A keresés eredménye
Találatok száma: 9
Let me come to you
Let me come to youIn the middle of the night telling you what's on my minds
Let me come to you
Most tanulom hogyan szeressem a háborút
Próbálj ne sokat gondolniA megdöbbentő mennyiságű olajra, ami egy lemez elkészítéséhez kell
Az egész szállítás, a bakelit, a celofán bélés
A fényezés
A szalag és a felszerelés
Próbálj ne túlzottan belemerülni
Hogy milyen kriminális mennyiségű olaj kell egy arckép megfestéséhez
Az akril, a lakk
Latexel töltött alumínium csövek
Az oldószerek és a festék
Nevezzük mindezt annak, ami
Ez az emberiség halálvágyának gyengéd oldala
Mikor üt az utolsó órám
Hátrahagyok valamit, ami nem bomlik szét
Próbálj ne sokat rágódni rajta
Hogy a nem túl távoli jövőben nevetni fognak rajtunk, amiért eladtunk
Egy rakás dinoszaurusz csontból épített 15 évest, aki az éneklik, hogy 'Ó igen!'1
Újra és újra
Egészen a legvégéig
Nevezzük mindezt annak, ami
Ez az emberiség halálvágyának gyengéd oldala
Mikor üt az utolsó órám
Hátrahagyok valamit, ami nem bomlik szét
Én most annak fogom nevezni, ami
Az elszabadult hiúságomnak a krízisemmel együtt
Egy nap ez az egész meg fog ismétlődni
Nagyon remélem, hogy belőlem valami hasznosat gyártanak majd
- 1. A forrás szerint az a sor olyan a zeneipar által létrehozott tini-együttesekről szól, akik tartalmatlan a zenéjük és mivel a kőolaj, amiből a lemezeik készülnek rég elhalt élőlények maradványaiból jött létre, ezért mondhatni dinoszaurusz csontból építették fel őket.
Misty Mauve
The blue light of a muted televisionYou quietly do the misty mauve pedicure
Pretending you are carefree (Never leave me)
How many times you muttered goodbye in my heart?
Baby, what can I do?, in this midnight
Someone new has invited you
You're getting out of my mind, from between the dark
I followed the traces of the car
Only the unbinding freedom was the rule
But your partner is too bad. He's my friend
I'm a small paperback (Can't you read me?)
That you read half way and left it over the bed
Baby, what can I do?, you left me
I'm a lone, what can I do?
You're getting out of my mind, It can't be true
We're all equal living
They say I'm immature
My love for you isn't that little to give it up
Baby, what can I do?, in this midnight
Someone new has invited you
You're getting out of my mind, from between the dark
I followed the traces of the car
Baby, what can I do?, you left me
I'm a lone, what can I do?
You're getting out of my mind, It can't be true
We're all equal living
Baby, what can I do? I wanna know the way
To take back the time we gathered
You're getting out of my mind, sitting in the room
A different morning comes closer
In the Darkness of the Night
Out here in the darkness of the nightJust the light of the stars
I notice that something's going on in you but
you won't admit
You look at me I
look again away
I want to tell you what
I feel
But how to start
is hard for me
I want to tell you everything
but I'm scared
That you break my heart
How can be everything what seems so easy be
so hard for me
I want to tell you what i
feel and tell you
I love you
I imagine how i
tell you everything
Word by Word every Day
In the morning I think today i will do it
But every time the same
You look at me I
look again away
Why, why do you
turn away?
Are you as scared as
I try but you can't
deny it so easy
I feel how i feel
don't you understand?
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission
In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to
Love is Pain
The wind blows, flowers bloomNow I try to erase you
Those days I used to love
Now I want to forget them, I want to forget them
Like tears in a mist
Your scattered eyes
The ever deepening wounds
They're touching them, it will hurt
Me who loved you so much
You who hated me forever
The thing about love is that
It's just a wound, it hurts
And even if that painful wound makes me cry
Even if that pain cuts me into pieces
The memories of you sleeping inside me
It was love
You left on a dazzling day
I couldn't see you again
Your tears left at your fingertips
I'll touch them again, it will hurt again
Me who loved you so much
You who hated me forever
The thing about love is that
It's just a wound, it hurts
And even if that painful wound makes me cry
Even if that pain cuts me into pieces
The memories of you sleeping inside me
It was love
And even if that painful wound makes me cry
Even if that pain cuts me into pieces
The memories of you sleeping inside me
It was love
'2032': Track 16 – Programmers
[At the control hall]Milinevsky: Can she hear us talking?
The 1st programmer: No, not now.
Milinevsky: So..?
The 1st programmer: Well, comrade Sokolov did the most part…
Programmer Sokolov: She works just fine.
Even though, we’ve never thought we’d have to enter the ideologic axioms manually, but there was no malfunctioning.
At least, while you’ve been out.
She does everything as usual.
Milinevsky: Well…
That’s very good. I hope…
But I have one more question.
Why does she have a voice like that?
Programmer Sokolov: A voice like what?
Milinevsky: Well, in general… the way it is.
Programmer Sokolov: I think she modelled it herself, she seems to like this one.
Of course, nobody voiced her intentionally…
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.