Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 33

Találatok száma: 1302


Noto Peninsula

The dawn comes and the northern sea is as wild as tides
I look like a desperate and grieved travelling woman
Curling my unkempt hair in my fingers, sighing
I was just looking at the landscape while I was going by the road
In my 19 years I didn't know love
In my 19 years I knew love
Darling, I'm on a journey to visit you
From summer to fall to the Noto Peninsula
When I received the journey postcard saying 'I'm here'
Something inexpected bursted in my chest
Immediately I prepared myself for a one night journey
I wanted to jump on your warm chest
In my 19 years I didn't know love
In my 19 years I knew love
I leave it all and I go running
From summer to fall to the Noto Peninsula
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The wind will guide me

Yes, my life was quiet
nothing used to happen but
I dreamt of endless challenges and freedom
Now the doors are open
Now the world is in front of me
I don't see obstacles or walls, but the world has for me
The wind touches my hair and it pushes me far, towards the horizon
With a smile life will be more beutiful
I'm going to live every adventure
I'm going to explore the world, and who knows
What's waiting for me
The wind will guide me
Thousands of travels to start
Thousands and more friends are waiting
Thousands of adventures, I hear them calling me
Many mysteries to reveal
Mistakes from which I'll learn
Do all sorts of things, without hestitating
I'll live like this, I won't ever stop
And the wind touches my hair and I have a song in my heart that makes me fly
Joy makes me jump, I have no gravity
I'm going to live all sorts of adventures
I'm going to explore the world and who knows
Where it'll take me
The wind will guide me

The wind will guide me (Reprise)

And life is like before the 'happy ending'
From a window I once again gaze at the world down there
Yes, it's true here there's who I love and no,
there's nothing better, but
For me there is much more in life
Yet the wind touches my hair and it gives me courage to go on
I will reveal all the mysteries, what a challenge it'll be!
If this breeze is with me
I will understand the reasons and who knows
Where it will take me
The wind will guide me!


Waking up ..
I dreamed to seeing you
I didn't see you anywhere
You weren't anymore
Every day I see you always farther
I would like to spend time with you
I would like to see you happy.
Rit: Every moment of my life
I spent it with you
The most important moment
It was having you with me
Time goes by
And things disappear
Moments like those ..
Are moments.
I want to kiss you
Until you get tired
I want to play
And then hurt
Leave me your smile
So that I do not forget it
Make it fly around the world
Rit: Every moment of my life
I spent it with you
The most important moment
It was having you with me
Time goes by
And things disappear
Moments like those ..
Are moments.
Rit: Every moment of my life
I spent it with you
The most important moment
It was having you with me
Time goes by
And things disappear
Moments like those ..
Are moments.


Versions: #3
She likes it when I go down, downtown, town, town
I can see the definition in his body
You can see that he works out, you are motivation
I asked for help with a mission
That fills me with satisfaction
I like it when he goes downtown
I ask him to stay around
He says baby, I´m interested
Come if you want and keep another round
She likes it when I go down, downtown, town, town
She asks me to stay around
I say oh mami, I´m interested
If you want, I´ll stay for another round
I stayed another round
He has been begging me
He´s crazy for me
I have watched you
He doesn´t stand, he adapts
He says I don´t want you to finish
It´s a mystery, but not a movie one
At night I´m the one who defines
What´s going to happen
You don´t have to control me
I like it when he goes downtown
I ask him to stay around
He says baby, I´m interested
Come if you want and keep another round
She likes it when I go down, downtown, town, town
She asks me to stay around
I say oh mami, I´m interested
If you want, I´ll stay for another round
Oh, I know you want to see me
Going down through all your skin
Oh, I know you want me to stay
What you want is to get tangled in my legs
Not worth the tie, this is until I give her checkmate
Until one of us gets killed
If you want I´ll go down and I get to work
Release the stress, baby, I relax you
She gets beautiful, she tells me that she
Is still there, that I have her watching the stars
She speeds up, all the way down
And the way she does it, no one does
I can see the definition in his body
You can see that he works out, you are motivation
I asked for help with a mission
That fills me with satisfaction
I like it when he goes downtown
I ask him to stay around
He says baby, I´m interested
Come if you want and keep another round
She likes it when I go down, downtown, town, town
She asks me to stay around
I say oh mami, I´m interested
If you want, I´ll stay for another round
Anitta, J Balvin man, J Balvin man
Sky Rompiendo
Rompiendo El Bajo
(Hey, J Balvin, man)

Song of Genesis

In the beginning there was light, then
blue sky, for light is absorbed
in the layers of air we see.
In the beginning was the Passion, and from
its blood sprang the animals, from its
Cross the plants. There was, in the beginning,
the tiny vegetable-animal, hidden
in Paradise but omnipresent
since before the beginning. And the Edenic
earth or clay gave substance to Nature
and Man, bathed by the light
which sculpted lines and hazy shapes.
In the beginning there was the sweat
and blessing of those who work
their body and their bread from sun to sun.
And the fruits gleamed in that light
when the waters separated, and the sea,
to this day, breaks its waves without ceasing
so that I will hear the sound of genesis.


While the evening ends
And the shadow comes to me
My youth burns, sad and bitter
I’m scared to look
In the mirror and see
Like pain, my life withering
But today, I want to escape
Be free, be free
I want to set off, finally
Where there are feelings
Where there is one truth
Where there is trust
Where is freedom
Where there is no darkness
Where there is no anxiety
Where there is no advice
Where there is no evil
Where I can find my own way
Just with my heart
And the throbbing of my blood
Will be the only reason
To not see flowers without colours
To not hear promises without any value
Escape from my old prisons
I shout what I feel without fear
Where there are realities
Where there is sunlight
Where there are sincere faces
There there is understanding
Where there are no weapons
Where there is no resentment
Where there are no secrets
Where there is no fear
To not see flowers without colours …
Shout, truths from within - shout!
But I couldn’t get away from myself
The cruel present, so cold and grey
My days will be so lonely, a sad wait
Without end
Where there are feelings…

I Remember A Day When I Was In Jaffa

I remember a day when I was in Jaffa
Tell us, tell us about Jaffa
My boat1 in Jaffa's harbor
O, the days of fishing in Jaffa
The sea called us to go fishing on a clear day
So, we prepared our boats2
We glimpsed images in the heart
We came back with longing to Jaffa
We sailed3 at dawn
The froth and sail
We got lost in the middle4
And we could not find the beach5
Did you find a lot of fish
And did you catch a lot of it?
Say, 'day and night
We play with water'
But at night, at night
The wind came at night
What a lashing storm
It connected the sea6 with the sky
The night sea storm
A pack of Seawolves
We dropped the mast
We held the oars
We fought so hard
And death was playing us
We fought the angry waves
We dove into the tumultuous sea
And our hands are pulling bluntly
And the boat is pulling, and pulling itself too
That day, they said that we are lost
That we are doomed in the cold ever
But we came back with the morning light
We came out of the wind just like a genie coming out of its lamp
We interned Jaffa's harbor
What a sweet feeling returning to Jaffa
We filled the bank with seashells
How beautiful are the days at Jaffa
We were, with the wind howling
Saying, 'We will come back, Jaffa'
And today, the wind is howling
And we will come back Jaffa
And we will come back Jaffa
And we will come back Jaffa
  • 1. Lit. Sail.
  • 2. Lit. Ores
  • 3. Lit. Took off.
  • 4. Lit. Eyeball
  • 5. Lit. The beach got lost.
  • 6. Lit. Water.

