A keresés eredménye oldal 6
Találatok száma: 296
Akkor csináltuk, amikor fiatalok voltunk
Ne írj nekem több levelet, a postaládám már bombákkal van tele
A helyi csalók meg te teszitek bele
Nem emlékszem a szép időkre, nem voltam ott, mikor kedves voltál
És a feleségem tart néhány kutyát az udvarunkban
És nem gyújthatok gyertyát minden csinos lányért
Sok órán át voltunk idegenek egymásnak és oly sokáig hiányoztál
Mikor oroszlánok voltunk, viaskodó szeretők
Elhalványult, mint a neved azon a farmeron, amit elégettem
De most már öregebb vagyok
És akkor csináltuk, mikor fiatalok voltunk
Most már öregebb vagyok
És akkor csináltuk, mikor fiatalok voltunk
Nincs okom azt hinni, hogy eltemettem a hitem egy újabb telken
A szíveddel és a ruháiddal, mikor megtalálom
Nem érezlek vagy emlékszek rád, a csontjaidat kiteszem az udvarba
Hogy valaki mást értesítsenek, és valaki más érdeklődjön
De most már öregebb vagyok
És akkor csináltuk, mikor fiatalok voltunk
Most már öregebb vagyok
És akkor csináltuk, mikor fiatalok voltunk
De most már öregebb vagyok
És akkor csináltuk, mikor fiatalok voltunk
Most már öregebb vagyok
És akkor csináltuk, mikor fiatalok voltunk
Veled a fejemben
Folyamatosan visszatartod
Tartod magad a folyamatossághoz
Nem engeded magad többet elvenni de azért csak csak szívsz
Nyilvánvaló, hogy zavart vagy
Csak szövetséget akarsz
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Hallod tőlük, amit láttál
Ó, szentelt, szentelt víz önti el a lelket
Összeszeded az összes embert, akit szeretsz, hogy énekeljenek neked
Akkor is ha dúdolásnál többre nem hajlandók
Ragaszkodsz egy dalhoz, hogy meglásd őket
Mikor igazán rosszul, rosszul, rosszul vagy a szerelemtől
Lelépsz a szívükkel
Hogy magadban formáld őket
Akkor is ha ők maradnak a futásnál
Megtartod a lelküket a hitben
Amíg kell, kell, kell neked a szerelem
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Kővé válva, ahogy te sírtál az eséstől
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Nyelveken szólva, mindannyian megkaptuk a hívást
Menj, vársz, hogy megöleld a zátonyt, gyűlölöd a gondolatot, tűrhetően vagy
Olyan sötétnektűnsz a síráshoz
Ó, mi készen állunk, édes
Megvan minden képességem
Minden szerelmünket magadnak adtad
Minden, amit tanítottál nekem, édes
Sosem számított igazán, tényleg
Ez mind a szerelmünk érted
Veled a fejemben
Veled a fejemben
Veled a fejemben
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Kővé válva, ahogy te sírtál az eséstől
Mikor elbuktál a férfiak jöttek keresni
Nyelveken szólva, mindannyian megkaptuk a hívást
Ó, mi készen állunk, édes
Megvan minden képességem
Minden szerelmünket magadnak adtad
Minden, amit tanítottál nekem, édes
Sosem számított igazán, tényleg
Ez mind a szerelmünk érted
Remélem, hogy készen állok, édes
Megvan minden képességem
Minden szerelmünket magadnak adtad
Minden, amit tanítottál nekem, édes
Sosem számított igazán, tényleg
Ez mind a szerelmünk érted
Az örökkévalóságból mit
Fuss, fuss, fussál el, oly elveszett, elveszett, sose jövök
Haza, gördülve, gördülve le az úton
Nem, nem, sose jövök vissza
Szerelem pulzál az ereimben
A mi szerelmünk, remélem még nem késő
Ez az út, ez a teher, ez a szerep
Én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok
(Mit nem értesz abból)
(Hogy örökkévalóság?)
Maradhatnék, maradhatnék, maradhatnék, ha ezt akarod, akarod, akarod
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
És mehetnénk, mehetnénk, mehetnénk
És sose néznék vissza a mára
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
Fuss, fuss, fussál el, oly elveszett, elveszett, sose jövök
Haza, gördülve, gördülve le az úton
Nem, nem, sose jövök vissza
Szerelem pulzál az ereimben
A mi szerelmünk, remélem még nem késő
Ez az út, ez a teher, ez a szerep
Én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok, én rég benne vagyok
(Mit nem értesz abból)
(Hogy örökkévalóság?)
Maradhatnék, maradhatnék, maradhatnék, ha ezt akarod, akarod, akarod
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
És mehetnénk, mehetnénk, mehetnénk
És sose néznék vissza a mára
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Képzeld el az örökkévalóságot, nem tűnik olyan nehéznek
Azt mondják semmi sem tart örökké
Be kell bizonyítanunk, hogy tévednek
Maradhatnék, maradhatnék, maradhatnék, ha ezt akarnád, akarnád, akarnád
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
És mehetnénk, mehetnénk, mehetnénk
És sose néznék vissza a mára
Megadnám neked, neked, neked
Ha lenne szívem, szívem, szívem
Soha sem volt ugyanolyan
Nézz csak körbe
Egy szót sem szólsz, miközben mindent elveszítünk
Semmi sem ugyanolyan ebben a régi városban
Hát kerülj beljebb
Minden romlásnak indult, mented ami menthető
Senki sem ugyanaz ebben a régi városban
Azt mondtad a mi szerelmünk örök
De soha sem volt ugyanolyan ebben a régi városban
Így hát küzdünk, hogy megmentsünk mindent
Azt kívántuk, hogy minden a régi maradjon
Igyekeztünk mindent megmenteni
De nem kellett volna minden érzést elfojtani
Így hát küzdünk, hogy megmentsünk mindent
Azt kívántuk, hogy minden a régi maradjon
Igyekeztünk mindent megmenteni
De nem kellett volna minden érzést elfojtani
Soha sem fogod elárulni pontosan mire vágysz
Csak szótlanul nézed ahogy minden elveszik
Azt mondtad a mi szerelmünk örök
De soha sem volt ugyanolyan ebben a régi városban
Így hát küzdünk, hogy megmentsünk mindent
Azt kívántuk, hogy minden a régi maradjon
Igyekeztünk mindent megmenteni
De nem kellett volna minden érzést elfojtani
Így hát küzdünk, hogy megmentsünk mindent
Azt kívántuk, hogy minden a régi maradjon
Igyekeztünk mindent megmenteni
De nem kellett volna minden érzést elfojtani
Elszakadtunk egymástól
Elszakadtunk egymástól
Így hát küzdünk, hogy megmentsünk mindent
Azt kívántuk, hogy minden a régi maradjon
Igyekeztünk mindent megmenteni
De nem kellett volna minden érzést elfojtani
Elszakadtunk egymástól
I'm leaving the store, everything is new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
All my chains and clothes are new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
[Verse 1:Hawk]
Wandering in another city
I feel everyone wants me to fall
I am under the gun
I said I won't get involved, I don't want to be in trouble again
Ouh-ouh-ouh baby, voodoo baby
I have so many issues as money, baby
Everything's boring when you're not here, baby
Around me wolves,snakes,predators, eyy
When you undress, when you surrender yourself to me
So good that makes me wonder if I could drink you
She says ''Cum on me''
She says ''don't cum in me''
I'm rolling up a cigarette for you to smoke
Night and substance abuse
Dancing with guilt
[Chorus: Light]
I'm leaving the store, everything is new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
All my chains and clothes are new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
[Verse 2: Light]
You have casted a voodoo spell,baby
We are in a gang, suwoop baby
I met you, I said what it do baby
Put in you belly a new baby
And that's true, baby
Young superstar, everyday shopping
Fucking and fighting, everyday dirty tricks
Put the gun down, you won't shoot anyone
You say that you'll leave but you don't convince anyone
I have room service for 15 thousand
They introduce themselves and I just say 'nice to meet you'
We are in South France, tasting grapes
I said, s'il vous plaît, come and give me a blowjob
Big coupe, baby
Four guns in the van, I'll go on tour, baby
If they're with us, they know they'll get paid, baby
And that's true, baby
I'm leaving the store, everything is new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
All my chains and clothes are new new
She doesn't leave my side like she has taken MD
Wherever I go, I will be looking for her
Has the bitch casted a voodoo spell on me?
I hid it inside my heart, the loneliness I used to embrace
I clutched it so close to me it hurt, that bright future
As I wield my blade I head onto an unknown tomorrow
I'll take this heartbeat with me towards the audience's thundering applause
The 'brilliance' lit up
That dark painful road for us
Tears are frustrating, aren't they?
Let's join our hearts, Stage Girls
99 Seize it! ILLUSION!
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
If I'm with you then we can breathe life into this two-dimensional world
That only exists on paper
The stage is my life!
It seems as though it's encouraging me, this beautiful light
Let's go even higher! Aiming for a bigger place
With your naked feelings, you have to become a strong arrow
It's as fragrant as the swaying leaves, and those true words
'The stage is our life!'
Someone taught them to us
We'll show you our way of life
Let's join our dreams Stage Girls
Become a burning star!
In your heart we don't need any tricks, you're perfect the way you are
That 'brilliance is nothing but the reflection of an illumination
So I don't want to show you any lies
The stage is my life!
I'm sure you learned through trial and error
Repeating it over and over again until you could walk by yourself
It looks as though you wanted your figure to be dyed 'blue'
And now you're smiling
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
If I'm with you then we can breathe life into this two-dimensional world
That only exists on paper
The stage is my life!
Reach it! All the way to the finale, come on, run!
I face you and the stardust
Become a burning star!
In your heart, we don't need any tricks
The stage is my life!
Shine bright
99 ILLUSION is my life!
Don't need
It’s enough
Don’t torture me, I can't love you anymore
It’s all in vain
Open your eyes, don't lie to yourself
Don't need, don't need your feelings
Don't need
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
I can't love you
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Forget, don’t torture yourself
Too bad that I can’t give you feels that matches yours
We don’t have love anymore, it’s fire is gone
Don't need, don't need your feelings
Don't need
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
I can't love you
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Forget, don’t torture yourself
Tears of eyes
Don’t drop without heart’s order
My head’s imaginary
Can’t stay in place wheres no truth
Tears of eyes
Don’t drop without heart’s order
My head’s imaginary
Can’t stay in place wheres no truth
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
I can't love you
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Baby bye bye bye
Forget, don’t torture yourself
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Sun! High! Gold!
