Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 6



I would like to ask you
If it's 3 o'clock at night
If you meant what you said
If that was all made-up
I would like to ask you
If you could lay with me one more night
If you really don't care anymore
If it's all over
And I would like to tell you
That you've been an asshole
And, Yes, I am too
It is not that I don't know about that
I would like to tell you
Awkward, so honest
I would actually rather
Try it with you again
I don't want you to go
It is not too late
The world that's you
You just don't belong with me
You don't have to try
But just by being you
Because that love is
That is what you said
And everything
You are the half of me
You don't have to try
What you see, is what you get
Because love, that is us
There are a lot of thoughts
That I would like to share with you
I have waited for way too lang
But I don't care anymore
And I know you still listen
Even though you're quiet sometimes
So i'm standing with open arms
And i know you still want that
It's not too late
We will see how it goes
The world that's you
You just don't belong with me
You don't have to try
But just by being you
Because that love is
That is what you said
And everything
You are the half of me
You don't have to try
What you see, is what you get
Because love, that is us
I would like to tell you
That even though how great it is
We are doing our best
And that is enough
And everything we have
Is enough for me
Because love, that's us


Nem sejtettem, hogy ez igy lesz
Csupa üresség, s így elveszve
Ez nem nekem való
Sötét tengerbe fulladva
Hagyom hadd sodorjon álmaimmal
Vigyél hát magaddal
Mindig ha felállok, elbukom
Nem, ezt többé nem akarom
Újból és újból elveszve
Újra és újra nélküled
Többé senki sem hall téged
Most mi lesz velem nélküled
Hiányzik a hangod s nevetésed
Minden nap, minden órán
A régi fotókat nézem
Kézbe veszem, mást kell tennem
Zsúfolt utcán csukott szemmel
Csak megyek és karom széttárva
Lassan mindent elenged
Ha újból elesem, felkapaszkodom
Újból és újból elveszve
Újra és újra nélküled
Többé senki sem hall téged
Nélküled kell tovább menjek
Hiányzik hangod s nevetésed
Minden nap, minden órán
A régi fotókat nézem
Kézbe veszem, sikerül nélküled
Nélküled, nélküled, nélküled
Újból és újból elveszve
Újra és újra nélküled
Többé senki sem hall téged
Sikerül majd nélküled
Hallom hangod s nevetésed
Minden nap erösebbé tesz
A régi fotókat nézem
Kézbe veszem, sikerül nélküled
Nélküled, nélküled, nélküled

A lány

Nem tudott önmagában hinni
Túl gyakran és sokszor becsapták
Vörösre sírt szemek
És kiszáradt ajkak
Élettöl megviselve, reméli, hogy elkerüli környezetét
Reménykedett, hogy talán más cipöben jár
Miért is történt minden így?
Túl sokat adott
Vissza semmit sem kapott
Megéri ez egyáltalán
Ezen töpreng folyvást
És mégis marad
Tudja azt jól
Csak nem mondja
Abból indul ki, hogy minden bánattal jár
Senki sem látja öt
Álmok elszállnak, a remény a hosszú nap során
romlott vízként folyik el, de nem érdekli
Miért is történt minden így?
Túl sokat adott
Vissza semmit sem kapott
Megéri ez egyáltalán
Ezen töpreng folyvást
És mégis marad
Miért is történt minden így?
Túl sokat adva
Vissza semmit sem kapva
Megéri ez egyáltalán
Ezen töprengek folyvást
Mégis maradok


She couldn't believe in herself
She has been deceived too many times
Red eyes
And a dry mouth
Marked by life she hopes to escape her surroundings,
She hoped she would walk in some other shoes
Why did everything go like it did?
Given way too much
Never got anything back
Is this all worth it
She keeps wondering
And yet again she stops
She thinks about it
She's already assuming it, everything comes with sorrow
No one who sees her anymore
Dreams that fade away, hope flows away with the long days
Like rotten water, but it doesn't affect her
Why did everything go like it did?
Given way too much
Never got anything back
Is this all worth it
She keeps wondering
And yet again she stops
Why did everything go like it did?
Given way too much
Never got anything back
Is this all worth it
I keep on wondering
And yet again I stop

Everything here is also yours

So much experienced
Listened to everything, seen and touched
Just felt alone, with so many people around me
And see me now, so much achieved, made my own world
Fight, just like you
Suddenly at the front
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Found, searched for my place
Luckily, succeeded and what's crazy
Have gone to the star
Suddenly at the front
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Ohh, if this is what it is I want to do it
Ohh, do not look back then do not think about it then
Do not think about it then ..
Do not think about it then ..
So much experienced, listened to everything seen and touched
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Come in come here, come on stay here
Everything here is also yours
I share what I play
I give what I can
Have gone my own way
And see me now
Dutch & English & Basic France