Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 262


Hagyj engem sírni

Mennyire üres ez a lakás
Annyi szenvedély rekedt meg a falban
Mennyi gyengédség hígult fel az idővel
Mennyi ősz veled és nélküled, egyedül.
Milliónyi lepel hullik a testedre
Az ősz könnyei csepegnek a bőrödre.
Belobbanó és örök
Feldühítő és nyugodt
Egy fűszőnyegen repülsz miközben alszol.
Egy lehetetlen csönd
Csendesíti el az életem
A te egy könnyeddel és az én egy könnyemmel.
Belobbanó és örök
Feldühítő és nyugodt
Egy fűszőnyegen repülsz miközben alszol.
Egy hullócsillaggal kevered össze a másik éjszakát
És három kívánságot kérsz
Miközben kitartóan ragyog a fényed
Hagyj engem sírni
Hagyj engem síni, érted.
Hagyj engem sírni.
Mennyi nosztalgia alszik a padláson,
Kimondtam az életem magányban van.
Szerelmes dalokat írtam amiket sosem feledek
Mivel az ősz felhői írták azokat, csak.
Milliónyi lepel hullik a testedre
Az ősz könnyei csepegnek a bőrödre.
Belobbanó és örök
Feldühítő és nyugodt
Egy fűszőnyegen repülsz miközben alszol.
Egy hullócsillaggal kevered össze a másik éjszakát
És három kívánságot kérsz
Miközben kitartóan ragyog a fényed
Hagyj engem sírni
Hagyj engem síni, érted.
Hagyj engem sírni.

Almost forget you

Almost forget you in another arms
had it not been the memory of your kisses
had it not been for how much I loved you
almost forget you, love, with another lips.
Almost forget you with another lips,
ahead of surrender of another love, pure and sincere
ahead the joy of listening ''my love, I love you''
almost forget you, almost forget you.
Almost achieved to take you out of my soul,
that love so great you gave me,
and with no resentment and in front of you I say:
Almost forget you, love, with another love.
Almost forget you with another lips,
ahead of surrender of another love, pure and sincere
ahead the joy of listening ''my love, I love you''
almost forget you, almost forget you.
Almost achieved to take you out of my soul,
that love so great you gave me,
and with no resentment and in front of you I say:
Almost forget you, love, with another love.
Just learning.

Give you my life

They say I only have to wish for it,
they say that you're looking for me eternally
they say you're mine and I'm yours
they say you've come to change my life
I say: where have you been all this time?
it will be my luck one day, to have you.
I say I'm going, and I'm dying to see you
and to give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
calm has come.
They say that we leave for heaven
they say if I can, you can
they say each night is our star
which lights the chant of sirens
I say: where have you been all this time?
I say I desire you, but I'm afraid of you
it will be my luck one day, to have you.
I say I'm going, and I'm dying to see you
and to give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
I'm dying to see you,
to give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
To give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
calm has come.
Just learning.

