Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 24


Arany a hajon

Click to see the original lyrics (Finnish)
Arany a hajon.
Egy borús és viharos éjszaka volt
vagy egy kicsit világosabb este.
Autóval eltévedtünk veletlenségből
vagy szándékosan.
Mégis másképpen emlékezem,
melyik dalt Timo játszotta?
És a nyakad szaga volt
Ilyenként emlékezni akarlak.
Arany a hajon futottunk.
Nyáréjszakán deresek az ablakak.
Van aranyad a hajon.
Belőlünk megsárgult képek nem leszünk.
Hogy megfakulnak nullák és egyesek?
A szerpentin utak mentén
Teronek a Mustangja minket vitt.
Szédülünk a látvány
Mindenre rosszul fogok emlékezni,
hogy ez minden egy álom volt.
Még a világ végére
Ilyenként emlékezni akarlak.
Arany a hajon futottunk.
Nyáréjszakán deresek az ablakak.
Van aranyad a hajon.
Belőlünk megsárgult képek nem leszünk.
Hogy megfakulnak nullák és egyesek?
Nézz, a horizont
majdnem figyelmetlen.
Ha folytatódik ez a pillanat,
bele kell csípnom az oldalakba.
Én élek.
Én élek.
Én élek.
Én élek.
És csak egy pillanatra
pehelykönnyű leszek.
Még egy kört, mielőtt lejövök.
A beton-bevásárlóközpontnak az árnyékaiban,
van aranyad a hajon.
Vatikánban kis pánikba (essünk),
van aranyad a hajon.
Minden télen két lakás csapdájába (kerüljük),
van aranyad a hajon.
Át a piroson rollátorral (hajtsuk),
van aranyad a hajon.
Belőlünk megsárgult képek nem leszünk.
Hogy megfakulnak nullák és egyesek?
Arany a hajon.

For the two of us

The wall clock strikes that this is the time
To start the journey.
The whole world is so quiet
But we won’t be able to fall asleep till morning.
The sunset will greet us
With a neon rain
Of golden lights.
Without looking back
We are walking together.
The entire night is for the two of us.
Intoxicating smoke of your cigarettes
Is sweeter than honey for me.
Under the night sky
Entwined into a minuet
We will wait for the dawn.
Chorus (x2):
The sunrise will greet us
With a neon rain
Of golden lights.
Without looking back
We are dancing together.
The entire world is for the two of us.

Black Suns

Versions: #2
There is no hope as the week is ending
that the next one will change anything.
Anger is bad when I stand with you
When I see you, when I feel you.
The year ends and heed the call
to start from beginning of it all.
Watch it for yourself, answer yourself.
Answer yourself…
Is this what you want, is this what you’re after
for me to come here in anger
Compare with the rest, pick one path - the best
I would like to see everything one more time
Once more I’d like to see everything
Compare with the rest, pick the value greatest
How it is, how is it that - when you enter my head
what here is typical, with you is unique
Compare this with us, the millions of black suns.
Is it worth it, is it all worth it?
To make one’s demise
Compare this with the rest, pick the value greatest
In my head with millions of suns
the carousel of night gleams
on it nothing but us
you and me

The lights

A skinny street
In a black dress
Is spying on me
Through a dark window.
The freezing air
With its wax pen
Writes on the (window) glass
That we are doomed.
The groan of the blind walls
Has shot the world right through,
To the fourth floor
The echo resonates.
But the lights are (so) far away.
The slim outline
Of the blinding storefronts
Hides the tracks
Of all that's kept inside.
To miss a (bus) stop,
To know for sure:
That the spring was hiding nearby,
It was so close.
But the lights are (so) far away.

Cult III – Ascension

Marble glisters
In the shine of the full moon
A clandestine alter on the ruins of unknown temple
The pyres are reaching the sky
With the rumbling of litanies in the back
The crowd put my body on the cold stone
And my screams faded in their songs
The one with the crown of thorns above his head
Climbed on the golden tribune, and howls louder and louder
He pours dog's blood on terrifying thorns
Tearing my forehead to the bone with his desecrated crown
With last ounce of strength a wail of pain breaks
Through the air:
'I pine after those, who in an untamable desire
Ate my flesh and drank my blood by the cold waters
I am grieving those, who are on the verge of madness
Now sing and praise the ascension of the red moon'
The body will expel the shivering spirit into the shadows
Of willow's dreary threads
Rest among the roots with the mark of empty shackles
And be warmed with forever damp dirt
Let in the stream of blasphemous power
In the glory of the cult it bears the light from the darkness of ages

