Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 3


Song about the Bavarian land

The Bavarian land is beautiful,
There are many mountains there and lakes.
But beach and coast are - damn it -
Almost everywhere private property.
So, in order to get some calm,
You only find rush and crowds.
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.1
Strauß2 and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
The Bavarian peasant isn't stupid,
He works and works from early in the morning to late in the evening,
But the prices aren't stable,
He earns little, you pay a lot,
The middleman traders squeeze him out,
This makes many lose their farm and house.
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
And Bavaria's workers, they are
Worth way more than they earn here.
The wages are still below the average,
The prices increase terribly,
And exorbitant rents on top of that,
A Bavarian says to this: what a load of filth!
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
The Bavarian children, they are smart,
And they have enough smarts and brains.
However, in the Bavarian school system,
Independent thought is inconvenient.
Hans Maier3 wants subjects4 -
May god protect us from this man.
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
What did the CSU accomplish in the past?
A Bavarian works their whole life,
Most of the time they are healthy, but sometimes they are sick.
And if they even have to go to the hospital,
There aren't enough beds, what a horror.
What can you do with a government,
Which can't even deal with that?
This has been accomplished to the detriment of Bavaria
By the CSU.
Strauß and his gang,
And the Neo-Nazis,
They are Bavaria's greatest plague,
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
Thus, every Bavarian
Demands today:
Make the Communists strong!
  • 1. Christlich-Soziale Union (Christian-Social Union), main conservative party in Bavaria
  • 2. Franz-Josef Strauß, among other things minister president of Bavaria from 1978 to 1988
  • 3. Bavarian education minister from 1970 to 1986
  • 4. 'Untertan' means a feudal subject

Krupp and Krause

There is a deep tear through Germany,
Which splits the nation,
This isn's news, of course,
But still of interest.
The example of Krupp1 and Krause2 exposes
The true course
Of the German split - listen up! -
As a class question.
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
Mr. Krupp, the industry boss,
In the club of the richest masters,
Owns factories and mines which
Feed many thousand men.
As one of uncounted thousand men
Krause stands day after day
In Krupp's factory to work,
His hourly wage: five Mark.3
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
What Krause produces in one hour
Is worth more than five Mark,
The surplus value is collected by Krupp,
Because he owns the company.
And thousands of colleagues
Experience the same as Krause every day.
Mr. Krupp always takes the surplus value
As return on his investment.
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
If there is a positive economic situation
And the labour market is tight,
Krause is called Krupp's 'partner',
Because then he is in demand.
But if the economic situation is bad,
The order situation weak,
Then the Krauses in the company
Are threatened with unemployment and wage cuts.
Because Krupp is
A monopoly lord,
And Krause
Is a Proletarian.
That's the class antagonism
Which everyone understands.
The split in this nation
Is thus explained like this:
What Krupp has in power and wealth
Is Krause's risk.
In the other German state4
The Krupps don't exist anymore.
There, the Krauses themselves are, truly,
The masters of the DDR.5
So that
Krupp can never again
Establish himself there,
Krause fights for the DDR's
  • 1. Stereotype for a German capitalist, due to the famous Krupp company
  • 2. Stereotype for a German worker, based on a worker activist in Alsace-Lorraine as far as I remember
  • 3. former German currency
  • 4. Meant is East Germany
  • 5. DDR (GDR) - Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic), East Germany
  • 6. under international law

Soldiers are not all the same

When the Commune was in Paris,
Paris was completely red.
Due to flags of worker's power,
Paris was completely red.
Reaction came from Versailles,
The city drowned in blood,
And the Proletarian who defended themself,
Was beaten to death by the frontline soldier.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
In the year 1914
The world market was already occupied.
The Kaiser1 and Krupp2
Hounded the people in the war.
Soldiers from red Kiel
Shouted 'Power to the people!'
The Noske3 soldiers killed them cowardly.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
Then the big industry
Financed Hitler,
So he would, no matter how brutal,
Lead them out of crisis.
But the Hitler barbarism died
In Russia's ice and snow,
And victorious were the soldiers of the
Red Soviet Army.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
The US murderer gang went
Into brave Vietnam.
And murdered, pillaged, robbed and burned
There in the name of freedom.
When Billy from Los Angeles
Stepped out of a rice field,
It happened that the Liberation Front
Hit his head.
Soldiers are not all the same,
Not alive and not as corpses!
And you are with the Bundeswehr,4
There you learn how to shoot.
There you learn that the People's Army5
Is the mortal enemy for you.
But the soldier of the DDR6
Protects what belongs to him