The Night From Friday to Monday

Where was I in the night
From friday to monday
Was I awake, awake for 3 days
Or just in a coma
And I think to myself, shit
I'm butt naked and broke
Tell me where was I in the night
From friday to monday
I wake up, it feels like my head's exploding
My buddies had fun, I'm completely decorated
And I look in the mirror: What even happened?
Cause I have a tramp stamp tattooed above my ass
Drunk driving is okay if you wear a seatbelt
That's what I thought but now I think I need a good lawyer
My nose is broken, man, how painful that is
Well, the bouncer must have been stronger than me
And the girl next to me, she looks like Thomas Gottschalk
How did I drink her pretty, man, I'm about to puke
Man, I'll never drink again, at least for a while
Well, okay, at least until next friday
Where was I in the night
From friday to monday
Was I awake, awake for 3 days
Or just in a coma
And I think to myself, shit
I'm butt naked and broke
Tell me where was I in the night
From friday to monday
I open one eye, the other won't open
Everything's spinning and I think my bed is moving, too
I'll get up first, but I can't, ow!
Hey man, what's going on? There's a catheter tube coming out of my penis
God dammit, where am I? And why am I dead drunk?
Why am I wearing this stupid dress with the back cut out?
Why does my head feel like a block is banging against it?
I go to the mirror, oh my God, I have a B on my neck
All this drinking isn't good for my liver, sure
But now I have a big scar where my liver was
Whatever, they can have the liver, then I have to wear less
I don't care, it's okay, but please could someone tell me
Where was I in the night
From friday to monday
Was I awake, awake for 3 days
Or just in a coma
And I think to myself, shit
I'm butt naked and broke
Tell me where was I in the night
From friday to monday
Sorry, I've never been as high as on that party
I couldn't have known, man, I thouht those were Smarties
When it comes to partying I don't know any mercy, I drink the Jägermeister warm
The last thing I remember is how I was dragged outside
I check Facebook: What the hell happened
Shit, I was marked on 130 photos
And one of those photos shows me crawling at the Ku'damm
One shows me naked at Potsdamer Platz
I'm alarmed by the one with me steering a subway
Shit man! I'll never get a job in this town again
I would say I'd never take drugs again
If only that wouldn't be a lie
Where was I in the night
From friday to monday
Was I awake, awake for 3 days
Or just in a coma
And I think to myself, shit
I'm butt naked and broke
Tell me where was I in the night
From friday to monday

Mountain Pirate

Joaneton, a good man from the mountains, had lived a life without luxuries.
From a humble family, peace and honesty were his standards.
And one good night, an Atlantic wind brought him the sounds and the scents of the sea.
We don’t know what was said of him, I can only tell you that with the eastern sun
his steps took him all the way to the immensity of the Atlantic Ocean.

All the money,
all the gold, the silver and the diamonds
are mine,
I want them, they’re mine!
All the money,
all the gold, the silver and the diamonds
are mine,
I want them, they’re mine!
I will disembark from the ship,
I’ll fight, I’ll burn, I’ll take
and I’ll steal what’s mine,
and if anyone refuses I’ll kill them.
I’m a pirate,
and pirates don’t have a heart!
Sailing all the seas
he sowed fear
and he filled his boats with treasures.
The years passed for the feared pirate,
and the salt settled on his skin.
And one good day
he remembers the mountain,
and with a heavy heart, the grass he used to smell.
And one good day
he remembers the mountain,
and with a heavy heart, the grass he used to smell.
All the money,
all the gold, the silver and the diamonds
I don’t want them,
Not a one, I don’t want them!
All the money,
all the gold, the silver and the diamonds
I don’t want them,
Not a one, I don’t want them!
I only see the moment
of arriving in my land,
and shoeless, taking a stroll once again.
I only see the moment
of arriving in my land,
such a noble land it is!
All the money,
all the gold, the silver and the diamonds
I don’t want them,
Not a one, I don’t want them!
All the money,
all the gold, the silver and the diamonds
I don’t want them,
Not a one, I don’t want them!
I only see the moment
of arriving in my land,
and shoeless, taking a stroll once again.
I only see the moment
of arriving in my land,
Companions today,
there’s a pirate who’s putting it all behind him.

Тъжна история (Без късмет)

Тъжна история, може да я намерите за скучна
Изгубил е майка си заради дрога, наречена хероин
Баща му го няма, така че всичко остана за баба
Два внука и ковчег за дъщерята
Не го познавах наистина въобще, когато растеше
Но предположих, че е малко прецакано
Нямаше си родители, към които да се обърне
Само брат, за когото знаех, че е нечестна гадина*
Мамка му**, мислех си, че е кретен***
Опитал се твърде много да се пасне
И никога не го е надраснал

Сега той не говори много, говори много
Вероятно се е отказал, отказал
Мисля, че му е дошло много, дошло много
Защото му е свършил късметът
Никога не напусна родния си град
Това вероятно е причината
Никога не видя други светове
Че не искаше да отиде и да си го вземе
Зает да пасне там, където умовете
Малък запад, малки неща
Карат малките неща да се чувстват толкова високи
Някога ще се промени ли?
Ами, очевидно
Той кандидатства отново за колеж и чакаше оценките си
Нямаше да помогне в неговия случай
О, никога не можах да кажа

Сега той не говори много, говори много
Вероятно се е отказал, отказал
Мисля, че му е дошло много, дошло много
Защото му е свършил късметът
Но чакай, животът ми е навън, нощ навън
Братя в града, съмнение
Няколко сбивания, сега изритани от клуба, мамка му, изгряло е слънцето
Един поглед стига за момичето му да изругае другиго
Пичовете са си пичове
Те се надуват, за да впечатлят тези гърди
Това просто започна тази бъркотия
Трябва да защитят девойката в беда
Така че мъжът на другото момиче решава да стисне юмруците си
И тогава се хвърля и пропуска
Братята се удрят, както и неговия
Захвърля го бързо, тогава един удар в главата
О, мамка му, другият мъж е мъртъв

Сега той не говори много, говори много
Вероятно се е отказал, отказал
Мисля, че му е дошло много, дошло много
Защото му е свършил късметът
А сега той е заключен
На 21 години
Колко живота ще бъдат похабени?
Колкото и гробове
Докато видя някаква шибана промяна
О, и дори не знам как
Продължаваме да
Се бием един с друг сега!

Сега той не говори много, говори много
Вероятно се е отказал, отказал
Мисля, че му е дошло много, дошло много
Защото му е свършил късметът

12 Months Opening Song

Clouds go away
The trees turn green
Flowers bloom
It is spring
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
The sunshine brightens
the world with a golden light
When it gets hot
then it is summer
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
Without you, our world would never be so magical and beautiful
Without you, we would never have seen the world in its full splendor
Forests glow
In its colorful dress
Birds migrate
It is autumn time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
The snow falls softly
And colors the earth white
Snow and ice
bring the winter
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
We thank the seasons for this beautiful time
Without you, our world would never be so magical and beautiful
Without you, we would never have seen the world in its full splendor
Only because of the change
in the course of how nature is
we become happy
And rejoice about the world
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

When the sun goes down

Come to me! Make my heart happy
That long since thinks of you, waits and hopes!
Take out from my breast this black pain,
Because I call you with true love!
I see you with a rose
In your hair
Next to me!
Next to me!
I would like to kiss you
Thousand times,
Always dreaming of you!
Always dreaming of you!
Hear, oh, dear, the sound of my words!
Come to me when the sun goes down!
When the sun goes down, all things
At night, falling asleep,
Take on the color of a wet violet,
Then I think only of you, beloved!
Then I hear you,
Happy in all things,
Without words!
Without words!
We look each others' eyes
And then you tell me:
'What happiness!'
'What happiness!'
Hear, oh, dear, the sound of my words!
Let me kiss you when the sun goes down!
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Just You I Desire, My Blessing...

Just you I desire, my blessing,
My beauty, this Earth never knew!
My sun in the darkness distressing,
For my burning heart you are dew!
Inspired by my love to you, I
Shall scramble to fight fate anew.
Like spica half-scorched by the lightning,
I'll bow into dust before you.
For ecstasy never acquitted,
I'll pay with my life for miscue!
And even if crime I've committed -
I want only you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

It Is Hard For A Fairy

'Fairy,' the lilacs have whispered,
'Fairy' was plea of a bird.
'Fairy,' may-lilies insisted,
Whispered through shadows, eyes blurred.
'Fairy,' with emerald glare
Uttered the grass blade undone.
'It is so hard!' sighed the fairy,
'I have to love everyone.'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Ad Infinitum

In the church all stays as always.
Sways of censers can be heard.
'I was joking, take my word.
Did you love or fall in mad craze?'
Candles' flicker's dim and tame,
Lights're reflecting from the icons.
All folks want to light a candle
From another candle flame.
In the church it'll stay as always.
Peal of censers can be heard.
'Ah, unfaithful! You have joked.
Woe to me! I really loved you.'
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Grim-visaged specter, demon, mighty spirit,
The lord of every realm and every age,
There ain't a day when you didn't take your reaping,
There ain't a fight that you would lose in rage.
To sleepless eyes you grant eternal slumber,
To abject souls, condemned to torment, pained,
You whisper in the dusty cell as wild wind
And grant the light to souls, by darkness strained.
To all you bring your gift of deep sedation,
You even grant it to all those vain souls
That're full of daring doubts and trepidation.
To you, my lord, the spirit of damnation,
From evil depths my cry comes through, extols:
I'm waiting. Come. I crave reconciliation!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

