Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 63

Találatok száma: 2241



The bus was half-full
Close to me an empty place
She approaches, sits down
And as if apologizing for living
'Pardon me'
'Excuse me'
'Sorry, sorry'
'Excuse me'
The gentleman held out his arm
to get a can of beans
Looked a little sweaty,
and I vaguely thought of a leg
He says to me 'Sorry'
'Excuse me'
'Sorry, sorry'
'Excuse me'
But there is no forgiveness
Because there is no fault
No forgiveness
Because there is nothing to forgive
No Forgiveness
There's no fault
And there's nothing to forgive
I was there, all tense
Crying like a gourd
I did not want
So I was going to do battle
I say 'Sorry'
'Excuse me'
'Sorry, sorry'
'Excuse me'
But there is no forgiveness
Because there is no fault
No forgiveness
Because there is nothing to forgive
No forgiveness
There's no fault
And there's nothing to forgive


When you are asleep
And in the sky you fly
Every moment
I guard your dream
Though you do not know me at all yet
But I dream with you and I love you
Fly to the place where the music is playing
Where there is light and bright fires
There where it is warm and the heart fades away
From the impossible crystal beauty
As silent snow
All thoughts fly away
And you will forget in an instant your dream
Suddenly this song will play
As a sign that I always lead you
Open your eyes you see the world is beautiful
Familiar voices sound around
And you will hear this not for nothing
And you will believe that miracles exist
I know for sure that miracles exist.

I drink

Versions: #2
Don't judge me
I have the power to lie to myself
But I don't have the power to do make myself stop feeling
I mean, I would also do this, but I need time
And time passes
It passes in vain
Because my pillow is just as wet and my bed is cold
I'm waiting for something to happen, to bind me somehow
To a subject that frees me from your figure
Zero interest, zero distractions
Zero, I have forgotten what others mean
Film after film, the ending known
Our ending hurt
I drink from his longing
I want to drink from his absence
I drink because I want to drink because I
Because I can't, can't tell him
All that I tell wine each evening
No drinking, and love kills me
World, don't judge me
I have a glass in my hand, I do what I want with my life
And so what if it's wrong, my mistake is that I chose to feel
Zero interest, zero distractions
Zero, I have forgotten what others mean
I forgot that the world outside is still alive
And I, from here, tell myself stories about nothing, just to myself
And I locked myself up at home so that it passes
From here, from the new floor, the sky is closer
And the moon bluer
But I have to leave home
I have two escapes, one on the door, the other on the window
This song is the last,
The last about him and her,
Everything passes, the good days are coming,
Pour a little more poison, pour a little more
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Szükségem van rád

Hogy felejtsem el a szerelmünket
Ha minden éjjel csak
Arra a csókra és arra a búcsúra gondolok...
Hogy éljek a meleged nélkül!
Minden nap őrzöm az illatod
Bár a hibás mindig én voltam,
És most a rettegéssel maradok itt,
Hogy éljek a bocsánatod nélkül.
És minden perc, ami eltelik,
Apránként megöl és a depresszióhoz érkezem,
Arról álmodom, hogy visszatérek az ágyadhoz,
Annak reményében élek tovább, hogy megszerzem a szerelmedet,
Fájdalommal neked ajánlom ezt a dalt.
Kérlek, szívem, ne hagyj egyedül
Mert szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád,
Az életemet nélküled nem tudtam élni,
Szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád...
Kérlek, szívem, ne hagyj egyedül
Mert szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád,
Az életemet nélküled nem tudtam élni,
Szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád...
Szerelmem, ouuummh!
Szükségem van rád...
Hogy töröljem ki a gyengédségedet,
Az ajkaidat, a testedet...
Te vagy mindaz, ami után vágyakozom,
Képed a mellemben tovább él.
És minden perc, ami eltelik,
Apránként megöl és a depresszióhoz érkezem,
Arról álmodom, hogy visszatérek az ágyadhoz,
Annak reményében élek tovább, hogy megszerzem a szerelmedet,
Fájdalommal neked ajánlom ezt a dalt.
Kérlek, szívem, ne hagyj egyedül
Mert szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád,
Az életemet nélküled nem tudtam élni,
Szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád...
Kérlek, szívem, ne hagyj egyedül
Mert szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád,
Az életemet nélküled nem tudtam élni,
Szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád...
Szükségem van rád... ouuuoh!
Kérlek, szívem, ne hagyj egyedül
Mert szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád,
Az életemet nélküled nem tudtam élni,
Szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád...
Kérlek, szívem, ne hagyj egyedül
Mert szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád,
Az életemet nélküled nem tudtam élni,
Szükségem van rád, szükségem van rád...... ouuuuuuoh!

