Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 58

Találatok száma: 2298


Anthem of Apollon Smyrnis

Apollo, laurel-crowned, you are the God of beauty
And from you stem the morals and civilisation (bis)
Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, pride of all the Hellenes
You glorify our shining blue colour, while you symbolise our flag's cross
Apollo, team of the giants, you have heroic children
Who have steel bodies and everyone's heart is fearless (bis)
Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, pride of all the Hellenes
You glorify our shining blue colour, while you symbolise our flag's cross
Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, pride of all the Hellenes
You glorify our shining blue colour, while you symbolise our flag's cross

Answer: Love Myself

Versions: #2
I’m opening my eyes in the darkness
When my heartbeat sounds unfamiliar
I’m looking at you in the mirror
The fear-ridden eyes, asking the question
Loving myself might be harder than loving someone else
Let’s admit it
The standards I made is more strict for you
The thick tree rings in your life
It’s part of you, it’s you
Now let’s forgive ourselves
Our lives are long, trust yourself when in a maze
When winter passes, spring always comes
From the eyes of the cold night
I try to hide myself
As I keep tossing and turning
Maybe I fell in order to take place of those countless stars
The target of the thousands of bright arrows is me alone
You’ve shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
I’ll answer with my breath, my path
The me of yesterday, the me of today, the me of tomorrow
(I’m learning how to love myself)
With no exceptions, it’s all me
Maybe there’s no answer
Maybe this isn’t the answer either
It’s just that loving myself
Doesn’t require anyone else’s permission
I’m looking for myself again
But I don’t wanna die anymore
Me, who used to be sad
Me, who used to be hurt
It’ll make me more beautiful
Yes, I have that beauty
Knowing that is going on the path to loving myself
It’s what I need the most
I’m walking for myself
It’s an action needed for me
My attitude towards myself
That’s the happiness I need for me
I’ll show you what i got
I’m not afraid because it’s me
Love myself
From the very beginning
To the very end
There’s only one answer
Why do you keep trying to hide under your mask?
Even all the scars from your mistakes make up your constellation
You’ve shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
I’ll answer with my breath, my path
Inside of me
There’s still that awkward part of me but
You’ve shown me I have reasons
I should love myself
I’ll answer with my breath, my path
The me of yesterday, the me of today, the me of tomorrow
(I’m learning how to love myself)

Welcome to my Belarus

Blue eyes
Blond braids
Here it is, the land
Of Belarus
I want the words of this song of mine
To spread all over our land
I want to feel the echoes in every heart
When you and I are all going to sing together
Play, music, play
Celebration, begin
And sing with me
Everybody on the floor, welcome to my Belarus!
Everybody at the party, welcome to my Belarus!
The birds in the blue sky have picked up the singing
And carried it on to the sun above
Listen and sing
My Lake District
Of mine
Everybody on the floor, welcome to my Belarus!
Everybody at the party, welcome to my Belarus!
We collect our friends
We sincerely welcome everyone
Music unites
We start the celebration
Join faster
Everybody on the floor, welcome to my Belarus!
Welcome to my Belarus!

Meditation on a stroll

Since childhood, three decades passed by already,
It's getting tougher to strip soul at the ready,
Less often we carouse the night away,
More often, go for a stroll in an old and quiet park
That's feels cooler midst September,
Where promise of the youth leaves do not render.
Already, older ladies seem more dear,
But younger girls like wound up dolls appear,
And Mozart's grin more clearly we hear.
Now neighbors leave after midnight, too early,
Leftover wine and cake uneaten only,
And I take out trash neck wrapped in scarf.
Into our home once a cloud wandered,
Right from the glass it dripped.
We our rains let pass by,
Together, you and I.
Since school, years twenty passed already,
The circle of my friends is no longer young and ready,
And troubles have not passed us by.
But dark is night, and day is bright as ever,
Our children grow and grow up forever,
Let our autumn become their spring.
Since weddings, years ten passed already,
At night to party we're no longer ready.
Grandmas we come to visit once on their birthday
And once the day they pass away,
And third time, when the heart well may
Wish a grandchild one more day to stay.
Half of the life already passed since weddings,
Friends, do not leave yet, if God's willing,
It's too late for families to change.
And while at times it looks quite tough,
We did get used to one another,
Leave Melpomene to tragic scene,
Don't be ashamed of what the old holds in.
Into our home once a cloud wondered,
Right from the glass it dripped.
We our rains let pass by,
Together, you and I.

