Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 11


But love, no

Looking at the roses, withered this morning
I think: tomorrow
They will be passed
And all the things
Are like roses
That live one day
One hour and no more
But love, no
My love cannot
Fade away like roses
It’s so strong that will not give up
Will not be wither
I’ll watch over it
I’ll defend it
From all those poisonous pitfalls
That would rip the heart out
Poor love
Maybe you will go
With other women caresses you’ll be involved
Poor me, and if you come back
You will find already withered each beauty
In me
But love, no
My love cannot
Dissolve with the gold of your hair
While I live it will be alive in me
Only for you

I did

I did
I would have made you live
A life of dreams
That you can't live with her
I did
I would have made it disappear
Boredom from your eyes
Which she can't see
But now...
I did
I would have told you love
Looking for words
Which she can't find
I did
I would have made you envy
From your friends themselves
Who now are laughing at her
But now...
I did
I would have made you understand
That the beauty of the evening
It's not just going out
I did
That I would have taught you
that people begin to live
When she wants to sleep
But now...
I did
I would have taught you
Something about love
That is a sin for her
I did
I would have let you know
How many things you have
That drive me crazy
But now...

A randevú

Versions: #1
Sok hibát vétettem
Amikről most már tudok
És ma szinte biztos
Hogy ismét hibázni fogok
De még egy alkalom ugyan min változtatna
Az életemben
Elfogadtam ezt a furcsa randevút
Őrültséget tettem
Szomorú vagyok az emberek között
Kik elmennek mellettem
De az érzés, hogy ismét láthatlak
Legyőzi a könnyeket
A nap az arcomra süt
Egy reménysugár fellobban
Várom, hogy hirtelen
Meglássalak a távolban
Szerelmem, siess
Érzelmeim nem tudom fékezni...
Ha nem jössz el, megszűnök létezni
Megszűnök létezni, megszűnök létezni...
Megváltozott az idő és esik az eső
De én várlak még mindig
Nem érdekel már, mit gondol rólam a világ
Nem akarok elmenni
Magamba nézek és eltűnődöm
De nem érzek semmit sem
Már csak a remény maradványa vagyok
Az emberek között elveszve
Szerelmem, már túl késő
És érzelmeim nem tudom fékezni...
Ha nem jössz el, megszűnök létezni
Megszűnök létezni, megszűnök létezni...
Fények, autók, kirakatok, utcák
Az árnyékom sem követ többé
A nap sugarai lassan meghalnak
Csak az maradt, hogy hazamenjek
Hol ismét szomorú életem köszönt
Ezt az életet, mit neked akartam adni
Darabokra törted ujjaid között
Szerelmem, bocsáss meg
De érzelmeim nem tudom fékezni...
Most már örökre megszűnök létezni
Megszűnök létezni, megszűnök létezni...

You Remind Me of Milan

You remind me of Milan
and its bizarre face that looks more lively in the winter,
the daily breakthrough
of people leaving, of people coming,
the hottest and thickest part,
my familiarity with this city.
It seems to me that you look like
these Navigli1 covered with mist,
like the seaside of these children
playing close to their sandy memories.
I can find you in the stolen greenness
on the deranged rooftops of this city.
The streets of your own old town,
your shyness, I will walk around there
and then back downtown
I'll feel I am inside your tenderness,
on the train of our thoughts
in the Saturday night of this city.
And beyond your eyes
window panes always letting in some poetry
with this mania of living it all
as if you were about to leave
on different roads
leading out and away from the big city.
You are like the warmth in a breath
that stays close to you when it gets cold
and makes you feel - also in the suburbs
as if you were rich, and makes you feel alive.
I want to hold in my hands
this large Milan and your freedom
am about to turn off the lights of this city.
I love you.
I'm coming home with you,
home with you....
I love you...
Home with you...
  • 1. canals in Milan.