(Sun! Sun! High! uh~yeah!)
The sun is calling!
Ringing your door bell
“Let’s hang out together!”
This is the golden season
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)
I wanna show you yeah I really wanna
Kept you waiting! The sunflowers are blooming
There’s no way of ranking memories
Anyway, these moments are golden
Late-blossoming flowers have
So much energy inside them
My hopes and dreams
Bursting at the seams
‘cuz I wanna
I wanna be your sun!
Giving you a smile in return
I’m gonna smile
Even more than you do!
Bathing in the sun
Let’s watch the golden flowers blooming here and there!
Together with you, forever
Miserably running, fiercely churning
Going beyond the pouring shower
radiantly burning, brilliantly blazing
Basking in the scorching sun
These are shining golden days
I’ve spent with you
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)
(You guys, one, two, Sun! High!)
It took a long time but they finally bloomed
The sunflowers are now in full blossom
Memories are easy to be beautified
But the process of growing is still gold-tinged
Strength to fight against the north wind
I couldn’t have it all on my own
Someone so dear to me
You were there for me, above all
I wanna be the sun!
If these are too high hopes
Let’s talk one on one
And break out a smile on our lips!
Bathing in the sun
Hear the applause crossing the wind
Repeated over and over again
Here and there, making some noise
Out in our ensemble
Feeling great, feeling high
Everyone, assemble!
So involved in watching
Shining golden dreams
(yeah yeah yeah… yeah!)
I wanna be the sun!
Even hotter than anyone
I wanna ignite your heart
Bathing in the sun
The golden flowers come into blossom all over the place
I’m sure this is love, this is undoubtedly love
Thank you!
Miserably running, fiercely churning
Going beyond the pouring shower
radiantly burning, brilliantly blazing
Basking in the scorching sun
These are shining golden days
I’ve spent with you
(Sun! High! Sun! High!)
A Fény Elhalványul
Viszlát, barátaim
A fény elhalványul
Egy újabb nap telt el
Viszlát barátaim
Viszlát, ez nem a vége
Mi magasabbra fogunk szállni
Mint eddig valaha tettük
Nem megyek el, nem
Semmiért sem
A hazaúszásért
Mert mindig így volt, valahol a közötte
A fény elhalványul
És könnyű meglátni, a reményt az álmainkban
Ezért ne hagyd, hogy túl sokáig aludjak
Mert én, nem akarok semmiről lemaradni, veled
Mi magasabbra fogunk szállni
Mint eddig valaha tettük
Nem megyek el, nem
Semmiért sem
A hazaúszásért
Mi magasabbra fogunk szállni
Mint eddig valaha tettük
Nem megyek el, nem
Semmiért sem
A hazaúszásért
Mert mindig így volt, valahol a közötte
A fény elhalványul
És könnyű meglátni, a reményt az álmainkban
Jó éjt, barátaim
Holnap újrakezdődik
Az első sugaraknál
Shine A Light
The darkness in my heart, the light of my dream
The moment I suddenly plunge into nothingness (that moment)
The light rises from the bottom of my heart
I recall the time that’s gone by
Don’t forget my wish
Until it all comes true
My miracle has come alive and
Opens my eyes
The downpour of starlight
Lights up my eyes
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
You’re the only one
Hey, have you noticed?
The planets that revolve around you
Keep shining on you every day (everyday)
I can’t stop these feelings
This world is overflowing with you
My racing heart goes on and on
A singular light
If I could be together with you
It would be the perfect dream
We can run and fly
Hold me in your arms, starlight
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
Your sweet scent fills the air
And shows me the way
Always and whenever
As I breathe in now
I’m pouring out gratitude
Because you give it to me
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (I want)
The moment I’ve waited for has arrived
Shine a light (I want) Shine a light (want)
I’ll shine brighter on you
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
More than anything in the world
You’re my shining STAR
Shining shining shining one
You’re the only only one
Forever and always
You’re the only one
Your Light
When you slightly blink I get surprised for a moment
I'm still getting used to it, it's on air, It's the beginning
The yesterday that I was afraid of feels like a warning signal (I know it now)
In the depths of your sparkling eyes,
I feel like everything will work out
A fancy light up
Heart is beating beating sometimes
So shiny shiny it's dangerous
Even when you're lost
Along the line that your heart drew drew
Let's turn on your light
Fly higher, the colorful light
Embrace it as much as you want
Let's color your mind
I'm more curious, it's more mysterious
Paint the world with you
Just as you set your heart to, alright
Really really do
Really really do
Just as you set your heart to, you
The gaze of the beast that chose its target, uh
The signal of refusal, it might be
As everyone said, you
Will you stay inside the box like that like that?
See it as you want
Every day is new
Reveal all the senses
Let's go far away together
Everything will be different
Even though someone might be tired of the secret secret
And become anxious anxious
More like eighteen
Yes, enjoy enjoy jump in now
Let's turn on your light
Fly higher, the colorful light
Embrace it as much as you want
Let's color your mind
I'm more curious, it's more mysterious
Paint the world with you
Just as you set your heart to, alright
Really really do
Really really do
Just as you set your heart to, you
Hear it hear it deeply
Listen listen more talk to yourself
There's nothing more important than that
A story left unfinished, a fearful day day
Following you, I create this color
Keep your dream
Let's turn on your light
You still don't know, awaken your whole body
Leave it to where it wants to gravitate towards
Let's color your mind
Dive in deep, everyone is surprised
You shine enough, believe it
As you wish your light
Really really do
Really really do
As you wish your light
Northern lights
Cypresses pointing at the sky
Teach me the future I still can't see
Glorious, when I first met your eyes
All my previous, we were too sad
The guidepost of destiny shone on the blue darkness
Running hand in hand
Through the aurora prairie
We go to the far stars of my hometown
Like a reindeer going astray from the group
I searched for love ringing the bells
Glorious, though it was hidden in something
All my previous, I believe I'd find you
Let's return tonight to the long horizon of time
The polar star floats in the firmament
When we get on the boat
We go to the stars that we went before
I still can't see anything
Running hand in hand
Through the aurora prairie
We go to the far stars of my hometown
New Light
Climb up the clouds with me
I want you to enjoy the view of the world from there
You can sleep with the stars
When I woke up, there was not a single point of darkness in front of me
We came from our sadness
We've already left it behind
I will make all those bad dreams go away
I will fill your heart with peacefulness
I will make all those bad dreams go away
I will fill your heart with peacefulness
We came from our sadness
We've already left him behind
(Climb up the clouds with me)
(I want you to enjoy the view of the world from there)
(You can sleep with the stars)
(When I wake up, there is not a single point of darkness in front of me)
Everything is clear
The days passed, sat at a window,
The years passed, lost in my thoughts,
The moments passed, in innocence,
And I saw nothing,
Now I'm here, in the light of the stars,
Now I'm here, my eyes are open,
Now I can fully believe
That this is my (fated) destination.
Now, everything is clear,
It's as though the darkness has melted,
Now, everything is clear,
This is now a new night
There are lamps lit in my heart,
This world has now become new,
In a single moment everything has changed
Since I found you.
('I have something to give you too.
I should've given it to you earlier, but I was scared,
And now, I'm not scared at all.
You understand, don't you?' 'Yes, a little')
The days passed, wandering alone
The years passed, lost in my own world,
The moments passed, I had my eyes closed,
I was somewhere far away,
Now she's here, right in front of me,
Now she's here, close to my heart,
Now I can fully believe
That this is my (fated) destination.
Now that's she's close, I'm convinced my world is here.
Now, everything is clear,
It's as though the darkness has melted,
Now, everything is clear,
This is now a new night
There are lamps lit in my heart,
This world has now become new,
In a single moment everything has changed
Since I found you.
Since I found you.
In the pitch black sky, I know how you feel
Don't say 'not yet'
I'm still thinking of you
But we're not still together
In the pitch black sky, I know how you feel
Don't say 'not yet'
I'm still thinking of you
But we're not still together
we on, we on, we on
we on, we on, we on
we on, we on, we on
we on, we on, we on
Open the door babe, I'm already in front of your house
Fuck, every day, when I'm drunk
As soon as I knock on your door and call your name
We can't help it, we love and hate at the same time
Like the word F-ck, I know you've had it enough
Stir me as much as you want, lots of stars around us
We dance as we did back then, like whole lot a love
Just don’t give a fuck, maybe we're still
the brightest star in the tonight
Moonlight in the dark night, in a room without you
In the pitch black sky, I know how you feel
Don't say 'not yet'
I'm still thinking of you
But we're not still together
In the pitch black sky, I know how you feel
Don't say 'not yet'
I'm still thinking of you
But we're not still together
we on, we on, we on
we on, we on, we on
we on, we on, we on
we on, we on, we on
Open the door babe, I'm already in front of your house
(we on, we on, we on)
Fuck, every day, when I'm drunk
(we on, we on, we on)
As soon as I knock on your door and call your name
(we on, we on, we on)
We can't help it, we love and hate at the same time
(we on, we on, we on)
the brightest star in the tonight
Moonlight in the dark night, in a room without you
the brightest star in the tonight
Moonlight in the dark night, in a room without you
I see the light
How many years, I have dreamed
How many years disappointed
I don't know, how I lived
To love is happiness
The stars will shine when you are there
My heart will sing when you are there
Is it real or a dream?
Fate will join us
As the morning dawns
I will become a radiant light
I want to see such an amazing
The blue sky is infinite
The star of the road
He decorated my life
My heart beats only for you
You are my love
How many years, I have dreamed
How many years disappointed
I don't know, how I lived
To love is happiness
The stars will shine when you are there
My heart will sing when you are there
Is it real or a dream?