To Live Is To Have You For Me

Every time the sun hides the afternoon
And the moon gives the blue of the sky
You come like this, honey
Without warning me
You touch my heart
And rekindle in me
All the emotion of loving
That a great love makes us live
I simply feel at this moment
That I want you so much and I need you
And when i think about having you here
Cries my heart
Because you didn't want to come back to me
Love is just like that
It does not always brings happiness
When it hurts, it hurts for real
And we lose the illusion
But when it comes it causes so much good
It sets the dreams and passion free
Why don't you come?
Come back, my love, let me be happy
Forever with you
To live is to have you for me
Why don't you bring the sun?
And make dawn come again
And light the blue in the sky
For us to never have to say goodbye again
Every time the sun hides the afternoon
Why don't you come to me?
I can only love you
Make someone happy this way
Bring yourself to me, my love.

Mountains out of everything

My treasure you’ve truly got a heart of gold
But you make mountains out of everything
A few crumbs forgotten under the table
And yesterday evening in fact, where were you?
My treasure you emptied out my mobile phone
You hoped to find what, words of love?
The quiet little life
At least that’s not our lot
It’s always a little war
For a word out of place
A cloudburst a flash of lightning and it’s off
But I know what to do
You know what I prefer
And everyone know how that ends up
My treasure I’m going to plead guilty
But to what I have no idea
The news, the awful weather forecast
Fine, Pompeii as well, that was me I admit it
My treasure you’ve got a heart of gold but even so
Let’s not get carried away
The peaceful little life
At least that’s not our lot
It’s always a little war
For a word out of place
A cloudburst, a flash of lightning, to the shelters
But I know what to do
You know what I prefer
And everyone know how that ends up
My treasure ones like you must be won
Ones like you are not found everywhere
You mustn’t think that all this pushes us apart
On the contrary, on the contrary between us
My treasure
On the contrary
On the contrary between us
My treasure
It’s always a little war
A cloudburst a flash of lightning
But I know what to do
And everyone knows how that ends up

Everything here is also yours

So much experienced
Listened to everything, seen and touched
Just felt alone, with so many people around me
And see me now, so much achieved, made my own world
Fight, just like you
Suddenly at the front
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Found, searched for my place
Luckily, succeeded and what's crazy
Have gone to the star
Suddenly at the front
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Ohh, if this is what it is I want to do it
Ohh, do not look back then do not think about it then
Do not think about it then ..
Do not think about it then ..
So much experienced, listened to everything seen and touched
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Dutch & English & Basic France

Feather Grass

To I.A. Bunin
Like a dying ghost, tall feather grass
In the open steppe swings quietly,
Fading crescent looks in stern impasse,
From white cloud darkens silently.
Murky shadows roam, keep wandering
Through the steppe expanse without end,
Fragile, momentary, pondering,
Whisper something to the avid wind.
And the shimmer, flashing ghostly lights,
Disappears in the foggy gloom,
And the past that drowned in frosty nights
Rises over graves as groggy plume.
Golden crescent darkens, dithering,
Burning down and melting in the skies,
And the feather grass sways, shivering,
Like a dying ghost, it swings and sighs.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

What kind of world is this

Lyrics: Dimitris Tsoulias
Music: Nikos Papoulias
What kind of world is this that searches
In the moon to find the truth in the void
What kind of world is this
That goes on the moon
And fights against its children
Hey, sky sit with us
To listen to a tune
Old friend, don't try
To treat us with a stab
What kind of world is this
Selling conscience
Always devouring
What kind of world is this
That fills with tears
What a teary eyed sky
Hey, sky sit with us
To listen to a tune
Old friend, don't try
To treat us with a stab
Actors that pretend
To be playing some role
In an endless stage
Necromantics look around
Asking of you to give them
A bust in some monument
Hey, sky sit with us
To listen to a tune
Old friend, don't try
To treat us with a stab