Mix of the smoke and menthol

Versions: #2
Mix of the smoke and menthol
Is floating in drunk air.
You see only eyes of the man there,
He gives you affection and care.
I found another darling
I kiss her but I don’t love her.
And embracing her I still remember
How beauty you were, oh my tender.
Lips like a poppy flower,
Dress in the latest fashion…
You want to give him you now,
And I am for you as a stranger.
I found another darling
I kiss her but I don’t love her.
And embracing her I still remember
How beauty you were, oh my tender
I’ll be at home tomorrow
I’ll drink wine till I lose feeling.
But still I’ll remember for ever
How in passing my lips touched your cheek.
I found another darling
I kiss her but I don’t love her.
And embracing her I still remember
How beauty you were, oh my tender
Better for us forgive me,
Leave him, be mine again.
Forgive my date with that girl that evening,
Forgive for your dating with this man.
I found another darling
I kiss her but I don’t love her.
And embracing her I still remember
How beauty you were, oh my tender.

Alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió

A polcon egy alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió
Egy szemétlerakóban játszadoztunk
A zsebed tartalma kihullott
Add fel, mondták, de te nem hallgattál rájuk
Ha te nem mész haza, én is itt maradok
Még ha éjjel hirtelen eső hullik is, s csupa sár leszünk
Mivel te a végsőkig kitartasz,
Én is örökké folytatom itt a keresést
Már az összes barátunk hazament ...
Ketten maradtunk, a koszos szoknyád
Felgyűrted, kész voltál sírni
A polcon egy alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió
Az igazság az, hogy egy kicsit örültem
De végül azon a napon semmit sem találtunk
S ahogy te sírni kezdtél, én elviselhetetlenné váltam számodra
Azon az estén, miközben Johnt sétáltattam, egyik kezemben elemlámpával
Még egyszer, egyedül nekiálltam keresni
Még ha nem is találok semmit
Továbbra is folytatom a keresést
Holnap, s az azutáni holnap is
Továbbra is folytatom a keresést
Mikor hó hullott, még akkor is
Folytattam a keresést
Az idő úgy száll, mint egy nyíl
Az összes barátunk, s még te is valahova...
A polcon egy alumíniumlap, ezüst és dió
A szemétlerakó láncokkal lezárva
Nem is olyan régen újra összegyűltünk
Te elsírtad magad
Csupán ezen kedves emlékeket őrzöm

Inmate's Diary

São Paulo, october 1st, 1992, 8AM
Here I am, one more day
Under the bloodthirsty glance of the sentinel
You don't know how is it to walk with your head targeted by
a HK
German machine gun or from Israel
It shreds a thief1 like a paper shredder
Standing up, at the wall, just another citizen named José
Working for the Government, a good Cop
He starves, he is a Charles Bronson wannabe
He knows what I wish
Knows what I think
The day is rainy. There's a tense atmosphere
Many people has tried to runaway, I want it too
But in a scale of one to hundred, I have zero chance
I wonder if God heard my pray
I wonder if the court accepted my appeal
I send a message to my brother:
'If you're taking drugs, you're screwed on my hand.'
He stills with that chick
You bet, that brat is a swell guy
I take out one more day or one less day, I don't know
Whatever, the days are all the same
I light up a smoke, I see the day passing by
I kill time so it won't kill me
Man is man, woman is woman
But rapist is different, isn't it?
(The rapist) Is punched all the time, kneel down and kiss feet,
and bleeds to the death on the Street 10
Every inmate has a mother, a belief
Every crime has a sentence
Every sentence has a reason, a story of teardrop,
blood, lives and glories, neglect, misery, hatred,
sorrow, scorn, delusion and degeneracy
Mix right this chemistry
It's ready: there's a new inmate
Lamentations in the hall, in the jail cell, in the courtyard
Around the sports court, everywhere
But I know the system, bro, huh...
There's no Saint here
Ratatata... I need to prevent
some bastard from making my mom cry2
My word of honor protects me
while I'm living in the beige3 pants land
Tic, tac, it's still 9h40
The prison clock paces in slow motion
Ratatata, another subway will pass
Carrying good, hurried, catholic people
Reading the newspaper, pleased, hypocritical
With anger inside, on their way to Centro
Looking at here, they're curious, of course
No, no, it's not, it's not the Zoo
My life doesn't have so much value
as your cell phone, your computer
Today, it's hard, the sun didn't show up
Today isn't the visitor's day, or the soccer's day
Some mates have a mind weaker than others
They don't endure the boredom, they get into a mess
Thanks to God and to Virgin Mary
there's only a year, three months and some days left
Up there is a closed cell
Nobody has opened it since last Tuesday
It has just the death and disinfectant smell
An inmate hanged himself using the bed sheet
Who's him? Who knows about it? Don't tell it
They would remove six more from side to side
Nothing get a man sicker
than the family abandonment
Hey, man, tell me: what do you want?
There's an empty space waiting for you
Grab all your imported goods
Your crime curriculum and wipe your ass
The crime life don't give you a future
Your face turns white at this side of the wall
Have you ever heard about Lucifer?
Who came from the hell with deference
One day... in Carandiru, no... he's just like any other
Eating musty food with pneumonia...
Here's bros from Osasco, Jardim D'Abril, Perelheiros,
Mogi, Jardim Brasil, Bela Vista, Jardim Angela,
Heliópolis, Itapevi, Paraisópolis.4
Thieves who are also friendly gets respect in the slums
But for the Government they're just numbers, nothing more
Nine pavilions, seven thousand men
They costs three hundred reais5 per month, each of them
On the last visit, Neguinho came here
He brought some fruits, Marlboro, Free...
He said that the swindler of my zone is back
With a red Kadett, plate from Salvador
Pretending to be good-looking, he curses, he abuses
with a nine-milimiter under his shirt
Brown: 'Hey, Neguinho, comes here, where's our bros?
Do you remeber about that dumb guy who tried to kill me?'
Blue: 'That son of a bitch6, scammer, cuckold.
He used to get high and let his girl all by herself.
She was virgin and under age.
Now she does blowjobs in exchange for snow!'
Brown: 'These chats bothers me.
If I was free it would be a crap...'
Blue: 'Yeah, the world goes round, someday he will be here.'
Brown: 'No, soon, soon, my process will be end.
I want to change, I want to go out.
If I bump into this 'so-and-so', nothing will stop me7!
I will be signing the 'one hundred and twenty one'.8'
October 2nd, the sun is shining
Everything is working well, everything is crystal-clear
In the middle of the night I felt chills in my body
It was not because of the wind, it was not because of the cold
Settling of scores happens every day
It would happen again soon, I knew it
Every prisoner try to be loyal
To get peace violently
If a scoundrel mess with someone,
he will have as many stitches as Frankenstein's face
Smoke by the window, there's fire in the cell
Now it's really screwed up, it has gone too far, and they probably have hostages
Most of them, just let themselves get involved
by five or six who have nothing to lose
Two thieves friends of mine started to argue
But they didn't imagine what's coming
Drug dealers, homicidal men, men who committed stelionate
A lot of primary defendant brats
That's the rift wanted by the system
Tell the IML9, the big day has arrived
It depends on the yes or no of only one man
Who prefers to be neutral on the phone
Ratatata, caviar and champagne.
Fleury went to lunch, fuck off, mom!10
Killer dogs, tear gas...
Who kill more thief earn more medals as a prize!
In Brazil human beings are disposable
Like an used OB or steel wool
Prison? Of course that's not the system fault
Let's hide what the soap-operas don't tell
Ratatata! The blood gushes like water
From ear, mouth and nose
You are my shepherd...
Forgive my son for what he did
He died facing down at the psalm 23,
without priest, without news reporter,
without gun, without help
Now he will get HIV on the dog's mouth11
Dead bodies on the well, in the inner yard
Adolf Hitler smiles in hell!
The government's Robocop is cold, has no pity
Just has hatred and laughs like a hyena
Ratatata, Fleury and his gang
will swim on a blood pool
But who will believe on my testimony?
October 3rd, inmate's diary.
  • 1. Even if it says thief, it implies all type of criminals.
  • 2. He needs to avoid his own death inside the prison.
  • 3. The color of the prison uniform.
  • 4. Cities of São Paulo with a high level of violence.
  • 5. Official currency of Brazil.
  • 6. In original: 'fuck duck', I'm not sure what it means, but it's probably just a cursing.
  • 7. In original: 'there's no pa, there's no pum', 'pa' and 'pum' are random onomatopoeias.
  • 8. The article 121 of brazilian law is about homicides.
  • 9. IML stands for Instituto Médico Legal (Institute of Medico-Legal Autopsy).
  • 10. Now he's giving up of trying to stay alive.
  • 11. Dog is an euphemism for devil.