Fate will join us
As the morning dawns
I will become a radiant light
I want to see such an amazing
The blue sky is infinite
The star of the road,
You are the beauty of my life
The stars will shine when you are there
To love is happiness
Táncolni a holdfényben
Majdnem értjük minden este
Amikor a hold nagy és fényes
Ez egy természetfeletti élvezet
Mindenki táncol a holdfényben
Mindenki itt van szem elől tévesztve
Nem vonítanak és harapnak
Hagyják a dolgokat lazán és szorosan
Mindenki táncol a holdfényben
Táncolni a holdfényben
Mindenki melegséget és fényt érez
Mint egy jó és természetes látvány
Mindenki táncol a holdfényben
Tetszik az örömünk és soha nem harcolunk
Nem táncolhatsz és feszült maradsz
Ez egy természetfeletti élvezet
Mindenki táncolt a holdfényben
Táncolni a holdfényben
Mindenki melegséget és fényt érez
Mint egy jó és természetes látvány
Mindenki táncol a holdfényben
Majdnem értjük minden este
Amikor a hold nagy és fényes
Ez egy természetfeletti élvezet
Mindenki táncol a holdfényben
Táncolni a holdfényben
Mindenki melegséget és fényt érez
Mint egy jó és természetes látvány
Mindenki táncol a holdfényben...
Light My Way
I was crying without an umbrella
in the pouring rain
I believe that it wouldn´t change
The figure reflected in the mirror disappeared
Oh light my way
Beyond the starry sky
I´ll find a way
Because I decided not to give up
Don´t run away
Because there is a miracle piece in my hand
Surrounded by hard days, siking to the bottom of the sea
Even if there are times like that
I want to take good care of every day
I start crying, I can`t sleep
don't give up that night FIGHT ON!!!
I'll be by your side all the time.
Oh light my way
Beyond the starry sky
I´ll find a way
I decided not to cry anymore
Don't run away
Because there is a miracle piece in my hand
Even if you can't see the road
You can move forward
The beginning of your dream is waiting for you
So spread your fragile wings and let it fly high
Beyond the light LET'S GO!
Oh light my way
Beyond the starry sky
I´ll find a way
I decided not to cry anymore
Don't run away
Because there is a miracle piece in my hand
Oh light my way
Staring at the light
I found my way
Reach out to reach
So fly away
Keep fighting
Until the day your dreams come true.
Miracle light
I want to do love fortune-telling. Tonight seems promising
God, look. I'm throbbing a little
Dadada davida, a spell
Dadada davida, a spell
The moon comes out of the window
These things give good vibe
They really give good vibe
I want to believe in miracles, that there's a UFO in the sky
The moonlight invites to a strange and mysterious mood
Dadada davida, a spell
Dadada davida, a spell
In the full moon night a miracle happens
What's that? A UFO. No way, it's a UFO
Damn. I was wrong
The moon has a miracle light
Rururu. A mysterious night
Davida. Miracle light
The moon has a miracle light
Davida. Miracle light
ez itt, Amerika
mondtak van ott egy mennyei hely
legjobb az út egy 747-es repülővel
hát ez egy
gazdag világ
az embernek kedve lesz
fölkúszni az égen, alattuk az Óceán
ahova mész
gazdag világ
könnyen elérhető
űrhold a hírvivő
központ itt a hívó
tárcsázz újra kezd elöl
hé itt Amerika (nincs vonal)
halló Amerika (azt mondta hívjam fel)
ez itt Amerika (küldött egy számot)
hát ez itt Amerika (van vonal)
rám vár Amerika
majd a műhold összekapcsol
ott ring a csillagos égen
igen egy gazdag
modern jövő
na nézzük kagyló föl
a végtelenen jön a kapcsolás
gazdag ország
boldog jövő
egy telefonszám vár rám
de most meg nem veszi föl
valami hiba van
most meg nem veszi föl
hé itt Amerika (nincs vonal)
halló Amerika (azt mondta hívjam fel)
ez itt Amerika (küldött egy számot)
hát ez itt Amerika (van vonal)
rád vár Amerika
azt mond hív, ha csöpp ideje lesz
ő is szenved a nagy távolságtól
gazdag világ
kedves világ
hé itt Amerika (nincs vonal)
halló Amerika (azt mondta hívjam fel)
ez itt Amerika (küldött egy számot)
hát ez itt Amerika (van vonal)
halló Amerika
halló Amerika, hé itt Amerika
ez itt Amerika, rád vár Amerika
fordította Gaál György István
Looking inside the mirror
I tell him not to stop this game
it’s been awhile
I’m starting over
gonna freak you out
Step into the crowd
Now I see all eyes on me
It’s been a while
I’m breaking out
I’m gonna show you now
Stop time, I'm going to find my heart
And if I meet myself there
I have something to say
To the me I find on the edge of the cliff
Step on one foot at a time, run as hard as you can
You can try to spread your wings
One day, you'll be flying the skies
You're eternal starlight
Step on that wall and cross it
Find the end of fear
I'll take the light hidden inside me
And set it free
Turning on the spotlight
I say
Everybody calls me
you know it
I deserve it
Turning on the spotlight
Turning on the spotlight
Turning on the spotlight
I'm grabbing time and finding my heart
And if I find myself there
I have something to say
To the me standing at the end of the road
Step on one foot at a time, run as hard as you can
You can try to spread your wings
One day, you'll be flying the skies
You're eternal starlight
You’re eternal starlight
You’re eternal starlight
Gonna show you now
Oh Gonna show you now
Because you're beautiful
Because you're pretty
I'm just only you
Make sure to always
Hold me like that
You're my living room
Even being in the swaying wind is freezing
Let's keep letting loose a lot of stories
Yeah I
Feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
Looks like I'm like a butterfly
Living alongside you is just like
a miracle, to set up a monumental monument
Let's run away tonight
