Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 9

Találatok száma: 306


Samoan National Anthem - The Banner of Freedom

Samoa, arise and rise your flag, your crown
Samoa, arise and rise your flag, your crown
Look at those stars that are waving on it
This is the symbol of Jesus dying for Samoa Oh
Samoa, hold fast your power forever
Don't be afraid, God is our foundation
Lots of freedom
Samoa, arise, wave your flag, your crown.

Learn from Lei Feng's good example

Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Loyal to the revolution, loyal to the Party!
Be clear about what to love and what to hate
Do not forget your origin, stand firm with strong spirit!
Do not forget your origin, stand firm with strong spirit!
Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Never forget hard work and simple life
Be willing to make a revolution
The collectivist ideology shines
The collectivist ideology shines
Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Remember Chairman Mao's guidance in your heart
Wholeheartedly for the people
Communism's character is noble!
Communism's character is noble!
Learn from Lei Feng's good example
Maoists march to the military
Defend the ancestral land, hold the gun tight
The revolution will last forever!
The revolution will last forever!

A Toast

Versions: #1
Long live all the nations
That yearn to await the day
When wherever the sun walks
The fight will be driven away from the world
When every compatriot
Will be free
Not a devil, only a neighbour will be at the border!

Gold - Red - Blue

Golden days in summer
Golden as an autumn field
And golden as the hair of my Anemaleen
Full of gold and happiness in our world
Red as the sun, which laughs so beautifully
Red is the blooming clover
And red as the cheeks of my little bride
That is for work, for love, and thinking
Blue as the water as far as we can see
Blue as the sky over us
So blue, like the eyes of my little girl
And true as our love to our homeland
You, do you see, high in the wind
Just above my Anamaleen
So I wish you much faith, like a thought
I see the flag in gold, red, and blue

You Old, You Free

Versions: #1
You old, You free, You mountainous north
You silent, You joyful beauty!
I greet You, loveliest land upon earth,
/: Your sun, Your sky, Your lengths green.:/
You sit on memories from ancient days,
when your honored name flew across the earth.
I know that You are and You remain what You were.
/:Yes, I want to live, I want to die in the North.:/
I want to serve You, my dear country,
I want to pledge allegiance to death for You.
Your court I will defend with mind and with hand,
/:Your banner, carry it high with feat.:/
With God I will fight, for home and for hearth,
for Sweden, the dear native soil.
I will not exchange You for everything in a world
/: No, I want to live, I want to die in the North!.:/

جنودك حاضرين - Your Soldiers Are Present

Your Soldiers Are Present!
Saraya Brigades to your command are ready!
Proceed with our precious souls, my turn!
And the right of the Prophet is not betrayed!
Nor is our weapon thrown away!
It doesn't matter what happens, We'll not be consumed by hawks : Abu Minyar, we'll die with you!
It doesn't matter what happens, We'll not be captured : Men of Abu Minyar, you'll die with him!
It doesn't matter what happens, We'll not be captured : Potectors of Abu Minyar, you'll die with him!
Yes, Our Sir!
Be afraid of the flames of the fire, not of death.
Youngs and adults were called in for sacrifice!
We are not afraid of the invading armies, If your fate is in our hands!
Maximum for armies that redeem you!
Yes, Our Sir!
Your officers are ready to die and our head are ready!
How can we not see you? With our chests on feet, we don't sell, don't betray you, nor have mercy on those who are hostile!
We men are proud of uorselves and let's not forget the beauty things when we have it in front of us!
We sacrifice ourselves for the salvation of religion!
This is what we need, Sir!
This is our return, Sir, we walked on our past!
We fight, fight, fight, we die and we reborn.
And when we're victorious we give praise our hands, and the victory is subject to humility, and pride!
God is my master and the right of the Prophet is my master as well!
Be support and assistance for goodness of God!
Be the pillar / center of the house He built!
Let them come (enemy) and numbers your Army Ready!
Yes, Our Sir!!!

