Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 4



You ask
You ask to be born
You ask for instructions,
Work and dignity
You ask
To have heirs
A god you believe in
A certain autonomy
A life that's only yours
That no one will bother you
Justice and honesty
A world that functions.
You ask for
Rules and tools
Ten Commandments
But not for the trade unions!
You ask for
Consistent examples
Politicians and
Distant relatives
You can ask for guarantees
Keep your ideas safe
From bad company, if you can...z
Make them respect you
You keep your TV off
It's where the strangers come from.
It's a struggle but yet you exist.
How many sacrifices you must make.
They lynch you if you don't buy
Or if you don't vote for them.
Are you sure that you can bear it?
Turn the reasons upside down and then
You'll get used to the pain...
You need to:... React!
You ask
But no-one hears you.
You ask insistently
But it won't be any use.
To no particular destination.
It is only by blackmail
That they can hold us here.
It's been taking you here and there
For centuries now.
This pushing around will not end
Don't ask me why
This world goes like this.
Man can save himself and he does not.
It is a struggle and yet you exist.
How many sacrifices you must make.
Weren't these the agreements?
Equality and fraternity.
Ask yourself to change
Appeal to your determination.
Give your heart free rein
Ask for... love.
At least out of spite, you exist!
And you, yes you can get... Them!


(Attention please, we inform that we have a slut on board,
You're asked to fasten your chastity belt and not to smoke her, thanks!)
Here came the tramp!
It comes from the sky, her pettiness!
Before sweet and than killer
Her strategy and her claws i already know them.
Why had
that tramp to happen to me?
How can
The tramp besiege me, even if I won't let her do it?
I close the doors and the windows,
I swear it, I won't open them!
Tramp! Go!
You'll be my ruin...
To get used to you, surely not!
What will I do?
The tramp steals the best of me.
What will I say?
Will I be enough strong to tell her 'go away!'?
I'll have to decide quickly between the tramp and madness!
Why had
that tramp to happen to me?
How can
The tramp besiege me, even if I won't let her do it?
I close the doors and the windows,
I swear it, I won't open them!
Look at me!
You still have time, so... save yourself!
I have no arms to defend me!
I'd rather go back to my soul!
Always... always...
always you!
You can't hide thd moon
Behind your slutty eyes!
I'll die!
If you want to, i'll disappear!
A tramp was born,
Between the blue walls of my house)
It's your end!
A sudden end,
You dance like a slut and don't smile anymore.
Round, round a ring, the tramp is the least of the world)

A man to burn

Now that you are the grocery boy
And with tips in your pocket you're a man
At this point you can aim for more
For her too.
Her mother, that hag is always the same
With her murder's look, so venal
She'll become a little kind, at the end.
You'll feel stronger, a real man, oh yes
Talking 'bout the house you'll buy, oh yes
And she will reward you, offering with abandon.
You'll have her, you'll have her, with abandon and with love
You'll have her, but you don't know how much it will cost you!
Run, flee and save something in you!
Don't let them do it,
Don't become a man to burn!
The air, the air that you used to breath not so long ago,
Still smells of him,
of real things, of pure things, of freedom!
Oh no, don't ask yourself where, how,
How you'll drag your life
With whom, with whom you'll cancel your name,
for whom?
'Half pound of ham'
'Yes ma'am...
Is your boy still sick?
... what a pity... do you want some little cheese?'
Your life spent behind a desk, building
A future that could give her,
The confidence, a car, something to be envied.
You'll have her! You'll have her, you'll have her, with abandon and love.
You'll have her, but you don't know how much it will cost yoy.
Run, flee, and save something in you!
And don't let them do it,
Don't become a man to burn!

Ave Maria

Mennyi képzelet, el lett pazarolva...
Ave Maria!
A kegyetlenség, a naivitás...
Ave Maria!
Mi... Mindig egy lépésre vagyunk, a mennytől...
Aztán... A szem előtt, az a lepel!
Megtöri a hősöket, A semmiből jövén...
Ave Maria!
Frissen sarjadzott virágokat már lemetszették
Ave Maria!
Bűnösei, ennek a vak tudatlanságnak
Bűnösei, a megjelenés ürességének
Képes vagy rá, ragyogj be minket,
Képes vagy rá, megint, képes
Fiúk! Hallgatagok!
Megvásárolt emberek! vagy Elfeledettek!
Borzalom! Mégis...
Te is... Elhitetetted hogy nem látsz!
Így táplálkozván... A csönd....
Amit itt van!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria!
Ahol meghalnak! Mielőtt megértenék...
Ave Maria!
Ahol a gondolat... Nem létezik többé hogy tanulhassunk!
Ave Maria!
Igen! Zsugoriak és gyalázatosak is vagyunk...
De... Mi sosem voltunk, ennyire egyedül... Egyedüliek!
Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Ave Maria!
Légy! A szegényekkel... Légy!
Légy hát... Azokkal, akiknek semmijük sincs... Semmijük!
Tudod... a lelkiismeret, nem jut eszünkbe!
És a félelem... Már... Törvény!
Ave Maria!
Több fényt a reménységnek!
Annyira sötét, ez az út!
Ave Maria!
Még egy ölelés!
Képes vagy rá, Mária?
Még egyszer, Mária!