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A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 43


The Courage to Act

So much should have happened long ago
But I never dared
to forge my own way forward
I've waited so long for this moment
But even now, I don't feel prepared
Is this reality or only a dream
Or is my fight finally beginning?
The time has come where deeds
and no longer words count
The time has come
Where hesitations can't be allowed
Whether right or not --
from now on I'll follow the voice
that speaks to me
Because the vision before me is so clear
And even dreams can sometimes come true
But it requires strength and leadership
It requires the courage to act
From now on I'll forge a completely new path
From now on nothing will be impossible
The time has come when deeds
And no longer words count
The time has come
when I can no longer return to what was
It'll succeed, or not --
but now I'll fight with all my determination
for a future in this country
There's so much put on my shoulders
But it requires the will to fight
It requires the courage to act
What counts is willingness and leadership
It requires the courage to act

The Path to the Future

Versions: #1
Our dream of the future
carries us far away,
blazes new paths here,
it flows through this place.
See the wonders of progress
draw inexorably close to all of mankind.
Our path to the future
has opened up before us.
With the power of our minds, we've accomplished great things.
This awakening to the new has stoked up courage.
Let the light of renewal guide you all,
fight for freedom in our country.
Our path to the future
lies in our hands alone.
[The people (together with Rudolf):]
Our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our dreams become reality!
Our path to the future,
and the path isn't much further for us.
Our path to the future
leads to a new world of freedom.
It's long since been time!
Are all of you ready?
Let's go this way and our dream will become reality!
Don't stand still anymore!
Let everyone be what they want!
Create a new world with me
for freedom!
You are free in thought,
you're equal before the world,
you're all brothers in spirit,
conduct yourselves as you please!
Fight with me for the life never lived,
free from injustice!
Let's start today,
the way there isn't much further!
[The people (together with Rudolf):]
Our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our path to the future,
our dreams become reality!
Our path to the future,
and the path isn't much further for us.
Our path to the future
leads to a new world of freedom.
Don't stand still any longer!
Dare to look,
with our power combined, so much can still happen!
Take it into your own hands!
You're the country's hope!
Create a new world with me
for freedom!
Free from hatred and contempt,
free from greed and envy,
with the pride of people who thrive on progress,
we'll set off, united by our strength to understand tomorrow even now!
[The people:]
Our path to the future
Let's look ahead!
[The people:]
Our path to the future
And greatness will ensue!
[The people:]
Our path to the future
[Rudolf / The people:]
The path is ready for us,
the path to a new era!

Time to act

In this document, our principles are laid out.
Clemenceau has already signed it and I will do it
as well, but we need you too.
You are the crown prince of the greates empire of the world. When you climb the throne...
Who knows, when that will be!
Believe me, I see the inclined plane, on which we are sliding down. But I am not even allowed to say what I feel and think
and therefore I must...
Let's talk confidentially
Prince I say it openly
Words are edifying,
but they don't bring and do not force what time
Far too optimistic!
Let's talk honestly
our situation urges us
even if it seems difficult, you must see and understand,
that waiting won´t get us anywhere.
Be realistic!
(Mann 2 Vogel:)
You have remained quiet so for so long. Aren´t you born to do much more?
If we do not rebell today, we will soon be lost.
What are you expecting from me?
Join us, sign the constitution.
Your signiture...
That would be treason!
I can not possibly decieve my father to such an extent.
Do you prefer to betray your country?
Think about it!
Austria driven into a war forced by Germany!
A war, that will affect the whole world
It is time to stand up and to determinedly go ahead.
(It is) time to look fate in the eye.
(It is) time to fight.
It is time to act.
Let us begin.
(Szeps, Clemenceau, Andrássy, Vogelsang:)
It is time to act
to begin
and to realize, that your father won´t accept.
Make a statement!
(Szeps, Clemenceau, Andrássy, Vogelsang:)
It is time to act.
Let us hesitate no more.
(Szeps, Clemenceau, Andrássy, Vogelsang:)
It is time to act.
to realize
and name, which paths lead into the abyss,
make a statement!
Let us go forward, the time ready.
If you stand by your values, no path is ever too far.
Isn´t that our most sincere wish?
Yes, it is only up to you.
Form a future together with us.
Sign here.
If I sign this...
Make a decision, Rudolf, but don´t wait too long.
The time of writing and dreaming is over, Rudolf.

May time

In the springtime the fears got ripened.
The floor is plowed for the spring planting.
An evening is humid, an evening is long -
Tear the books apart to feed the fireplace.
Don’t rip the wallpaper off the walls in search of the strangers’ stories.
Don’t take the glass panes from the window frames:
There are shame and disgrace in their eyes.
A pity about the house and the tapestries.
It used to seem there were not enough St. Helen’s ghosts just a year ago.
Crawl under the blanket,
Chase away the chills and the fears,
Run outside wearing just a nightgown.
The spring will win a blitzkrieg
Tear up the books, tear up the books.