The Mermaid

If you can, understand. If you want, take my hand.
You alone I have liked among men of this land.
Before you I was cold, I was pallid, all told.
I'm from deep, quiet bottom, too dark to behold.
Take a pause. The young moon will light up for us soon.
Can you see it? Behold the bright light of young moon!
Sighs of blue gloom're the sign. Kiss me now! Are you mine?
Kiss me here, everywhere. Just with you I feel fine!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

When the Dembow is playing

[Joey Montana]
How did it happened?, I don't know,
If it wasn't in my plans to fall in love
[Sebastián Yatra]
¡Sebastián Yatra!
But I saw you so lonely
and as I came alone, I just didn't think it
And I decided to approach to you
[Joey Montana]
When I saw, saw saw, you
And I like only you, you, you
We have things in common
[Sebastián Yatra]
When I saw, saw, saw you
I knew you were made for me
And I like only you, you, you
We have things in common
[Joey Montana]
How did it happened?, I don't know,
If it wasn't in my plans to fall in love
[Sebastián Yatra]
¡Sebastián Yatra!
But I saw you so lonely
and as I came alone, I just didn't think it
And I decided to approach to you
[Joey Montana]
When I saw, saw, saw you
I knew you were made for me
And I like only you, you, you
We have things in common
[Sebastián Yatra]
When I saw, saw, saw you
I knew you were made for me
And I like only you, you, you
We have things in common
[Joey Montana & Sebastián Yatra]
I knew it since you are just like me
You like to dance when the Dembow is playing
(Playing, the Dembow is playing)
The night is going good and ancing with you gets even better
I knew it since you are just like me
You like to dance when the Dembow is playing
(Playing, the Dembow is playing)
The night is going good and dancing with you gets even better
I went out the street with no direction
it wasn't in my plans to fall in love
But didn't pass a single second
You came into my world and I got lost in your eyes
Baby, i don't know how you got into my head
But I finally found my Princess
The one who knows how to tame me when she kisses me
Sing the Chorus since it starts over
[Joey Montana & Sebastián Yatra]
I knew it since you are just like me
You like to dance when the Dembow is playing
(Playing, the Dembow is playing)
The night is going good and dancing with you gets even better

A Seagull

Lonely seagull, gray seagull with mournful cries rushes with urgency
Over fathomless cold sea abyss.
Tell me where did you come from? What for? What is your grave emergency?
Your complaint's full of anguish, why's this?
Endless sea expanse roars. Hostile sky is so gloomy and threatening.
Gray sea foam started curling on crest of a wave.
Northern gale wind laments, and the seagul is crying: insane offspring,
Homeless seagull from distant land, weeping in rave.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

I Hate The Roar Of Giant Cities...

I hate the roar of giant cities, neighborhoods,
I am repulsed by crowd commotion,
My spirit lives in depths of woods,
Where in secluded calm devotion
I hark to music of unseen sweet voices' moods,
Where clock's relentless run deludes,
Yet won't disturb wild exaltation,
Where's sweet to be amid the woods
And from oblivion spring drink sweet bitter potion.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Both Love And Joy Exist, My Friend...

Both love and joy exist, my friend,
All that will happen to no end,
Although in other hearts, not ours.
But, dear mate, both you and I
Are just day-dreams of Beauty cry,
Just drops in timeless grails of flowers
That never cease to blossom, no!
In never dying gardens' row.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

To The Queen Of Fays

Oh, the queen of fair fays,
Flying on her magic powers
Over orchid garden daze,
Over fresh white lily flowers!
When you fly above the lake,
Water lilies start to blossom,
And the tender grasses wake,
Sparkling with dew diamonds awesome.
You leave traces everywhere,
And your footsteps shine with luster,
Asphodel and tulip pair
Blossoms in your wake with bluster.
Fly through troubled human soul,
The most powerful of fairies.
Let clove-gillies sigh. Extol
Blooming flame that your soul carries.
Oh, the queen of fair fays,
We are slaves of vain endeavors,
We don't see the orchid blaze,
We don't know white lilies' favors.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

From Nothing God Created Earth...