Hermit A béka

Igen érzem én felhígult Amikor ő köré tettem a koronát a bohócok és olvad lassan a földre
Igen úgy érzem, hogy jön a Mikor már statikus túl hosszú, és egy robbanás jön időben Mielőtt elmegyek, és átlépik a vonalat
Azt mondják, hogy Ön hozzászokott lenni tehát fajta soha nem tudtam, volt egy ilyen piszkos elme jól, mentem az orvosok azt hiszik, hogy az ördög volt nekem volt a megállapítás, hogy nehéz légzés, és a megállapítás, hogy nehéz harcolni az érzést felett
Amikor a szívem csak tört, mint egy üveg ballon, és hagyjuk, hogy repülni túl magas, és összetört, túl korán volt a rossz átok lány a rohadt rossz szobába tört én hadd megy, én üveg ballon üveg ballon
Oh oh oh
Hívd a béka ő keres egy kutya ugye még a kurva Remete me Oh te utálatos társadalmilag te csak egy kicsit túl sok, mint én
Azt mondja, használt, hogy így kapsz piszkos fejedben kedves is baba jól én, szeretnék mondani egy titkot, a kettős mérce szerelem, és tartani, hogy nem tudok segíteni, az ördög szereti, hogy a szívem egy kétszemélyes ágy, és nem tudok segíteni, ő néha mint a Gyere, és a többi kis fejét
Amikor a szívem csak tört, mint egy üveg ballon, és hagyjuk, hogy repülni túl magas, és összetört, túl korán volt a rossz átok lány a rohadt rossz szobába tört én hadd megy, én üveg ballon üveg ballon
Ó szívem csak tört, mint egy üveg ballon hagyjuk őket túl magasra, és hogy túl hamar összetört vagyunk a rossz átok emberek a rossz rohadt szobában szakítottunk az üveg ballonok, elengedjük az üveg ballonok szakítottunk az üveg ballon elereszt-ból az én-m üveg ballon

Mr. Insolence

I will be a king immediately
I won't let any speak out
I love (getting) glory and respect
But civility goes to hell
I want to break their hearts
I thirst for bloodshed
Bravo, Mr. Insolence, you're a king!
I'll stomp someone's els love out
What I want, I'll get immediately
This is Mr. Insolence, the role of yours!
I will rule this country
I'll stop hiding
I'm sorry for baby Odett
She will die, - you have magician's word!
Being good, unfortunately, isn't worth it
Now only evil will work for me
Bravo, Mr. Insolence, you're a king!
I believe in revenge and evil deeds
I believe in success of tricking
I won't ever let Oddet escape from the woods
And I'll create a princess out of an old crone with magic
I'm brazen and very arrogant
I'm so bad and awful
Bravo, Mr. Insolence, you're a king! Bravo!
I'm very much attracted to glad-handing
(I'm) rude, scary, just awful
As annoying as a moth (One more time!)
(I'm) Very sneaky, mean, a deceitful liar
But at least very handsome
This is Mr. Insolence, the role of yours!

A soldier's letter

I am a soldier to walk a difficult way
I don't like going closer to death one step close every day
I want you to know that missing you every day isn't easy
Motherland requests to leave the most loving one
Am I really there were fire burns
What is the meaning of my life if bullets firing next to me
My love didn't work, I wish I never loved
Because I promised my motherland that you won't cry
Once somewhere in the mountains battle I was hit
My left side was covered with lead
Can you stand if you hear once that I'm gone
Will you see me in a coffin covered with flag
Even If I love you still, don't love me
Trust me, I would not keep my hands of, I'd ask you to come
Thinking all the time I tormented my mind
This is a soldier's letter, that was written for missed
Come, I love you so much like you're heaven
Honey, tell me if this heart can stand all the pain
I asked you to love and you missed me
We started this way with a smile why then cry now
It is hard to stay alone living a loneliness pain
My love please come because it is hard to carry this pain inside
I can't do without you
Light me once like the Sun
I am cold from rainfall, please come
I can't smile like Istanbul
I keep all the sorrow inside

The wandering Song

Versions: #2
Naked ground and sand, left and right
The desert grows yellow without a trail
A convoy passes, moving silently
like a wonderful dream imagery
An echo rises and falls rhythmically
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Lin-Lan Lin-Lan, 'tis the wandering song
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Naked ground and sand, left and right
The desert grows yellow without a trail
A convoy passes, moving silently
like a wonderful dream imagery
An echo rises and falls rhythmically
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Lin-Lan Lin-Lan, 'tis the wandering song
Camels pace in a sad scenery.
Left and right, left and right...
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)

You are my God

I have conquered a lot of men
I made their heads spin
I have had a lot of sweet and funny men
But now I met someone else
He came from my dream
The old flowers have withered
Tender and dashing...
Generous and simple...
In a word, this is you, my darling
You are my God
Let everyone know this
You are my God
You are the first one who could reveal love to me
And I idolize you
You are my God
Let people know this
You are my God
You are the first one who could reveal love to me
And I idolize you
I had loved to conquire men before
But now I enjoy being conquered
With you, I have become an ordinary woman
A nightingale is singing at night
What a good luck
To love and to be loved by you
You are mine, body and soul
And now we have our whole life ahead of us
You are my God
Let everyone know this
You are my God
You are the first one who could reveal love to me
And I idolize you
You are my God
Let everyone know this
You are my God
You are the first one who could reveal love to me
And I idolize you
You are my God
Let everyone know this
You are my God
You are the first one who could reveal love to me
And I idolize you
You are my God
Let everyone know this
You are my God
You are the first one who could reveal love to me
And I idolize you

Nem tudom abbahagyni miattad a piálást

Versions: #2
[Verse 1]
Senki sem fog úgy szeretni, ahogy én
Senki sem fog úgy törődni veled, ahogy én
És érzem a lélegzeteden
Tudom, hogy róla álmodsz, miközben mellettem alszol
Nem tudom abbahagyni miattad az ivást
Tompítanom kell a fájdalmat
Nem tudom abbahagyni miattad az ivást
Nélküled már nem vagyok ugyanaz
Szóval tölts egy felest a poharamba, és örökre elfelejtelek!
Szóval tölts egy felest a poharamba, mert attól minden jobb lesz!
[Verse 2]
Drágám, áruld el, mi egyebet tehetnék még?
Hát nem tudod, hogy engem neked szánt az ég?
Azt mondod, olyan vagyok, mint a földi mennyország
De nem tudnád, milyen a mennyország, ha ő nem lenne.
Senki sem fog úgy szeretni, ahogyan én
Amennyiben hasznosnak találtad a fordításom, kérlek, nyomj egy köszönömöt!

Grass through your hair

Nights of dreams that turned off in vain
thoughts, desires, in vain
Grass through her hair, on her cheeks,
and on her brown eyes that cried to the Gods
Grass through her hair, on her cheeks,
and on her brown eyes that cried to the Gods
She always went to some place
No one would find out her secret...
Grass through her hair, on her cheeks,
and on her brown eyes that cried to the Gods
Grass through her hair, on her cheeks,
and on her brown eyes that cried to the Gods
Grass through her hair, on her cheeks,
and on her brown eyes that cried to the Gods
Grass through her hair, on her cheeks,
and on her brown eyes that cried to the Gods

As if you were a prince

With the voice chocked from the emotion of the farewell
With watery eyes I'd hear everything you'd say
And I still helped you get your suitcases down to put in the car
I don't even know where I got such power from!
Only God knows what I felt
when I heard you start!
When I saw that red lantern turning the corner
I don't even recall the ladder until I arrived in the room
I don't even know where I got such power from!
But I prophesied
For on the same road you went away
you were going to return!
And I'd wait for you as if you were a prince
With a bouquet of flowers!
Full of longinges
And love to give
As if you were a prince
In our castle
Of an open heart
To forgive you!

Behavior is by your love

Admit it or not, the behavior is by your love
That I can't sleep during the night anymore (x2)
My eyes can only see your beautiful face
My heart can't seem to get any rest
Admit it or not, the behavior is by your love
That I can't sleep during the night anymore
Wind has become my friend
I talk to the raindrops when it rains
Moon started to shine its moonlight when I asked
and I ended up in meeting with the stars
now I neither feel hot nor cold
This darkness doesn't scare me anymore
Admit it or not, the behavior is by your love
That I can't sleep during the night anymore
Admit it or not, the behavior is by your love
That I can't sleep during the night anymore
My eyes can only see your beautiful face
My heart can't seem to get any rest

That Day is Not So Far

He was so romantic
He captivated my heart
That day is not so far
When the Prince will suddenly
Carry me to the castle with him
And I will live happily beside him
When he'll come to me
Love will bloom
Like the loving blossoming
Of a bouquet in various colors
Which I will never forget

Apa sört iszik

Apa sört iszik, anya beteg
és egy fillér sincsen a bankban.
Apa sört iszik, anya küzd
és a kerék nem forog tovább.
Elnök Úr, apának túl sok szabadideje van.
Elnök Úr, ez sokáig nem lesz tartható.
Elnök Úr, apámnak újra munkára van szüksége
máskülönben a tétlenség felemészti őt.
Elnök Úr, apámból alkoholista lesz.
Elnök Úr, tudnia kellene ennek a következményeit.
Elnök Úr, egész nap csak dühöng.
A legjobb barátját alkoholnak hívják.
Apa sört iszik, anya beteg
és egy fillér sincsen a bankban.
Apa sört iszik, anya küzd
és a kerék nem forog tovább.
Oh - apa sört iszik, anya beteg
és egy fillér sincsen a bankban.
Apa sört iszik, a kassza kiürült,
és a kerék nem forog tovább.
Elnök Úr, apám egykor elfoglalt volt.
Elnök Úr, sosem hiányzott az adója a kasszádból.
Elnök Úr, egykor imádott téged, én tudom.
Oh, segítsen neki még mielőtt túl késő lesz.
Apa sört iszik, anya beteg
és egy fillér sincsen a bankban.
Apa sört iszik, anya küzd
és a kerék nem forog tovább.
Oh - apa sört iszik, anya beteg
és egy fillér sincsen a bankban.
Apa sört iszik, a kassza kiürült,
és a kerék nem forog tovább.
Milyen szép is volt régen,
amikor munkába menet
felpattant a mopedjére ami some működött rendesen.
Aki nem élte még át ezt a helyzetet,
az nem tudja, hogy milyen sürgős ez,
mert per pillanat minden a rossz irányba tart.
Apa sört iszik, anya beteg
és egy fillér sincsen a bankban.
Apa sört iszik, anya küzd
és a kerék nem forog tovább.
Oh - apa sört iszik, anya beteg
és egy fillér sincsen a bankban.
Apa sört iszik, a kassza kiürült,
és a kerék nem forog tovább.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.

Town of Camariñas

Versions: #2
When sailing by Camariñas,
I passed by Camariñas, singing.
The girls from Camariñas
were left behind in the river, washing.
Camariñas, Camariñas,
oh you are already appealing me.
For one girl from Camariñas
I live in the world, I live in pain.
My little Virgin on the mount
who always looks after the sailors.
do not let me die
far from the land, the land of mine.

Daddy Drinks Beer

Daddy drinks beer, mommy is sick
And they have not a penny in the bank
Daddy drinks beer, mommy's having a hard time
And the wheel is not spinning anymore
Mr. President, my father has too much leisure time
Mr. President, that's not gonna work out for very long
Mr. President, my daddy needs to have a job again
Otherwise the idleness shall break him
Mr. President, my father is going to become an alcoholic
Mr. President, you should know the consequences of that
Mr. President, he is rampaging all day long
His best friend is named alcohol
Daddy drinks beer, mommy is sick
And they have not a penny in the bank
Daddy drinks beer, Mommy's having a hard time
And the wheel is not spinning anymore
Oh - Daddy drinks beer, mommy is sick
And they have not a penny in the bank
Daddy drinks beer, the cash box is empty
And the wheel is not spinning anymore
Mr. President, my father used to be busy
Mr. President, you never missed out his tax payments
Mr. President, he used to adore you, I know it
Oh, give him a hand before it's too late for him
Daddy drinks beer, mommy is sick
And they have not a penny in the bank
Daddy drinks beer, Mommy's having a hard time
And the wheel is not spinning anymore
Oh - Daddy drinks beer, mommy is sick
And they have not a penny in the bank
Daddy drinks beer, the cash box is empty
And the wheel is not spinning anymore
How nice it was in the old times,
When he used to ride to work
On his moped, which never ran well.
Whoever hasn't made that experience
Can't understand how urgent it is
'Cause at the moment everything is going wrong for us
Daddy drinks beer, mommy is sick
And they have not a penny in the bank
Daddy drinks beer, Mommy's having a hard time
And the wheel is not spinning anymore
Oh - Daddy drinks beer, mommy is sick
And they have not a penny in the bank
Daddy drinks beer, the cash box is empty
And the wheel is not spinning anymore

While Walking by the River

Our eyes need other eyes,
And our hearts need other hearts.
Kind words also
Require kind deeds...
As I was walking by the river,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked!
I didn't get married in my own land:
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land!
I went to get married in a foreign land
Because I didn't want to get married in my own homeland:
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked
As I was walking by the river!

A purple carnation left on the window
Is a sign of a marriage proposal:
Young girl, take the carnation
Because marriage requires a lot of time!
As I was walking by the river,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked,
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked!
I didn't get married in my own land:
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land,
I went to get married in a foreign land!
I went to get married in a foreign land
Because I didn't want to get married in my own homeland:
I dipped my foot and my sock got soaked
As I was walking by the river!


Restless prince

Versions: #2
A grid paper on the table with your faded message written to it
You knew I couldn't throw it away
Every morning I read it carefully but I still can't understand
You didn't tell me why you had to leave
Your letter doesn't make sense to me
Whatever you're doing there, you probably know that
I wouldn't do the same to you
A restless prince is here waiting for you, whatever you're doing there
You probably know that I'm longing for you, it holes my heart
A restless prince is here waiting for you, continuing to the next morning
A grid paper with a text, I won't forget you but why I'm still questioning
Yeah, I thought that it would be enough
I do manage to understand
But now when it has been a long time, I'm not sure if my head will stand this
Whatever you're doing there, you probably know that
I wouldn't do the same to you
A restless prince is here waiting for you, whatever you're doing there
You probably know that I'm longing for you, it holes my heart
A restless prince is here waiting for you, whatever you're doing there
You probably know that I want more than a piece of paper on the table
You probably told that you've got a restless heart
Whatever you're doing there, you probably know that
I wouldn't do the same to you
A restless prince is here waiting for you, whatever you're doing there
You probably know that I'm longing for you, it holes my heart
A restless prince is here waiting for you, whatever you're doing there
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)

Crying for My Fate

Please let me pass, the girls approaching
Say hi to my beloved
Since we broke up, my beloved
I've been crying for my fate
The man who married me has a tie on his neck
The unfortunate, my beloved
Do they ever smile
You ruined me with a two-line letter
You said 'Don't come after me', my beloved
They made me engaged

The bell of celebration

Right now it's still a secret,
this wonderful party1
This year, very soon we'll ring
the bell which signals that Christmas is here
It'll ne the best celebration
This is the first time I'm dressing up
We forget that time passes
on this day filled with happiness
This is the first Christmas in my life2
Let's open the gates up wide
and celebrate
With love (love)
(and with) blessings,
we'll celebrate Christmas
The bell which announces the beginning of the party
comes very soon
The sound of the bell echoes
in the town of Arendelle
We've been waiting for this moment
We've overcome our tough past
Now, let's put our hearts into it
and ring the bell of celebration
  • 1. 'Right now/at the moment, this wonderful party is still a secret' would be the correct English syntax.
  • 2. I just translated the sentence as it is, but since they both sing it, the meaning may vary: like, Anna has never experienced Christmas in her life but Elsa has, but not together with Anna x)

The bell of celebration (Reprise)

It was when I was still just a child,
father would ring the bell
Together with all the people of Arendelle,
we listened to it
I remember it

The Nail

Hey, don’t tell me that you’re thinking about him
As bad as he was for you
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That you’re with me, that I take care of you
Unlike that idiot
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That I’ve replaced him
And he can go screw himself
I’ve been keeping track, this is the fifth time
But, I don’t understand why you don’t see it
You’re too good for him
Too tremendous of a woman to be with him
And if he looks for you at 4:20, it’s because he’s calling while drunk
He loves you now, but tomorrow he’ll hurt you again
Don’t cry for that bum
Let me fall in love with you
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That you’re with me, that I take care of you
Unlike that idiot
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That I’ve replaced him
And he can go screw himself
Hey, with my lips I want to go over
Every inch of your skin
Even what you don’t see
Hey, don’t tell me that you’re thinking about him
As bad as he was for you
Don’t tell me that you’re thinking about going back
And if he looks for you at 4:20, it’s because he’s calling while drunk
He loves you now, but tomorrow he’ll hurt you again
Don’t cry for that bum
Let me fall in love with you
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That you’re with me, that I take care of you
Unlike that idiot
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That I’ve replaced him
And he can go screw himself
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That you’re with me, that I take care of you
Unlike that idiot
If your boyfriend kicks you out tonight
Tell him that you’re not alone
That I’ve replaced him
And he can go screw himself

His Nerves Are as Cool as a Fridge

It wouldn't be difficult for me to harm him
If he checks out someone else, I don't want him
And I would leave him in the blink of an eye
I wouldn't hold onto anything between us
He has been acting strange
It's almost two days
and we can't even agree upon anything
I get upset
But God bless him,
his nerves are as cool as a fridge...
Whenever I go this way he goes that way
He's at peace while I am miserable
I'm letting him be although I'm sure
there is something fishy about the situation
He's always absent-minded, and somewhere else
What is up? Seems like there's a problem
It's been a couple of days and I've been enduring this
Till I can finally understand what's going on
Half of what he now says is algorithms
He even sometimes forgets that I exist
I'm scared of him and I see things
that frankly worry me
Oh no, I would tear down the whole world upon him
My heart does not belong in the hands of his highness
If I go through with this, he would see what I can do to him
I would show him an ugly side of me
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


A lady came to Texas for two weeks,
after three days her heart was already broken,
and it was the fault of only one man.
How can this happen so often and fast in Texas?
He was cowboy although, with body and soul,
tobacco and whisky on the throat,
He told her: ' I advise you
run the shop of my parents and stay here'
(Yes, yes, yes)
And she became a great Texas
'Ladies and gentlemen, the song continues.'
All the cowboys came to buy the lady,
and it was already crowded in the morning
with everyone there, it was clear
they fell immediately deep in her, and her blonde hair.
(Yes, yes, yes)
And she became a great Texas
'Ladies and gentlemen, now the happy ending
of this story from Texas:'
And she became a great Texas
(Ja, ja, ja)
But he, who understood immediately,
went to the registry office with her and a tie.
Because he was wise, he said 'Look,
now is the end of all time.'
And she became a great Texas