My Scars

Go, this is the road
Bothering and harassing (me) is enough
I haven't ever told my heart
that there's someone who is with me
You're busy
You've become a work person
ha, well, in the world
there are many busy people
just like me
go find someone else
who doesn't find excuses
someone to become your everything
I'll go too
I've had enough of everything with you
It doesn't matter
that I die
Touch my scars
Be in my shoes and see
that it's difficult to see you with someone else
No matter how bad we get separated
When I become alone
I won't be thinking about anyone else
I have to get you back
or I'm confused
between these two paths
I'm always doubting (which to choose)
There's something in my heart
that kills me when I want to say it
When I want to say it
I cannot do
What I can do, even when your heart doesn't give me much
At the bottom of my heart, I still love you

My generation.

My generation grew in the darkness,
Now the darkness is also the light for it.
My generation grew on the border
With the iron curtain in the soul itself.
My generation is hiding in the shadow,
In the world of dreams, in the days that gone.
My generation plays and drinks,
Stays on its knees, does not love itself.
Buy dollars, sell rubles,
And then away from this land.
'We are free birds, it's time, my friend, it's time!'*
On tired wings to the south or to paradise.
My generation is sitting at the table,
Is sitting in prison and is sitting on the needle,**
It is sitting in office and loves to moan,
And one has to stand up and it is difficult to stand upright.
We, Belarusians, with brotherly Russia
Were looking for our roads to happiness.
In battles for freedom, in battles for a fortune
The way has won over us.
We are united, by nothing less than
By taking part in the stupid fight.
Glory to Kolas, glory to Kupala!***
But where is my place here beside you?
Remorse, suffering of soul.
My generation, my 'nostalgia'.
Your basements, your garages,
Scribbled walls, life on the edge.
As if very recently, as if a long time ago
coffee is cold and wine is finished.
My generation is waving its wing,
'Is pecking bloody food by the window.'*

The most beautiful story

Hear me out, hug me again
And stop making it harder for me
To leave me it’s hard, my heart aches
And I see your tears in my eyes
You hate if tomorrow comes and you’d live on memories
Keep on living with sorrow and heartbreak
And you’d only dream of me
I swear of the past and future
Your love, my dear, is the most beautiful story
In my heart, if you left, there’s nothing
But a heartbeat that has no purpose
Where is the one that kept his word and didn’t abandon his heart
Is it really that easy for him to leave and forget whom he loves
And gets arrogant, and totally forgets
Every beautiful thing, from me to him
And loses his path and doesn’t feel any guilt

They're not worthy

people exhaust me .. they don’t get me
maybe because .. i’m like no one else
i’ll put on my shades .. listen to my music
and live my way .. even if it's a different way
they're not worthy ..
they flip through my notebook .. trying to figure out my words
why so obsessed .. my story belongs to me
i will look after myself .. pamper myself
embrace myself .. and zone them out
they're not worthy ..


Oh you the light of my eyes, my heart is burning because of your tears
He gets sad (the heart) when you get sad
I have a burn scar in my heart
It's the result of lifetime of disappointments
There is something about you that I'm worried about 1
Thinking of it deprived me from sleep
I'll be your shadow and shelter, when you don't find any
I'll be your rain, when you suffer dryness
Oh you, the joy of Dubai .. Your face lighten's Dubai
And your soul lightens the city with its cheerfulness
You made me a promise
That whenever something makes you upset, you are gonna share it with me!
I'm not a person who react to rejection by rejection
And when it comes to people's value, I'm invaluable 2
I won't change our traditions as long as I'm alive
Until ships sail in the desert 3
I don't go around, I don't copy others, I don't twist things or make people do them by force
I don't betray people or stab them from behind
And I like the horse, there's a charm in it when it trots or canters 4
And an eye-lined girl is holding it's halter
  • 1. There is something upsetting her that he doesn't know what, check line no. 6
  • 2. I highly value myself, so I don't give it to anyone.
  • 3. Means never
  • 4. Walks or runs
Do you have 3 min? Please fill this for me!

The Initiator Is More at Fault

Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
If you cried your whole life you wouldn't change my feelings
I wouldn't turn towards you if blood ran from your eyes
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
Your presence became unnecessary for me
Being prevented from your kindness is better that that
I impose my presence by being pride and selfish
Because believe that I no longer care about your feelings
Your presence became unnecessary for me
Being prevented from your kindness is better that that
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault
Do what you think and I will do what I think
But the day will come when you'll cry and be regretful
And if you talk about me in my absence or my presence
I don’t care about who talks about me
Do what you think and I will do what I think
But the day will come when you'll cry and be regretful
Yesterday it was your turn to hurt and today it's mine
I'm taking my revenge because the initiator is more at fault

Whither leads my way?

Whither leads my way?
Is it right, is it wrong?
Oh, had I certainty
The moment forces me...
But it happened
There's no going back
A storm is raging inside of me
Will the wind tear away all my fetters?
Could I ever
Completely free myself from doubt?
When will I be ready to be what I am?
Unbound and free...
I long for the strength
To just look ahead
And stand for myself...
Born for more...
Oh, if only it were possible
My destiny takes it's course
Can I find the courage and strength for it?
The time demands free spirit
That shows the new direction
And lays open the system!
The burden of familiar tradition
It forces and warns the son
Not to look and stand still!
Unbound and free...
I summon the courage
To rely only on myself
And to trust this strength
To look ahead
Betraying my father?
Will I accept that breach?
Will I find the courage and strength for it?
Where will my road end?
What'll the future bring?