When I begin a new life

Today also I begin my day
I take up the broom and do housework
First I shine, wash and dust
And I don't rest until 8
Then I forget everything with my books
My imagination spreads like a colour
Cithara and weaving and natural food
I want to begin a new life too
I play games, throw darts and cook
I make masks, dances and play chess
Then I relax with constructions
Stretches, drawings, mischief and clothes
And I glance at my books again
I add brushstrokes to each drawing
After, twice and three times I comb my hair
And everything again from the beginning
And I wonder this, gosh when, oh when
will I too begin a new life?
There up high, lanterns will appear
As if they want to wish happy birthday
Tomorrow I'll be 18 years old
Perhaps Mother will let me go out

This Is Us.

With our bowed heads,
Before the fathers who are dead,
We got up.
Over the gravestones,
By loud glory smashed on,
We got up.
To them, as if in our thought,
With a quiet, not exalted word,
We say:
The leaves of Your tree
And not the grey shadow of it,-
This is us. This is us.
Echo of Your voice we hear,
The grains of your ear,-
This is us. (This is us)
Your thoughts messengers,
Your truth successors.-
This is us. (This is us)
Continuation of stories,
OF Your honor and conscience,-
This is us.
Winged shadows of clouds,
Of Your truth street cryers,-
This is us. This is us.
Between generations mediators,
Your glory successors,-
This is us. (This is us)
Your words incarnation,
And the sins absolution,-
This is us. (This is us)
Loyalty to Your guises,
Loyalty to Your customs,
We safeguard
To Your troops loyalty
And Your human dignity,
We safeguard . (We safeguard)
Loyalty to Your courage,
And to great friendship,
We safeguard . (We safeguard)
Loyalty to Your candidness,
And Your holy faithfulness,
We safeguard . (We safeguard)
We will rise, as the grownups,
We swear to You on the stars,
With the light of the eyes,
With the flames over blizzard,
With cradles and bread,
To be worthy of You.
To be worthy of You. (x4)

Egymagamban Táncolok

Tokió parkettáira,
Vagy épp Londonba kell menni,
A slágerek viharában,
A fények csillogásában,
Egymagamban táncolok,
Mikor már senki sincs láthatáron,
A zsúfolt magányos estén,
Olyan régóta várok már a szerelemre,
De csak egymagamban táncolok.
Egymagamban táncolok,
Egymagamban táncolok,
Nincs mit veszítenem,
Nincs mit bizonyítanom,
Így csak egymagamban táncolok.
Ha körbenéznék a világon,
Sokféle lányt látnék,
De üres tekinteted,
Úgy látszik elhald mellettem,
És hagyja, hogy egymagamban táncoljak,
Lenyomatok még egy piát,
Hogy legyen idõm gondolkodni,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra,
De így egymagamban táncolok.
Egymagamban táncolok,
Egymagamban táncolok,
Nincs mit veszítenem,
Nincs mit bizonyítanom,
Így csak egymagamban táncolok.
Ha körbenéznék a világon,
Sokféle lányt látnék,
De üres tekinteted,
Úgy látszik elhald mellettem,
És hagyja, hogy egymagamban táncoljak,
Lenyomatok még egy piát,
Hogy legyen idõm gondolkodni,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra,
De így egymagamban táncolok.
Egymagamban táncolok,
Egymagamban táncolok,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra.
Egymagamban táncolok,
Egymagamban táncolok. (2x)
Ha körbenéznék a világon,
Sokféle lányt látnék,
De üres tekinteted,
Úgy látszik elhald mellettem,
És hagyja, hogy egymagamban táncoljak,
Lenyomatok még egy piát,
Hogy legyen idõm gondolkodni,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra,
De így egymagamban táncolok.
Egymagamban táncolok,
Egymagamban táncolok,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra,
Ha megtehetném, felkérném a világot egy táncra.

