Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 10


There Must Be An Angel Playing With My Heart

No-one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overblown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart
I walk into an empty room
And suddenly my heart goes boom!
It's an orchestra of angels
And they're playing with my heart
There must be an angel playing with my heart
And I think control, it beats only with love
And even from a distance the heart dances
This melody of love that makes me dream
No one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overflown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart
And when I think that I'm alone
It seems there's more of us at home
It's a multitude of angels
And they're playing with my heart
I must be hallucinating
Watching angels celebrating
Could this be reactivating
All my senses dislocating
This must be a strange deception
By celestial intervention
Leavin' me the recollection
Of your heavenly connection
No one on earth could feel like this
I'm thrown and overflown with bliss
There must be an angel
Playing with my heart

Ordinary World

Came in from a rainy Thursday
On the avenue
Thought I heard you talking sofly.
I turned on the lights, the TV
And the radio
Still I can't escape the ghost of you.
What has happened to it all?
Crazy, some would say.
Where is the life that I recognize?
But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find.
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world,
I will learn to survive.
By accident or anger I repeated to me you:
Pride burns the heart!
Yet you know that pride is
is dead, is gone.
See you left me empty and lonely
What ever happens?
I'm crazy already
Where are you, sweet baby?
But why cry for you?
There is a humble world that
Alone I will find
And I will try to find again
This humble world
I know I will overtake.
Papers in the roadside
Tell of suffering and greed
Here today, forgot tomorrow.
Ooh, here besides the news
Of holy war and holy need
Ours is just a little sorrowed talk.
Just blowing away
But why cry for you?
There is a humble world that
Alone I will find
And I will try to find again
This humble world
I know I will overtake.
Any world is my world
Every world is my world


Here, where the sea glistens
and the wind blows hard,
on an old terrace,
in front of the Sorrento gulf,
a man embraces a girl
after having cried
then he clears his throat
and restarts the song.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins, you know.
Saw the lights in the middle of the sea,
thought of the nights there, in America,
but they were only fishing lights
in the white propeller's wash.
Felt the pain in the music,
stood himself up from the pianoforte
but when he saw the moon come out of a cloud
even death seemed to him sweeter.
Looked at the girl in the eyes,
those eyes green like the sea,
then, all of a sudden, a tear came out
and he thought he was drowning.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins, you know.
Power of the opera
where every drama is a falsehood,
that with a bit of makeup and with mimicry
you can become someone else.
But, two eyes that are looking at you,
so close and true,
make you forget the lyrics,
confuse the thoughts.
So everything becomes small,
even the nights there, in America,
you turn and see your life
as the propeller's wash.
But yes, it's life that is ending,
but he didn't so much think about it,
rather, he was already feeling happy
and restarted his song.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins, you know.
I love you very much
but so, so much, you know.
It is a chain, by now
that dissolves the blood inside the veins.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

you have taken my heart

You, you have taken my heart
for me you will be the only love
no, I will not forget you
I will live for you
I will dream about you
in this moment for me
you are like the sun
so far from me
it means death for love
because you're the one that you've stolen my heart
I see you between the rose
I tell you a lot of things
if the wind caresses you slight
a perfume of childhood
you instill in me
during the night I dream shaking in you
which enchantment of my heart
on yours
while you open up your golden pupils
You that took my heart
you will be the only love for me
I will not forget you
I will live for you
I will dream about you
you or anyone else or never
for me now
you are like the sun
so far from me
it means death for love
because you're the one that you've stolen my heart

Time for waking (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Tíme for wáking!
Tíme for wáking!
You tóo Princéss are sléepless
Shút in your cóld apártments
Wátching the stár rays
Still trémble with afféction
And wíth endúrance...
But my mýstery‿is búried in mé
My real náme shall stáy unknówn!
No, no! Kíssing your móuth tomórrow‿at dáwn
Í shall disclóse‿it, ónly thén!
Only my kíss is bound to bréak the sílence
That mákes you míne.
(Choir of women)
His real náme shall stáy unknówn...
And all of ús, alás, are dóomed to díe!
(Calaf, the unknown prince:)
Do vánish, dárkness! Stars, do sét alréady!
Stars, do sét alréady! When dáwn comes Í shall wín!
Í shall wín! Í sháll wín!

Every star was bright ablaze (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2#3
Every stár was bright abláze...
The ground gíving off vápors
The gárden gate creaked wide ópen...
She cáme toward mé with light fóotsteps...
I smélled a newest frágrance
Then she féll down - in my‿embráce.
She kíssed my líps wite pássionate elátion
While Í ardéntly set hér free fróm the veils that híd her béauty!
My dréams of lóve are now destróyed foréver
The‿ínstant depárted, so‿I'll díe in désperátion!
I'll díe in désperátion!
Yet néver béfóre I wíshed so múch to líve on,
Só much - to líve on!

Women are volatile (singable translation)

Versions: #1#2
Wómen are vólatile
Ás feathers wínd-borne
Thís flaw is ínborne
Ít can't be ménded.
Lóoks may seem pláusible
Stíll both their crýing
Ánd so their smíling
Âll is preténded.
Wómen are vólatile
Ás feathers wínd-borne
Thís flaw is ínborne
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd!
Áll become míserable
Thóse men who trúst them
Thóse who entrúst them
Wíth their heart's sórrow!
Yóu are such gúllible
Táking for pássion
Whát's just compássion
As you're so callow!
Wómen are vólatile
Ás feathers wínd-borne
Thís flaw is ínborne
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd,
Thére is no ménd!