Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 21


The Waterman

Hey! Who wants to drink
water as ice-cold as a loveless kiss?
Hey! Nobody comes to me.
So that our love
won’t be let down,
I’m going abroad,
but I’ll be back soon.
But you, my only love, will you be waiting for me?
Do you swear you’ll be thinking about me?
A kiss sealed the oath.
Alas, alas! Sincere heart!
On board a steamship, sad and lonely,
the waterman gets away, crying.
They saw him sobbing,
recalling an image
and kissing a curl of hair.
The only token of love!
Alas, alas! Sincere heart!
On board a steamship, sad and lonely,
the waterman is already dreaming of coming back.
The wind was collecting
all the sorrows of his heart

Gigì, I’m Marrying You

Dear mum, you’re trying
to make me change my mind.
You’re trying in every way,
you’re trying in every way.
Dear mum, you’re trying
to make me change my mind.
You’re trying in every way,
but I want to get married.
Gigì (Gigì), Gigì (Gigì), Gigì (Gigì), I can’t help it, You blame yourself for the nights without sleep
For having been thinking only of yourself
And now you're missing
all the things that we used to be
You blame yourself for betraying my heart
For sitting on the sofa all alone
and crying about the kisses
we don't exchange anymore
Don't insist
saying you're sorry
Stop looking for reasons
The stupid one was me
It's my fault that I've loved you
for so many mornings
I regret giving you all
without asking anything back
It's my fault that I've loved you more
than what you'd expected
And that I let you see
that was dying of desire for you
You were my whole life
I loved you with no limits
And that's why you are now coming back
Full of regret
It's a tad too late to show you care about my love
Just now that you've learned that someone else has arrived in my life
And has healed my sorrow with her affection
Don't insist
saying you're sorry
Stop looking for reasons
The stupid one was me
It's my fault that I've loved you
for so many mornings
I regret giving you all
without asking anything back
It's my fault that I've loved you more
than what you'd expected
And that I let you see
that was dying of desire for you
You were my whole life
I loved you with no limits
And that's why you are now coming back
Full of regret
Full of regret
It's my fault that I've loved you
for so many mornings
I regret giving you all
without asking anything back
It's my fault that I've loved you more
than what you'd expected
And that I let you see
that was dying of desire for you
You were my whole life
I loved you with no limits
And that's why you are now coming back
Full of regret

A Gypsy Woman Told Me

When the heart awaits and hopes,
life isn’t lost.
Hope is an illusion

You're Falling in Love With Me

You're family don't like me
They say that I'm the worst
That being with me is a mistake
And my love isn't for you
They accuse me of being a womaniser
But you don't believe in that
In a hug I discovered
What your lips didn't say
You're falling in love with me
You know that I'm crazy for you
You eyes betray you
My mouth can't take it any more
The two of us know that it's like this
You're falling in love with me
You know that I'm crazy for you
Don't wait until morning
If you want to today
Why do we have to lie?
I know that you said I'm a womaniser
But I swear to you that I've changed
You have all my feelings
I only want to live by your side
Get closer to me, listen to me
Let yourself love
Tell me once
I want to have you forever
That you be mine forever

Midnight Rain

An archipelago of cars for hire
stationed in mud.
Square of solitude
with four hooks of violet electricity
at center.
Black umbrellas at the Northern corner
struggle against the darkness with edges of transparent drops.
Smoke horses.
Reddish headlights that face forward
A cab driver in slumber.
So goes the night.
On the parallel of worldly inertia.


Here, where the sea glistens
and the wind blows hard,
on an old terrace,
in front of the Sorrento gulf,
a man embraces a girl
after having cried
then he clears his throat
and restarts the song.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins, you know.
Saw the lights in the middle of the sea,
thought of the nights there, in America,
but they were only fishing lights
in the white propeller's wash.
Felt the pain in the music,
stood himself up from the pianoforte
but when he saw the moon come out of a cloud
even death seemed to him sweeter.
Looked at the girl in the eyes,
those eyes green like the sea,
then, all of a sudden, a tear came out
and he thought he was drowning.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins, you know.
Power of the opera
where every drama is a falsehood,
that with a bit of makeup and with mimicry
you can become someone else.
But, two eyes that are looking at you,
so close and true,
make you forget the lyrics,
confuse the thoughts.
So everything becomes small,
even the nights there, in America,
you turn and see your life
as the propeller's wash.
But yes, it's life that is ending,
but he didn't so much think about it,
rather, he was already feeling happy
and restarted his song.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins, you know.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

you have taken my heart

You, you have taken my heart
for me you will be the only love
no, I will not forget you
I will live for you
I will dream about you
in this moment for me
you are like the sun
so far from me
it means death for love
because you're the one that you've stolen my heart
I see you between the rose
I tell you a lot of things
if the wind caresses you slight
a perfume of childhood
you instill in me
during the night I dream shaking in you
which enchantment of my heart
on yours
while you open up your golden pupils
You that took my heart
you will be the only love for me
I will not forget you
I will live for you
I will dream about you
you or anyone else or never
for me now
you are like the sun
so far from me
it means death for love
because you're the one that you've stolen my heart

Come and take care of me

Versions: #2
I've already done everything not to lose you.
I fought against the world, I fought for you.
I've already cried here, locked up in this apartment
and the longing hurting everything in my mind.
I ended up the night looking for you from my window.
I spent the night wishing to have you here.
I need that love with me, I 'm gonna stay with her.
Gimme a sign, tear up my chest, come and take care of me.
At least just one night take care of me.
Gimme a sign, do something, take care of me.
Come and take care of me, take this yearning away from me.
Piece of happiness, my sin, my pleasure.
Come and take care of me, come and be my smile again.
The Eve of my paradise, my blue-colored dream, my great love.


