Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 12

Találatok száma: 514


Ave Maria

Ave Maria! Virgin of heaven—
Queen of gratitude and pious mother—
who always answers the fervent prayer.
Do not refuse this, my broken heart.
Give respite to its sorrow!
My lost soul appeals to you—
and, full of hope, prostrates itself at your feet.
It invokes you and waits for you to give it
the peace that only you can give.
Ave Maria!

Ave Maria

Ave Maria! Virgin of heaven—
Queen of gratitude and pious mother
who always answers the fervent prayer.
Do not refuse this, my broken heart.
Give respite to its sorrow!
My lost soul appeals to you—
and, full of hope, prostrates itself at your feet.
It invokes you and waits for you to give it
the peace that only you can give.
Ave Maria!
Hail Mary, full of grace—
Mary, full of grace—
Hail Mary, full of grace—
Hail, hail, Lord—
the Lord is with thee
Blessed are you among women
and blessed—
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, thy womb, Jesus.
Ave Maria!

Helen of Troy

The neighbourhood can't hold us
We must set sail
What was this sudden thing
Who would expect it..
She was married,
Helen of Troy.
They will pay dearly for it
No more jokes.
They will beg and apologise,
We'll see what it means..
The damned
Helen of Troy.
Doesn't matter if everyone knows
That she went of her own free will.
We, like kins and insulted lovers,
Will insist
Poor Helen of Troy
Didn't want to.


Sterner than an icon, dark face,
There, in the garden.
Tightly shifted eyebrows.
The colour of blood, cruel mouth...
-I'm waiting, come out...-
Splashing, waving with the black crepe:
I'm breathing with an open crypt,
I'll throw down, weave the mist around
The last star
I'll bend with bloodless stature.
On the slops, on meadows
Like a wild hurricane I'll come down,
Scatter everywhere braids...
To go out before into the boundless world
I could not.
With secret is shrouded my palace,
And for you my accidental friend,
I watched out.
Do you hear, unsteady rain is dripping,
With a bit of rustle...
In my broken violin-
All of my soul.
Listen to the strings, sing with me,
With dark, dead and intoxicated...
The string squeal and screamed,
Here, it's sings, it's calling,
And, breaking into a wild run
Leaves are dancing on the road,
The forest moans in plangent cry,
In anxiety the grass start to bow...
Past a scary face,
Past her tired lips
Without no end, they race and race
Waterfalls of scarlet leaves.
Over the distance in twilight-
Airplanes from brocade.
Curling into the spiral,
Tornadoes are scattered far away.
Listen to the strings, sing with me,
With dark, dead and intoxicated...
We have known free open spaces,-
Further, higher, out from the circle we run,-
With insomnia and rave
We have made each other drunk.
In the splash, the rustle and chaos,
Where struggling light is dying,
I'm flying... Behind me the footprints
Autumn sweeps with violin.

María Landó

Daybreak bursts out like a statue
Statue with wings that spread out over the city
And the noon-hour sings like a bell made of water
Bell of golden water that won't let us feel loneliness
And the night lifts up its grand goblet
Its grand goblet, the early moon above the sea.
But for María there is no daybreak
But for María there is no noon
But for María no moon
Lifts its red goblet above the sea
María has no time (María Landó)
To lift up her eyes
María to lift up her eyes (María Landó)
Exhausted by lack of sleep
María exhausted by lack of sleep (María Landó)
And by suffering
María by suffering (María Landó)
Only works
María only works, only works, only works
María only works
And her work belongs to others
But for María there is no daybreak
But for María there is no noon
But for María no moon
Lifts its red goblet above the sea
María has no time (María Landó)
To lift up her eyes
María to lift up her eyes (María Landó)
Exhausted by lack of sleep
María exhausted by lack of sleep (María Landó)
And by suffering
María by suffering (María Landó)
Only works
María only works, only works, only works
María only works
And her work belongs to others
María Landó, María Landó, María Landó
María Landó only works
María Landó only works
María Landó
Only works
María Landó
Only works, and her work belongs to others

Those Who Wear the Skirt Well

Men of the world
Stop and listen for a second
'Cause it seems so absurd to us
What you sound like out there
Stupid songs
With lyrics that don't respect us
And I can't wrap my head around
Why you paint us that way.
We are much more than sex
A pair of breasts, a nice body
Under our hair we have a brain
A heart to feel
We are much more than that
Open your eyes 'cause these are different times
And from us you were born
There's nothing more to say.
Excuse me?
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
Those of us who know how to live (that's right)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel (I am Ivy Queen)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes you can.
(Yes you can, man)
Those of us in charge have arrived, in pants or in skirts
Women do not fall. Get up!
'Cause we're the gift to this planet
And whoever hits us like that sins
Man, respect us!
Respect what we can do, without any opposition
That we have a brain, intelligence, and a heart
That there are many in the fight
It's not the same to hurt one
Men of the world
To clarify this point for you
We are the same, we are one
There's nothing more to say
(We won't let ourselves go)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well (that's right)
Those of us who know how to live (we know how to live man)
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now (the ones in charge)
Those who wear the skirt well (Yes Sir)
The ones who can make you feel.
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly so that they hear us (Yes Sir)
All the women (All)
All the women (All)
All the women
Let's sing loudly that yes we can
We are more than sex
We're an I love you
We're an I can
We're an example
We're more than sex (sex)
We're an I love you (I love you)
We're an I can
There's nothing more to say
Ay Ay Ay the ones in charge are here now
Those who wear the skirt well
The ones who can make you feel
Oh oh oh
María José
La Josa
Ivy Queen
Eliot the Wizard of Oz
The power of the universe


Tonight, mama,
I’ve heard famous men
In a chorus with God.
Give me back my life,
Great voice of the heaven.
Till my departure
May the pain be sweet to me.
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you

Tonight, mama,
We’re all together.
Only one wish,
That of the Sardinians like you.
Sons of history
Sons of unity
We are the memory
We’re today, we’re tomorrow
Sardinians who bear their land in their hearts
Sardinian is their blood
Sardinians like rocks, fighting everywhere
Strong souls, just like you (x2)


Néhány Kis Horzsolás

Itt kint a párkányon
Közel vagyok ahhoz, hogy lelépjek
Végre kiválasztottam a felhőmet
Ott is van
Körülvéve levegővel
Kinyújtottad a kezed
És azt mondtad 'Én megértem
Szóval miért nem jössz le?'
Nos, néhány kicsi horzsolás,
Vágás és seb ellenére
Nos, jól vagyok
Ó, néhány kicsi horzsolás,
Vágás és seb ellenére
Nos, jól vagyok
Köszönöm kérdésed
Annyira örülök ennek a pillanatunknak itt
Tudom, hogy azt hiszik, őrült vagyok
De minden, ami vagyok, az minden, amire tanítottak, hogy legyek
Kinyújtottad a kezed
És azt mondtad 'Én megértem
Szóval miért nem jössz le?'
Nos, néhány kicsi horzsolás,
Vágás és seb ellenére
Nos, jól vagyok
Ó, néhány kicsi horzsolás,
Vágás és seb ellenére
Nos, jól vagyok
És ahogy te hangosan felolvasod a szavaimat
Zseninek tűnök tőle
Különlegesnek tűnök tőle
És talán le fogok jönni
Nos, néhány kicsi horzsolás,
Vágás és seb ellenére
Nos, jól vagyok
Ó, néhány kicsi horzsolás,
Vágás és seb ellenére
Nos, jól vagyok
És ahogy te hangosan felolvasod a szavaimat
Zseninek tűnök tőle
Különlegesnek tűnök tőle
És talán le fogok jönni

Bocsánatot Kellene Kérnem?

Írtam egy dalt, egy naplót
Odaadtam a világnak
Elmeséltem a történetét annak,
Mikor csak egy kislány voltam
Megértést kerestem
Tisztaságot az igazságban
Az által, hogy felfedek minden sebet
Amit a fiatalságom alatt okoztam
Kritizáltad a döntésemet
Hogy álljak a múltam mellett
Hogy hangot adjak a fájdalomnak
Csak hogy ezt is átadhassam
De bátornak éreztem magam
És büszkeséggel teltem meg, ahogy elengedtem
A keserűséget, amit nem akart elmenni vagy hagyni, hogy nőjek
De egy egész életet fogok tölteni azzal
Hogy megpróbálom megérteni
Hogy miért, valaki, akivel a vérvonalamon osztozunk
Nem nyújtana segítséget nekem
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?
Magamnál is jobban szerettem őt
De ő választásra kényszerített
Közte és az apám között
És így, elutasítottam
Elmenekültem a házából és haragtól
Tizenegy évesen
Követtem a görbe utat
Ami egy színpadhoz vezetett
A függönyök szétnyíltak
A szívem követte az irányt
A zene nem állt meg
És én végre fellélegeztem
De egy egész életet fogok tölteni azzal
Hogy megpróbálom megérteni
Hogy miért, valaki, akivel a vérvonalamon osztozunk
Nem nyújtana segítséget nekem
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?
Bocsánatot kellene kérnem?

Bite Me

[Verse 1]
You're not the first one that bite me there
You're not the first wolf I met
Your lambskin doesn't fool me
I'm not the beginner here
[Verse 2]
But you don't have me patience
And this is what makes a difference
You decide if you lose decency
With my bad influence
If I want, you want (You want)
If I dare, you dare (You dare)
If I call you, you come
Let's go to behave bad
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite, bite) (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
[Verse 3]
That I'm your forbidden girl
I'm your dead end
I put you between the sword and the wall
Drink, my mouth if juicy
[Verse 4]
Eat me, kiss me, take me, hold me
Beam me up, put me down over and over
Eat me, kiss me, take me, hold me
I want you to sweat and make my skin crawl
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
[Post-chorus 1]
Bite, bite (let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad)
Bite, bite (let's go to behave bad, let's go to behave bad)
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite, we're hot
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite
I want to take me in your body
It's in hell where I want to burn
We're fire, I will procede
There's not much left to do here
I take you to the extreme, I like this game
If I want, you want (I want, you want)
If I dare, you dare (I dare, you dare)
If I call you, you come
Let's go to behave bad
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
Bite my heart (bite me there)
La-la-ra-la, la-la-ra-ra, la-la-ra-la
La-la-ra-la, la-la-ra-ra, la-la-ra-la
[Post-chorus 2]
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite, I'm impatient
Bite, bite, savagely
Bite, bite
Bite my heart

Ave Maria

Not all of us have the luck
to be chosen by the fate
and the destiny to give us something
On roads of humility
your step is hardly guiding you
and makes a calvary of your life
You choke with the sour bread of poverty
and don't understand what you made wrong
what your hand is chosing
to be a slave while another one's a king
and have nothing of all that you wish for...
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...
Why do people live their life
everyone for himself
and forget about the love for the close ones?
Wondered of so much hatered,
I shut myself deeply
and I wonder
'God, where have You gone?'
Does not anyone just have the soul
to let you down on his downfall
and coming to you
with a word to calm
the wounds of the soul from the past?!
If you even feel like losing that final chance
and the burden of the moment seems a little harder,
bear your cross with faith until the end
and your faith will save you!...
And when life will ask you to bear more
and your hopes are dying
remember of the supreme consolation
and turn your eyes upon the sky!...
Ave Maria!...
Ave Maria!...

My Sassari

I left Sardinia
and my family
to work for money
in a foreign land.
But you, my Sassari,
always reappear in my dreams
with my children:
I hug you, then I fall asleep.
I dreamed of you tonight
my Sassari, my Sassari…
I dreamed of you tonight,
my Sassari, I was returning to you.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.
Even if I’m not asleep
or I’m talking,
I just close my eyes
and I’m seeing you.
That’s the emigrant’s life:
he works and dies
to raise money
thinking of his sons.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead, you were dead.
Once I dreamed of you,
you were dead calling my name.
Holy Virgin of the heaven,
give me my Sassari
because in my land,
at home, I would live longer.

Bite me (Snippet)

You are not the first that bites there
You are not the first wolf that I knew
Your lamb's skin don't trick me
That I am not the beginner here
But you don't have patience to me
This is what make difference
I decide if I lose modecy
With your bad influence
If I want, you want
If I dare, you dare
If I call you, you come
We are going to behave badly
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
Bite me the heart
(bite me there)
That I am your Eva forbidden


Az eső lassan esik, az idő eltűnik
Megpróbálom megtartani az arcomat
Mert egyedülálló vagyok magamban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet elveszíteni
Az utak milliói, a pont menekül
Csak tartsa az arcát
Mert egyedülálló vagy magadban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet elveszíteni
Van egy szenvedély a lázadás ellen
Még így is próbálkozunk
Nyisson meg néhány ajtót
Nézze meg a titkos rejtett témáinkat
Annak ellenére, hogy ma veszítünk jelentőséget
Az áramlást pazaroljuk
Ez egy alapos példa
Egy álomút
A vágyak tükör
Tükrözze a hangot
Az eső lassan esik, az idő eltűnik
Megpróbálom megtartani az arcomat
Mert egyedülálló vagyok magamban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet elveszíteni
Az utak milliói, a pont menekül
Csak tartsa az arcát
Mert egyedülálló vagy magadban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet elveszíteni
Van egy szenvedély a lázadás ellen
Még így is próbálkozunk
Nyisson meg néhány ajtót
Nézze meg a titkos rejtett témáinkat
Annak ellenére, hogy ma veszítünk jelentőséget
Az áramlást pazaroljuk
Ez egy alapos példa
Egy álomút
A vágyak tükör
Tükrözze a hangot
Az eső lassan esik, az idő eltűnik
Megpróbálom megtartani az arcomat
Mert egyedülálló vagyok magamban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet elveszíteni
Az utak milliói, a pont menekül
Csak tartsa az arcát
Mert egyedülálló vagy magadban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet cserélni
Még mindig van, amit a szív keres, a mosoly
Nem várok, amíg valami véletlenszerűen történik
Mert te benne van a vágy, hogy előrelépjen
Mindannyian egyedi
Az eső lassan esik, az idő eltűnik
Megpróbálom megtartani az arcomat
Mert egyedülálló vagyok magamban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet elveszíteni
Az utak milliói, a pont menekül
Csak tartsa az arcát
Mert egyedülálló vagy magadban
Az egyetlen dolog, amit nem lehet cserélni

Cupid criminal

Something is wrong
I always do it upside down
And I end up falling
For the wrong man
I think I have no choice
When I let myself to be loved
They lose interest
And if he treats me very well
There is a ring on his finger
And though he wants me, I don't want
I already know who to blame
Cupid is a criminal, lethal
Breaking hearts without mercy, cruelty
That he managed to fool everyone
For me to pick up his arrows
And the key in his sick heart
They say it's not personal
But I can't avoid
The feeling that points to me and shoots against me
It even seems like a joke
If I find the ideal man
He lives in another town
And if he has a brain, sure is superb
Or he sees me as a game
I will not fall in love again
Cupid is a criminal, lethal
Breaking hearts without mercy, cruelty
That he managed to fool everyone
For me to pick up his arrows
And the key in his sick heart
Breaking hearts without mercy, cruelty
That he managed to fool everyone
For me to pick up his arrows
And the key in his sick heart, heart

Let's go back

My days hurts me when you are not
All I'm trying to do, is not working
I walk without a goal and direction
Tell me if you are better without me
I can't lie to my heart
Since you are not with me sun doesn't rise
I miss you, it hurts me
To be without you, come back please
I still
I still love you
I still miss you
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, baby
To be happy again
I still
I still love you
And even stronger than yesterday
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, baby
To be happy again
What do you want me to tell you baby?
What's happening to me
It's that your 'goodbye'
It was like a tsunami
Which destroyed everything
To kiss other lips is fatal
All the songs remind me
That I was so happy, and now nothing is the same
There is nothing, baby
Tell me, if you love me
Like I love you
Let's forget everything and let's go back
Tell me, if you love me
Like I love you
Let's forget everything and let's go back
I still
I still love you
I still miss you
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, baby
To be happy again
I still
I still love you
And even stronger than yesterday
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, baby
To be happy again
My days hurts me when you are not
All I'm trying to do, is not working
I walk without a goal and direction
Tell me if you are better without me
I can't lie to my heart
Since you are not with me sun doesn't rise
I miss you, it hurts me
To be without you, come back please
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today, today, today
Let's go back today

Bells of Lisbon

The bells of Lisbon
On Sunday mornings
Still remember
When seeing the white sails
They used to ring
When a sailor of his Majesty
Left the wide harbour
And eyes full of tears
He heard the farewell
Of the Lisbon bells
The boats in the harbour
Think they are caravels
A young sailor
Closing his eyes
Smiles to angels
He watches the golden flag
Of the old conquistadors
Brushing against him
The mainsail quivers
And the bells of Lisbon
Ring for him
The pigeons nesting
In the church towers
Suddenly wake up
And swirl around
Among the grey stones
Under the sunny and peaceful sky
Of a nice Portuguese spring
The song of the bell rowers
Rises over the city
In a sort of bouquet
The Lisbon bells
In the morning on Sundays
Still remember
Watching these white sails
That they used to ring
When a sailor of the King
Brought in his hulls
New horizons
Greeted by the echo
Of the Lisbon bells
The young sailor
With closed eyes
Still smiles
He sees the King, the Court
The multicoloured
A black-eyed Infante
Pays him with a look
The worlds he brings home
His head swirls
And its for him that ring
The Lisbon bells!
The Lisbon bells!
The Lisbon...

Sanitary Napkins

Versions: #2
Tampon or sanitary napkins?
What a question!
But it drows
But it drows
Sanitary napkins!
Sanitary napkins!
You drink tampon like wine
Yo yo yo cockroach with bikini
And l have birthday on March 8 but eho cares?
Take the sanitary napkin and hit the baby's head with it
Tampon or sanitary napkins?
What a question!
But it drows
But it drows
Sanitary napkins!
Sanitary napkins!
You drink tampon like wine
Yo yo yo cockroach with bikini
And l have birthday on March 8 but eho cares?
Take the sanitary napkin and hit the baby's head with it
Oh, yeah, hit the baby's head, hit his head
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality!

Sex On The Grass

Versions: #2
Dry pussy, never sorrows
Fate hit me which is like an miserable girl
And l said to hit a bitch which is like a steak
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Condoms finished
But l can't stand it, l dry
I wanna be dried without drop water on me
My sweet baby, l'm getting horny!
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
Sex on the grass
It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack, not rationality!

What kind of Christmas is it?

How many roads around me
A thousand lights on you
I fell the energy of the people who
In their world are looking for themselves
I’m thinking of every idea that gives
A bit of Christmas to the child in me
Happy Christmas time
Oh Silent Night
Jingle Bells all the way, my boy
What kind of Christmas is it, if it snows
inside your soul, inside you?
It’s a Christmas that you can’t forget
If a music leads me to you
How many things you have
But you live in them and don’t see it
There is a perfume that
Brings you back to yourself
And so many people are looking for themselves
What kind of Christmas is it, if it snows
inside your soul, inside you?
It’s a Christmas that you can’t forget
If a music leads me to you
Happy Christmas time
Oh Silent Night
Jingle Bells all the way, my boy
What kind of Christmas is it, if it snows
inside your soul, inside you?
It’s a Christmas that you can’t forget
If a music leads me to you

My country is a bit of heaven

Downstream from Danube
Decebal watches over
Up on the ridge of the mountain
Pintea and his band of merry men
Hold a dagger in the hand
My country is a bit of heaven
A bunch of May's flowers
Transylvania and Banat
Dobrogea and the whole Reign
Bassarabia beloved
With Romanians is twinned
A bunch of May's flowers
In the deep forests
Stefan and his yeomen guard
Iancu, the King of the 'Moti'
You're the master of the mountains
For us you still live
I put 'opinci' on my feet
And the Dacian hat
The language we are speaking
From the Daci we inherit
Language, our precious treasure
Mountains are our fortune
The Romanians' power
Meadows, waters and plains
The land of Romanians
This is our great fortune
We were born here
Our land is holy
We are gifted from heaven
With a holy place, a holy border
Let's love it up to the end


Versions: #3
Sad eyes, beautiful eyes
Sad lips without a smile…
I see her every day from afar
She stands in [her] window until dusk
I think only of her
And I want just one thing:
That she’d like, if only from afar
[And] if only for a while, to look at me
Mary-Anne has a sad face
Mary-Anne constantly looks into distance
How much I’d like to see oneday
My reflection in [her] sad eyes
How much I’d like to be able to believe
That oneday she’d fall in love with me
Mary-Anne has a sad face
Mary-Anne constantly looks into distance
No prayers [can] bring back anymore
The bygone years, the bygone days
The one she awaits all the time
Will not come under her window anymore
Mary-Anne has a sad face
Mary-Anne constantly looks into distance
Mary-Anne constantly looks into distance


Decision time my dear
Give up now Or, make it clear
uuuuu its either do or die.
A thousand million eyes
and the sharpest mouths, To critisize
uuuuu its not an easy life
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Stand up and march into the light
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Jump higher until you can fly
The mirror not in vain
Look into it
and be amazed
uuuuuh you're beautiful and bright
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Stand up and march into the light
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Jump higher until you can fly
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Stand up and march into the light
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Jump higher until you can fly
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Stand up and march into the light
Mariaaa, Ave Maria
Jump higher until you can fly

To the Wind and the Swallows

I no longer hear the bells
Ringing for the party
The party is over
All over the world,
Birds no longer sing
And don't even look to the sky
Swallows, where are you?
I don't see you in the eaves
Could the joy
of May
Also want to run away
So that the desolate
Meadows alone
Cannot smile?
Who silences
The burning mouths?
Lips are gall
Water stirs teeth
I want to go singing
Over there in the meadows
To cast poems in the wind
So that it too
May be born anthem
By kissing the bells
I no longer hear the bells
Ringing for the party
The party is over
All over the world,
Birds no longer sing
And don't even look to the sky
I no longer hear the bells
Ringing for the party
The party is over
All over the world,
Birds no longer sing
And don't even look to the sky
Swallows, where are you?
Swallows, where are you?...

You Come Down from the Stars

1. You come down from the stars
Oh, King of Heavens,
And You come in a cave in the cold, in the frost. (2 v.)
Oh, my Divine Baby
I see you trembling here,
Oh, Blessed God
Ah, how much it costs You, your loving me. (2 v.)
2. For You, who is the Creator of the world,
No clothes and fire, oh my Lord. (2 v.)
Dear chosen one, little baby,
This dire poverty,
Makes me love You more,
Since Love made You more poor. (2 v.)
3. You leave the beautiful glory of the divine bosom,
To come suffer on a little hay. (2 v.)
Sweet love of my heart,
Where did love carry You?
O my Jesus.
Why do You suffer so much? Because You love me. (2 v.)
4. But if your suffering was Your will,
Why, afterwards do You wish to weep? Why are You crying?
My Jesus, I understand you, yes!
Ah, my Lord!
You are weeping not because of pain, but because of love. (2 v.)
5. You are crying because You see me ungrateful,
Whence such great love, so little beloved!
Oh, beloved of my breast,
If previously it was this way,
Now I love only You.
Dear, don't cry anymore, since I love You, and I love You.(2 v.)
6. You sleep, my child, but meanwhile the heart
Is not sleeping, but is always awake.
Ah, my beautiful and pure lamb,
What are You thinking of? Tell me.
Oh, immense love!
'I think one day I'll die for you,' You reply. (2 v.)
7. So You are thinking of dying for me, my God:
Who else, besides you, can I love?
Oh Mary, my hope,
If I love your Jesus so little,
Don't be outraged.
Love Him for me, if I am not able to love Him! (2 v.)

Beating heart

Heart beat to see me come
So I open my cord when you pass
And our carival group go up the hill of illusion
With the feet on the ground...
Heart beat because we are carnival!
And nothing will stop this revelry
After our love
Till when this samba plays
Come marking in our chest
Beating heart
So we can be happy
So we can parade on this life

Hail Mary, Piety!

