that I don't even remember thinking just won't go away
Looking back now how did I just swallow all the pain?
Ah... if only I had fought back.
Sulking about in a hazy crowd of people, displaying a life that seems worth living
The 'theory of happiness' is useless deep
My shallow heart is driven by an uneasy, fretful rush
Nothing but time passes, and it can never come back.
What takes root in life just makes me want to disappear
You said I'm a nuisance? No one asked for your opinion!
In the end in a few years I just be the same thing...
So just stab me, kill me and take me away.
Is there any meaning to life if you want it to end?
Is there any dreams seen in a life that just wants to disappear?
There are none.
What value is there to a life that wants to end?
'That must suck.', 'I get it.'
Don't act as if you understand!
In the end, in a few years I'll still be suffering
So just stab me, kill me and take me away
This is the only thing I thought to do, my first and final struggle in vain...
I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!
And yet, I regret, and scream as the rain falls...

Weird tale

A new day begins once again,
The morning spotlight hits from the window again
And the phone's silent - disconnected...
There is no sun on the sky again,
Fights again - every man for himself,
And I feel that, the sun isn't more than a dream...
On the window glass there's a tale with a bad ending....
A weird tale...
And the rain knocks like bullets
And it's autumn on the streets.
And the wall of the cloud-bricks is durable...
The trees got sick with plague,
They got sick back in spring,
Leave-palms fly down, waving to us from above...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending,
A weird tale...
And then she'll come,
'Pack your things, - she'll say, - Let's go, give the body to the earth...'
But the body almost hasn't finished,
But the body hasn't received much love...
Weird thing...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending...
A weird tale...

Weird tale

A new day begins once again,
The morning spotlight hits from the window again
And the phone's silent - disconnected...
There is no sun on the sky again,
Fights again - every man for himself,
And I feel that, the sun isn't more than a dream...
On the window glass there's a tale with a bad ending....
A weird tale...
And the rain knocks like bullets
And it's autumn on the streets.
And the wall of the cloud-bricks is durable...
The trees got sick with plague,
They got sick back in spring,
Leave-palms fly down, waving to us from above...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending,
A weird tale...
And then she'll come,
'Pack your things, - she'll say, - Let's go, give the body to the earth...'
But the body almost hasn't finished,
But the body hasn't received much love...
Weird thing...
Outside the window, there's a tale with a bad ending...
A weird tale...

Guitar And Violin

Versions: #1
In a small apartment, a bit dark
not far from here, in a side alley
lives a man and a woman
surviving from all that comes to hand1
they are being carried around and around
he is a guitar, she is a violin
Changing a string when winter comes
she give him a look, he sinks in her
and afterwards a hand, a soft touch
he sends her a kiss in the air
curling around and around
like a guitar and violin
he in on time and she is on light
Friday nights, Saturday nights after the sabbath ends
loving much, speaking little
playing a duet and at once
the sounds go up and the heart is quivering
they are being carried around and around
he is a guitar, she is a violin
When the summer come they spread their wings
in pursuit of a dream that they dreamt in the autumn
and they didn't say if they will return
from the mountains of Nepal, from the prairies of Peru
wandering there around and around
he in on time and she is on light
with a guitar and a violin
In a small apartment, a bit dark
not far from here, in a side alley
lives a man and a woman...
  • 1. living hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck, etc.

You marked me around the finger

I took you to the restaurant,
And then called taxi to go home.
You said that you were happy
And that you'll meet me tomorrow.
You marked me around the finger,
I know that you played with me.
I promised to come, I'm here.
You promised - you're not here.
And the bouquet in my hands
Withered for long, withered for long.
You marked me around the finger,
I know that you played with me.
I wrote long letters to you,
You only send me a 'hi' in the card.
I want to kill myself
So you would wait for the answer.
You marked me around the finger,
I know that you played with me.

Gray shadow

Gray shadow. Mind hoops squeezes the brain,
Everyday, and I don't know what to do.
I'm staying at home for the whole afternoon.
It's raining outside, my phone is silent like a dead body
Like a stump, sitting quietly, ready to forget,
And it seems the day is long.
It seems the day is long.
It seems the day is long.
You got kissed from a sticky glass,
And were quiet, and wished for nothing,
Throwing words to the wind.
So many, so many people like this,
Sitting at corners, and everyone's busy with nonsense.
But the sun shines to everyone.
The sun shines to everyone.
The sun shines to everyone.