Ossanha's Chant

One who says “I give” doesn’t give
'Cause those who really give don’t tell
One who says “I go” doesn’t go
‘Cause when they went, they didn’t really wanted to
One who says “I am”, in fact is not
‘Cause those who really are say 'I am not'
One who says 'I’m there', is not really there
‘Cause nobody’s there when they want to be
Pitiful is the one who falls
for the Ossanha's1 misleading chant
Pitiful is the one who looks for
Witchcraft of love
Go, go, go, go (I won't go)
Go, go, go, go (I won't go)
Go, go, go, go (I won't go)
Go, go, go, go (I won't go)
I won't go, 'cause I'm no one to be talked into
this thing of forgetting the sadness of a love which's gone
Not at all! I'm only going if I have the chance to behold
a star rising in the morning of a new love
My dear friend, Saravá!2
Xangô told me to tell you
If it is Ossanha’s chant, don’t go!
Or else you'll very much regret it
Ask your Orixá3
Love’s only good when it hurts
Ask your Orixá
Love’s only good when it hurts…
Go, go, go, go, loving
Go, go, go, go, suffering
Go, go, go, go, crying
Go, go, go, go, telling
I won't go, 'cause I'm no one to be talked into
this thing of forgetting the sadness of a love which's gone
Not at all! I'm only going if I have the chance to behold
a star rising in the morning of a new love
  • 1. Ossanha is an spiritual entity, one of the Orixás worshipped in african and afro/Brazilian religions such as Candomblé and Umbanda. Ossanha is the Orixá responsible for the ritual and medicinal leaves and plants. The music tells about a very common use in Brazil, the witchcraft for love.
  • 2. Saravá is a greeting used in some regions of Brazil wich have strong african influence, like the region of Bahia. It is said to mean 'Wish you all the best', as a greeting between friends
  • 3. Orixá, also spelled “Orisha” is a kind of spiritual entity in the afro-brazilian religions such as Candomblé. Both “Xangô” and “Ossanha”, refered in the song are names of some orixás

Danny Phantom

He's the Phantom
Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom
Yo, Danny Phantom was an ordinary kid
His parents built something quite amazing
A gate to the Ghost Realm
(He's gonna catch the ghosts 'cause he's Danny Phantom)
When the gate didn't work, his parents gave up
But Danny was curious to see what's inside
There was a big explosion and a bright light
And in Danny's body an epic transformation began
(Phantom, Phantom)
When he woke up, Danny found out
That he suddenly became something else
He can pass through walls and he can fly
He'll break any bad guy, that's pretty clear
He knows exactly what needs to be done
Yes, he's the answer, for crying out loud
He always fights, for me, for you
He's gonna catch the ghosts 'cause he's Danny Phantom
Gonna catch the ghosts 'cause he's Danny Phantom
Gonna catch the ghosts 'cause he's Danny Phantom
Gonna catch the ghosts 'cause he's
Danny Phantom

The Dance of Love (Sevillanas concert)