It Makes Me Die Singing

Those words I feel
Seek me out [from] inside
You make me die singing
You make me die singing
And the life I'm listening to
Makes me die and it knows it.
It was sounding and like that so I could listen a bit
And so that I could see who it was I've come here
It's one like many that I'd never seen.
Those words I feel
Seek me out [from] inside
It makes me die singing
It makes me die singing
And the life I'm listening to
Makes me die and it knows it.
Either it reads [me from] inside
Or it will have found the letters that I wrote
And reads them here
I beg it to finish
But it never finishes.
Those words I feel
Seek me out [from] inside
It makes me die singing
It makes me die singing
And the life I'm listening to
Makes me die and it knows it.
It was sounding and like that so I could listen a bit
And so that I could see who it was I've come here
It's one like many that I'd never seen.
Those words I feel
Seek me out [from] inside
You make me die singing
You make me die singing
And the life I'm listening to
Makes me die and it knows it.
Those words I feel
Seek me out [from] inside
You make me die singing
You make me die singing
And the life I'm listening to
Makes me die and it knows it.

The Date

Versions: #2
I was wrong so many times by now, I already know
that almost certainly today
I am wrong about you
but what difference can one more time make in this life of mine..
Accepting this odd date,
it was insanity! (some folly)
I am sad among the people
passing by
but the wistful feeling (nostalgia) of seeing you again
is stronger than the tears
This sun lights up on my face a sign of hope
I am waiting and suddenly
I will see you appear yonder (in the distance)
My love be here soon (hurry up), I can't take it (resist)
if you don't come, I don't exist
I don't exist , I don't exist ...
The weather has changed, and it is raining
but I stay and wait (keep on waiting)
I am not concerned (don't care) about what the world will think [of me]
I don't wanna go.
I look within myself and wonder
but I feel nothing (hear nothing?)
I am just some remains of hope
lost among people
My love it's already late and I can't take it (resist)
if you don't come, I don't exist
Lights, cars, shop windows, roads
they all confuse into my mind
my shadow got tired of following me
the day slowly dies
All that's left is to go back to my house
to my sad life
This life I wanted to give to you
you crumbled it between your fingers
My love forgive me but I can't take it...
Now forever, I don't exist


please go away
so much you in my house
no, you will never enter
there are so many people
who need to suffer
and every day cry a bit
instead Ornella / Andrea
wants to live and sing
and she/he must tell you no
La La La La
please go away
do not have the craze
to live with me
I would like to paint
of red
my room
just you walk away
I will do it
in your place
I have already invited hope
and finally I will live
La La La La
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Woman in the winter

Because winter is better
the woman is more secretive and alone
all softer and hairy
and afghan white
algebraic and thoughtful
sweet and exquisite
it's all another thing
who wants to go on a trip
do not know do not know do not know
when the snow shrinks
all the noise and the trucks on the street
they no longer have engine
this is the time to let us sink
in the middle ages of his bitter phrases
says he does not want to sin
but you know it, he does
I'm busy betraying me
inside a taffeta fringe
and I wonder at bottom if
while she shines on the sofa
in the winter , in the of winter
she is not even smarter
oh yes, winter is better
after it is easier to sleep and go
beyond thoughts with a book by Lucretius
open between your fingers
that's life
between a dressing gown and a sea
who wants to go on a trip
don't know, don't know
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

Egy okkal több

Tudod, van még egy okkal több
Hogy azt mondjam elmegyek
Megyek és magammal viszem
A rosszkedvedet
Keresem a kezeim, és téged akarnak még mindig
De ki lesz ki fogja majd őket
Ma a holnap van és aztán még mindig a holnap
Habár a szívem még bírja.
Te vagy még egy okkal több,
Aki tőlem annyi sokat kért.
Nekem, nincs semmim számodra,
És szeretlek, nem tudod mennyire
Halálosan szeretlek, még a csendedben is
Amely nem hagy engem elmenni,
Szeretlek de ha csak azt mondod 'ne hagyj el engem'
Nem tudom a szívem bírni fogja-e.
Egy okkal több
Egy okkal több
Egy okkal több...