Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 4

Találatok száma: 107


Ez egy macsó világ

Ez a férfiak világa…
Ez a férfiak világa…
ami értelmetlen lenne,élhetetlen
Egy nő vagy... egy lány nélkül.
A férfi autót barkácsolt,
hogy elvigyen utadon
A férfi vonatot készített
hogy szállítsa a nehéz terheid
A férfi feltalálta az elektromos áramot,
hogy kivezessen a homályból
A férfi hajót épített a végtelen vízre,
akárcsak Noé.
Ez a pasik a pasik a pasik világa…
De értelmetlen lenne sivár
Egy nő, vagy ...egy lány nélkül
A férfi gondoskodik pöttöm lánykákról
és fiúcskákról
Boldoggá teszi őket
az általa készített játékokkal
És miután a férfi megtett mindent
minden tőle telhetőt
Tudod a férfi pénzt is keres
hogy másoktól vásárolhasson
Ez a pasik a pasik a pasik világa…
De értelmetlen lenne sivár
Egy nő, vagy ...egy lány nélkül
Ez a pasik a pasik a pasik világa…
De értelmetlen lenne sivár
Egy nő, vagy ...egy lány nélkül
Elvész az élet dzsungelében
Elemészti a keserűség
Ez a pasik a pasik a pasik világa…
De értelmetlen lenne sivár
Egy nő, vagy ...egy lány nélkül
Ez a pasik a pasik a pasik világa…
De értelmetlen lenne sivár
Egy nő, vagy ...egy lány nélkül, nem..nem...nem
Egy nő, vagy ...egy lány nélkül
Ez a pasik világa,
Ez a pasik világa
Ez a pasik világa….....


You, like a sun that one no longer sees,
Like a sea which doesn’t exist.
You, eyes closed, giving your hands
Entering into the garden of a dead world.
And I love you, yes!
And I, crying your name from this corner
Of an old world, of a mad world,
and I love you.
You, like this wheat which one sowed
And which never gives fruit.
You, like this light which one thought lost
Like a bird that seems mute.
And I love you, yes!
And I, crying your name from this corner
Of an old world, of a mad world,
and I love you.
You, like a past so hidden,
Like a story without truth.
And you, like a sailor who one thought dead
And then one day, comes back to port.
And I love you, yes!
And I, crying your name from this corner
Of an old world, of a mad world,
and I love you.
And I, here, sing your return.
Here, I sing of my love
And I love you!

The Galley Slave

I hear the rooster from up above
Who sings on the bridge1
Goodbye, patron Sigaud
The branle de Sainte-Elme2
The rooster or no the rooster
We act like there was one
Lanlira, lanlèra3
And the galley sails away
I hear the whistle
Of the taskmaster
Goodbye, to the whistle
Of the girls on the shore
Whistle or no whistle
We act like there was one
Lanlira, lanlèra
And the galley sails away
I see Garbalan4
And then the Sainte-Baume5
You have to stand on the bench6
The Magdalene embalms7
And if it’s not Garbalan
We act as though it was
Lanlira, lanlèra
And the galley sails away
I hear the bells
Of Sainte Reparata8
Of Naple in Avignon
We weren't too far yet
Bells or no bells
We act like there were
Lanlira, lanlèra
And the galley sails away
I see from the outlook
The Rhône, so touching
Better to have one’s handkerchief ready
It bids us welcome
If it’s not the outlook
We act like it was
Lanlira, lanlèra
And the galley sails away
  • 1. of the boat
  • 2. Traditional dance by the sailor corporations of Marseilles in honour of St. Elme.
  • 3. Nonsense syllables for pretty
  • 4. A mountain visible from the sea near Marseilles and also from Aix-en-Provence
  • 5. Another mountain range in southern France
  • 6. To see it
  • 7. Mary Magdalene, alluding to the aforementioned name “Sainte-Baume” or “Holy Balm
  • 8. Church in Nice dedicated to its patron saint: Saint Reparata

If you dream

Let's arrive before
Everything that awaits us
If you dream, if you dream
All these paths won't face upwind
No longer nor now
If you dream we have the time
If you dream we have the time
Pay with our blood
As much as we must
If you dream, if you dream
To find each other but how
It depends on me
If you dream we have the time
If you dream we have the time
Nothing is obvious
For that lasts a long time
Nothing is obvious
For that lasts a long time
What to think of a lover
What I would want to live
If you dream, if you dream
These words and this accent
What I don't really have anymore
If you dream we have the time
If you dream we have the time
What waits for me from life
I will write to you often
If you dream, if you dream
Let's arrive on time
To our previous meeting
If you dream we have the time
If you dream we have the time
If you dream we have the time
If you dream we have the time
The time, the time

Where I Live

Yes, I can still
Hold you very tightly
Erase the doubts that swirl around you
If you want to help me
Let everything fall
Let yourself slide and count to three
I'll take you to where I live
Far from towns and roads
You'll find without a doubt
What will resemble you
We'll do it, it's a promise
The best without a doubt
We'll finish our nights, our mornings, with you against me
Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Find your body again
While losing the north
I'll keep my eternity for you
If you want to dream
Let me try
Let yourself slide and count to three
I'll take you to where I live
Far from towns and roads
You'll find without a doubt
What will resemble you
We'll do it, it's a promise
The best without a doubt
We'll finish our nights, our mornings, with you against me
Oh, adventure
Run away from the rebuilt gray of my life
That is all around you
I'll take you to where I live
Far from towns and roads
You'll find without a doubt
What will resemble you
We'll do it, it's a promise
The best without a doubt
We'll finish our nights, our mornings, with you against me
Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh

Where are the riches?

