A keresés eredménye
Találatok száma: 12
Nyugat felé
Click to see the original lyrics (English) Feküdj le,
édes és fáradt fejed.
Lassan leszáll az éj.
Elérkeztél az utazás végére.
Aludj most, és álmodj
az előttünk járókról.
egy távoli partról.
Miért sírsz?
Mik ezek a könnyek az arcodon?
Hamarosan látni fogod
Minden félelmed el fog múlni.
Biztonságban a karjaimban,
csak alszol.
Mit láthatsz,
a láthatáron?
Miért hívnak a fehér sirályok?
A tengeren túl,
felkel a sápadt hold.
A hajók megérkeztek,
hogy hazavigyenek.
És minden meg fog változni,
ezüst üvegre.
Fény a vízen.
Minden lélek átmegy.
A remény elszáll,
Az éjszaka világába.
A lehulló árnyékokon keresztül,
Elfogyott az emlékezet és az idő.
Ne mondd,
Elérkeztünk a végéhez.
A fehér partok hívogatnak.
Te és én még találkozunk.
És itt leszel a karjaimban,
Csak alszom.
Mit láthatsz,
a láthatáron?
Miért hívnak a fehér sirályok?
A tengeren túl,
felkel a sápadt hold.
A hajók megérkeztek,
hogy hazavigyenek.
És minden meg fog változni,
ezüst üvegre.
Fény a vízen.
Szürke hajók haladnak el
Nyugat felé.
Hányszor kell még megpróbálnom elmondani
Hogy sajnálom, amiket tettem
Amikor megpróbálnám elmondani
Pont akkor kell a fejemhez vágnod
Hé, ez a probléma épp most kezdődött
Túl sokszor mondtam magamban:
Miért nem tuanulod meg végre befogni azt a nagy szádat?
Ezért olyan fájdalmas hallani a szavakat
Amiket kiejtesz a szádon
Amik elhagyják a szádat
Mondd, miért?
Kérlek, mondd: miért?
Igen, örült voltam, vak voltam
Ördögien undok voltam
De még mindig tudom, mi jár a fejedben
És túl sokszor hallottam, hogy jobb lenne lekopnod
Mindazonáltal: Miért nem látod, hogy ez a hajó süllyed?
A hajó süllyed, a hajó süllyed.
De menjünk el a falig
És eldobhatjuk a kétségeket
Vannak dolgok, amik jobb, ha kimondatlanul maradnak
De kifordítanak magamból
Kifordítanak magamból... kedves, kifordítanak magamból.
Ez az a könyv, amit sohasem olvastam
Ezek a szavak, aniket sohasem mondtam
Ez az ösvény, amerre sohasem tértem
Ezek azok az álmok, amiket inkább álmodok
Ez az az öröm, ami ritkán ér
Ez az a félelem, ez az a rettegés
Ezek azok a dolgok, amik a fejemben járnak.
És ezek azok az évek, amiket együtt töltöttünk
És ez az, amit jelentenek
Érted már, hogy érzek?
Mert nem hiszem, hogy érted, mit érzek,
Hogyan érzek, sosem fogod érteni, hogyan érzek
Sosem fogod érteni.
You Move
This romance between you and me nobody will do it better
Without giving away too much, you love how I move
It's already moved away, but you haven't been able
Not eating me makes you restless
Addicted to my moans
You need this in your life (Yeah, yeah)
When you move (hard)'
You move, you move,
You move, you move like that (Like that) like that (like that)
When you move (hard)
You move, you move
You move, you move like that, like that
Verse 1
Throw me the changes so I can show you how I get going
Although you're the driver, our thing is going for a ride
You're ready to lose it all
From what I see you're competing for this trophy (ha)
To see if I win (na) and burst into flames (wuh)
The evil that lives in this woman
Let's give it a go, since the night is gonna end
If we start dancing, we'll go until morning, papi
I'm not, I'm not going to quit, so it's better if
The other women hold out, since there's no competition here (No)
Silent but always ready
I light up if you call me 'baby'
When you move (hard)'
You move, you move,
You move, you move like that (Like that) like that (like that)
When you move (hard)
You move, you move
You move, you move like that, like that (like that)
Verse 2
Ay, mami (Mamacita)
You've got me in a trance
When you dance you throw me off balance (Su, su)
Everyone is wondering what the hell is wrong with you (Su)
And I tell them that you come from NASA (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That brought you from outer space (Su)
A killer when she kills from space (Su)
Moving that stuff, criminal (Yeah, yeah)
Put it on, DJ, since she ain't gonna stop (Su), no
Pretty body and sexy face
With your short hair you look like Dua Lipa (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You are definitely going to see me heat up, señorita (Rra, rra)
When you move (hard)'
You move, you move,
You move, you move like that (Like that) like that (like that)
When you move (hard)
You move, you move
You move, you move like that (Mamacita), like that (señorita)
Verse 3:
You have a trick, baby, when you shake it (Yeah)
If you go to the shore, the tide comes up
No, no, no gyal
You're a killer in all your poses
Baby you look good (Su, su)
Nobody will ever look so good
Getting down hard to the floor
Catching flight (Zion, baby
The live fire dances, pinning her flames to the moon,
She dances, and chases game, searching for her partner with the wind
Wherever you sit beside her, you feel her unquenchable desire,
She dances, 'till you're entranced,
Don't you trust her with the dreams of your night!