My songs
The song was born from the people for the dance
for the dance, the dance, the dance.
Songs from the Betis riverbank,
la Coria and Puebla, rocieras,1
gypsy the ones of Sanlucar de Barrameda
Songs from the Huelva's marshes,
the marsh and Rocio songs,
and in the Alkarife, Gines with its tradition.
And in the whole Spain, to the sound of the songs
the spanish women dance by corraleras, 2
when my Seville sings
beautiful spring tonadillas.
Seville, Seville, Seville
You made me in the cradle,
there won't be more fortune nor greater madness than
being your son, Seville.
You sang to me songs,
there won't be a mermaid nor brown-skinned woman that
sings better, Seville.
The Goddess, the exquisite queen
the most beautiful gypsy
that mankind saw being born. Seville.
My stand
I want the castanets
to sound in my stand.
And my friends to sing and dance,
and forget the sadness, OLE,
and the guitars to sound and the party to not die.
And welcome to whoever bring us
charm and joy, OLE
and keep the party alive with art and harmony.
That's the way it is, my April fair,
and no lack of charm can change it,
Seville is glory, as if by magic.
The bullfight
Heaven is playing the bugles,
the national party makes commotion.
Archangels as bailiffs
and on the gang yard,
the bullfighters are queueing up,
their suits are of glory color
with stars.
Six white bulls of peace,
for Granero and Joselito,
Manolete and Bienvenida,
Paquirri and the young Yiyo,
what a bullfight poster!
And next to the barrier
the Virgin of Hope of Macarena
between Lorca and Juan Belmonte,
they're shouting TORERO
to the sound of a pasodoble.
Andalusian carnivals
How pretty! How pretty! How pretty!
Somebody told us that some comparsas
with charm and joking around they say
why do foreigners sing to Cadiz
like if we were russians, americans or brazilians.
We're andalusians and long live the south, OLE.
Alhambra, mosque, Santa Cruz neighbourhood,
being Andalusia what else matters.
If we live under the same sky
I love Cadiz and this is it,
don't mess with me fellow
that we are brothers of light and sun.
This is Carnival! This is Carnival!
This is Carnival! This is Carnival!
By Malaga's Alameda 3
confettis and streamers,
beautiful goddess of the seas,
and the art of Isla Cristina,
carnivals of the seas.
Puerto de Santa María,
even the very Guadalete
dresses up and San Fernando
with Barbate and Algeciras
sings and dances like a comprarsa.
We have to die in Cadiz
we gotta see the partying
and what a natural charm
has the people of Cadiz
with the chaos of their carnival.
The tonadilla
The tonadilla was born in Spaim
between fans and castanets.
And it travelled very elegant through the world
and a comb
was talking about Triana or violets
Seville and la Barqueta.
Mrs Concha4 put a crown on it,
Queen that is Juana, 5
Marifé, the most sevillian lineage
and the Santiago6 from Jerez
And who says it's dead
if there's Veneno to sing it,
Martirio, my God, Martirio
tonadilla, sunglasses
and the affront of La Lirio
He was born in image and likeness of Adam
and the heart of Eve
and he carries it proudly.
And he dreams with a man
who loves him and understands him,
and protects him,
without chains nor bars.
He is like that, he dreams like that,
he thinks like that, he was born like that,
and that's how his heart beats,
loving is not a sin
because even God loved.
I always think of you
I think of you,
I think of you, woman.
I think of you,
farmer and rural,
graduated and teacher,
university girl,
I think of you, woman.
I think of you,
you who are single mother,
young worker,
and in you, queen of the home,
I think of you, woman.
And I see you singing to your child
'my little baby sleep
or the boogeyman will get you'
I always think of you.
The alarm clock rings
with smell of coffee,
I take a shower, I shave
the dawn is singing,
I go to work, goodbye home.
Maria stays
combing the children
who have school
like every day.
She dreams a fantasy sunday.
And dreams of her favourite story,
spins and dreams, dreams and spins, life.
Careful. Careful. Careful.
I'm careful with my people,
I'm careful with my parents, careful,
I'm always careful with who loves me well.
I'm careful with my friends,
and with my enemies too, careful,
and with that girl who dies for me.
Life backfires on you
you gotta keep the look
and the heart alerted
Careful, careful with all around you.
The crack era
Maria comes running by the sidewalks,
she's chased by two little pickpockets,
yes, pickpockets
Life is going bad
We live on the crack era!
María, I keep your heavenly smile.
Drugs, drugs will kill
half mankind, María.
I keep going with my puchero,
my cocido and my meat paste.
Seville of yesterday
Stones, solid stones
nailed over the dirty floor,
skinny dogs playing, blue sky,
the neighbours screaming, almost for nothing
and they live the weekly novel
and paint the courtyards for the night out,
the grandfathers playing with the card deck,
girls, the installment seller came with his basket,
full of white dishes and bed trousseaus.
On San Leandro, they ring around the rosie,
all the girls of San Esteban
and in San Bernardo,
the neighbourhood boys play to be bullfighters.
Through the road the streetcars cross,
the street Oriente, who would say it!,
and to Cruzcampo,
the Via Crucis of a saint people come.
Seville of yesterday,
that time stole
Seville went away
to sleep with the legends
of its old neighbourhods
and its simplicity.
The gypsies of la Cava,
potters, the Cachorro,7
Betis street, río-río,
Altozano, Juan Belmonte,
Soleá, Virgin of Hope,
the courtyards, bulería,
my Triana, what a joy
And in Seville, Triana,
the one of green color by the shore of its river,
by the green Simpecao8 of the Virgin of the Rocío,
and because if the green, green, is the color of Hope,
Triana of green has even the soul dressed,
green cloak, green mantle, of my pretty Marinera,
Triana is of color green, green as its flag.
Triana, Triana, Triana.
Of bell ringers
and of nazarenes and brown-skinned Christs that
give me cold, Triana.
You give me spring,
sky of orange blossoms, courtyard parties that
are your arts, Triana.
Bullfighter, Rocio princess,
my sailing girl,
you'll make me fall in love, Triana.
Fishermen and sailors,
my guitar always prays for you.
From dry land,
I see the boats going offshore,
my song on the shore is dressed of sorrow.
Fishermen, sailors,
who gave their lives for a whirlwind,
black storms, so evil and murderous.
How brave one has to be!
to become a lover of that treacherous woman,
who makes you get confidence to backstab you later.
I like it all in you
All, all, all, I like it all in you.
Your way of looking, I like it all in you.
Your lips kissing, I like it all in you.
All, all, all, I like it all in you.
Your simple goodness, I like it all in you.
Your sexual body, I like it all in you.
All, all, all, I like it all in you.
And when you make love,
that yell that has no solution
when you finally fly.
All, all, I like it all in you.
Always mine
To make you mine, mine, mine, mine
I promised to the skies.
To settle down,
to quit the parties, the night binges,
the women troubles, brothels and clubs.
And I achieved it by devoting myself to you,
thinking of you, looking at you,
caressing you, only you.
And I made you mine, mine, mine, mine, always mine.
You're the bohemia of my joy
Love and pleasure
Don't confuse pleasure with love,
because both are on the same car.
Don't be so crazy, that you're wrong,
and after all, you can lose.
Girl, I don't want you to lie nor cheat on me,
I don't want more disdains nor snubness, no.
Because girl, I don't deserve it, you know,
and I have the key of your heart.
Fly if you want adventures.
Change the lock saying goodbye, dear.
Music box
Our life is a music box,
of music and poetry.
I've been criticized by my friends
and some people put me to one side
and my family was predicting
that there was no doubt of my insanity,
that I was crazy.
And for being crazy they despised us
the knowledgeables who made fun of our music,
music, music, music, music, music.
But in the shadows of a pentagram,
we sang, we fought together and so
the flowers of the songs they sowed
finally bloomed.
All alone
The Virgin of the Rocio told me to come to see her.
To come to see her,
when she's there alone, in her hermitage,
without claps nor parties, drums nor flutes,
White Dove of God, all alone.
To come to see her,
when she's still, in her hermitage,
without anybody waking her up, no rockets sounding,
White Dove of God, Rocío sleep.
Sleep, Rocío sleep. Sleep Dove of peace
in the blessed silence, Rocío, of your loneliness.
The theater
The theater finally lifts the curtains
and in the middle of a great silence, the actor shows up.
Today he's King Lear,
tomorrow Hamlet and yesterday Don Juan,
and sometimes a mandman and others a robber.
He has to perform
'Life is a dream' or charming
Juliet or Melibea and love, and love.
Love and love,
his life among flying systems, wings
and the writings of a script,
and becoming again Antonio, Juan or Pedro
when the curtains go down.
Forgive me (from the brotherhood corner)
For the corrupt world,
for the damned war,
for my people and my town, Lord,
forgive me.
Christ of the Good Death,
of Blood or of Love,
of Health or Cachorro,
Dying Christ. Forgive me.
Christ in the cross for Seville,
who could remove your three nails of the wook
and who could cure your wounds, Nazarene. Forgive me.
And who could cut the thorns of your forehead,
I believe in you, forgive me,
for my people and my town, my Lord of Great Power.
Radio Votings
(Hostess voice)
They were Cantores de Hispalis
in his concert 'The dance of love'.
As always, on your favorite show
'La regañá tostaita'
where you can vote the prettiest sevillanam
the one of your neighbourhood group
the one of your boyfriend or your nephew.
Here we have a new call. Hi.
(Voter voice)
Hello, hey, this is for voting?
(Hostess voice)
Yes sir. It's for voting.
From where are you calling?
It doesn't matter from where I call,
but write in a paper.
I vote for the andalusian writers,
poets who write poems,
that become spring stanzas.
I vote for the the musicians who make dances,
with art of my Andalusia,
for the people to dance them with joy.
And I vote for who sings
and gives his soul for a song,
and I vote for the beauty
of our culture, Mr Host.
The Fair
Whare are you going?, 'to the fair'
The Giralda dressed of polka dots,
courted by gypsy bandits,
open the doors of the fair,
the April fair.
And Granada gets in with grace,
by the arm of the gypsy Sacromonte
and Huelva of marsh and Rocio,
and Malaga in the rump of a horse,
that Don Jerez de la Frontera rides.
Happy is 'The Silver Cup',9
dancing with bullfighters of Cordoba,
Almería with frills of foam,
Jaen gets in singing with Linares,
Seville with its mother Andalusia.
Let's raise the hands,
that we're on fair and we gotta toast.
Seville is the host of friendship.
Andalusian land
The friendship of the southern towns
is a reality thanks to our mother
who takes care of us with love, Andalusia.
You made me in the cradle,
there won't be more fortune nor greater madness than
being your son, Andalusia.
You sang to me songs,
there won't be a mermaid nor brown-skinned woman that
sings better, Andalusia.
The Goddess, the exquisite queen
the most beautiful gypsy
that mankind saw being born. Andalusia.
Andalusia, the beautiful dancer
who wins hearts in a full affront,
of well planted arms, of seductive hands,
of sensual arched waist, of pretty feet
that fly around the love bonfire,
where the people, gypsy of crystal beads and wide brimmed hats,
pretends her among his frills, he tries to win her heart
among scents of songs and sighs of castanets
and moans of guitars, and it makes it, and kisses her,
and makes her of its own, its own... oh! my girl Andalusia,
the beautiful dancer of love.
Dance. Dance of love.
  • 1. Sevillanas of The Rocío Virgin
  • 2. Sevillanas of the Corral de comedias
  • 3. An avenue with groves
  • 4. Concha Piquer
  • 5. Juanita Reina
  • 6. María José Santiago
  • 7. The Dying Christ of Cachorro
  • 8. A banner meaning 'Concieved without sin'
  • 9. a nickname for Cadiz
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A négy szélhez