Hail Mary,
Full of grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
Blessed art thou amongst women,
Holy Mother of God.
Hail Mary,
Full of grace,
Mary, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Jesus, Jesus, Amen
Holy Mary,
Pray for us sinners,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of our death.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary

With A Thousand Stars

Time's standing still now
Darkness is over us here
I've put you in my cradle
I wonder what dream you'll have
You've shut your eyes
Everything around us is like magic
I wonder if you're flying above mountains
Or finding animals you like
If I just could give
and promise a life like dreams
With a thousand stars
which always will follow you
and help you
Your hands fumble gently
Telling me you're on your way
I wonder if you're sailing across oceans
Or are dancing in the games of your dream?
If I just could give
and promise a life like dreams
With a thousand stars
which always will follow you
and help you
If I just could
Promise you a life like dreams
I'd give it to you
If I just could give
and promise a life like dreams
With a thousand stars
which always will follow you
no matter what
what's in store for you, sweetheart
Then I'll promise that
I'll always be by your side
and follow you
If I just could
Promise you a life like dreams
I'd give it to you
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Virgin Mary

If I were a cream ice-cream
You'd eat me
And I swear I didn't know at all
You suffered
And you've been walking in a hood and with no make-up
For four days
And you would like not to meet anyone anymore
And you hide
I don't want you to smoke weed
Because weed makes you laugh
There's nothing to laugh about
There's nothing to laugh about
And I didn't know anything, I didn't know anything
About these new moves
I still remember you with that pink ribbon
Fries and Coca-Cola
And now I'd like to know who you're mad at
And why you didn't come to look for me and never told me
I don't want you to smoke weed
Because weed makes you laugh
There's nothing to laugh about
There's nothing to laugh about
Your books, your clothes and voice notes of these days
Questions, what do you want to do with these years as an adult
Words fly fly fly
Fly fly fly fly away
Fly fly fly away
Fly fly fly fly
I don't want you to smoke weed
Because weed makes you laugh
There's nothing to laugh about
There's nothing to laugh about
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.
they say that the wind
carries the wails
of those who have gone,
so someone says.
Tell me, mama.
they say that the moon
can turn our luck.
So, can I go up there
to turn it?
Tell me, mama.
Tell me, mama.
When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.
they say that the light…
Why a hope of light
doesn’t descend here
to this side?
Tell me, mama.
the enmity,
brother against brother,
will ever end?
Why are we like this?
Tell me, mama.
Tell me, mama.
When the mouflons run on the snow
squawking under the winter sun,
this world looks as tender as you
who are cradling my life.

Down the hill, on the little garden

Green leaf of field's flower12
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Down the hill, on the little garden,
Gheorghiță3's horse is grazing.
Oh, sweetie4, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Gheorghiță's horse is grazing
Tethered to a delicate carnation.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Hey, the delicate carnation died,
Gheorghiță's horse broke free.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Gheorghiță is running, he is running,
He is running hatless.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields5.
He is running hatless
Because his horse broke free into the fields.
Oh, sweetie, oh, girl,
Why are you bothering me?
Love me!
  • 1. the first lines of most folk/traditional romanian songs are usually phrases that contain words like 'leaf', 'green', as well as plant names. These phrases are completely independent of the following lines
  • 2. literally 'I said green English dogwood'
  • 3. Gheorghiță is the diminutive of Gheorghe, a common romanian male name in the recent past
  • 4. 'leliță' is a word with only regional use describing young, handsome women
  • 5. literally 'because his horse broke free into setaria fields', as 'setaria' is a genus of plants

As big as Maramureș is

As big as Maramureș1is,
As big as Maramureș is,
There is no nobleman2 like me and you.
There is no nobleman like me and you.
As many flowers as there are along Iza3,
As many flowers as there are along Iza,
I planted them all with my wife.
I planted them all with my wife.
The ones we planted until noonday,
The ones we planted until noonday,
All of them rooted.
All of them rooted.
The ones we planted until sunset,
The ones we planted until sunset
Rooted, but died afterwards.
Rooted, but died afterwards.
The ones we planted until sunrise,
The ones we planted until sunrise,
All of them proudly bloomed.
All of them proudly bloomed.
As big as Maramureș is,
As big as Maramureș is,
There is no nobleman like me and you,
Neither town like Sighet4.
There is no nobleman like me and you.
Neither town like Sighet.
  • 1. Maramureș is a region in northern Romania
  • 2. 'cocon' is a word with only regional use describing young men of wealthy families
  • 3. Iza is a river in Maramureș region
  • 4. Sighetul Marmației is a town in Maramureș region