National Anthem Of The Sublime State Of Persia

My Eternal Called Homeland!
Hope Shine Again Homeland!
Show Your Face In The Sky!
Like Immortal Sun!
Oh Homeland My Life,
My Passion And Mu Joy!
Show Your Face In The Sky!
Like Immortal Sun!
Listen To My Pain Of My Word!
I'm Your Companion Singing!
All My Body And Soul!
My Homeland, My Homeland,
My Homeland, My Homeland!
Listen To My Pain Of My Word!
I'm Nightgale Of This Garden!
All My Body And Soul!
My Homeland, My Homeland,
My Homeland, My Homeland!
All With One Name And Symbol!
With Different Colors And Languages!
All With One Name And Symbol!
With Different Colors And Languages!
All Cheerful, Happy And Singing!
Because Of The Strength Of Young Iran!
Because Of The Strength Of Young Iran!
Because Of The Strength Of Young Iran!
My Eternal Called Homeland!
Hope Shine Again Homeland!
Show Your Face In The Sky!
Like Immortal Sun!
Oh Homeland My Life,
My Passion And Mu Joy!
Show Your Face In The Sky!
Like Immortal Sun!
Listen To My Pain Of My Word!
I'm Your Companion Singing!
All My Body And Soul!
My Homeland, My Homeland,
My Homeland, My Homeland!
Listen To My Pain Of My Word!
I'm Nightgale Of This Garden!
All My Body And Soul!
My Homeland, My Homeland,
My Homeland, My Homeland!
All With One Name And Symbol!
With Different Colors And Languages!
All With One Name And Symbol!
With Different Colors And Languages!
All Cheerful, Happy And Singing!
Because Of The Strength Of Young Iran!
Because Of The Strength Of Young Iran!
Because Of The Strength Of Young Iran!
Listen To My Pain Of My Word!
I'm Nightgale Of This Garden!
All My Body And Soul!
My Homeland, My Homeland,
My Homeland, My Homeland!

Black Sea Was Flutter

Black Sea was flutter.
When looking the flag of Turk.
Oh,I wish I had a chance to see it before I die.
I wish to be a martyr for the land.
I wish I could show my love to it.
I wish I could align pearls for it.
Let stop the storms
Let open the roads/ways for the Turk's flag.
The wind comes from Turkestan
Now sending loves/sending regards to you
The loyal Turks came again.
Greetings/Best regards to Turk's flag.
We will pass by Caucasus
We will ennoble the Turkishness
We'll hang up Turk's glorious/bright flag to Turan(*)
Turk to her Turk brother/cognate
Can Turk take her Turk brother's own life
Let the world give sacrifice to Turk's leader Türkeş(**)

Where all the roads have ended

Where all the roads have ended
The path we walk does not
The land that we defended
Has all begun to rot
Our hearts have burned
So pained and spurned
That's how we're all forsaken now in the gray no-man's-land
Perhaps we will never return to our dearest homeland
My Father, Mother, Sister
my purpose and my pain
The orchestra of canons
holds nothing left to gain
The Captain cries
Bring their demise
Our blood is given in devotion to the emperor
Within the bloody thunderstorm of the condemned French horde
The fieldpost is lost now
the mud is ankle deep
Some roots that smell like corpses
are all we have to eat
We've gone astray
So cold we stay
Our dearest ones we've been without for an entire year
But now we must protect the East from the crazed Russians here.
The clouds are moving east now,
the towns are burning down
The youthful men are dying
for death is all around
They burned the land
In hand, just sand
The eyes that dare look on the land are met with ghastly war
Like them, will I soon lie in a cold grave forevermore?
I walk the line of corpses,
for here so many lie.
Just yesterday they guessed not
that this would be goodbye
Who knows? Not us.
Our grand purpose.
Who knows how long the sun will shine before I will be free.
I'll only know that I'm deceased when Mother cries for me.

I Am A Soldier

I am a soldier,
I come from ordinary people,
I crushed the aggressors from Japan,
And exterminated the army of bandit Tchang Kai Chek.
I am a soldier,
I love the homeland and the people,
I endured the revolutionary war,
And I came out more solid.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
We hold our rifles with rigor,
Our eyes clearly see what's going on,
If the enemy were to attack,
We would give him a merciless fight!

Three colours

Three colours I know in the world,
Reminders of a brave people –
Which is brave, with old renown
Victorious in battle.
For long ages
Our heroic forefathers fought
To live as masters of this land,
Builders of the new world.
Red, yellow, and blue
Is our tricolour
The glory of my people
Rises like a star.
We are a people in the world
Close-knit and industrious,
Free, with a new renown
and an audacious aim.
Today the Party unites us
And on Romanian land
Socialism is being built,
Through the workers' spirit.
For the honor of our country,
We crush enemies in battle.
With other nations under the sun,
We live, trustworthy, in peace.
And you, splendid Romania,
Shall stand for ever and ever,
And in the Communist era
Shall shine as a star.