Little miss

Little pale miss
Sweet fifth floor's neighbor
There's no night that I don't dream of Naples
And I've been for twenty years far away
In my town it snows,
The church's bell tower is white
All the wood's has become ash
I'm always cold
And I'm sad and tired.
My love,
Don't you remember that when you said me goodbye
You put a violet in my buttonhole
The you told me with a tremblant voice:
Don't forget me.
Sweet days of party,
Sweet happiness made of nothing.
Toasts with waterfilled glasses
To our poor and innocent love.
In your eyes passed a hope, a dream and a caress,
Your name was unforgettable,
A long and short name:
My little kid,
found in an old latin book,
Found - guess what - a violet.
Why in my eyes it trembled a tear?
Who knows, who knows why!
And years and days pass as always and gray with boredom,
Our leaves don't green anymore,
My little miss, what a melancholy!
You, pale and in love,
don't needlepoint at your loom,
Me staying here I became the good 'Don Cesare
I'm wearing my cape and I act like a lawyer.
While in the distance,
While I hear you, the bell rings
On the little church of Jesus,
And it snows, if you'd see how it snows.
But you, where are you?

tou indz hamar

իրել եմ քեզ)
Աշխարհում սիրել եմ քեզ,
Իմ անգի՛ն,իմ լուսերե՛ս,
Մինչեւ ե՞րբ,ա՜խ,մինչեւ ե՞րբ
Իմ սիրտը պիտի վառես։
Դո՛ւ ես իմ սէրն անմար,
Ապրում եմ ես քեզ համար,
Հազար տարի կը սպասեմ,
Միայն թէ գաս անո՛ւշ եար։
Մեր ձեռքից կ՚անցնեն—կ՚երթան
Օրերը ջահելութեան,
Սէր անենք,անգի՛ն ընկեր,
Ժամն է մեր ուրախութեան։
Դո՛ւ ես իմ սէրն անմար,
Ապրում եմ ես քեզ համար,
Հազար տարի կը սպասեմ,
Միայն թէ գաս անո՛ւշ եար։
Լէյլիի սիրոյ նման
Իմ սէրն է կրակ վառման.
Առանց սէր,դատարկ սրտով
Ջեմ ապրի ոչ մի վայրկեան։
Դո՛ւ ես իմ սէրն անմար,
Ապրում եմ ես քեզ համար,
Հազար տարի կը սպասեմ,
Միայն թէ գաս անո՛ւշ եար։

That is good for me

I get up in the morning with a new illusion
I catch 109 bus to the revolution
and I'm satisfied
slightly wise slightly crazy
I think that my sorrows will end
in twenty years time
But I rethink though
I look around for a little while
and I realize that I'm alone
after all it's beautiful though
it is my age and that is good for me
They say that in America everything is rich, everything is new
you can go by cableway
to skyscrapers and cook an egg
I instead look for Rock'n Roll in cafes and in subway
I look for a different flag
a bloodless and always clean one
But I rethink though
I look around for a little while
and I realize that I'm alone
after all it's beautiful though
it is my country and that is good for me
They tell me by the radio:
'Be quiet and be good,
don't be rowdy, keep your cool and grow up'
but I still want to continue my war
and I'll win, come hell or right water,
nothing is going wrong
Even if instead though
still look around for a little while
and I realize that I'm alone
but after all, it's beautiful though
it is my war and that is good for me
I look for a woman who's the best
who smiles at me when I wake up
and who's beautiful as August sun
and clever, it's clear
But after all she's beautiful though
she is my woman and that is good for me
Thanks a lot for your attention!

Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.

I'll Bring You Home

Versions: #2
The waves rock us, but don't sleep
In the morning light, we'll be there
You and I
Look with me for the way home on the horizon
And don't give up
We're strong, you and I
Do you see the distant light?
We're already close
Believe me, we'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
Don't close your eyes, come, look at me
And think about how
I'm here for you alone
If the night creeps in to you and courts you
Don't leave me
We're strong, you and I
Can you see the morning?
It's already close
Believe me, we'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
I'll bring you home
The waves rock us, but don't sleep
In the morning light, we'll be there
You and I
Do you feel the wind?
It moves softly through your hair
So don't give up
We'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home


Mama, csak egy kicsit alszom
Megkínáltál egy kis... erős... löttyel
Szedd ki belőle a kását, és öntsd ki az ablakon
Hogy a hasam
Hogy a kicsi hasam beszéljen
Mama, levegő van az ágyam alatt
Ami suttog, ami suttog amikor pihenek
A szoknyákat só és ecetbe, ecetbe mártsd
S tartsd közel
Ó, tartsd közel a fejem alá
Mama, a víz növekszik
Hosszadalmas hajam bezöldült
Én leszek az úszó erdő szigeted
Megkérlek, hogy sétálj biztonságban, biztonságban át rajtam
Mama, a kezeim kutattak
És a lábaim, a kicsi lábaim zsibbadnak
Kérlek, add át karcsú alkatod
S védelmezd az erőmet
Vezesd be becses erőmet ketrecébe
Mama, mostanában rakoncátlan voltam
Álmaimban, s beszédem közben
Fúrj kicsi lyukakat szemhéjaimba
Így hát látlak
Így hát látlak amikor...
Mama, a víz növekszik
Hosszadalmas hajam bezöldült
Én leszek az úszó erdő szigeted
Megkérlek, hogy sétálj biztonságban, biztonságban át rajtam
Én leszek az úszó erdő szigeted...

Lovestory of the century

In the internet, a boy met a woman
She was beautiful and different
They always went to eat after a movie
Usually evenings lasted very long
Boy walked the girl to the stairway
His manners were really something to show off
Relationship worked, everything was clear
The boy was twentyfive, woman thirtyfour
Friends accepted the affair
Until they saw the bruises on the woman's arms
Everybody started to blame the boyfriend
Woman said it's no use to blame him
Woman said she fell with a scooter
Friends said, soon there are candles at the grave
Woman cries away her sorrow
Lets the love crawl out of the hole
Love grows, you don't notice it
It kills the environment and doesn't cover
Boy apologizes, woman forgives
For fucks sake those sheep blinded by love
It feels bad to look at the paper
Soon the blood will splatter the wallpapers
Lovestory has a tragic end
We can say the scooter lost its kick
The same thing lasted for several weeks
Woman got so fucking many cuts in her face
Woman tried to help her man
But the punching bag was taken back to the store
With the money was bought knives and beer
In the place of the bag, woman was beated with a bare hand
One day the woman leaves the man
Literally a man doesn't swallow without chewing
Man beats the woman as much as he can
At the same time fucks the ass till it bleeds
Man says: You are useless
Ties her up to the chair just like Laura did to Eero
Beats the temple with a screwdriver
Fills the mouth with fucking foil
Woman cries mouth full of wounds
Man laughs while looking at the carcass
Scales pieces of neck with a grater
Stuffs the pussy with aquarium fish
Man has a water boiler getting hot
Man knows the way to the heart
Cuts off the eyelids
While pouring the water in woman's eyes
Man gets a knife from his pocket
Smiles and gives a kiss for the woman
In the middle of her red cheek
Achilles tendons are moist from blood
Woman is probably dead
Man hits the spine with an iron shovel
Multiple times, bloody curtains
Kuristaja is only the storyteller
Man laughs, woman lies in blood
The dream come true is only ahead
Pussy or ass, eeny meeny, necrophilia like Edmund Kemper
Let's borrow a line from before
Man doesn't swallow without chewing, at least not women
So he bites a piece from the cheek
Going down, smells like cock
Man saves the lower body for sex
Chews the face, like it was a cookie
Swallows everything, the whole fucking woman
Upper body and also does art from it
Salatut elämät, apartment gets cleaned
Man has kept his apartment hidden
In other town there's waiting for him
A wife and three kids
Daddy has comen from the work trip
Daddy needs to rest, work is rough.


Why do you cry so hard
And suffer with no reason why?
C'mon, let this grudge go
'Cause life comes smiling to us
It's good to see you blossoming
Awake, full of light and truth
Let run away from you chest
This scars of this past that just hurts you
Why do you cry so hard
And suffer with no reason why?
C'mon, let this grudge go
'Cause life comes smiling to us
It's good to see you blossoming
Awake, full of light and truth
Let run away from you chest
This scars of this past that just hurts you
Who wants to live well in the present finds his place
Your place in the peace arms
While some people say the time doesn't stop
Another say the time
Is just an illusion, illusion
Let it go, life is wiser
Each things has its own time
And these thoughts
Are just shallow clounds
And all thes suffering
Doesn't belong to you
Finish this misery
Dry yours tears
With strenght and feelings
I take in my singing