Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 7


egy grammnyi érzelem

mikor azt mondom, mindent tudok,
te csak megvonod a vállad.
mikor ezt senki nem tenné,
az ujjaimon keresztül nézek rád.
még mindig fizetek ezért,
hogy mint nádat, törtél el
az erőfesztések összes éve
elszálltak, nem tudom, hova
tudtam az összes cicababádról,
csak pillanatokra éltem
nagyon ügyes voltál abban*,
hogy teljesen kikészíts**
gyerünk, spórolj meg nekem két percet,
fordulj meg, és tűnj el,
számtalanszor keresztülmentünk ezen,
mert szétestünk, te és én.
már egy grammnyi érzelem sem maradt bennem,
karomat a magasba emeltem
egy perc van tizenkettőig, hogy feladjam,
mert ez nem szerelem,
ez egy rossz kompromisszum!
a szívemen a te nyomod,
a fájdalmamon lenyomat,
de képes voltam felfogni,
temelletted csak a malőr követ.
refrén 2x
szeress még ez alkalommal,
add vissza azt a régi fényt!
szeress még ez alkalommal,
és ez elég lesz a véghez!

Love me

Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you have no reason to do it
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul and without a reason
Love me just in spite and without rules
Love me unconditionally and without questions
Love me, love even if love doesn't exist
Everything that is nice to the eye, knows how to hurt you deep
Your beauty, my shame
I'm persistently giving my best to bring back your feelings
Baby, it's ok, the heart wins
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you have no reason to do it
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul and without a reason
Love me just in spite and without rules
Love me unconditionally and without questions
Love me, love even if love doesn't exist
Everything that is nice to the eye, knows how to hurt you deep
Your beauty, my shame
Don't worry, better days are coming, the sky is on our side
God counts on us, counts on us
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you have no reason to do it
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul and without a reason
Love me just in spite and without rules
Love me unconditionally and without questions
Love me, love even if love doesn't exist
Copyright © Maryanchy
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.

Love me

Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you don’t have a reason to
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul, and without a reason
Love me purposely and without any rules
Love me unconditionally and without question
Love me, love me even if love doesn’t exist
Everything that is pretty to the eye can hurt you deeply
Your beauty, my shame
I'm continuously giving my all to bring back your feelings
Mala, it's ok, the heart is winning
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you don’t have a reason to
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul, and without a reason
Love me purposely and without any rules
Love me unconditionally and without question
Love me, love me even if love doesn’t exist
Everything that is pretty to the eye can hurt you deeply
Your beauty, my shame
Don’t worry better days are coming, the sky is on our side
God is counting on us, counting on us
Love me, love me more than anyone else
Love me when you don’t have a reason to
Love me even if I have a hundred flaws
Love me, love
Love me without a soul, and without a reason
Love me purposely and without any rules
Love me unconditionally and without question
Love me, love me even if love doesn’t exist


Hogyan mondjam el édesanyádnak,
aki saját gyermekeként őrülten* szeretett
Hogyan mondjam el édesapádnak,aki megesküdött nekem.
Hogy te mindent megígértél másnak.
A házatokban mindig örömmel látott vendég voltam,
Elvetted a fiatalságomat és az ártatlanságomat.
Az ajkamat csókoltad éjeken át.
Álmodoztam a saját fiamról a te szemeddel**
Emlékszel arra a reggelre,mikor azt
Hogy nélkülem az életed csak fájdalmat adna.
Minden voltam,amit akartál,egyetlenem.
Szerettelek,mint Istent,felesleges volt.***

Tutto Completo

I'm in crisis for ten days already
I'm questioning what is the cause
I'm getting nervous without reason
A real nervous breakdown is threatening me.
I never tasted drugs
but I did taste you, I did taste you
and maybe I get drunk three times
but with you I don't know where am I
with you I don't know where am I.
Like on needles I was getting off you
my dear, I didn't make it
eager of your smell, eager for the Guinness prize
I turn your number on the phone, but you're no more mine.
You're hitting my heart, you're hitting my brain
you're tearing me apart, I don't know who am I anymore
what else could I say on all of that now
except that now I'm your 'Tutto Completo'.
It's risky for my heart
isn't it smashing
it's critical for my health
because I'm still sickly in love with you.
I never tasted drugs
but I did taste you, I did taste you
and maybe I get drunk three times
but with you I don't know where am I
with you I don't know where am I.
Like on needles I was getting off you
my dear, I didn't make it
eager of your smell, eager for the Guinness prize
I turn your number on the phone, but you're no more mine.
You're hitting my heart, you're hitting my brain
you're tearing me apart, I don't know who am I anymore
what else could I say on all of that now
except that now I'm your 'Tutto Completo'.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
because I love you
even when you're a dog.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
because of you
I'm going through concrete
with my head.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
because I love you
even when you're a dog.
Tutto Completo
Tutto Completo
you're directly
shooting at me.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
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