Pale light in the dept of the valley,
Dawn fire rising, unexpected phantom
She crosses the bridge by the river,
She runs through the forest, takes her revenge
She'd touch the peaks of bleak mountains,
See the sorrows of people,
Travel the paths of wanderers,
If the clouds in the sky wouldn't wait to her
The live fire dances, pinning her flames to the moon,
She dances, and chases game, searching for her partner with the wind
Wherever you sit beside her, you feel her unbridled desire,
She dances 'till you're entranced,
Don't you trust her with the dreams of your night!
The live fire dances, pinning her flames to the moon,
She dances, and chases game, searching for her partner with the wind
Wherever you sit beside her, you feel her unquenchable desire,
She dances 'till you're entranced,
Don't you trust her with the dreams of your night!
Malevolent fairy enchants,
Life melts from her song,
Radiating blood red light from herself
From death a firehearted servant
She'd touch bleak mountain peaks,
See the sorrows of people,
Travel the paths of wanderers,
If the clouds in the sky wouldn't wait for her
The live fire dances, pinning her flames to the moon,
She dances, and chases game, searching for her partner with the wind,
Wherever you sit beside her, you feel her unbridled desire,
She dances 'till you're entranced,
Don't you trust her with the dreams of your night!
A fehér holtsápadt árnyalata
Roptuk a könnyed fandangot ketten,
Cigánykereket hányunk a táncparketten,
Tengeribeteg lettem,
de a tömeg követelése egybecseng,
A terem egyre harsányabban zeng
Miközben elszállt a mennyezet
Amint rendeltünk még egy piát
A pincér egy rekesznyit letett.
És így volt ez később is,
mikor a molnár mesélte történetét
kezdetben lidérces arca,
a fehérség holtsápadt árnyalatába tért.
Oktalanság – mondta ó-
és az igazság az nyilvánvaló.
De én ámultam-bámultam kártyáimba
És nem hagytam őt
a Veszta-szüzekből hogy egy legyen
Kik parthoz közelednek csendesen
miközben tágra nyíltak szemeim
talán épp akkor végleg összezártak pilláim.
Otthon leszek mikor elhajózol - mondta ő
pedig voltaképp már lebegtünk,
megragadtam a távcsövénél
és kényszerítettem,
hogy belegyezzen, hivatkozván a gyönyörre:
„Te kell légy az a sellő aki elvitte Kháront egy körre”
De ő oly szomorúan mosolygott rám
úgyhogy haragom azonnal rásimult a víztükörre.
Ha a zene az élet tápláléka
Akkor a nevetés a királynéja
Hasonlóképen, ha az eleje a háta
Akkor az érintetlensége igazából a makulája,
Hullámkarton ajkaim ügyesen
Úgy tűnt átcsúsznak a fejemen.
Nyomban elmerültünk szélsebesen
és poklok-poklára kerültünk véglegesen.
(refrén x2)
Oh, oh, oh,
Just keep on moving
You make any corner seem like it’s downtown
And oh, oh, oh,
You’ve got me suffering
If you keep on like this, I'll have get to you more directly
And say “Hi” to you
Babe, you dance alone for me
Waiting until the right time
And I think it's now
let's go get out of here
To say “Hi” to you
Babe, don’t dance to it all alone
I'm waiting for the right time
And I think it's now
let's go get out of here
Stay put right there for me, don’t you go leave me
And especially not now that we are on the run
Now we’re really going to take the long road
Let go of the stress and leave your boyfriend on the sidelines
With you I feel that I’ve been crowned
Lets go climb the wall
Gosh, you look good
You're on the path and that's where my train passes
Baby love, you know that I adore you
Since I saw you, I want to play your cards
I know you're not a saint
With the way you move, even the dead will rise
Oh, so pretty
Tell me, why are you out all alone?
I know what you can give, even if you’re quiet
I had to come close and say “baby love” to you
And say “Hi” to you
Babe, you dance alone for me
Waiting until the right time
And I think it's now
let's go get out of here
To say “Hi” to you
Babe, don’t dance to it all alone
I'm waiting for the right time
And I think it's now
let's go get out of here
You can tell that she is a bandit
She likes to do everything secretly
If I let her, she’ll climb up on me
Kind of cold, but I can change her temperature
You are spicy and sexy
Anyone who thinks of you must be censured
She likes to move her waist
To live freely without anything holding her back
It was so difficult to prevent it
You came into my life without asking for it
For anyone who may want to repeat it
It is not so easy to forget it
There is something sacred in your scent
That caused a restlessness in me
In the darkness you are my light, light, today
Oh, oh, oh,
Just keep on moving
You make any corner seem like it’s downtown
And oh, oh, oh,
You’ve got me suffering
If you keep on like this, I'll have get to you more directly
And say “Hi” to you
Babe, you dance alone for me
Waiting until the right time
And I think it's now
let's go get out of here
To say “Hi” to you
Babe, don’t dance to it all alone
I'm waiting for the right time
And I think it's now
let's go get out of here
Nyáron, könnyű az élet,
Nagyokat szökellnek a halak, és a gyapot az égnek szalad.