Én vagyok

Egy Liberace rajongó vagyok
Egy megasztár a ragyogásban, az vagyok
Az vagyok, ami Bobby Pamnek,
Khashoggi Iránnak, az vagyok
A tükörbe nézve
A szépség, amit látok
Nehéz ilyen pompásnak lenni, ingyen
Könyörögj, lopj, vagy kérj kölcsön
Sohasem fogsz olyan
Karizmatikus sztár lenni, mint én
Isten porból teremtette az embert
És az ember bűnnel és kéjjel válaszolt
Isten porból teremtette az embert
Örök fiatalság a szilárd földön
A szépség hajtja előre a világot (x2)
A férfi csúcsa vagyok
Egy varázslatos márka, az vagyok
Egy lemezcímlap átverése
A legnagyobb Japánban, az vagyok
A báltermekbe belépve
Az óra mozdulatlanra vált,
A multimilliomosok, akiket megborzongatok
A pillérek fejlécei,
A párbajvívók, akiket megölök
A Panteon engedelmeskedik az akaratomnak
A természet törvénye az ősrobbanás óta,
Sírj, mint a fiatal Werther, vihar és késztetés
A természet törvénye az ősrobbanás óta,
És hangosabb, mind a hang fala
A szépség hajtja előre a világot (x2)
Egy Liberace rajongó vagyok
Egy megasztár a ragyogásban, az vagyok
Az vagyok, ami Bobby Pamnek,
Khashoggi Iránnak, az vagyok
Olyan önző vagy
Te, annak a...fia

Isten porból teremtette az embert
És az ember bűnnel és kéjjel válaszolt
Isten porból teremtette az embert
Örök fiatalság a szilárd földön
A szépség hajtja előre a világot (x2)
Egy Liberace rajongó vagyok
Egy megasztár a ragyogásban, az vagyok
Az vagyok, ami Bobby Pamnek,
Khashoggi Iránnak, az vagyok
A férfi csúcsa vagyok
Egy varázslatos márka, az vagyok
Egy lemezcímlap átverése
A legnagyobb Japánban, az vagyok
Ez igazi, ez pompás, ez vagyok

Az elmémben

Az elmémben, a fejemben
Mindannyian onnan jöttünk
Az álmaink, a szeretetünk amit megosztunk
Amire mindannyian várunk
Az elmémben, a fejemben
Innen jöttünk

A babám tűzben ég

A szerelme forró vörös, mikor darabokra esik
Sosem gondoltam, hogy ilyen szórakoztató megégetni magam
Minden valami újat talál ki
Igen, az a nő megtanított egy-két dologra
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég
Elmegyünk kocsikázni a 6.6 literesemmel*, igen
Kikerüljük a várost, egyenesen vidékre
Lekapcsolom a világítást, leállítom a motort
Amint elengedem a féket, rám ugrik
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég
Most hagyd égni
Ooh, igen
Forrón szeretem
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég
Nincs idő barátokra, nincs idő pihenésre
Amint hazaér a suliból, elkezd levetkőzni
Hideg van, de itt lent meleg, ooh
Mindig felforrósodom, mikor közelebb jön
Felizgultam a szerelemre, mintha ez lenne a legújabb trend
Azonnal válaszol egy pillantással és mosollyal
Olyan mint egy bomba, ami mindjárt robban
Csak egy érintés és elkezd kipakolni
Tűzben ég, whoo
A babám tűzben ég, oh igen
Még jobban felizgatsz
A babám tűzben ég, ow
Tűzben ég
A babám tűzben ég, igen, forrón szeretem
Tűzben ég, whoo
A babám tűzben ég
Oh, most hagyd égni, ow

The unnamed river

Quietly carries me
My pain by the unnamed river
Traces behind you are washed away by water
But the lodestar shines for me
Day by day, night by night
Pass without you
My pain is the river without banks
Where is your distant dock?
Can you hear my desperate call now?
Beloved my, precious my
How can I shout to you?
Let the other
You have chosen the way
Only the river doesn't turn back
Beloved my, if only I could
I would go for you everywhere
Let the soul shouts
In pain, but my love hasn't dead
Beloved my, precious my
How can I shout to you?
Let the other
You have chosen the way
Only the river doesn't turn back
Beloved my, (precious my)
I would go for you everywhere
Let the soul shouts
In pain, but my love hasn't dead
Beloved my, (precious my)

Sloping in one's declining years straight to fear.

Sloping in one's declining years straight ahead to fear -
Straight on sloping:
He is alone - and his wife is in an institution
For traumatology.
If the gentle sloping - is tightning:
To steepness we should he accustomed.
And we have a situation as others
And the friend however has a birthday -
It should be celebrated!
How to save humour
And I don't see any other means -
Swim with the course ...
And to get drunk straight away
To have my mind clouded!

My All Is in You

Feeling the wind on the balcony, I’m a little sad
The emotions forming in my chest, I don’t understand them
Once there was a girl, and a sky we shared
That memory stays just a dream to me
A familiar heartbeat, it starts beating again
The river of clouds, moving quickly past my window
The you now, in what corner of the city can I find you
I want to see the softness of your smile so much
If I can go back in time, I turn around in the grass
And you tell me you love me
I won’t pretend to not understand, if you can find me
Singing the same song, feeling the same wind (Same wind)
I will hold your hand
Slowly stepping on wind, walking into the sky
The fields are full of flowers, back then we were so naive
So at that time I never had thoughts of taking you away with me
The sun hiding behind the clouds, moving at its leisure
Until I finally lost the time and place with you there
If, a familiar heartbeat, it starts beating again
The river of clouds, moving quickly past my window
The you now, in what corner of the city can I find you
I want to see the softness of your smile so much
If I can go back in time (Back to childhood)
I turn around in the grass (I turn around in the grass)
And you tell me you love me (You tell me you love me)
I won’t pretend to not understand (I understand)
If you can find me, singing the same song (My girl)
(If you can find me)
Feeling the same wind (Same wind) (Singing a song)
I will hold your hand
Together with you, we’ll spend every afternoon watching the sun set
So many words I want to say to you
Can I take back a future that we both let slip
If I can go back in time (Back to childhood)
I turn around in the grass (I turn around in the grass)
And you tell me you love me (Tell me you love me)
I won’t pretend to not understand, if you can find me (Oh~)
Singing the same song, feeling the same wind (Same wind) (Feeling the wind)
I will hold your hand (Your hand)
I turn around in the grass (Oh~ Oh~)
Your sense of disappointment, I understand it now (Oh~)
If you can find me, singing the same song (Oh, singing the same song)
Feeling the same wind, I will hold your hand
(Feeling the same wind, I will hold your hand)
Slowly stepping on wind, walking into the sky
(Wu~ Stepping on wind, walking into the sky)
Slowly stepping on wind (Slowly, on wind)
Building a raindow

I Found My Love in Portofino

I found my love in Portofino
For I still believe in dreams
The odd game of destiny
In Portofino swept my heart
In the sweet enchantment of morning
The sea leads you towards me
Blinking eyes beside me
In Portofino I see you again
I recall a part1 of the sky
Where I was waiting for you
I recall this face so beloved
And your mouth ready to receive a kiss
I found my love in Portofino
Those kisses, forget them I won't
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
I recall a part1 of the sky
Where I was waiting for you
I recall this face so beloved
And your mouth ready to receive a kiss
I found my love in Portofino
Those kisses, forget them I won't
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
No longer is my road somber
For in Portofino, I found my love
  • Lit. 'angle'

Off My Mind

Yo girl, just can't get you off of my mind
Yeah yeah~ Na na na na~
Woah woah~ Yeah woah woah~
Girl once I see you, I go cra-cra-crazy
I only want you to be my Baby
I want to see through your heart, but I have no way to do so
Can I hold you hand?
Maybe you are also thinking about me
You got me goin’ crazy, crazy, crazy, yeah
If we were together, I would do anything
So Baby baby baby
I give you all my love I am just here
My heart will never give up you are my one and only
Girl this is not coincidental, you are my girl
I can’t get my mind off ya, off ya, off ya
I give you all my love I am just here
My heart will never give up you are my one and only
Girl this is not coincidental, you are my girl
I can’t get my mind off ya, off ya, off my mind
It’s ok even if the sky falls, I will never regret
I will bear all consequences (there’s me Baby)
Just have to say ok, and follow me
So take my hand and baby don’t let go
Maybe you are also thinking about me
You got me goin’ crazy, crazy, crazy, yeah
If we were together, I would do anything
So Baby baby baby
I give you all my love I am just here
My heart will never give up you are my one and only
Girl this is not coincidental, you are my girl
I can’t get my mind off ya, off ya, off ya
I give you all my love I am just here
My heart will never give up you are my one and only
Girl this is not coincidental, you are my girl
I can’t get my mind off ya, off ya, off my mind
Oh how should I tell you? (How should I treat you?)
What should I do? (What should I do)?
Have I given enough? I have too much feelings towards you
Too much My Love~
I won’t ever think of giving up
I give you all my love I am just here
My heart will never give up you are my one and only
Girl this is not coincidental, you are my girl
I can’t get my mind off ya, off ya, off ya
I give you all my love I am just here
My heart will never give up you are my one and only
Girl this is not coincidental, you are my girl
I can’t get my mind off ya, off ya, off my mind
O-o-off my mind
Off my mind

Az én életem

A döntéseim nem érdekelnek sem téged, sem a barátaidat,
ahol lehajtom a fejem, lehet, hogy nem az otthonom, de csak magamra számíthatok.
Mert ez én vagyok, az én életem, az én életem, az én életem.
Ó, a világ elrejtve előled a tenyeremen csücsül,
fáradt vagyok és elegem van abból, hogy rád várok meg azokra a dolgokra, amelyeket sosem teszel meg.
Mert ez én vagyok, az én életem, az én életem, az én életem.

Love Song

Versions: #2
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
It's becoming strange, I'm starting to see differently
They say, that's how love starts
na na na na na na na na
It's the love I've never imagined
I can't look away from my love
na na na na na na na na
This might be what they call love love love
The future that we both worried about,
on the pile of the beach, like
If love blows over it, it'll topple down
It won't be important anymore
Every moment that we share is precious to me
oh oh I will remember everything within those
countless pages
What are you thinking about
Can you believe in me
A combination of fear and excitement
They say, that is love
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
Oh love it's like a playground, this love
As if we're children again, we laugh
we cry, and become friends
Thank you for being by my side
oh oh every single page of our story shines bright
This is our letter
It's becoming strange, my feelings
Your not even my ideal type
It's becoming strange, I'm starting to see differently
They say, that's how love starts
It's a combination of fear and excitement
I know
It's difficult alone love love
Stay by my side my love
I hope you can be happy
I'll cherish you love love love
Na na na na na na na na na na na na


Statubom Bom Bom
Jordi too too too
With Ben Bon Bon Bon
A mess mess mess
A burning sun and she's already dancing
Look at the hips
Like matkot at the beach
Here since the morning with all the luxury
We are getting hot
It comes to me -a mess
Piii what a thing, match me perfectly
Piii what a thing, comes from abroad
On the beach you hypnotize everybody
with a tan of Shokobo and a swimsuit of Goomigam
Shokobo bo bo bo bo bo bo
Goomigam gam gam gam gam gam gam gam
Shokobo bo bo bo bo bo bo
Goomigam gam gam gam gam gam gam gam
I'm all sweaty, I have somethon nice to offer
We'll get into the car and start the engine
There's plenty more to do before the evening arrives
Wa'aliya how many energies
Battery great energy
Mamamia the way he moves me and Liraz buy him a cup
You have the bless, yes, that's why it doesn't work
I have nothing honestly it isn't reaspectful
Everyone tells me 'leave it ,man, cheer up'
I want me you and ice cream on a desert island
Only me and you against the world
With a tan of Shokobo and a swimsuit of Goomigam
Shokobo bo bo bo bo bo bo
Goomigam gam gam gam gam gam gam gam
Shokobo bo bo bo bo bo bo
Goomigam gam gam gam gam gam gam gam
Hey Jordi What happened?
Where is the hafla here What happened?
Give me a bit of Mizrahi music ashkara
What happened What happened What happened What happened?
What happened What happened What happened What?
What happened What happened What happened What?
What happened What happened What happened What?
What happened What happened What happened What?
Shokobo Shokobo Shokobo
What happened What happened What happened What?
Goomigam Goomigam Goomigam
What happened What happened What happened What?
Tell me what you did to everyone here
With a tan of Shokobo and a swimsuit of Goomigam
Shokobo bo bo bo bo bo bo
Goomigam gam gam gam gam gam gam gam
Shokobo bo bo bo bo bo bo
Goomigam gam gam gam gam gam gam gam
Goomigam Shokobo What happened?

Who Knows

Who knows
if I will ever see him again or if it's done
Why has he left his lover here
for everyone to pity?
He passes in front of me
My life and my heart are in pain
And I tell myself, it's normal
Every sweet thing has to go away
He's always on my mind
And he resides in the embrace of my heart
I pity myself
I can't forget him for one second
Who knows what he's doing now
or who is embracing him now
Why do I remember him while he
is living for other people?
If he has forgotten me
It's not fair for me to keep remembering him
And now I have finally
lost myself in his love
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

There are days

There are some days, you know
I crush down from a little thought
That you are not gona be here anymore
It is the same melody, but
Without you, it sounds a bit different
And it scratches, it scratches my soul
If you only have been in those moments
That I sometime, broke down like a little kid,
(This feeling) didn't pass, it burnt my face so much
You have always said, just let go of it, if you believe, it will come back,
And now I am hurt, and (this feeling) is not going away
No, no, it is not the time that will cure my heart
And it is not the dream
That maybe you will come visit
I can't stand this anymore
There some days, you know
That I get to underdstand
That we will not be together again
How you have changed, you are not the innocent girl that you were, when we first met
If you only have been in those moments
That I sometime, broke down like a little kid,
(This feeling) didn't pass, it burnt my face so much
You have always said, just let go of it, if you believe, it will come back,
And I am hurt, and (this feeling) is not going away
No, no, it is not the time that will cure my heart
And it is not the dream
That maybe you will come visit
I can't stand this anymore

They Faded Long Ago, The Chrysanthemums In The Garden

In the garden where we met,
Your favorite chrysanthemum bush has bloomed,
And in my bosom blossomed then
Feeling of a bright tender love …
(They) faded long ago
The chrysanthemums in the garden,
But love yet lives
In my heart aching...
Our deserted garden, you have long been gone,
I wander alone, all weary,
And compelling tears roll
Before the withered bush of chrysanthemums …
(They) faded long ago
The chrysanthemums in the garden,
But love yet lives
In my heart aching...
But love still lives
In my heart aching

The wind will guide me

Yes, my life was quiet
nothing used to happen but
I dreamt of endless challenges and freedom
Now the doors are open
Now the world is in front of me
I don't see obstacles or walls, but the world has for me
The wind touches my hair and it pushes me far, towards the horizon
With a smile life will be more beutiful
I'm going to live every adventure
I'm going to explore the world, and who knows
What's waiting for me
The wind will guide me
Thousands of travels to start
Thousands and more friends are waiting
Thousands of adventures, I hear them calling me
Many mysteries to reveal
Mistakes from which I'll learn
Do all sorts of things, without hestitating
I'll live like this, I won't ever stop
And the wind touches my hair and I have a song in my heart that makes me fly
Joy makes me jump, I have no gravity
I'm going to live all sorts of adventures
I'm going to explore the world and who knows
Where it'll take me
The wind will guide me

We Didn't Talk

We didn't talk
nor did we say: let's not
separate from each other
And now we separated and found no peace
And whose fault is it?
We don't know
But what I'm sure of
is that we both lost
We made a mistake when we believed
that we will find peace in our separation
And now time passed and slipped away
And we didn't come back
We made a mistake when we lost
the sweetest thing we had by leaving each other
There was a voice inside us that tried to stop us
And we didn't listen to it
I live in isolation/loneliness
Her love didn't leave me
And the nights of my life
are slipping away in front of my eyes
I'm lifeless and without a soul
I live in pain
If I could turn back time
I would never let her go
We made a mistake when we believed
that we will find peace in our separation
And now time passed and slipped away
And we didn't come back
We made a mistake when we lost
the sweetest thing we had by leaving each other
There used to be a voice inside us that tried to stop us
And we didn't listen to it
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

The wind will guide me (Reprise)

And life is like before the 'happy ending'
From a window I once again gaze at the world down there
Yes, it's true here there's who I love and no,
there's nothing better, but
For me there is much more in life
Yet the wind touches my hair and it gives me courage to go on
I will reveal all the mysteries, what a challenge it'll be!
If this breeze is with me
I will understand the reasons and who knows
Where it will take me
The wind will guide me!

My person

Do you know my heart?
My tears are telling you
For all my life
For the rest of my life
You, you
You are my everything
You are my person
I erased as much as my heart ached
But I can’t erase this love
Even if the world freezes
This love won’t stop
Instead, I’ll hurt some more
Don’t worry about me
Though it hurts, it’s love
I’m happy
Because you are forever
My person
I can’t open my eyes
When you aren’t in front of me
Flowers bloom and wither
Like the night that sank with tears
There’s only fear
There’s only fear
I erased as much as my heart ached
But I can’t erase this love
Even if the world freezes
This love won’t stop
Hold my hand tightly
Even if the world turns away from us
I won’t let go of this hand
I erased as much as my heart ached
But I can’t erase this love
Even if the world freezes
This love won’t stop
Instead, I’ll hurt some more
Don’t worry about me
Though it hurts, it’s love
I’m happy
Because you are forever
My person
I love you

Domesticated Wolf

They told you about me that I'm like the river
That comes and kisses, that kisses and leaves
They told you that I'm frivolous and empty
That I'm like the wolf that hunts and leaves
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
They told you one and many things about me
To be careful to not fall down
That my love is a trap and my roses are bait
But what I want to do is so simple
Uhhhn a domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
I always want to be
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
They told you about me that I'm like the river
They told you that I'm frivolous and empty
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And your crazy man in love with you
Is what I want to be
To be always at your side
And be your faithful pet
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And don't let rumours
Nor what people say
Get into your heart
Because they're only jealous, believe me
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet
And they're dying of jealousy
What people want
Baby, is to see us apart
But this love grows and grows
A domesticated wolf
A wolf in love
Your faithful pet

Semmi sincs az utamban

Hullámzó ár,
Szerelmesek egy nagy vízválasztónál
Miért nevetsz,
Ha tudom, hogy legbelül megsérültél?
És miért mondod, hogy
Ez csak egy újabb nap, semmi sincs az utamban,
Nem akarok menni, nem akarok maradni,
Már nincs mit mondani
És miért hazudsz?
Mikor meg akarsz halni, mikor megsérültél
Nem értem, miért is hazudsz
Már nincs mit mondani
Árulkodó jel
Nem tudod, hol húzd meg a határokat
És miért mondod, hogy
Ez csak egy újabb nap, semmi sincs az utamban,
Nem akarok menni, nem akarok maradni,
Már nincs mit mondani
És miért hazudsz?
Mikor meg akarsz halni, mikor megsérültél
Nem értem, miért is hazudsz
Már nincs mit mondani
Egy magányos lélekhez képest egész jól érzed magad
Egy magányos lélekhez képest egész jól érzed magad
Úgy látom, egy magányos lélekhez képest elég jól érzed magad
Elég jól érzed magad
Egy magányos lélekhez képest egész jól érzed magad
Egy magányos lélekhez képest egész jól érzed magad
Úgy látom, egy magányos lélekhez képest elég jól érzed magad
Elég jól érzed magad

Az én hibám

Igen, az én hibám,
hogy úgy szeretlek, ahogy,
az én hibám,
az önzésem veled kezdődik.
A szív csendes,
néhány problémát megoldok a lelkemmel,
olyan dolgok ezek, amelyekről (úgyis) tudsz.
És amikor mindezeket túlélted,
az eső túl sokáig esik,
és amikor mindezeket túlélted,
a fájdalom nem annyira megfoghatatlan, igen, igen …
Ó, ó, ó …
Ó, ó, ó …
Igen, az én hibám,
hogy úgy szeretlek, ahogy,
az én hibám,
a boldogságom veled kezdődik.
Ó, még mindig áldom a szívedet,
feltölt, otthont teremt,
olyan dolog ez, amelyről (úgyis) tudsz.
És amikor mindezeket túlélted,
az eső túl sokáig esik,
és amikor mindezeket túlélted,
a fájdalom nem annyira megfoghatatlan,
és amikor mindezeket túlélted,
az eső túl sokáig esik,
és amikor mindezeket túlélted,
a fájdalom nem annyira megfoghatatlan …
Ó, ó, ó …
Ó, ó, ó …
Igen, az én hibám,
csak az én hibám,
nem, csak az én hibám,
csak az én hibám.

You Are My Love

You touch my heart
Your name touches my lips
All day, I think of you
My heart trembles, this is love
You are my love
Look at me
You are my love
Do you know?
You are my love
It’s only you for me
Tell me this is love
At first, I didn’t know either
I didn’t know love
But when I tried to erase you
My heart stopped me
You are my love
Look at me
You are my love
Do you know?
You are my love
It’s only you for me
I’ll be standing right here
I can only see you and your heart
I can see your heart
Only one person I want to show my heart to, It’s you
You are my love
Look at me
You are my love
Do you know?
You are my love
It’s only you for me
Tell me this is love
Please tell me

Who told you

who told you.. behind my back
that I was able to forget you?
I'm guilty in your eyes.. and I don't understand
what did I do wrong..
from where did you get this, we've known each other for years
from a long time, not mere couple of days
if someone tried to come between us and distort the image you have for me
pay my absence back with yours right away
whatever they said to you, whatever have reached you, I'm innocent
You're the only one for me
and I swear by our companionship again and again
I die and live with you
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
إن أردت استخدام أي من أعمالي أرجو منك التواصل معي أولًا


And we however live in a deadly void ...

And we however live in a deadly void -
Try to squeeze - so that the pus spouts out, -
And the deadly fear is deadened by the howling -
And those, that are the first and people who are in the queue.
The obligatory sacrifices,
Often glorified by our fathers,
Have put a seal on our generation -
Have deprived us of reason and memory and sight.


Maybe I don't think about you but I'm not forgetting you
Maybe I miss you but I don't say it
Maybe I didn't keep my promises
Maybe your wounds never heal
I promised you a million things
I promised to make you my wife
Now all you have left is thorns
Because I fucked the petals of the rose mysef1
I know I lied to you, I know I cheated on you
That for me in love you already lost faith
That I destroyed the mornings, your kisses, and the cups of coffee
The scoundrels in the cinema, hitting the park in skates
I assure you that my soul is divided that it's my fault it ended
Walking alone to San Juan, singing to all the cobblestones
Thinking of the last time that I came with you
I spend my time smoking alone when I fall into depre-
Thinking of all the dust we put in the M32
I can't concentrate, the semester is fucked
For me the Devil comes now and kidnaps me
I spend my time smoking alone when I fall into depre-
Thinking of all the dust we put in the M3
I can't concentrate, the semester is fucked
For me the Devil comes now and kidnaps me
[Bryant Myers:]
Maybe I don't think about you but I'm not forgetting you
Maybe I miss you but I don't say it
Maybe I didn't keep my promises
Maybe your wounds never heal
[Bad Bunny:]
Maybe I don't think about you but I'm not forgetting you
Maybe I miss you but I don't say it
Maybe I didn't keep my promises
Maybe your wounds never heal
[Bryant Myers:]
I pretend, I say I'm good but really I lie
I know you remember too when we were being naughty in the back seat (oh)
I want to reuinite with you (yeah)
In truth losing you has been a lesson to me (wuh)
Baby I want to see if only for a moment
I I Have a rolled zed3
My soul is bleak without you
I prmise you I loved you truly
Noy my heart is in the darkness
Oblivion is a place that I still haven't found
They tell me that there I can forget about your love 4
I wouldn't have failed you if I had imagined
That losing you would cacuse me so much pain
Sad, baby I feel sad
It always kills me to think of you fucking with another
Now there is not remedy to fix what's happened between us, it's already broken
Mera tell me Conejo
Bad Bunny
Bryant Myers
The Darkness
Alex Killer
Maybe I don't think about you but I'm not forgetting you
Maybe I miss you but I don't say it
Maybe I didn't keep my promises
Maybe your wounds never heal
[Bad Bunny:]
Maybe I don't think about you but I'm not forgetting you
Maybe I miss you but I don't say it
Maybe I didn't keep my promises
Maybe your wounds never heal
  • 1. 'joder' translates as 'fuck' in this context, however, not in a sexual way. More so 'fucking something up as in messing it up.
  • 2. I'm not sure exactly what the M3 is referring to, so this translation may not make sense.
  • 3. I'm not sure what this means or if this is translated correctly. 'Zeta' is how the letter 'z' is said in Spanish. But in some dialects it apparently means a police car also.
  • 4. Literally it actually means 'undo myself of your love'.