Europe (Kosovo National Anthem)

O beloved motherland, land of bravery
Nest of love
On you eagles fly and stars shine
Land of our ancestors
Be thou blessed for life and years
O our mother
We will protect you
O beloved motherland, land of bravery
Nest of love

The call of South Africa

From the blue of our heaven
From the depths of our sea,
Over our eternal mountain ranges
Where the cliffs give answer
Through our far-deserted plains
With the groan of ox-wagon
Rises the voice of our beloved,
Of our country South Africa
We will answer to your calling,
We will offer what you ask
We will live, we will die
We for Thee, South Africa
In the marrow of our bones
In our heart and soul and spirit
In the glory of our past
In our hope of what will be
In our will and work and wander,
From our crib to our grave
Share no other land our love,
No other loyalty can sway us.
Fatherland! We will bear the nobility
Of your name with honour:
Dedicated and true as Afrikaners,
Children of South Africa
In the sunglow of our summer,
In our winter night's cold
In the spring of our love,
In the autumn of our sorrow
At the sound of wedding bells,
At the stonefall on the coffin.
Soothes your voice us never in vain,
You know where your children are.
At your call we never say no,
We always, always say yes:
To live, to die –
Yes, we come South Africa
On your almight steadfast entrusted
Had our fathers built:
Give to us also the strength, o Lord!
To sustain and to preserve. 
That the heritage of our fathers
For our children heritage remain
Servants of the almighty,
Against the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted,
Teach us also to trust, o Lord:
With our land and with our nation
It will be well, God reigns.

Advance Australia Fair [Dharawal verse]

We Australian mob are going to have a good dance
We good young fellows
Good earth and speared a lot of wallabies
A lot of water associated with this earth
Earth having a lot of animals and waratahs
Go along the path Australians
Australian mob go together
We say and sing out
Australian mob go together

Ba'ath Anthem

O Arab youth come on, o my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”
O Arab youth come on, O my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”
We are farmers and workers, and youngsters without softness
We are fighting soldiers, we are the voice of hardworking!
From the depths of the world we came, from the core of struggle
With sacrificing we never were greedy and with giving the most generous
O Arab youth come on, O my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”
The trench of the revolutionaries is one, otherwise we say the injustice has vanished
Patience o Ba’ath and keep resist! Verily you’re at the domain of struggle!
Unite the free people, unite the glorious (Arab) nation!
O Ba’ath keep going on strong and firm, to a new day of freedom and dignity
O Arab youth come on, O my convoy go forth!
Lift your voice and say: “Long live the Arabic Ba’ath!”

Algerian National Anthem - (The Promise/The Pledge)

Versions: #2
We swear by the lightning that destroys,
By the righteous holy blood,
By the beating glistering flags,
That flutter on the high and distant mountains,
We have risen so now its liberty or death,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
We are soldiers who have revolted in the name of righteousness,
For our independence, We raised the banners of War,
When we spoke they paid no heed,
So we took the thundering bullet buzzards for our speech,
And the harrowing symphonies of Machine gun fire as our theme,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
O France, your oppression is history now,
We folded it like the pages in a book do,
O France, this is the day of reckoning,
Get ready to receive an answer from us!
In our revolution, we stopped the talking and took matters into our own hands,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
Our heroes shape our soldiers,
On their torn remains we create glory!
And on our souls, we ascend immortality!
And on our shoulders, the waving banners will be,
Liberation Front (organization) we have given you our word,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!
The mournful cry of our country echos from the battlefield,
Hear it and respond to it,
Let it be written with the blood of the martyrs,
For the generations to come to read,
Oh, Glory, we hold our hand out to you,
We are determined that Algeria shall live -
Be our witness -Be -Be our witness our witness!

Long live the Canadian

Long live the Canadian, steal my heart fly, fly, fly, 
Long live the Canadian and her pretty sweet eyes 
And her sweet soft sweet eyes, and her sweet eyes (twice) 
Long live the Canadian and her sweet eyes 
She's really Christian, steals my heart flies, flies, flies 
She is truly a Christian, the treasure of her husband 
Treasure of her husband for her, treasure of her husband palipatouti! 
She is truly Christian, treasure of her husband 
She shines and shines flies my heart flies, flies, flies 
She shines and shines, with or without jewels 
With or without jewels jou jou, with or without jewels mouah! 
She shines and shines with or without jewels 
Whomever steals, steals my heart steals, steals, steals 
It's up to the bride, the boys are crazy 
The boys are crazy crazy crazy, the boys are crazy (twice) 
It's who the marry, the boys are crazy 
What children she gives, steals my heart flies, flies, flies 
What children gives, to her happy husband 
To his happy husband, to her happy husband mouah! 
How many children she gives to her happy husband 
Until the last hour, steals my heart flies, flies, flies 
Until the last hour, his life is all ours 
His life is all ours new, his life is all ours (twice) 
Until last time his life is all ours. 

