Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 1


Drunk as fuck

[1st verse: Wyga]
Tonight we're goin' to a party. We'll be singing and drinking.
No-one chose this path.
We were struck down by this illness long time ago.
People are starting to gather. They have bags, joints, bongos, hydro, vodka, beer and champagne.
We'll get fucking wasted tonight #flat line.
Forget about calling your fiancée.
Tell her you'll get proper fucked up.
Turn your phone off, homie
or I'll smash it against your head.
We're not going to talk about women.
Tell your missus that we'll be back on Tuesday.
Pour it. Lively, yeah?
Being sober in the morning is not an option.
I don't give a fuck about weather.
It will be dark when we get up.
What did you expect from us? Polite conversation over a glass of wine?
We're going to use vodka as a chaser
and then we gonna light up a blunt.
Music is blaring out.
* These last two days have been like a stretch in Soviet labour camp.
Dirty clothes, filthy jokes.
Who turned on the gas again?
What a fuckin' dumbwit!
Now the rooms stink.
I've ran into the kitchen but it was too late!
Handsome, young and sleep-deprived.
Phat-ass party. From (the city of) Łódź to Warsaw.
Ask homies 'Why they don't party like they used to?'
Two-day drinking sessions and gigantic hangovers.
Drunk as fuck.
Be stupid. I'm having some vodka and hooch.
Cause I got the chedda, imagination and technique.
Polskie karate (Polish Karate) - time to experience 'fatal punch to the neck'.
[2nd verse: Igorilla]
Oh my gosh. Shitfaced host.
Some couple is occupying carpet, what a party, bom biri baj baj
We've lighted up a blunt - dope ass Afghan Haze.
Jadźka is calling. Screaming blue murder.
Whole bunch of drunk people enters the place.
Coked up goof turned the gas up full.
An hour later police shows up, thanks to our overzealous neighbour.
Fuck, hide the beers. Someone jumps from a window,
Some else is puking under the carpet, Ave Maria!
' Kac Wawa' screenwriters, party enthusiasts.
If they were here today, Raczek would go berserk.
I'm smoking some hydro. Teleportation to a club.
Champagne on the table. Lights, camera and action!
La Dolce Vita, wassup, wassup.
You and your girlfriend but leave the midget.
Drunk like a motherfucker.
The mechanism worked. Drink in a jacuzzi
My boo is calling. There's no need for it.
It's time for the grand finale.
Guys, where's whisky? Hangover starts to kick in.
[Third verse: Astek]
Excuse my charisma, vodka, Spritzer
Moonshine not vodka, I can't see shit.
You've got a tattoo on your back, that's dope.
Amso f'd up (drunk person mumbling)
Place is packed with partying people
but there's this one fucking black sheep.
Rado, come on, lets punk this rich pussy!
He'll end up with a black eye.
I'm going to have a drink
and we'll act like rednecks.
I don't give a damn about bouncers.
Meaningful gestures (middle fingers) #pantomime
Hoodies and aggression on the horizon.
Fucking mutants with 'kidneys' (money belt) on their chests.
Chill, lads.
We're not looking for trouble/a tumor (literal sense), it's not Oncology ward.
I'm changing locations, I'm standing with a blunt.
I'm hitting the sack.
I'm a professional partygoer.
Yo, move over/go fuck yourself (literal sense) #hermaphrodite.
Check Jarek's crew moves.
We're killing it on the dance floor.
The fuck is up with them dudes boping to music?
They look like Jews praying in front of Wailing Wall.
I want more drinks!
One shot at the bar #52 Dębiec
Leave the door open. I'll be back in the morning.
You know what I mean, babe.
Show me what you're drinking (I am an expert in this field)
and I'll tell you what kind of person you are #Akinator
If you are capitulating and coming back, then I know one thing.
Give me a buzz from home #Beethoven
[4th verse: Rado Radosny]
Boom! Trip (as in, after sniffing shit)
Coco jumbo, bajao bongo.
Someone smoked some (bongo), someone else sniffed some (coco).
Eyes like Bilguun Ariunbataar
I'm eating some roquefort cheese.
I think I'm going to burp.
I'll get my 'cheesy' (V neck) sweater dirty.
I'm not sharing with anyone, om nom nom.
I'm going to piss to the flowerpot.
And what's the rest of the crowd doing? They're pouring another round of vodka.
I guess I can't hold my liquor. I'll probably throw up.
I'm waiting two turns/rounds (of alcohol) #Eurobusiness (board game)
I think I lost track of time cause I don't see the guys.
I'm heading to the balcony, holding on to balustrade
cause I'm scarred of flying like B.A. Baracus.
Some piece of ass goes for a smoke. She looks like a chieftain.
Caked in make-up.
I think we passed each other at the university.
Kids, don't be afraid to ask questions, so I'm like: ' You want to fuck?'
She tells me to fuck off and ask for forgiveness.
She calls me a dick and says that her boyfriend trains karate.
Oh, he's coming out of the toilet.
I've started apologizing. Her fancy man shows up. He's pissed off.
It got very noisy. He's going to 'dismantle' me like a bicycle.
He called me the worst names.
Now he's gonna beat me to a pulp and boom! (Motherfucker)
(What in the hell?!)
*1 Wyga and his crew are like Soviet labour camp prisoners when it comes to appearance. They're worn out, with haggard faces, wearing dirty clothes.
*2 Reference to an old favourite - 'Gdzie się podziały tamte prywatki?'
link to the video:
*3 Getting completely shitfaced. It's also a reference to old karate movies, like the ones with Bruce Lee.
*4 Reference to Cypress Hill's - Boom Biddy Bye Bye
*5 ' Kac Wawa' is like a Polish version of comedy ' The Hangover'
*6 Tomasz Raczek is a film critic who described the movie unflatteringly, to say the least.
*7 'The mechanism worked. Drink in a jacuzzi '
Reference to the movie ''Hot Tub Time Machine'.
*8 Reference to Lil Wayne's ''6 foot 7 foot'' track
*9 He's talking about methyl alcohol consumption of which can lead to loss of sight.
*10 It's also a vulgar way of referring to vagina.
*11 Polish transgender Member of Parliament.
*12 In colloquial Polish 'robić bydło' means 'to act like a redneck'. However, the noun ' bydło' itself means 'cattle' and Argentinian beef is of finest quality.
*13 'gwizdać' means 'to whistle' but in colloquial Polish it means 'not to care about something' in this case bouncers.
*14 Pierlugi Collina is an Italian former football referee.
He's describing a situation where hoodies are kicking up a row in front of a club.
Bouncer doesn't want to let them in and they start to show him middle fingers (meaningful gestures)
*15 One shot was a popular way of shooting video clips. Hans from 52 Dębiec took part in this project.
link to the video:
*16 'Puścić głuchego' means 'to give someone a buzz' (on his/her cellphone)
The adjective 'głuchy' itself means ' deaf '.
*17 Beethoven was a German composer and pianist.
' In his late twenties Beethoven's hearing started to deteriorate and by the last decade of his life was almost completely deaf. (...) many of his most admired works come from these last 15 years of his life.'
*20 Bilguun Ariunbataar - Polish showman, satirist, celebrity and a journalist of Mongolian descent. TVN is a Polish TV channel.
*21 Translation is overinterpretation but literal one would look nonsensical.
Rado is making fun of Polish former politician - Renata Beger who mistook former Secretary-General of the United Nations - Kofi Annan for Haman, a biblical figure.
*22 It also means 'karate uniform'.
source of annotations: