Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 8

Találatok száma: 269


Everything to Make It Work

You look at me, but I don't feel you here
You don't smile anymore, what's the matter, I don't know
If you went back in time, would you try to change?
Would we head somewhere else?
I know I'm not easy, doesn't matter
But even so, you know how to turn things around
We had everything to make it work
But I look at us now and see it's too late
We had everything to make it work
What was missing for it to be real?
And now?
I'm lost because you're gone
I'm without my rock, counting the hours
To know if you're feeling the same
We had everything to make it work
We had everything to make it work
We had everything to make it work
And now, what do you want, I don't know
I'm aimless and without a clue
If I went back in time, I'd try to change
And take you somewhere else
I know it's not easy, doesn't matter
But even so, you know how to turn things around
We had everything to make it work
But I look at us now and see it's too late
We had everything to make it work
What was missing for it to be real?
And now?
I'm lost because you're gone
I'm without my rock, counting the hours
To know if you're feeling the same
We had it all without having anything
We were a fairyless tale
I don't know who you are anymore
We had everything to make it work
But I look at us now and see it's too late
We had everything to make it work
What was missing for it to be real?
And now?
I'm lost because you're gone
I'm without my rock, counting the hours
To know if you're feeling the same
We had everything to make it work
We had everything to make it work

I Don't Know

It's different here
I need to wake up
How didn't I see it?
I heard your signals
It's different here
Is it too late to change?
To you I'm still
The one you looked at with a twinkle in your eyes
The silence, I can't let time make you forget
Tell me what changed
Tell me what happened
Where did I go wrong
After it all I swear I don't know
Have you thought about what could've been
Looking back, we had so much to live for
After it all I swear I don't know
I don't know, I don't know, I don't
I still feel you here
I hear you call
Could it be the end
I just wanted to crawl back into your arms
The silence, I can't let time make you forget
Tell me what changed
Tell me what happened
Where did I go wrong
After it all I swear I don't know
Have you thought about what could've been
Looking back, we had so much to live for
After it all I swear I don't know
Don't leave me
I'll change your world
I swear you won't regret it
Tell me what changed
Tell me what happened
Where did I go wrong
After it all I swear I don't know
Have you thought about what could've been
Looking back, we had so much to live for
After it all I swear I don't know
I don't know, I don't know, I don't
I don't know, I don't know, I don't
I don't know, I don't know, I don't

Half a Dozen Roses

Half a dozen roses
That die along with me,
A smile that doesn't find the way
If you're not there,
The illusion that you still want
To come back here to me,
The certainty that you won't come back to me.
A bored look
Left on my hair,
A discourse that you never did deep down with me,
An incredible night of love born between us,
A night that never happened again afterward.
I wonder what's missing
For a great love
That begins like a fire
And then, who knows?
I can barely find the time to burn
A burst of flame that will end.
Half a dozen roses
That die along with me,
A head that doesn't resign
And understands that
A minute of glory
Is a minute, and it ends there
It's not said that it lasts more than this.
I wonder what's missing
For a great love
That begins like a fire
And then, who knows?
I can barely find the time to burn
A burst of flame that will end.
Half a dozen roses
That die along with me,
A head that doesn't resign
And understands that
A minute of glory
Is a minute, and it ends there
It's not said that it lasts more than this.

My life in pink / My wonderful life

I read all novels
drinking pink water.
I note passages
with a pink crayon.
happiness obsesses me
to the bone.
wherever there's grey,
I get pink.
To his mouth I enter
my two pink lips.
I like it because he supposes
that pink is always associated with love.
the colour of your cheeks
when they slide on my pink stockings.
I uncover myself if you press
the pink button.
happiness obsesses me
to the bone.
wherever there's grey,
I get pink.
To his mouth I enter
my two pink lips.
I like it because he supposes
that pink is always associated with love.
To his mouth I enter
my two pink lips.
I like it because he supposes
that pink is always associated with love,
that love and pink are compatible always.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.


New century, bring peace here on Earth
Bring a life-giving, liberated dawn
Give to the world an ever shining era
Give a kiss and unity, faith and strength
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
New century, from a divine almond tree, ,
Bring children with white flowers on their hair
Give to every creature the beauty of heavens
Give to every home light and company
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
New century, bring fire to guilt
To start of, bring us myrrh of fratenity
Bring us a home country, a common orchard for all people
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples
To cultivate branches of olive trees, incense of the temples


A sötét mély dzsungelben vad dobolást hallok
A szívem hevesebben ver, ahogy az időm közeleg
A vudu varázslómester vár engem alkonyatkor
Mágikus jeleket rajzol a fehér női bőrömre
Afrika, elbűvöl engem a nagyságával
Ezen az éjféli órán elviszi az én lelkemet
Afrika, táncolni míg a testem teljesen felhevül
Sírni a vudu istenhez - Afrika
Mezítláb táncolok a vörös nap alatt
Úgy érzem, hogy magasba szöktek az érzelmeim
Gazella vagy párduc - hallom, hogy oroszlán üvölt
A vudu istenek minden erejükkel feltöltenek engem
A törzsi kunyhó hűvös árnyékában fekszem
Az édes eső az égből elkezdett ránk hullani
A veszély elől elrejtőzöm éles karmai között
Az árnyak elköteleződnek a vudu törvényhez
.... mágikus jeleket rajzol a női áldozat...