In our life
in human intelligence
How many times finally it find the rest?
The desire or the other time
How many times? How many times?
Where are the riches now?
Where are the gems and the honors?
Where are the gems and the honors?
Where are the crowns?
Where are the crown who were property of somebody we called happy?
Who were property of somebody we called happy?
Like the pain
Like the pain
Spin like a game
Spin like a game
the life? The life?
For those from the world, the part of my life that remains, I come back to see the sky in Earth
Now I know from the deep heart who start the war
Such a war
Where are the riches now?
Where are the gems and the honors?
Where are the gems and the honors?
Where are the crowns?
Where are the crown?
Where are the riches?
Where are... they aren't valuable
Where are the gems and the honors?
Not so certain hope in front of me..
Where are the crown?
Where are the crown who were property of somebody we called happy?
Who were property of somebody we called happy?
Like the pain
Like the pain
Spin like a game
Spin like a game
the life? The life

The key

I knew summits that I dreamed of reaching
Followed by abysses more than impossible to remount
I experienced challenges of which I had nothing to fear
And others that I thought I would never tried
I've seen faces that have passed between a thousand
Arrested on so many others who turned away
I've known moments that remain indelible
And others that are erased and left to the past
I've known all these
We keep everything to ourselves
We take everything from you
But I still haven't found
The key we have inside us
Like this solitary swimmer
Who never touches the earth
This painter that went crazy
Who wants to catch the light
Like a mountaineer's dream
One day to reach the sky
I knew deserts of which I didn't see the end
Oases that seemed to be the end of the voyages
I knew smiles that would take you anywhere
And so many others as false as mirages
I've known all these
We keep everything to ourselves
We take everything from you
But I still haven't found
The key we have inside us
•Translation done by Stavroula Chaloulakou

->Every comment concerning the improvement of my translations is always accepted.

One More Time

One more time, I love you so
One more time, give me love again
Until morning, until the small hours
Until my body is exhausted with love
I really want to die during those hours
When our two bodies give each other happiness
I really wish that the Earth would stop
Just at the moment when the heart cries out
Caress me, one more time
Let your hands wander on me
I'm thirsty again, I'm hungry for you
Invite me to share in your joys
A day will come when our wild impulses
Will be exchanged for tender conversations
Take me on a new journey
Of waiting for the love of another love
One more time, let's be happy
Because life goes on, and one day we're old
Let's start again, that's a lot better
And then tell me when you'll be happy
Let's forget everything, let's make up our story
We have the right to eternal love
So those who can't believe in it
Can go for a ride in the sky
i hope this translation was useful to you. use it wherever, i don't mind.
i write evocative translations rather than precise ones so this might not be 'word for word'.

It's the poem of who tears up verses

It's the poem of who tears up verses
because they felt them to much to say them
and hear them in such dispersed waves
like the dreams that they had and saw die

I love you, i don't love you anymore

I said to my love
That i didn't love him anymore
Like we say to the earth
I won't sow anymore
Like we say to the stars
You no longer shine
Like we say to the sky
In you i don't believe anymore
In you i don't believe anymore
It shows in my eyes
It shows in the street
I love you and i don't love you anymore
The time has to pass
We say that it has too much
Because the earth is greasy
And the harvest is lost
Lost all banks
Drowned all floods
Ruined all farms
To slaughtered cattle
It shows in my eyes
It shows in the street
We can miss anything
But not superfluous
I love you and i don't love you anymore
But what can a woman do
It's a white rose
Fruit of a lost rose
It is a star that leans
On a bed disappeared
It shows in my eyes
It shows in the street
We can always love
By saying that we love more
I said to my love
That i didn't love him anymore
Like we say to the earth i won't sow anymore
I love you and i don't love you anymore


Hagyj égve egy világítótornyot a vadonban
Mert egy kissé
vakon érkezem
Ábrándozva egy kivilágított házról az erdőben
Amely egy kis fénytől ragyog,
hogy hazahozzon minket.
Mikor megtaláltalak a kertben,
Az életünk felső határán elrejtve,
vagy az elfoglalt életünk mögött bujkálva
Ábrándozva egy kivilágított házról az erdőben,
hogy segítsen visszajönni a világba.
Mert tudom
Láttalak már korábban,
Nem villantasz
Egy kis fényt
Nem villantasz egy kis fényt
A saját kertedben,
Nem villantasz egy kis fényt
A saját kertedben.
Ábrándozva egy kivilágított házról az erdőben,
Ábrándozva egy kivilágított házról az erdőben.