Versions: #2
A négy szélre szeretnék kiabálni, amit érzem
A négy szélbe, és hogy nem érdekel semmit
A négy szélre szeretnék kiabálni, amit érzem
A négy szelet és szeretni tudni
Annyira lehetetlen, olyan hatalmas, látlak
Eddig, hogy nem tudom, hogyan juthat el hozzátok
Olyan nehéz elérni
Ez valami, amit egy darabig érzek
Az én érzékeim mennek, ahol vagytok
És nem tudom, hogyan változtassam meg ezt a helyzetet
A négy szélre szeretnék kiabálni, amit érzem
A négy szélbe, és hogy nem érdekel semmit
A négy szélre szeretnék kiabálni, amit érzem
A négy szelet és szeretni tudni
Ellenállhatatlan, összehasonlíthatatlan, látlak
És ez egy olyan kép, amelyet senki sem tud megváltoztatni
Nem érdekel, mit mondanak
Ez valami, amit nem tudok irányítani, bár megpróbálom
Azok a szívesség, hogy átöleljetek, hamarosan legyőznek
És tudom, hogy senki sem tud elválasztani minket
A négy szélre szeretnék kiabálni, amit érzem
A négy szélbe, és hogy nem érdekel semmit
A négy szélre szeretnék kiabálni, amit érzem
A négy szelet és szeretni tudni