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me how to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
Hurutututu hurutututu Ay
I'll listen to all you have to say Bluetooth
I only have eyes for you
I'm trapped inside the star for only us
I embroider each one, one by one
Here or there or anywhere
Whatever you do, do it without rules or pretense
Make it a rule
My key is after I express my feelings to you
Woo, I'm filling myself with you
It is like a twilight
The false acting inside the illusion whoo
Your moonlight that is broadly trickling down
Beautifully blooming
Over that hill
Feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
Looks like I'm like a butterfly
Living alongside you is just like
a miracle, to set up a monumental monument
Let's run away tonight
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me
How to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
The eyes that look at me
The dream that I dream when I fall into them
I draw them over a hundred times
An ending that's too beautiful
At that brightly shining starlight, I follow the line
I feel like, feel like, feel like a butterfly
My wings are spreading
La La Twilight
Even in that darkness you bloom
With the hum's verse
It becomes a star just for us
I'm forever your volunteer
It's a dramatic melody
Tell me
How to make a simple way
You're a brightly shining star in the twilight
I put you in
A picturesque blue light
Spice Paradise
Spice Paradise
Lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah
Lalala lalala c’mon
How’s it going? Well, nothing much
There’s not enough of smiling coriander
Put them all in the pot
And then stir them up (we can)
Open the door (spice spice)
Pour some love (spice spice)
Mix it with your heart
And then I’ll make you
Time for so much fun
Don’t stop what are you waiting for? (no thank you)
Take it slow and let’s get the chance (foo)
Til your heart is satisfied
(5, 4, 3, 2, 1 yeah!!)
Put some spice and hang in there
The future is our infinite treasure
Step by step, step by step
Come on, be proud and face forward as we go
With every blink of an eye the paradise spreads
This spice of smiles will make you positive
Nutmeg, saffron, and black pepper! *
(lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah)
Spice Paradise
All this time I’ve been feeling so low
When that happens, use a smile as hidden flavor
And then, let’s start it over from scratch
Going round ‘n round (we can)
It’s getting hard on occasion (spice spice)
Hot and spicy (spice spice)
Sometimes treat me nicely
I’m sure I can get it over with
No matter what the spiciness
Go ahead, what are you worried about? (no thank you)
Rejoice in our youth, let’s sing a song
With your pounding heart
(5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Are you ready? Yeah!!)
Feel the spice and hold your head high
Our thoughts can change the future
Little by little, a little bit’s enough
Find confidence in yourself and just have fun
There goes the paradise where every wish is fulfilled
I’ll bring you the bestest positiveness
Oregano, cinnamon, and cardamom! *
(lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah)
Spice Paradise
Clap your hands!!
Foo!! Foo!! Say yeah!!
Lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah
Lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah
Til your heart is satisfied
(5, 4, 3, 2, 1 yeah!!)
Put some spice and hang in there
The future is our infinite treasure
Step by step, step by step
Come on, be proud and face forward as we go
Feel the spice and hold your head high
Our thoughts can change the future
Little by little, a little bit’s enough
Find confidence in yourself and just have fun
There goes the paradise where every wish is fulfilled
I’ll bring you the bestest positiveness
Cumin, turmeric, and red chili pepper! *
(lalala lalala yeah yeah yeah)
I’ll bring you some spice
I’ll bring you positiveness
In this Spice Paradise
Passion Fan Fanfare
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Ooh let’s go!
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Ooh say yeah!
“Squad, let’s go energetically!”
Hey everybody while the day is young
Get the vibes and jump right in say wow
Come on, whatcha waiting for?
Think it’s easier to run away and lie down
You only live once and can't die twice say wow
I bet you’re capable of anything
Sometimes you tumble down and get hurt as you start running
If you just sing proudly
Tomorrow will shine more brightly
Full of passion Fan Fanfare
Move on and Gan Ganbare!
For the sake of these now or never days yeah!!
Fall in love, Fan Fanfare
Have a dream, Gan Ganbare!
You can cry many times but sometime you know
It’ll turn into your treasure, singing!!
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Doesn’t matter if you make mistakes and feel lost
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Let’s go over the top and take everything we want
Boys & girls
What is the funniest thing to you right now? Say wow
Come on, don’t you hold back
Take your time seriously to do what you like
Don’t look away and just do it! Say wow
Something will happen
Even when you’re liable to collide, unskilled
You've got the right answer
Life is short, love your life!
The youth's like Fan Fanfare
With all your might, Gan Ganbare!
Find something only you can do yeah!!
Show me a smile liike Fan Fare
Burn it up and Gan Ganbare!
When we're in a fight, someday we'll rememeber
That we're BFF ever
Anyone could have those days because every time they fall apart
It takes more than courage to have their dreams upright
All this time I’ve had faith in you, and I always will
You can do it! So you gotta do!