March of the Malvinas

Behind their misty quilt
We won't forget them.
'The Argentine Malvinas!'
The wind cries out and the sea roars
Nor from those horizons
Will our ensign be ripped
As its white is on the hills
And the sea is tinted in its blue
For absent, for defeated
Under a strange flag
No land is more wanted
Of the Fatherland as a whole
Who's talking to us here of neglect
Of renouncement, of forgiveness?
For no land is more wanted
Of the Fatherland as a whole!
Break off the misty quilt
As a sun, our ideal
The Argentinian Malvinas
Under an already immortal dominion,
And facing the sun of our emblem
Pure, distinct, and victorious
It shines, 'Oh, Fatherland!' in your diadem
The lost Southern pearl.
For honor to our emblem,
For the national pride,
It shines, 'Oh, Fatherland!' in your diadem,
The lost Southern pearl.
It shines, 'Oh, Fatherland!' in your diadem,
The lost Southern pearl.

San Lorenzo march

Phoebus rises, and now his rays
light up the historic convent.
Behind its walls, the muffled sounds
of steeds and steel can be heard.
They are the hosts being prepared
by San Martín to fight in San Lorenzo.
Then the clarion stridently sounded
and the voice of the great chief
ordered the charge.
The enemy advances
at redoubled path,
To the wind deployed
their red banner.
To the wind deployed
their red banner.
And our grenadiers
allied with glory
write down in history
their best page.
Write down in history
their best page.
Cabral, heroic soldier,
was covered in glory
and as price for that victory
he gave up his life, becoming immortal.
And there his boldness saved
the raising freedom
of half a continent.
Honour, honour to great Cabral!

War of Åland

And the Åland war was horrible
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
When came with three hundred ships
Sailed the English on our Finland's shores
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
When came with three hundred ships
Sailed the English on our Finland's shores
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
And it was so graceful to watch
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
When the English sailed on bay
At Åland's fästing
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
When the English sailed on bay
At Åland's fästing
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
And it was the enemy's intention
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
To blow fästing into pieces
And take the troops as prisoners
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
To blow fästing into pieces
And take the troops as prisoners
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
But sons of Finland shot
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
So that fästing's walls echoed
And Åland's shores rung
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah
So that fästing's walls echoed
And Åland's shores rung
Sunfa-raa, sunfa-raa, sunfa-ralla-lalla-laa
Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah

My Fatherland

My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
Where on the shore grow
Pines still old, tough.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.
My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
Where waves roll from sea
And give a kiss to shore.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.
My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
The place where fishermen live,
Who are on the sea day and night.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.
My fatherland, my native land,
You are the beloved shore,
Where the holy language is still spoken
– My most loved Livonian.
You are my only love in the world,
My dear fatherland.

Arise Serbia

Arise, Serbia! Arise, empress!
and let your children see your face.
Make them turn their hearts and eyes on you,
and let them hear your sweet voice.
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!
Raise high your imperial head,
So that land and sea may recognize you again.
Show Europe your delightful face,
As bright and cheerful as that of the Morning Star.
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!
Your sister Bosnia looks upon you
And she doesn't wish you any offense
Who doesn't love you, he isn't afraid of God
From whom much help arrives your way
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!
Herzeg's Land and Monte Negro,
Faraway countries and islands and seas
They all want heavens help to you
All good souls are joyful for you
Arise, Serbia!
You fell asleep long ago,
And have lain in the dark.
Now wake up
And rouse the Serbs!

Death Is Not The End

When sorrow reaches us
over a fallen brother,
when a sorrowful farewell
looks for hope in Faith,
We trust Your word,
being certain that
You have brought him back to life,
that You have taken him to the light.
You have brought him back to life,
that You have taken him to the light.

Under the Flag of Lily

Bosnia and Herzegovina our homeland!
Bosnia and Herzegovina our homeland!
Old runestones stand proudly, love flows through the veins
Cities are under spring, Bosnia and Neretva is humming
Una calls for Drina through the eternal mountains
There is the heart of the Bosniaks, there is our hearth.
Paid in blood a hundred times!
Bosnia and Herzegovina our homeland!
Bosnia and Herzegovina our homeland!
That I love your soul my dear BIH*
My mother gave birth to me from Sava to the sea
The land of my grandfathers who are your sons
You will be defiant, free and proud
The land of our grandfathers!
Bosnia and Herzegovina our homeland!
Our homeland is the only one in the world!
Born from ashes, and older than memories
Under the flag of lily, shine on brighter than gold!
Born from ashes, live happily ever after
Old Bosnia, you the defiant, don't surrender to anyone!
Bosnia and Herzegovina our homeland!
Bosnia and Herzegovina our homeland!

az Amerikai Egyesült Államok himnusza A csillagos zászló

Ugye látod már fenn
ébredő reggelen
lobogó zászlónk
kit óvott eddig a csend
csíkjai s a csillagok
csatánkban fenn lobog
a zord bástyák fölött
hozzánk mindig hű marad
a ránk szórt tűz fénye
a bombák zaja közt
világlik s látjuk őt
ahogy a fényben lobog
ott van zászlónk
messzire, a távolba néz
követi a szabadság
büszke nemzetét
a part körül vár
a mély és a köd
az ellenség hajóit
fagyos csönd veszi körül
mi ez, mit borzol a szél
az ostromló hullámok
között feltűnik
majd rejtve marad
az első napsugár
a hajnal fénye felfedi őt
és glóriát fon
a zászlónk fölött
a csillagok zászlója
a távolba néz
követi a szabadság
büszke nemzetét
szabad hazánkat
megvédjük mindig
bármily gyötrelmes,
szörnyű a háború
meg kell vívnunk a békéért
óvjon minket az ég
mondjunk imát
hívő népünkért
győznünk kell
ha miénk az igazság
zengjük mindnyájan
bízzunk Istenben
csillagos zászló
vív a győzelemért
követi a szabadság
büszke nemzetét
fordította Gaál György István

Oh Serbia, dear mother

Oh Serbia, dear mother,
I will always call you that
Sweet country, dear home
Your heart is filled with joy
To live happily like in heaven,
Where pleasantness lasts forever
With you I'll happily yet
live my life's century
Rise up, dear mother,
take your righteous place
You've been slaved for too long
For long time tears you shed.
Sun has risen for you,
your sun that has downed.
In shelter of your lap
There is comfort for my heart.

National Anthem of San Marino

O ancient Republic
honour to you, virtuous
honour to you. (repeat stanza)
Generous fidelity,
O virtuous one,
O Republic.
Honour and eternal life
with the life
and glory of Italy.
O Republic,
honour to you.

Mauritanian National Anthem

The country of fatherhood is the honorable gift
And the fortress of the Book, which is not bound 
Ayia Moritan Spring Harmony 
And the pillar of forgiveness is the hole of peace
We will protect your fiancé and we will pay you 
And hope for hope 
And when we meet we will answer you
Your character has not been blocked 
The sun on your forehead did not go away 
Nmac of Amjad expresses 
Africa has the freshest upstream
We gave birth to the dew and the father 
A good pregnancy 
And the prey of Khasibah, and if they find it 
Smona, and we were welcome
Your enemy has kept us young and bitter 
So he got down and not stable
We have made you a covenant, and our promise is a promise 
We will give you a sense of generosity
We will protect your fiancé and we will pay you 
And hope for hope 
We will protect your fiancé and we will pay you 
And when we meet we will answer you

South Vietnamese National Anthem

Oh citizens! Our country has reached the day of liberation.
Of one heart we go forth, sacrificing ourselves with no regrets.
For the future of the people, advance into battle,
Let us make this land eternally strong.
Should our bodies be left on the battlefields,
The nation will be avenged with our crimson blood
In troublesome times, the Race will be rescued,
We the People remain resolute in our hearts and minds.
Courageously we will fight such that everywhere,
The Glory of the Vietnamese forever resounds!
Oh citizens! Hasten to offer yourselves under the flag!
Oh citizens! Hasten to defend this land,
Escape from destruction, and bask our race in glory, 
Make its name shine, forever worthy of our forebears!

Sudanese National Anthem

We are the soldiers of God, 
the soldiers of our homeland,
We never fail when called for sacrifice.
Death, we defy at adversity.
Glory, we buy with the highest price.
This land is ours.
May, our Sudan, live long,
an edifice among the nations,
O Sons of the Sudan, this is your symbol,
which shoulders your burden
and shields your land.

National Anthem of Oman

O Lord, protect for us
His Majesty the Sultan
and the people in our land 
with honour and peace.
May he live long, strong and supported, 
glorified be his leadership.
For him we shall lay down our lives. 
O Oman, since the time of the Prophet
We are a dedicated people
amongst the noblest Arabs. 
Be happy! Qaboos has come 
With the blessings of Heaven
Be cheerful and commend him
to the protection of our prayers.

The Hymn to Liberty

Versions: #4
I shall always recognize you
By the dreadful sword you hold,
As the earth, with searching vision,
You survey with spirit bold.
From the Greeks of old whose dying
Brought to life and spirit free,
Now with ancient valor rising,
Let us hail you, O Liberty!
Go ahead and print my translation! I made it for people to sing, to share! Just make sure you cite me as the source and all, okay?