Kimondhatatlan Kultuszokról

Zordont és rémisztőt álmodtam, sivár látomásokat
az emberiség előtti kígyó-népségről és rég halott hüllőkkel létesítettem kapcsolatot,
csendesen, hideg és kíváncsi közönyösséggel figyelik az érákat,
a mélységes emberi faj véget nem érő bánatát és szenvedését.
Nem merem ismét átadni magam a mély alvásnak, mely örökkön hívogat engem.
Nehogy rettegjek,
borzongjak a megnevezhetetlen lényektől,
amelyek akár ebben a pillanatban is
portyázhatnak és ólálkodhatnak
öntudatom nyálkás peremein,
előkúszva pokoli gödreik gyomrából,
imádva ódon kőbálványaikat és saját maguk gyűlöletes képmásait faragják a véráztatta gránitból készült földalatti obeliszkekbe.
Várom azt a napot, mikor a végzet karmai felemelkednek,
hogy bűzös karmaikkal lehúzzák egy elcsigázott, elhanyatlott, háborútól kétségbeesett emberiség megfáradt és reménytelen maradékait.
A napot, mikor a Föld megnyílik és a fekete, feneketlen, ásító mélység elnyeli az emberiség arrogáns civilizációit.
Katonikus megtorlás száll fel
Univerzális Zűrzavar közepette, és azok, kik kúsznak és portyáznak, ismét felemelkednek, hogy újra megörököljék a Földet.


You don't want to hear from me
I get it
My tricks have ruined your whole life
Here you've got food and a tan
And above a full moon
Yeah I understand, I understand
But if I don't have you, I'm lost
Like a goldfish in the toilet bowl
Like a child that doesn't get picked up in the yard of the nursery
That doesn't get given a snack at night
I miss freedom so much
But what do I do with it
Because when I don't have you, I'm lost
Like a lost puzzle piece
I hate these waitresses
The act like they don't hear
I ask and ask if they know what love is
I promised not to come or call
But the wind comes from the inland
I'm impossible, but that's the way it is
But if I don't have you, I'm lost
Like a goldfish in the toilet bowl
Like a child that doesn't get picked up in the yard of the nursery
That doesn't get given a snack at night
I miss freedom so much
But what do I do with it
Because when I don't have you, I'm lost
Like the handwriting of psychopaths
And California's bushes are on fire
Just me mine, at least in secret
I might demand too much, yes
I might demand too much
But if I don't have you, I'm lost
Like a goldfish in the toilet bowl
Like a child that doesn't get picked up in the yard of the nursery
That doesn't get given a snack at night
I miss freedom so much
But what do I do with it
Because when I don't have you, I'm lost
Like the handwriting of psychopaths

Gold Lining

I could talk only bad about you
But it doesn't help, it doesn't help anyone
And I don't feel like hating, I don't feel like hating you anymore
I could say you hurt me the most
But it doesn't change, it doesn't change anything
And I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry for you
Now when I look at this picture
which I used to turn towards the wall
I remember all the good about you
and that beautiful day when we said 'I do'
I will never forget or experience something greater
I didn't get a happy ending
But I keep it within a gold lining
But what if I tell you about it
that I'm OK, everything is OK
and I'm not missing, not missing that often anymore
Now when I look at this picture
which I used to turn towards the wall
I remember all the good about you
and that beautiful day when we said 'I do'
I will never forget or experience something greater
I didn't get a happy ending
But I keep it within a gold lining
I didn't get a happy ending
But I keep it within a gold lining
A happy ending
But I keep it within a gold lining
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

Get Up!

Versions: #2
Everyone's asleep
Though it's time to wake up
Everyone's asleep
Though the sun rises higher and higher and higher
Everyone's asleep
Under a heated eiderdown
It's warm
And you can sleep some more, you can sleep some more
Wake up, while there's still time
Wake up, 'cause it's gonna be too late
Everyone's asleep
And this day will come like a thief
Everyone's asleep
It will come like a thief in the night
Everyone's asleep
And this day will come like a thief
Everyone's asleep
It will come like a thief in the night
The night, the night, the night...
Wake up, while there's still time
Wake up, 'cause it's gonna be too late

No One But You

Versions: #2
I won't lie
I love you madly
Yours to be
You are my dream
Your wonderful eyes
Torment me strangely
Both when I'm awake
And dreaming
Oh, you know
You keep tempting me
Say what you want
Mine you have to be
You stole my heart
Days drag on in sadness
So I tell you
I stake your fate on a single card
No one but you, no one but you
My stubborn heart says that's how it has to be
No one but you, there's none but you
While it may not be worth your feelings
That I want you and it eats away my peace
I stake your fate on a single card
No one but you, there's none but you.

Hands up

Via the trackway rode the carriage, in the carriage sat a sir,
(The carriage was riding) On the local estates (that) neighbor the castle
Once his nap was cut, he was woken with a wild scream,
The driver laid dead, robbers were shouting
Because of the robbers, the carriage stood on the trackway, plundered
The sir (man) did not want to give up gold, they put him in shackles,
They took the gold, the carriage, and the horses and continued saying,
That this happened because the sir didn't give up after kindness,
Hands up, give all the gold that you carry with yourself,
Hands up, without force or violence [x2]
And some time passed, the trackway emptied,
And, while walking, only one villager saw the robbers again
He became scared and hid, but they got him as well
They took two grosze (~cent) and with a stick, broke his nape
An elegant man walked to a nearby gord
His parents told him to do something with his life
While walking the trackway, musing about the future,
They suddenly got him, (and) sacked him with no mercy
Hands up, give all the gold that you carry with yourself,
Hands up, without force or violence [x2]
Long years passed and the trackway no longer exists,
In this same spot runs a road,
And, although they are dressed better, the robbers continue
To wait for a victim to sack insolently,
Heya ho...
How work is, the pay is, when you go for due (?)
And the elegant robbers show you by pointing with a finger,
You hear - this is not an exaggeration, here with us there is no jokes,
Our leader sent us to you to clear you of your earnings
Hands up, give all the gold that you carry with yourself,
Hands up, without force or violence [x2]
Hands up, give all the gold that you carry with yourself,
Hands up, give it up...

You deserve gold

I swear swear swear
That my madness ends tomorrow.
But i'll continue continue continue
until your heart breaks.
When we fight, I play the victim
I broke you with my behavior
You said you thought
That you knew me.
I'm so sorry,
That I couldn't stabilize with you.
I regret my rude words,
which made you pack your belongings.
The future was made for us
But I hit your back against a wall
It wasn't the time for church bells and children.
Hey don't you ever
let anyone
treat you the way I did,
hurt and wound you.
Don't ever love anyone
who could be so cruel.
I knew I hurt, hurt
and wounded you.
I wish he takes
better care of happiness
Good luck, you deserve gold
I took the same photograph in my hand again
and thought how could you ever even love me.
I was terrible and broken at the same time.
I wish someone else wouldn't have stolen you
Now I can't return to the lighthouse anymore.
I write this and drink.
Sometimes I create drama intentionally
I let you have all the weapons to hit me
I know I hurt and wounded you.
I ment my rude words as daggers
and poured salt in the wounds.
I would do it all differently if I only could.
I would like to fix so much
but I only ask you
not to ever love anyone
who could be so cruel.
I wish he takes
better care of happiness
Good luck, you deserve gold

The Goldfish

A girl is waiting a ship in a harbor
The horizon below the river of tears
Promised is a place with the stars
Showed is that far far away there
is a much better place to be
Like a goldfish in the whirls of the bottomless sea
no fears of days, not cold nights
The Hell has been a known place for a long time
A boy has believed and made a peace
You'll get things right if you follow your dreams
go ahead at evening before the storm
It's the best way to be
Like a goldfish in the whirls of the bottomless sea
no fears of days, not cold nights
Just like the gold fishes
our promises in the winds
at the middle of the route I'd love to be already there
Like a goldfish in the whirls of the bottomless sea
no fears of days, not cold nights
Just like the gold fishes
out promises in the winds
at the middle of the route I'd love to be already there
Just like the gold fishes
out promises in the winds
at the middle of the route I'd love to be already there

I know that

Lepresy at home, but I don't know where it came from
I don't understand the world, can't life* in it
Lepresy at home has its reasons for being there
Sometimes I feel this leprosy's stench
One huntes another
,,love your neighbour as yourself''
I know that I know, that I know nothing
I know that I know nothing, in a constant need
I know that, I know that
I know, that they don't know what they're doing
I know that, I know that
And so what?
I've got blood on my mouth, they took them away from me
I was saying what I wanted, now I don't
Blood in my mouth, it fills it up
I feel fear at the bottom
A sword in my hands, I raise it up
Then forward with the war's chorus
Blood in my hands, blood on my hands
A sword in my hands and constant blood
I know that, I know that
I know, that they don't know what they're doing
I know that, I know that
I know, that they don't know what they're doing
I know that, I know that
I know, that they don't know what they're doing
I know that, I know that
And so what?
I know that, I know that
I know, that they don't know what they're doing
I know that, I know that
And so what?
But that's not a pacific manifesto
That's not a manifesto at all