Because there’s still even more fun to be had!
When you feel like crying, Fan Fanfare
When you have regrets, Gan Ganvare
You’re not alone all the time yeah!!
Feel elated and Fan Fanfare
You gotta shine and Gan Ganvare
I’ll tell you a thousand times and more
I just wanna cheer you on yeah!!
Full of passion Fan Fanfare
Move on and Gan Ganbare!
These precious days have the point of no return yeah!!
Fall in love, Fan Fanfare
Have a dream, Gan Ganbare!
You can cry many times but sometime you know
It’ll turn into your treasure, singing!!
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
It’s alright for us to sing aloud! Repeat after us
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Keep screaming at the top of your lungs
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Fan Fan Fan Fan FAN & FUN
Ready set, yeah!!!!!!
Light Up The World Tonight
See me, I think they're crazy
Oh, I can't be all alone
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
I'm trying to find home.
Energy pumping through my body
Can you feel the electricity from me?
Flashing lights everywhere
No time to look, stop or stare
Just release and let it be.
Get crazy
We're breaking free tonight. (2x)
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight.
We're gonna light up the world tonight. (3x)
Every moment in my life
Every day that passes by
I just try to be myself
This is who I need to be
Let the music set you free
If you are in need of help.
Get crazy
We're breaking free tonight. (2x)
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight.
We're gonna light up the world tonight. (3x)
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
We're gonna light up the world tonight (3x)
This guy is crazy.
The Light In My Eyes
Allah my dear
Allah o Allah
Allah my dear
Allah o Allah
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
My shining fortune and fate
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
O Allah
O my kindest one
Allah o Allah
Lelaa aa elalaa, lelaa haayee la laa
Lelaa aa elalaa, lelaa haayee la laa
Sleep tight,
The mother's life
They are sleeping
All of them entirely
Go to sleep
The mother's life
The sleepyhead champion
Fell asleep
So fall asleep
The mother's life
Fall asleep
The mother's life
Fall asleep
The mother's life
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
Allah o Allah
The light in my eyes
Allah o Allah
The spirit of my soul
Allah o Allah
Auriga the Charioteer
'Eh! Just a moment, w-what? What’s the meaning of this?!'
'Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no Surikire,
Erichthonius is I.'
'The real hero, Erichthonius, Lalafin will play him!'
'Per my fortune-telling, my victory is appearing!'
Hey visitor, can you hear the sound of the beating drum, it's the start of the performance
The 'don don don' comes, and after that now what's the time
The star performer's appearance, ha-hai!
The fool's wisdom YO! Focused governance HO!
How long have I been waiting, I can't become strong
'A miracle is something I make myself.'
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Knowledge helps oneself
To the person who does not act, God says
'I do not extend the hand of salvation'
The theater does not stop seeking
Where is the grand finale?
Unthinkable circumstances, driving the Auriga
Trying things even in a pinch
Will the stage end safely?
Watching protectively, Erichthonius
Let's knock our spirits against each other,
Daringly, begin the war atop the stage
Rakugo is surely the peak of intellect, from humor to tearjerkers
Cradle, graveyard, ironic, intermission bento,
Come what may, ha-hai!
Please cut it out YO! This is more chaotic than Seisho HO!
Chaos comes about, how about a mask of justice?
'From an awakening... transformation!'
From the ancient times of the creation of the universe
The future is engraved in one's hands
Move forward, don't give up by any means
Because 'a chance will someday come along'
The one standing in the center will be me only
Become my ally, spotlight
Unthinkable circumstances, driving the Auriga
Trying things even in a pinch
Will the stage end safely?
Watching protectively, Erichthonius
'Even though I say the curtain is rising, This is the state of affairs… not this kind of revue!'
I wonder if this seems as expected, I say this isn't a revue
That's not the case, 'In all knowledge there is potential'
The dawn of humanity
The curtain rising on the stage
The wide sky is merely one person's
In the world that you perform, you'll be made to drown
Aiyaiya aiyaiya aiyaiya-haha!
'Something like this song, it'll become a habit.'
'You're completely right~!!'
'I'm in high spirits!'
'This is the best!'
To the person who does not act, God says
'I do not extend the hand of salvation'
The theater does not stop seeking
Where is the grand finale?
Unthinkable circumstances, driving the Auriga
Trying things even in a pinch
Will the stage end safely?
Watching protectively, Erichthonius
I Am a Poor Android
I'm thump-thump in love, in love with my my master
My celluloid frame is so charming
Here comes a dumb maid robot falling in love
Poor me you probably wouldn't recognize
The moment I got captivated, something just began
That broken-down me, about to blow up
Itching and tickling, heart-pounding
Can I get naked out here? (go ahead!)
Can I show you my heart? (show him!)
My newborn jewel is pink
My circuit already shorted out (go boom!)
Maybe I've become a human being (what a surprise!)
Seems like a miracle to come (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl that fell in troublesome love
Da da
There are many of me with the same face throughout the world
It's the serial number that only belongs to me
I'm so into you that I can't put in any work
Will you report me for doing that?