Apád dúsgazdag, és jól néz ki a mamád,
Kedves ne sírj, tartsd a szád.
A reggelek egyikén, dalolva ébredsz,
Kiterjeszted szárnyaid, és megszállod az eget.
De addig a reggelig, semmi sem árthat neked,
Szüleid oltalmában van még a helyed.
Nyáron,könnyű az élet,
Nagyokat szökellnek a halak, és a gyapot az égnek szalad.
Apád dúsgazdag, és jól néz ki a mamád,
Kedves ne sírj, tartsd a szád.
Nyáron, nyáridőben, a nyárban
Nyáron, nyáridőben, a nyárban
Nyáron wooo
Chechen Patriotic Song (The Land of Prophet Noah’s Grandsons)
A fire blazes up in our hearts,
We have lost to happiness,
May the almighty God bless you,
My Muslim Chechnya!
As a cheerless child,
So don’t look at me,
For you're a shining star,
I would sacrifice myself for you, my Chechnya!
There is no God except God,
May the almighty God bless you,
There is no God except God,
My Muslim Chechnya!
Breaking you will not make you kneel down,
We will not let them break your honour,
It is impossible to gain a golden sun,
My Muslim Chechnya!
Stop a bullet to his soul,
Sends compliments for you,
I would die in your sons stead,
I would sacrifice myself for you, my Chechnya!
There is no God except God,
May the almighty God bless you,
There is no God except God,
My Muslim Chechnya!
When it see to hawk which is dancing tricky,
Sorrow and distress grow pale,
It is cheerfulness for our homeland,
Smile my Chechnya!
A fire blazes up in our hearts,
We have lost to happiness,
May the almighty God bless you,
My Muslim Chechnya!
There is no God except God,
May the almighty God bless you,
There is no God except God,
My Muslim Chechnya!
The Valley of Joy
The river, the mountain, the shadows, they all carry me
Your fate doesn't give furnace.
Your power is dwindling, your faith is tired
You're not waiting for any luck anymore.
Come, rover, sorrow cannot reach you here,
You could see here, what you've been looking for..It had been waiting for you.
There is a soil, there is a sky, there is a shelter
Its song refreshes you and Its summer protects you.
This is the green , this is the blue, it lives within you
Your road has begun, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Your day has arrived, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Open your heart, and you will find a partner
Live the love of moments!
Have a garden, build a house,
Have trust in tommorow's grace!
Rest, rover, the adventure is calling for someone else,
Protect what you have found.. It had been waiting for you.
There is a soil, there is a sky, there is a shelter
Its song refreshes you and Its summer protects you.
This is the green, this is the blue, it lives within you
Your road has begun, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
There is a soil, there is a sky, there is a shelter
It's song refreshes you and It's summer protects you.
This is the green, this is the blue, it lives within you
Your road has begun, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Your day has arrived, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Your road has begun, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Know, rover, how much things worth
Protect what you have fell in love with... It had been waiting for you.
There is a soil, there is a sky, there is a shelter
Its song refreshes you and Its summer protects you.
This is the green, this is the blue, it lives within you
Your road has begun, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Your day has arrived, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Your road has begun, the Valley of Joy had been waiting for you for a long time
Our hearts are burning
Our happiness is long gone
May the Almighty bless you
My muslim Chechnya
Like a sad, heartbroken child
Don't look at me, thoughtfully
For your star to shine bright
Let me die for you, Chechnya!
There's no God bu Allah
May the Almighty save you
There's no God bu Allah
My muslim Chechnya
Never be put on your knees
Don't let your pride falter
Your golden sun will never diminish
My muslim Chechnya
Those who are shot and mortally wounded
Are saluting you
Instead of your sons dying,
Let me die for you, Chechnya!
Night, my thoughts go to you,
When I watch and see, in the cruel light of day,
So much sterile struggle, so much agony,
And so many useless rough torments . . .
You, at least, stifle the lamentations,
That are exhaled from the tragic dungeon . . .
The eternal Evil, that roars and ravages,
Rests in you and forgets some moments . . .
Oh! Before you also fell asleep
For a time, and eternally, unalterably,
Falling upon the World, you forgot,
And he, the World, not fighting any longer nor seeing,
Fell asleep in your inviolable bosom,
Night without end, night of Not-being!