Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 11


Message towards the younger ones

There's nor' a glimpse of difference
between our hearts ways
Nor a glimpse o' difference between our way of seein things
But isn'it that i'm found wrapped in the autumn lonesome
and that you're found wrapped in the spring scent
isn'it so,i isn'it so? do tell me
We're all but equal
the ones that are to face their death
and the ones that are to come anew
My oh my ,ye dearest ones
stray away as posible from such pains
replace it if posible with such
surprising thoughts
Ask i of ye
replace it if posible with such
surprising thoughts
Because the one that can still dream surprising thoughts
it is but to have a chance .

Őszi ábránd

Itt az ősz megérkezett takard be valamivel szívemet,
egy lomb-árnyékkal, de inkább saját árnyékoddal.
Aggódom, nem mindig foglak majd látni,
hogy éles szárnyaim a felhőkig nőnek,
hogy elbújsz egy idegen szemüregbe,
mely bekebelez mint egy üröm levél.
És akkor közeledem a kövekhez és hallgatok
Fogom a szavakat és a tengerbe folytom
Süvöltöm a holdat, felkeltem és átváltoztatom
Egy nagy szerelemmé.

The Dice

I see you because seeing exists,
i hear you because melody exists,
i smell you because blossoms exist,
i embrace you because arms exist,
i walk you because roads exist,
i hope you because angels exist,
i rise you because light exists,
i caress you because plain lowlands exist,
i eat you because grass exists,
i miss you because hurting exists,
i call you because you have a name,
and mostly i lose you, ah, i lose you
because losing exists.

Szia! Meghalunk!

A kő finom szemcsékké és porrá robbant,
az ég pedig kettészakadt alant
és a nap árnyasan felbőgött a végtelenből a végtelenségbe,
Szia! Meghalunk!
Ezalatt a kisidő alatt, mikor kiáltalak,mikor te kiáltsz engem
és még forgolódunk,
szólok csak hozzád, csak annyit mondok neked,
Szia! Meghalunk!

It's So Good That You Are

It’s a fortuity of my being:
and then, the happiness in this heart of mine
is stronger than me, stronger than my bones,
that you crush in your embrace –
ever so painful, ever so divine.
Let’s talk, let’s speak, let’s utter words,
long and glassy, like chisels that separate
the cold river from the delta’s hot curves,
day from night, slate from slate.
Happiness, take me on high and slam
my brow against the moon,
until my world, overlong and in excess,
may turn into a column or something
much higher, something soon.
It’s so good that you are, so wondrous that I am!
Two different songs, colliding, intertwining,
two colours that never met before,
one from down below, turned toward the ground,
the other from high above, almost torn
in this unseen before fiery storm
of the wonder that you are, and the fortuity that I am.

The Golden Age of Love

My hands are in love,
alas, my mouth loves -
and see, I am suddenly aware
that things are so close to me
I can hardly walk among them
without suffering.
It is a sweet feeling
of waking, of dreaming,
and I am here now, without sleep -
I clearly see the ivory gods,
I take them in my hands and
thrust them, laughing, in the moon
up to their sculpted hilts -
the wheel of an ancient ship, adorned
and spun by sailors.
Jupiter is yellow, Hera
the magnificent shades to silver.
I strike the wheel with my left hand and it moves.
It is a dance of sentiments, my love,
many a goddess of the air, between the two of us.
And I, the sail of my soul
billowed with longing,
look for you everywhere, and things come
ever closer,
crowding my chest, hurting me.

A Poem

Versions: #1#2
Tell me, if I caught you one day
and kissed the sole of your foot,
wouldn't you limp a little then,
afraid to crush my kiss?...

Sentimental Story

Versions: #1#2
Then we met more often.
I stood at one side of the hour,
you at the other,
like two handles of an amphora.
Only the words flew between us,
back and forth.
You could almost see their swirling,
and suddenly,
I would lower a knee,
and touch my elbow to the ground
to look at the grass, bent
by the falling of some word,
as though by the paw of a lion in flight.
The words spun between us,
back and forth,
and the more I loved you, the more
they continued, this whirl almost seen,
the structure of matter, the beginnings of things.

Another kind of Mathematics

Versions: #1#2
We know that one times one is one,
but an unicorn times a pear
- have no idea what it is.
We know that five minus four is one,
but a cloud minus a sailboat
- have no idea what it is.
We know that eight
divided by eight is one,
but a mountain divided by a goat
- have no idea what it is.
We know that one plus one is two,
but me and you, oh,
we have no idea what it is.
Oh, but a comforter
times a rabbit
is a red-headed one of course,
a cabbage divided by a flag
is a pig,
a horse minus a street-car
is an angel,
a cauliflower plus an egg
is an astragalus.
Only you and me
multiplied and divided,
added and substracted,
remain the same...
Vanish from my mind!
Come back in my heart!