Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 2


To Make Love

Metropolitan waves
Of boys and girls
Without making distinctions
With the wind among their thoughts
[They're] ready to revolutionize
The ground under their feet
The highlighted sentences
The ones they aren't able to say
But which taste like passion,
They've written them on themselves
So that nobody ever1
Will be able to say «Be quiet»
And while the others make war
For who shouts louder
We kiss each other
And while the others hate each other
We adore each other instead
We sing in choirs from the balconies
And we don't even know each other
I need to tell you
That we're here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and hear it said to oneself
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
[We are here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and be able to say it to each other
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
No-one will be able to stop us
And the time you waste hating
Is the time you take away from love
To make love
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?]2
Generational waves
Of boys and girls
Without making distinctions
They have fun dancing
Barefoot on the sand
No matter the season
And while the others make war
For who shouts louder
We kiss each other
And while the others hate each other
We adore each other instead
We sing in choirs from the balconies
And we don't even know each other
I need to tell you
That we're here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and hear it said to oneself
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
We are here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and be able to say it to each other3
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
No-one will be able to stop us
And the time you waste hating
Is the time you take away from love
To make love
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
We are here to make love
To make love
Look each other in the eye and hear it said to oneself
To make love
But how long does it take
To make love?
To make love?
  • 1. This line is missing in the lyrics, it's «Così che mai nessuno».
  • 2. This whole section is missing in the original, it's like the analogous section below.
  • 3. The lyrics say «poterselo dire» here, not «sentirselo dire» like in other sections above.

So Wrong

The dawn that discovers my face
I'm awake and I get dressed
In the wrong place
So wrong
Sorry, I got distracted
I left you alone
at the wrong time
Maybe I messed up
The 6am taxis
Empty benches
And my beard in the windows
But how is it your fault
If I am
Wrong, wrong, wrong
Take me home
Save me again
From these cold, purple hands
Take me home again
Because I'm afraid of myself
Hold me tight in the darkness and tell me
That you love me1 even like this
You love me even like this
My cardboard castles
My boxers' eyes
On the wrong side
So wrong
And my ability to hurt myself
When I feel like a son, and I am a father
And you tell me that
It's not so wrong, wrong, wrong
Take me home
Save me again
From these cold, purple hands
Take me home again
Because I'm afraid of myself
Hold me tight in the darkness and tell me
That you love me even like this
You love me even like this
Wrong, wrong, wrong
In my empty clothing, close to you,
And even so, you pick me up
In the middle of the glasses and you can make me believe
That it may be perfect even like this
That you love me2 even like this,
So wrong
Take me home
And you, take me home
Because I'm afraid of myself
Hold me tight in the darkness and tell me
That you love me even like this
You love me even like this
So wrong
  • 1. Familiar
  • 2. Romantic