From nothing God created Earth.
An artist, learn from Him, His dearth, -
And if your talent is a sand grain,
Produce a miracle with it,
Grow endless forests with your wit,
And like a fairy bird through hard rain
Soar high to heavens brightly lit,
Where free heat lightning glows without rein,
Where timeless flow of cloudy tides
Runs through light blue abyss divides.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Like The Night

She came to me, she was as silent as the night,
Like night she looked at me with her eyes like field violets,
Like night where timid dew reflected starry islets,
She came to me, exactly same in her own right,
As tranquil darkness, as the dreamy silken night.
Her single look has pierced deep into inner stratum,
Where in mute looking glass my other self resides,
And I am like her face, she's like my shadow side,
We stare in silence into depth that we can't fathom,
That burns as starry, bottomless, and mystic chasm.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Flame

No. Leave me now, forsake. Don't call me to delight.
To love? - To kill with love - that's love's grace and its height.
One instant I'm in love - the next I go away.
With me there was a day - the night falls when I stray.
I don't love you. I feel remorse for baning you.
Escape, while you still can live with no love in you.
I'll be a millstone weight for child-like joints - a quern.
To shine, to warm? Let go! For I can only burn.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Native Scene

Flocks of birds. A roadway ribbon.
Wattle fence that's fallen down.
From the sky in thick fog hidden
Bleary day looks with a frown.
Row of birch-trees, dismal no-show
Of a roadside lighting pole.
As if under weight of sorrow
Hut has rocked on ground sole.
Semi-light and semi-twilight, -
And you're dying to escape,
Endless sadness of your limelight
Tramples on your soul's landscape.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Too Late

It was late in thoughts we're wielding.
Midnight sang from distant towers.
And dark dream of somber buildings
Held arcane and dreadful powers.
It was painfully insulting.
Starless sky expanse was ice cold.
It was obvious and daunting:
It's too late to love for us all.
We have failed to grasp the onset
Of our dreams and our chant songs.
And the consonance has ended
With no blissful frenzy and throngs.
On the gloomy streets, where snow blinds,
It was frosty, lame for new mate.
Midnight bell chime rang in slow minds,
It was too late, too late, too late.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.


Who will shake the veil of deathly silence,
Who will come to open up my eyes?
I'm not dead yet. No. Alive and pining,
I am listening to stormy skies.
Fierce tempest twisted like wild fire,
Started spinning like the flaming rain.
Who commands the dark charms to expire?
Who will tell me: Wake up, rise, and reign?
Realizing that the rage burned out,
I won't be a stranger to the world.
I shall rise from grave - amazed, no doubt,
Just to walk on native lea rig pearled.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Vales Of Dreams

I'll go to vales of dreams,
Bent flowers grow within,
The moon falls down, it seems,
From chasmic heights therein.
It's falling down askew -
Yet fails to reach the land.
In wild dream vales anew
Thick dope blooms, high and grand.
A strange string plays, it seems,
Without bows it glides,
My mind's in vales of dreams,
Amid the shoreless tides.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Autumn (Look How Cowberry Ripens...)

Look how cowberry ripens,
Summer days became colder,
From a bird cry in silence
My heart's sorrow grew bolder.
Flocks of black birds are flying
Far away, beyond blue seas.
Look how all trees are shining
In the rainbow dress through breeze.
The sun laughs less, forsaken,
Flowers lost their spring scent.
Autumn will soon awaken
And will cry half-asleep yet.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Broken Lines

Broken lines, sharp corner turns everywhere loom.
Yes, we're here - we hide in dark kingdom of the doom.
Yet one day we shall come out from the sullen dens,
We shall dress in festive clothes, shall join our friends.
We shall glance and capture you, shall cast in our dreams.
We shall show you novelty: fresh hell to extremes.
Wait a bit, the elderly, who have always known
Only two gigantic swings, only yes and no.
Revelation will befall, realm of doom will flash.
Morning breathes in purple haze... Eagles scream and lash!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.