Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 9


Comrades, It's Not That

It wasn't that, comrades... It wasn't that
Over which so many flowers died,
Which caused us to weep over so many hopes...
Maybe we must be brave once again
And say: 'no, my friends... It's not that!'
It's not that, comrades... It's not that!
Neither words of peace with cudgels,
Nor the way they trade with our rights

We're Dreaming

You're dreaming!
Of course we are:
We're dreaming constantly... Always.
You're expecting too much!
Of course we do:
We have learned to wait and we expect it all.
You want too much!
Of course we do:
We want too much... More, everything!
You're in too great a rush!
Yes, of course we are:
Walking, reaching that place, starting anew...
You're dreaming!
Yes, inevitably,
Today's dream is tomorrow's possibility.
You're expecting too much!
Of course we do:
And we aren't ashamed of being the slaves of hope.
You want too much!
Of course we do:
It is our furious right and even more: it's our duty.
You make demands!
Of course we do:
Passinately or with sorrow...
And nonetheless...
And nonetheless, it's better like this.
It's better (to have) a people that moves,
Even if, sometimes, too hastily

Like A White Bird

Like a white bird
That crosses the sea
Only with wings
Made out of tenderness:
That's how I know you in your flight!
Like a white bird
On the horizon,
Signalling to us
The beauty
That its secret has left in you...
It is thus that I know you:
Just through a loving voice!
Just through a heartbeat in your song!

Like a white bird
Looking for shelter,
Making a nest for its
Most fragile loves,
That's how I know you...

Like a white bird...

I Come From Far Away

I come from far away
And I'm still travelling further,
Because I'm compelled by designs of both delight and light!
I come, and the wind of so many years
Has tanned my skin,
But I carry the flame in my eyes...
There isn't any regret
That could deviate me from my long road!
Everything I want is right before me,
And time welcomes me into its bed.
I come and I bring you, with my voice
A song of hope,
If you ant to share it with me.
All that I awaiting me
Is the mystery of a great, distant sea
And a horizon that is always far off,
Which will become much clearer by your side.
I come from far away
And I'm still travelling further,
Filled with dreams and light...!

Please write soon

Please write soon,
don't take any longer,
don't let anguish take over me,
Don't make out of loneliness
my loyal companion.
Make me look at your body,
in between your words,
and with the O's, your eyes,
and with the T's, your shoulders.
Please write soon,
every word a gesture,
every phrase a glance.
Write soon,
and while you can,
fill the void of words,
every syllable, a little,
of the loved person
and with the O's, your eyes,
and with the T's, your shoulders.


Mother-Sea, come and do appear
In the altar of my landscape...
Mother-Sea, for the old gods
Are today very far away from home.
A thunder for regret,
A port for each wound
And, for love, a little cove.
Mother-Sea, provide us with wind:
There's a tomorrow and some white sails.
Mother-Sea, and if it could be so,
(Don't bring us) neither a hurricane, nor too much peace.
For time is too short and it fades
Like a strange dance
That doesn't leave any footprints.
Run, for the wind is coming!
Watch how the wind runs
As it wants to invite you to its great ball.
Run, for the wind is coming!
Turn and rise through the air,
(Like a) white cloud filled with hope!
Take it and get high on it
With its scent,
Like only a lover could.
Look how the wind runs
As it wants to invite you to its great ball.
Take it and get high on it...
Take it and get high on it
Like only a lover could.
Watch how the wind runs!
Turn and rise through the air,
(Like a) white cloud filled with hope!

Mother-Sea, bring us peace,
But with the forcefulness of the olive tree,
Which never places its green-blue branches
In the hand of those who want to enslave it.
Let us fill our boat with stars,
And let not a weighty luggage
Mar our fishing nets.
Take it and get high on it...
Take it and get high on it
Like only a lover could.
With its scent,
Turn and rise through the air,
(Like a) white cloud filled with hope!
Watch how the wind runs!
Turn and rise through the air,
As it wants to invite you to its great ball.
Take it and get high on it
Like only a lover could.
With its scent,
Turn and rise through the air,
(Like a) white cloud filled with hope!
Watch how the wind runs!
Take it and get high on it
Like only a lover could...


The Little Hen

Versions: #2
The little hen has said 'enough,
I will not lay eggs any longer.
To hell with this damned salary
that has enslaved me for so long.
And if I can't resist making eggs,
I will get myself a constipation:
No hot or cold eggs whatsoever
for him who takes advantage of me.'
The hen has said no.
Long live the revolution!
'In exchange for some grains of wheat
you have taken away my power to fly,
but, I swear, this won't continue!
I have a whole life before me.
And I won't just await my fate:
once I get rid of my executioner
there will not be any more risk
in hens keeping each other informed.'
The hen has said no.
Long live the revolution!
'And the roosters claiming my bed,
I will pick the healthy and brave ones,
for I'm fed up with those impotent ones
that make me spend such boring nights.
Let me put it forever on record
that nothing about me is virgin
and that you are not going to see me
get another constipation there.'
The hen has said no.
Long live the revolution!


Társak, ti, akik tudjátok hol alszik a fehér hold,
Én is szeretném látni őt
De itt kell maradnom,
Még nem faradt a harc.
Társak, ti, akik meghalljátok a szirénák dalát
A hajnali napban
Én is szeretném meghallni,
De itt tovább kell harcolnunk.
És ha szomorú sors egy sírba engem bezárna,
Hozzátok a szerelmemnek
Ezt a haldokló dalt
És piros-piros virágot
Ha legyőznénk, egy reggelen a hajnali napban
Halljátok meg a szirénák dalát
Én is szeretném meghallni,
De itt tovább kell harcolnunk.
Társak, ti, akik fel akartok szabadítani a tavaszt,
Mellettetek harcolni fogok,
Fegyvert fogok egyetlen
Ez a lobogó alatt.
És ha szomorú sors egy sírba engem bezárna,
Hozzátok a szerelmemnek
Ezt a haldokló dalt
És piros-piros virágot,
Ha legyőznénk.