Out of space and time

The weather seems to be slipping off my hands but I don't care
It turns to ash and the water that falls turns to smoke
It slips and goes away through the cracks of the mind
But the truth is that it shines like a star somewhere else
It shines like a star...
If I could for once live outside of time and space
Like a wheel that turns at the edge of the street
With nothing to own with borrowed feet
To travel all around the world
It looks like the sorrow is governing but I don't care
It has a deeper meaning even if it bothers me
And the song is sad and it sings
It becomes a celebratory hymn and it keeps on laughing
It keeps on laughing...
If I could for once live outside of time and space
Like a wheel that turns at the edge of the street
With nothing to own with borrowed feet
To travel all around the world one time

Mama, we`re all terribly ill

Grains fell to earth, they cry for rain,
They need rain.
Carve my chest, look inside,
And you will see fire everywhere.
The next day is too late, the next hour is too late,
The next moment - can`t stand up.
If your keys don`t match the door, use your shoulders to knock out the door.
Mama, we`re all terribly ill
Mama, I know: we all have gone insane...
Steel between fingers, clenched fist,
Punch above wrist, tormenting flesh.
Poison in veins instead of blood, slow poison.
Broken world, broken foreheads, a bread, broken in half.
And now someone is crying, someone in silence,
And somebody`s glad, really glad...
Mama, we`re all terribly ill
Mama, I know: we all have gone insane...
You should be strong, you should know how to say:
'Keep you hands off! Keep you hands off me!'
You should be strong or what do you exist for?
How worth will be thousands of words,
When will be important the strength of hands?
And now you`re standing on a shore and thinking 'to swim or not to swim'
Mama, we`re all terribly ill
Mama, I know: we all have gone insane...

The Music of Seawaves

Versions: #1
I see how the seawaves wash out the prints on the sand,
I hear how the wind sings its song, unfamiliar and strange one.
I hear how the strings of the trees play the music at hand -
Music of winds, music of seawaves.
It's hard to define what is asphalt in here.
It's hard to imagine a car while in here.
Just throwing the water up's all that you need.
Music of winds, music of seawaves...
Who will remember all those who have lost their way?
Who will remember all those who were laughing and singing?
Who will recall, while feeling the cold of a gun stock,
Music of winds, music of seawaves?

Pack of cigarettes

Watching a strange sky through a stranger’s window, here I sit,
I can see not a single familiar star.
I’ve been up and down every road, oh, so far.
Turning back - nothing‘s left behind, no footprint.
But if you’ve got a pack of cigarettes - in your jeans,
Well, then, things are really not too bad for you today.
And a ticket for a plane with silvery wings
Leaving nothing but a shadow as it flies away.
No one wants to be blamed - without the wine,
No one wants to rake it in for someone else’s gain,
Oh, and dying in the crowd with no music’s so hard,
No one wants to disappear without music, in vain.
But if you’ve got a pack of cigarettes - in your jeans,
Well, then, things are really not too bad for you today.
And a ticket for a plane with silvery wings
Leaving nothing but a shadow as it flies away.

Melt the snow

I pack the suitcase,
I cannot back away.
I discovered my time, I discovered my term...
I crushed the cigarette,
I look at the ceiling.
I recognised my time,
I recognised my term...
Mother, I comprehended my morning.
He found out his time,
He recognised his term...
I get outside, I hear the thud of hooves.
Melt the snow,
Please, melt the snow...
He will kill me, he is my eternal enemy.
Melt the snow,
I’m begging, melt the snow...
Mother, I recognised my morning.
Melt the snow,
Please, melt the snow...
I cannot live without her anymore.
Help me,
Please, help me...
I cannot live without warmth anymore,
Help me,
I’m begging, help me...
Mother, I discovered my morning.
Help me,
I’m begging, help me...

Blood group

Versions: #9
Warm place,
People that on the street are waiting for our footprint.
Stardust on the boots.
Soft armchair, checkered plaid,
The trigger that didn't was pulled in time.
Sunny day in time of blinding dream.
Blood group on the sleeve, -
My sequence number on the sleeve.
Wish to me the good luck,
Wish to me...
I can't stay in this grass,
I can't stay in this grass,
Wish to me the good luck,
Wish to me the good luck...
I have thing that I can pay off,
But I don't want winning at any price.
I don't want to set foot on chest of anyone.
I'd like to stay with you, -
Just stay with you,
But high sky star calls me to way.

There's a Violin in My Heart

I'll remember my father's home
And a worried mother
A yard with a garden
In the lively city
Down the street
[Your] home is [your] heart
To know love
Is to know pain.
And the house groaned
Still warm and humble
The heart sighs
The happiness will move
The gate ached
And the sadness smiled
Still I'll remember a mother and a father
With each fading day.
There's a violin in my heart
And not once did it cry
And in it I'll find a cure
At those moments of happiness.
Sometimes a beat rises
Within the darkness
Sometimes sadness rises
And the light carries a blessing.
The pain will pass
With so little happiness
It'll give plenty of light
Like a match in the darkness
And on a warm evening
There's a holiday at the windows
And people are dreaming
Between the changing seasons.
Only the echo replies
When I scream
Only God replies
When I'm silent
At the distant window
The light carries a blessing
The laughter has returned
And I'm with you once again.
There's a violin in my heart
And not once did it cry
And in it I'll find a cure
At those moments of happiness.
Sometimes a beat rises
Within the darkness
Sometimes sadness rises
And the light carries a blessing.