Hold me, hold me as tight as you can
Because there’s no other way left of me
Lovey dovey kissin’ me
A kiss on my sleeping face, just kidding (tee-hee!)
Maybe I took this too far (you fool!)
The very organism is part of me, falling in love
Love could even change the substance (go boom!)
It'd be bad if I got naked (no way!)
It'd be gross if I showed you my heart (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl, unreasonable but super cute
Da da
We androids dream of both electric sheep and sandstorms
Lying awake on a rainbow bed, grabbing some cherries with you
Can I get naked out here? (go ahead!)
Can I show you my heart? (show him!)
My newborn jewel is pink
My circuit already shorted out (go boom!)
Maybe I've become a human being (what a surprise!)
Seems like a miracle to come (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl that fell in troublesome love
A kiss on my sleeping face, just kidding (tee-hee!)
Maybe I took this too far (you fool!)
The very organism is part of me, falling in love
Love could even change the substance (go boom!)
It'd be bad if I got naked (no way!)
It'd be gross if I showed you my heart (zrrrrrr)
From today on, I'm the kind of girl, unreasonable but super cute
Da da
I'm that kind of girl
That kind of girl
That kind of girl
Da da
new light
When the road in front of you is filled with darkness
When your two feet begin to lose their way
I will stand right here
I'll light up your path for you
Tell me why you’re feeling down
I wanna know
Because I know that you're not alone
Your each and every day will start to get better and better
Everything will be just fine
Good night baby, I wanna say you’ll be fine
You don't need to walk alone
Reach your hand out to mine
Wanna give you a new light
Even if the world feels like it's coming to an end
I promise I won't let go of your hand
Go on, keep going
Wanna give you a new light
I will stay right here
I will stay right by your side
Whispering in the silent loneliness
The stars will all shine just for you
Know that you're not alone, so go on another day
Tell me why you’re feeling down
All time passes by
Everything will be just fine
Good night baby I wanna say you’ll be fine
You don't need to walk alone
Reach your hand out to mine
Wanna give you a new light
Even if the world feels like it's coming to an end
I promise I won't let go of your hand
Go on, keep going
Wanna give you a new light
Yeah you’ll be fine
You’ll be fine
You’ll be fine
You’ll be fine
Oh, how lovely you are
Oh, how lovely you are
I’ll take you home
The you who dived into an unknown world
Is wandering through the crowd that haven’t been heard of yet
This sad story
Piles up Everyday why?
Those overflowing tears
Can’t be wiped
If you are you that’s enough
Don’t try to be anybody else
(Rise now)
Exactly as you are right now
You can get up and open your eyes
I will become the light that covers you
I want to hold you gently any time
That clear skin
I want to touch it softly
Can you step into the light?
Feel me
On the mirror that my figure is reflected on
“It’s not supposed to be like this” I keep asking questions
A dull light emits
To a filament that will eventually break one day
Just like there are some things that end
There are also some things that begin
Even if everything falls apart
I’ll be there whenever you need
(Rise now)
I will stay here
You can get up and open your eyes
I will become the light that covers you
I want to hold you gently any time
That clear skin
I want to touch it softly
Can you step into the light?
Feel me
Believe in yourself
If it’s you, you can certainly overcome it all
Humans shine beautifully with the wounds they carry
Gain your real strength
I know you can
You know you can
Don’t be afraid to step into the light
I will become the light that covers you
I want to hold you gently any time
That clear skin
I want to touch it softly
Can you step into the light?
Feel me
Heaven's Light
Versions: #1
So many time I've seen from my tower
Those couples of joy side by side
Like they had a glimmer around them
And I almost see the Light of Heaven
That light doesn't grace this place with its warmth
And no matter how much I once again wish
Then this ugly face would never
Get to the light of Heaven
But at last with me I got an angel
She wasn't afraid of me at all
I touched her and still remember
When the bells ring again at night
They make the tower brightly shine
At last I get Heaven's light
I wished upon a shooting star
Hoping your heart is the same as mine
When the night has passed and you cross my mind
I pray that you think of me like I think of you
I picture and count the stars again
When the door opens for dawn, I wake up thinking of you
Soft whispers to my ear calling my name
I say it again today hoping you would hear
Oh starlight, afraid that it would fade away
Please, don't disappear as if it were a dream
Though time goes by and fades away
We will never forget and let go of each other
Kept running without stopping through a cold weightless space
It was always there shining but how come did we miss?
It's a world of unknown just for us two
Let's walk more slowly across the Milky Way
Stars below our steps shining brightly for us
If I count all the stars in the dark night sky and open up my eyes
Will I find, only then, myself without you
I picture you and count the stars again
When the door opens for dawn, I wake up thinking of you
Voices to my ear calling my name
I say it once more hoping that you had come
Oh starlight, afraid that it would fade away
Please, don't disappear as if it were a dream
Though time goes by and fades away
We will never forget and let go of each other
Though a shining star, with no one to shine for
Wouldn't be so bright as it is now
The day we come across each other, I really want to tell you
I will shine you bright so stay right where you are
Oh starlight, afraid that it would fade away
Please, don't disappear as if it were a dream
Though time goes by and fades away
We will never forget and let go of each other
Shining oh anywhere, I would go and find you
Think of you again and again, picture you across the sky