Egy fantáziába

Van egy álmom
Benne vagy
Valahol a felhők felett
Az eső hullik az égből
De nem ér hozzád
Magasan vagy
Nincs több aggodalom,
Nincs több félelem
Eléred, hogy eltűnjenek
A szomorúság megpróbálta ellopni a showt
De most úgy tűnik sok évvel ezelőtt volt
És én, én minden lépésednél ott leszek
Ma este egy barátot találtam benned
És mindig közel foglak tartani
Gyere, szállj velem
Egy fantáziába
Hol az lehetsz
Akárki csak szeretnél
Gyere szállj velem
Egész nap repülhetünk
Mutasd meg a világot
Énekelj egy dalt
Mond el, mit hordoz a jövő
Te és én, együtt aranyba festjük
És én, én mindig hinni fogok minden világodban
Mert nekem egy barátom van benned
Mindig együtt maradunk
Gyere, szállj velem
Egy fantáziába
Hol az lehetsz
Akárki csak szeretnél
Gyere szállj velem
És én, én minden lépésednél ott leszek
Ma este egy barátot találtam benned
És mindig közel foglak tartani
Gyere, szállj velem
Egy fantáziába
Hol az lehetsz
Akárki csak szeretnél
Gyere szállj velem
Gyere, szállj velem
Egy fantáziába
Hol az lehetsz
Akárki csak szeretnél
Gyere szállj velem

Pay attention

Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Attention, now! A-attention, now!
Pay attention, don't be sluggish
If you are alive seize this moment
Get to work, pick yourself up
Now's the time for your make over
You have to rouse that stamina
That's sleeping within your body
Do it now, not tomorrow
'Cause time waits for no one
If you lack knowledge, or understanding
It's because you really don't want it
You have to put your mind to work
And you will get the picture
If you already have experience
And you find someone beffudled
Stretching out your hand to him as if he was your brother
So that he will find his way out
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
At any given moment life could come to an end
That's why we're telling you to pay attention, now!
At any given moment life could come to an end
That's why we're telling you to pay attention, now!
If you want to, life is easy
But just remember that nothing's done without effort
And don't you dare to even mention that foolish saying
That to be successful comes by fortune
Never envy anyone's life
You need to find what you can achieve
All you need to do is to set
Just how far it is where you want to go
Caló is telling you this message
No, not all the rap is to give you laughter
Do you want to improve as a person? Feel it!
Don't wait 'till the world gets blown up to pieces
Pay attention, and as time passes
You'll know that what I tell you
I say it, not lying, I feel it
So certain, clearly, absolutely, from my very inside
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
Pay attention! Pay, pay attention, now!
You have to do it, don't just think it
You already had plenty of time to contemplate it
You gotta start the journey that we all call life, man
And it's not that hard
You're chance will come in its moment
You gotta be ready, be alert
Because it tends to come only one time
And it could happen that you won't notice it
Pay attention! Pay attention!
You're chance will come in its moment
You gotta be ready, be alert
Because it tends to come only one time
And it could happen that you won't notice it
Pay attention, now!

Our Moment

It's midnight, everyone's asleep
The two of us are alone
The world is ours, come close
Don't leave anything for later
My fingers brush against yours
My mouth latches on to yours
Breathing one into the other
I'm speaking softly because I'm ready
If you want to wake everyone up
To let them know
That this is our moment
I'll scream at the top of my lungs
That you're all mine
And when I'm done, I'll back up
To do it all again
Baby I...
Love your way of loving
If I'm looking for a thousand ways to hug you
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
I can't remain alone (no)
You're my greatest sanctuary
You are my love
I see none better for me
So let's stay like this
If you want to wake everyone up
To let them know
That this is our moment
I'll scream at the top of my lungs
That you're all mine
And when I'm done, I'll back up
To do it all again
Baby I...
Love your way of loving
If I'm looking for a thousand ways to hug you
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good, baby
With you it just feels so good
Baby I...
Love your way of loving
If I'm looking for a thousand ways to hug you
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good
It's just to make you feel good
Just to make you feel good


Today I'm gonna dance
I don't wanna stop
My body's gonna move
Come, cause It's going down tonight
Come on
And follow my moves
Come on
And follow my moves
I know that you're aware of
My intention
You keep going forward
And I drive in the wrong direction
Come on
And follow my moves
Come on
And follow my moves
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Gonna hypnotize you
And show you my talent
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Gonna hypnotize you
And show you my talent
Today I'm gonna dance
I don't wanna stop
My body's gonna move
Come, cause It's going down tonight
Come on
And follow my moves
Come on
And follow my moves
I know that you're aware of
My intention
You keep going forward
And I drive in the wrong direction
Come on
And follow my moves
Come on
And follow my moves
Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Gonna hypnotize you
And show you my talent
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Gonna hypnotize you
And show you my talent
Wearing a strapless dress
With tan lines
Dancing till the morning light
She moves like that
Wild like a lioness
Like Rocky Balboa
She bursts into flames on the dancefloor
When she moves like that (hmmm)
The move
Make the moves
Hypnotize me
And show me your talent
The move
Make the moves
Hypnotize me
And show me your talent
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Gonna hypnotize you
And show you my talent
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Make the moves (oh, oh)
Gonna hypnotize you
And show you my talent

Hey Hey Shooting Star

Hey hey shooting star
Dogs of Paradise hold on to your legs
They want a piece of you
And they'll stop when your mind breaks down
And won't go back to the way it used to be, won't go back to the way it used to be
They'll lead you to success
They don't give a shit about you
You'll soon get used to the idea
You're always free
You're chained wherever you go
Hey hey shooting star
Could you even be anything else
you're allowed to fly for a while
and show them what you're made of
They tell you how to live
They don't know shit about it
Those conventional ones collect prizes
In their laughing eyes
vast emptiness
Hey hey shooting star
Could you even be anything else
you're allowed to fly for a while
and show them what you're made of
Dogs of Paradise hold on to your legs
They want a piece of you
And they'll stop when your mind breaks down
And won't go back to the way it used to be, won't go back to the way it used to be
Hey hey shooting star
Could you even be anything else
you're allowed to fly for a while
and show them what you're made of
Hey hey shooting star
Could you even be anything else
you're allowed to fly for a while
and show them what you're made of
Hey hey
you're allowed to fly for a while
and show them what you're made of


Versions: #2
Antonia :
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
Kindness is a weakness,
Nothing of it is real
We Need a PR to present ourselfs to the world ,
You get yourself dresses from a top brand ,
You change cars non stop,
But You see your family only on pictures on your desktop
We jugde after wealth
And no matter how expensive things are, You find them almost in every Pocket
On every mobile you have, You sound the same ,
Meanwhile your bicicle could also take you anywhere
Love, can‘t be found,
Can‘t be met
Even if we want it,
We may only find it in fairytales
Antonia :
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
With eyes only on our cellphones, messeging
We look mainly down and less to the sun,
Depending on red lips and big butts,we leave our families behind
The devil laughs out loud in hell ,
Even in church there is no love, only business to make
Our brothers next to us are too greedy,
And if times are difficult, people turn their backs in you
Love, oh we want it all,
But we pass one after another like we are robots,
We‘re loosing sight of the really important things in life,
While we are chasing After money,
The Love disapears
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
Love, can‘t be found,
Can‘t be met
Even if we want it,
We may only find it in fairytales
Antonia :
Our love is like a hurricane
Got it swirling round in my brain
Feels like everyday's a Saturday
Right now I need a simple day
Cause love is like a hurricane
Call me up and just stop this feeling
I'll fight for you every single day
Our love is like a hurricane
Being at the top of our society ,
They teach us this already at school,
Ignore everything around us,
Becaude of that love‘ s that rare today
Because we want to rise in our society,
They teach us this already at school,
And now, Love has become rare.

Song of a People of a Place

All day the sun rises
And the people sing
To the sun of every day
At evening's end the earth reddens
And the people cry
Because the afternoon ends
When at night the moon meekens
And the people dance
Venerating the night
At dawn, a starry sky
And the people sleep
Dreaming of the day


How much light, how much warmth
These three weeks gave us!
The kind wildflowers
Looked into our eyes everywhere
Who can remember how many times
Stars fell from the sky for luck.
This does not often happen on Earth
But where are they now?
The happy times have left their fleeting glimpse and passed
The short holidays are over
Alas, love did not call on us then
Love did not call on us, it just called out.
The grey rain is coming
And then there will be blizzards...
Will these three weeks really remain somewhere in the past?
Who can remember how many times
Stars fell from the sky for luck.
This does not often happen on Earth
But where are they now?
The happy times have left their fleeting glimpse and passed
The short holidays are over
Alas, love did not call on us then
Love did not call on us, it just called out.

New paragraph

For me to stop regretting that I said NO to you,
I'm not sure if I'll ever have a [normal] life.
If it was my fault that you cried over that goodbye
I also carry that [same] wound myself.
I have held my breath for over a year,
for thirteen months I thought about what would I say
and although I saw you, I no longer have the strength in my voice
nor the urge [to say it] that I had before )*
I know I'm to blame for wasting time
and that my promise went away together with a song
of me getting on that plane.
And today...
I'll find you again
and I'll do everything to not let go of you,
because I never got tired of loving you
I still have cards left that I have not played yet.
New paragraph )**
you know very well that I don't swear in vain
and I swear not to let go of your hands
and if it's for you, I'll set mine on fire
down to ashes, don't be afraid of them,
[Because] if you get burned, I get burned too
I'll find you again
I can explain to you each question mark,
if you just look at me as you did
when I thought 'finally the fight is over'
you were a stray bullet.
I know I'm to blame for wasting time
and that my promise went away together with a song
of me getting on that plane.
And today...
I'll find you again
and I'll do everything to not let go of you,
because I never got tired of loving you
I still have cards left that I have not played yet.
New paragraph.
you know very well that I don't swear in vain
and I swear not to let go of your hands
and if it's for you, I'll set mine on fire
down to ashes, don't be afraid of them,
[Because] if you get burned, I get burned too ...
I'll find you again
and I'll do everything to not let go of you ...
Because I never got tired of loving you
I still have cards left that I have not played yet.
New paragraph.
you know very well that I don't swear in vain
and I swear not to let go of your hands
(not to let go of your hands)
and if it's for you, I'll set mine on fire
down to ashes, don't be afraid of them,
(don't be afraid of them)
[Because] if you get burned, I get burned too ...

Let’s Turn the Page

Before you go to sleep, you shall recite your little prayer,
for the few things you have, you shall thank the Heavenly Father.
Before you eat, you shall make drawings in silence,
because you are privileged, there are people who are doing worse, there are people who are in trouble.
It’s here that the deceit begins, the scam is outlining by now.
But the story isn’t over, let’s turn the page.
Now that you are a grown up kid and that you are already attending school,
you shall listen to your teacher and you shall learn many things.
He is knowledgeable about everything, and you know nothing.
If you wish to pass your exams, you will have to be very obedient.
It’s here that the deceit carries on, the scam is being asserted by now.
But the story isn’t over, let’s turn the page.
Now that you’re a young man, in a soldier’s uniform,
you shall march always in line and you shall obey your superiors.
When they command you ‟at attention”, you shall promptly click your heels,
and when they command you ‟at ease”, you shall move your left foot forward.
It’s here that the deceit carries on, the scam is being asserted by now.
But the story isn’t over, let’s turn the page.
Now you’re ready to be used, in an office or in a workshop,
programmed to work, so that a master can exploit you.
In the evening, TV keeps you misinformed,
but on Sundays, in exchange, it numbs you with the [football] championship.
It’s here that you end up screwed up, you can’t escape the scam,
by now, they have already brainwashed you into turning the page.
You can use my translations however you like.
“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

Prohibited fairy-tales

I was educated to be reliable
Answering and hear talk
I have learnt in three psalms
What is a good and evil
Many prauers
And regrets
If will not be a punishment
With an eternal fire
Obscure night
Mysterious dreams
False prophets
Prohibited fairy-tales
Dead passions
Which restores
The ocult desires
Will return to me
It won't suppress me
I will forget of you
Many amusements
Less prayers
I prefer to be with you
And burn in hell

Mondd meg, mit érzek

Láttam álmodni, láttam repülni
Azt hittem, megérintettem a létezésedet
Egy dalban
Várakozás nélkül találkoztam veled
Hogy jól megértenél
Egy daldal
Az igazság felkelt
Nem maradt más, csak a kinézete
A szemedben megyek
Hogyan mondhatom el, mit érzek?
Valaki különleges vagy
A szavaid a szélhez mennek
Rajzolj a hangod tengerébe
Várakozás nélkül találkoztam veled
Hogy jól megértenél
Egy daldal
Az igazság felkelt
Nem maradt más, csak a kinézete
A szemedben megyek
Hogyan mondhatom el, mit érzek?
Valaki különleges vagy
A szavaid a szélhez mennek
Rajzolj a hangod tengerébe
Ez a zene benned
Hangosan hangzik és erősödik a belső térben
Hogyan mondhatom el, mit érzek?
Valaki különleges vagy
A szavaid a szélhez mennek
Rajzolj a hangod tengerébe
Egy dalban


Meanwhile, words flow by themselves
Meanwhile, people change opinion
Meanwhile it rains outside, meanwhile
Meanwhile, your clothes smell like soap
Meanwhile, in a room, passion is born
Meanwhile, I see you, in the meantime, in my version.
Ah, in the meantime, I write you a song
Ah, but meanwhile you are elsewhere
Ah, I made a reflection between myself and me.
Ah, in the meantime, this love.
Let's have breakfast
If not, I don't start the day well
We've already been awake for a bit
And I ask myself why, meanwhile, you arrived
And meanwhile, the light in the hall will change
Meanwhile, the fabrics on the balcony will also dry
And meanwhile, always in the meanwhile, fall into temptation.
Ah, but do you feel it or not, this emotion
Ah, it's inside a song
Ah, but I had just like the impression
Ah, that this is a great love.

Az elmondhatatlan igazság

Az összes magányosság
Ami kivirágzik ebben a kertben
Leláncoltam magam ebbe a tövises kastélyba
Egyáltalán mi a neved
Van egyáltalán hova hazamenned?
Oh, eltudod mondani?
Megláttalak téged, aki elvolt rejtve ebben a kertben
És tudom
Hogy a melegséged igazi
A kéz, ami megfogja a kék virágot
Megakarom fogni, de
Ez a sorsom
Ne mosolyogj rám
Világíts rám
Mert én nem tudlak megközelíteni
Nincs olyan név, amit tudok hívni
Tudod, hogy nem tudom
Megmutatni magam neked
Magamat adni neked
Nem tudom megmutatni a gyengeségemet, szóval
Megint felhúzom az álarcom és találkozok veled
De még mindig akarlak
A virág, ami a magányosság kertjében kinyílt
Olyan, mint te
Neked akartam adni,
Miután levettem ezt a hülye álarcot
De tudom
Hogy nem maradhatok örökké ilyen
Hogy rejtőzködnöm kell
Mert olyan csúnya vagyok
Gyenge vagyok
Nagyon félek
Mert a végén te is elfogsz hagyni
Megint felhúzom az álarcom és találkozok veled
Az egyetlen dolog, amit tudok csinálni
Az ebben a kertben van
Ebben a világban
Miután kivirágoztattam ezt a virágot, ami olyan, mint te
Úgy élek, mint ahogy te tudod
De még mindig akarlak
Még akarlak
Talán abban az időben
Ha csak egy kicsi
Bátorságom lett volna
S eléd állnék
Minden más lenne
Ebben a magányos homokvárban
Ahogy ránézek erre a törött álarcra
És még mindig akarlak
De még mindig akarlak
De még mindig akarlak
És még mindig akarlak

Point of Peace

I like the way
You make me feel
At the same time as you make it clear
You got me confused
You say you want to see me again
To make sure that I'm not going crazy
Your smell, your kiss, your body
Yeah, I'm going crazy
Trying to decipher
Cause I need the look in your eyes
I am sorry
But you drive me crazy
Maybe there's no cure
I want a little more
A little more, a little more
In the end, this madness
Is my point of peace
Is my point of peace
I like the way
You make me feel
At the same time as you make it clear
You got me confused
You say you want to see me again
To make sure that I'm not going crazy
Your smell, your kiss, your body
Yeah, I'm going crazy
Trying to decipher
Cause I need the look in your eyes
I am sorry
But you drive me crazy
Maybe there's no cure
I want a little more
A little more, a little more
In the end, this madness
Is my point of peace
Is my point of peace
Trying to decipher
Cause I need the look in your eyes
I am sorry
But you drive me crazy
Maybe there's no cure
I want a little more
A little more, a little more
In the end, this madness
Is my point of peace
Is my point of peace
Maybe there's no cure
I want a little more
A little more, a little more
In the end, this madness
Is my point of peace
Is my point of peace


Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Still you talk like this
Always the same little act
I know it ain't easy to get involved
But my mouth desires you
My body is warm and delicious
You want to see me again
This beat is a delirious to go crazy
So, come closer and move slowly
Tonight my friend is the moon
You've seen me totally naked
I'm running wild on the street
Because tonight I'm yours
Ah, if you wanted me too
If I had the courage too
Look how my booty get down
But don't hurry
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
I want you slow (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
I want you slow (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
My name is Lia Clark
And I'm going to tell you how to do it
Come dancing, want to see you all sweaty
Wearing too much makeup, a lot of gorgeous clothes
Dance, dance
To this heavy reggaeton
Work your tongue down my body
You know I do expect too much
If it's a dirty game
Ui, I'm in
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow
Because I want you slow

120107 (on a study trip)

I've never enjoyed myself in any fucking lockers, I didn't know what it was but something about strict limits gets me nervious
You are this and you are that and not that many question their locker, because without one you don't have a place
Tabula rasa, fucking take a pile of pills! Lost, in safety I grow over the limits, no more small minded people. I can't fit there. It's shit.
You tell me you're lost and a worse snitch comes to mock, to laugh at your broken pieces, fuck I first thought I'll kill him there and then. I notices that I looked at myself before, and I realized that this dude understands fucking nothing. Fucking schoolyard bullies, I'm not good enough for you. In this cold air there's no space to grow.
It would be nice to hurt someone who hurts others, but I swore I wouldn't hurt anymore. You see that everything is not ok, you should open your arms and not hurt anymore. He who loses himself finds himself. It's always easy to point, satan, but you seem to be on a study trip too.
I remember when I first found a conscience. What are these bitching feelings? I thought I was gay. 'What the fuck do you care about those, you beat them like before, or are you a bitch?' We've gotten here from those times, I remember getting wasted in the park, some stayed to do drugs like some macho men. I ran away from home, when I came back I realized it was never my home. I look at a grown up little kid, if I had stayed I'd be there. Broken, put together from pieces, bloody and sweaty from growing pains. It's so simple but hard to understand, to dig from under the shitty feeling. You would support me when I break, I'd support you when you break, and we would be just fine
It would be nice to hurt someone who hurts others, but I swore I wouldn't hurt anymore. You see that everything is not ok, you should open your arms and not hurt anymore. He who loses himself finds himself. It's always easy to point, satan, but you seem to be on a study trip too.
From weakness we travel to strength, from strength to sickness. Matti is worried, asking if it's normal, scared. Normal is an average value, Matti, Do you want to be average, Matti? To be good enough for others when you're not even good enough for others, to not judge anybody, it could be you. So many times I've had to hold on to the bed so that I wouldn't jump from the balcony into hell. I pay for the trauma I've caused, I don't even dare to go to the class meetings. Not even mentioning the little princesses that I ruined on the way. Some higher power could throw into my brain some storms, after them I'll be happy that I'm even standing up, I'll hug the homeless and stop bullying gays, give empathy to junkies, people pushed down, people opressed.
It would be nice to hurt someone who hurts others, but I swore I wouldn't hurt anymore. You see that everything is not ok, you should open your arms and not hurt anymore. He who loses himself finds himself. It's always easy to point, satan, but you seem to be on a study trip too.