Midnight's already ticking
and for you, with a carnation in my mouth,
I have returned wearing
an Apache costume because..
Because you like brutal men
and in this fateful outfit
in the glow of a headlight
you'll dance your java with me,
if in your scared heart
I will be strong for you..
Dance the dusky java,
beautiful flower of evil,
under the white moon
you are beautiful and fatal.
Maybe you are, for me,
my destiny
and I will be for you
a rascal.
Mouth on your mouth,
the java of love,
woe to him who touches
the woman of my heart.
And if a whisper far away
will call you elsewhere,
you are my woman,
nobody else will ever have you...
Black shadows who move forward
and look at me in defiance
what do you want?
I know who you are,
those Apaches that exploited the flower
not a flower of good or evil
this night belongs only to me.
Put down the knife, it's not worth it
to scare her with your terror,
come again on my heart
for death and for love..
Dance the dusky java,
beautiful flower of evil,
maybe under the moon
in this fatal night
let an Apache believe it
I'm the hawk and you my prey...
Open up your mouth
in an endless kiss
woe to whoever touches her...
(gunshot) alas, i got hit!
Like cowards they run
their spirit unpunished
but a wounded hawk
will tighten the grasp of its claw.
(whistle) ...The patrol !...
We are only dancing a playful java,
we're no jailbirds, no
we're having fun.. have a good night.
A mandolin plays,
we dance again,
but my heart leaves me..
don't give up on me.
Take me for a moment
down there in my little house,
mom awaits me,
who knows if she'll see me...

It's too late

Versions: #1
When you left
I cried, I cried for the pain
Today you're mine once again
and you're asking me if I still love you.
It's too late now,
it's too late
today you wish we can go back
to what we used to be.
But all of your fake and false
tell to my heart:
you will never change.
In vain
you're still trying to lie to me,
why are you saying:
I'm back because
you're the only one.

I can see in your eyes
everytime you look at me:
Everything is over now,
it's too late.

Kisses without feeling
promises without faithfulness,
maybe there will be someone else
who believes your last lie.
In vain,
you're still trying to lie to me,
how could you say:
I'm back because
you're the only one.

I can see in your eyes
everytime you look at me:
Everything is over now
it's too late.


Neapolitan heart

You change all the world, but Naples, you know,
like a star in the sky
eternal beauty will be.
My heart too will never be able to forget it
Neapolitan heart, it's always you
even if in Marechiaro
i don't sing anymore.
Santa Lucia, Sorrento and Marì and 'O' sole mio',
Cannot die.
Naples, in my dreams
you appear to me
but when the day comes
you aren't there anymore.
The years pass by, but to me
Neapolitan heart it's forever you.
You wrote my mother, wants me by her side
How much sadness,
oh, mother, I feel for you
My heart says 'wait',
and I wait, why?
Naples, in my dreams
you appear to me
but when the day comes
you aren't there anymore.
The years pass by, but to me
Neapolitan heart it's forever you..

Time for waking (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Tíme for wáking!
Tíme for wáking!
You tóo Princéss are sléepless
Shút in your cóld apártments
Wátching the stár rays
Still trémble with afféction
And wíth endúrance...
But my mýstery‿is búried in mé
My real náme shall stáy unknówn!
No, no! Kíssing your móuth tomórrow‿at dáwn
Í shall disclóse‿it, ónly thén!
Only my kíss is bound to bréak the sílence
That mákes you míne.
(Choir of women)
His real náme shall stáy unknówn...
And all of ús, alás, are dóomed to díe!
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Do vánish, dárkness! Stars, do sét alréady!
Stars, do sét alréady! When dáwn comes Í shall wín!
Í shall wín! Í sháll wín!

Every star was bright ablaze (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
Every stár was bright abláze...
The ground gíving off vápors
The gárden gate creaked wide ópen...
She cáme toward mé with light fóotsteps...
I smélled a newest frágrance
Then she féll down - in my‿embráce.
She kíssed my líps wite pássionate elátion
While Í ardéntly set hér free fróm the veils that híd her béauty!
My dréams of lóve are now destróyed foréver
The‿ínstant depárted, so‿I'll díe in désperátion!
I'll díe in désperátion!
Yet néver béfóre I wíshed so múch to líve on,
Só much - to líve on!

Women are volatile (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2
Wómen are vólatile
Ás feathers wínd-borne
Thís flaw is ínborne
Ít can't be ménded.
Lóoks may seem pláusible
Stíll both their crýing
Ánd so their smíling
Âll is preténded.
Wómen are vólatile
Ás feathers wínd-borne
Thís flaw is ínborne
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd!
Áll become míserable
Thóse men who trúst them
Thóse who entrúst them
Wíth their heart's sórrow!
Yóu are such gúllible
Táking for pássion
Whát's just compássion
As you're so callow!
Wómen are vólatile
Ás feathers wínd-borne
Thís flaw is ínborne
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd!