Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 11


Az enyém dal

Ez a postaláda az enyém
És ez a háromszög tábla is
Az a kék lufi
Június hava
Mind az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, az enyém
Ziggy édessége az enyém
A madár csicsergése az enyém
A városi utcák
Mindkét lábad
Mind határozottan az enyém
Mind hozzám tartozik
Minden, amit látok
Észak, dél, kelet és nyugat
Simogatom, mert én birtoklom
Stingy vagyok és az enyém
És ez a zenei rész is az enyém
A padló és a plafon az enyémek
Az összes érzelmed az enyém
Mindig is tudtad
Erről ennyit
Az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, az enyém, az enyém

Elsőszámúak vagyunk

Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Elsőszámúak vagyunk
Elsőszámúak vagyunk
Most jól figyeljetek
Itt egy kis lecke cselekből
Ez a történelem része lesz
Ha gonosztevő akarsz lenni, elsőszámú
Le kell vadásznod egy menekülő szuperhőst
Csak kövesd a mozdulataimat és settenkedj
Óvatosan, ne kelts zajt
Nem, ne nyúlj hozzá!
Elsőszámúak vagyunk
Elsőszámúak vagyunk
Ha ha ha
Most nézzétek ezt a hálót, amit találtam
Amikor azt mondom, dobjátok el
Őrá dobjátok, ne rám!
Öh, próbáljunk meg valami mást
Most figyelj és tanulj, itt a helyzet
Jól elcsúszol ezen a banánhéjon
Ha ha ha! Mit műveltek?!
Elsőszámúak vagyunk
Elsőszámúak vagyunk
Elsőszámúak vagyunk

Number one

Number one!
Number one!
Now listen up:
Here's a lesson to trick!
Few are the things to learn!
If you want to be bad, you can:
You just have to chase this guy!
Furtive and safe, as light as a flower,
Be careful not to make any noise.
No! Don't touch it!
What are you doing?
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Look at this net, follow my plan:
When I say it, throw it far.
Throw it on him, not on me! Oh, let's try something else.
What will I do? Look here:
Anyone passing here will fall to the ground!
Oh! What are you doing!?!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one!
Number one.
Hey! Hey!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

We are Number One

Versions: #2
Are you a real villain?
- Well, uh, actually... no, not really.
Have you ever caught a good guy, so, uh, a real superhero?
- No, no.
Have you ever disguised yourself?
- Well, no.
Okay, then, like a genius, I will teach all of you how you can become true villains!
We are number one!
We are number one!
And now, pay attention!
Finally, an end to my irritation
We will make history together
And if you want to be the best villain you can be
Then make sure that a superhero can't recognize you
Chop-chop, move, move, move!
So do just as I do,
And sneak around,
And most importantly, keep your mouth shut
No, don't touch that!
Stop it!
We are number one!
Where are you guys going?!
We are number one!
What are you doing?!
We are number one!
Here, do you see this net?
It works great
Now, when I tell you to,
Cast it out.
But not at me, at him!
Okay, let's try this a different way...
Watch and learn, be quiet for a moment.
No one can remain standing on a banana peel!
Now what are you doing?!
We are number one!
We are number one!
We are number one!
We are number one!
We are number one!
We are number one!
Hey, hey!

Spooky Song

Strange creatures exist
They crawl when you're tired
They've got a flash in their red eyes
Creatures of night...
Watch out!
It crawls under your bed
The skeleton of an horrible monster
Your cute teddy bear Mirko
Transforms to an ogre at night
Bidibibi, it was me
Budibibu, fright!
When the light will turn on
Everything in the air will vanish
Bidibibi, it was me
Budibibu, fright!
When the light will turn on
Everything in the air will vanish
Eyes closed sleeping upstairs
Spiders and insects frightening
Strange shadows, come see
For you could even go crazy in the dark
Bidibibi, it was me
Budibibu, fright!
When the light will turn on
Everything in the air will vanish
It's enough, stay here
Don't fear shhh
Bidibibi, it was me
Budibibu, fright!
When the light will turn on
Everything in the air will vanish
Bidibibi, it was me
Budibibu, fright!
When the light will turn on
Everything in the air will vanish
When the light will turn on
Everything in the air will vanish
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.