Afrika (francia változat)

Szerelmes vagyok egy vadregényes tájba
Egy vudu varázsló az arcom bemázolta
Talizmánja mozgását követem tam-tam dobok hangjára
Mágikus illat terjeng a fehér bőrömön
egy nő illata
Teveled szeretnék táncolni
Átadni magam törvényeidnek
Mozgass meg a végkimerülésig
És engedelmeskedem a hangjaidnak
Mezítláb táncolok a vörös nap alatt
Térdelő isteneid szívei beleremegnek
A testem egy tüzes lázadóvá válik
Törzsfőnökök sírása leszakítja az eget
Veszélyes és érzéki, a te édes esőd alatt
Párduc vagy gazella mellé lefekszem
A karmaid szorításából én visszatértem
Kunyhóid árnyékában a törzsemet megleltem
Teveled szeretnék táncolni
Engedelmeskedni törvényeidnek
Afrika, Afrika
Szerelmes vagyok egy vadregényes tájba
Egy vudu varázsló az arcom bemázolta
Talizmánja mozgását követem tam-tam dobok hangjára
Az őrület parfümje, a szerelem varázsa (2x)

Ha elhagysz

Hallom a lombok zúgását
Olyan erősen zihálok
Újra látom az arcodat
A kinti zajok hatása alatt
Ha elhagysz
Ó, ó, ó, ó
Ha elhagysz
Ó, ó, ó, ó
Az üresség szélén lépdelek
Ahol elhagytad testemet
A nagy viharok között
S az alvó folyó mellett
Ha elhagysz
Ó, ó, ó, ó
Ha elhagysz
Ó, ó, ó, ó
Mint ezek a színes virágok
Esti fényükben ragyogva
Repülök, elhagyom a földet
Hogy jobban láthassalak
Szeretnék élni a fényedben
Szeretnék élni a fényedben
Az én aurám elhalványul
És visszafelé táncolok
Mint a cigány gyerekek
Az üvegtörmelékeken
Ha elhagysz
Ó, ó, ó, ó
Ha elhagysz
Ó, ó, ó, ó
Mint ezek a színes virágok
Esti fényükben ragyogva
Repülök, elhagyom a földet
Hogy jobban láthassalak
Elhívlak a forró szigetekre
A föld túlsó végére
Találjunk helyet neked és nekem
Egész hosszú évekre
Hogy a fényedben élhessek


Wandering in the clouds
a spinning cold oh right
a sweet bite
as it melt it disappears oh no
an endless kiss
your firm response
I wanna make you soft
Want you to spin around
I want to care for you but
my heart is very forward
Hold on, hold on, hold on
You look so good
Common baby
Your taste is so good
Just like candy on my lips
So good if you want me
I can take it slow
I grab you tightly by the arm
without exception we dance and intertwine
the more time goes
if you're curled up ,you're becoming smaller, you’re spine
time can't go back
at the futile worries
Baby let’s take it slow
Don’t wanna go to fast
it seems now it's already late
I'm too forward
Go on, go on, go on
You look so good
Common baby
Your taste is so good
Just like candy on my lips
So good if you want me
I can take it slow
You are so good
Common baby
Your taste is so good (so good)
Just like candy on my lips
So good if you want me
I can take it slow
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

a happy Life

Versions: #2
A happy life ...
When your eyes look at me
My heart get agitated
Your smile devises mine
And your mouth searches for my mouth
If you hold me I will die
If you talk to me I will sing
I see everything in pink
Your murmurs are honey
Your pains weigh on me
But in the end, everything is easy
My heart is the jewel
And you are the thief
Stalking my balcony
Never leaving from my heart
Swear me, swear on your love.
Since it was declared,
my soul broke alive because of you.
It came into my heart,
some happiness
whose I know the reason.
He is for me,
I am for him forever.
He told me that, he swore it forever.
And as soon I see him, I feel inside of me,
My heart beating
He is for me,
I am for him forever.
He told me that, he swore it forever.
Then I feel inside of me,
My heart beating...

Song of the Blue Rose

Don't talk to me about the blue rose
Blue roses don't exist
Blue and pale blooms the autumn crocus
I don't like autumn crocus
Don't buy me a dapple grey
Dapple greys cost money
Don't get me a star from the sky
Wait till one falls down
Don't believe I'm going to cry
If you leave me alone
The old world keeps on turning
Hold me tight one more time


At the start of the day
I`m full of you
When I was alone,
I would uselessly become restless
My mind feels a little hazy
When I hear your warm voice
Baby i'm falling for you
I love you our love is true
Hug me
As time goes by
I love you our love is true
Hug me
Dont let go of me
At the end of the day
I always see your eyes
When I`m with you
I pointlessly feel at ease
I feel cold on the inside
But your warmth warms me up
Baby i'm falling for you
I love you our love is true
Hug me
As time goes by
I love you our love is true
Hug me
Dont change
I love you our love is true
Hug me

No Roses

Versions: #2
They're saying this woman doesn't appreciate the most beautiful (reddest) roses
No amount of money will ever make her feel safe
She looks at me, I can't feel the ground beneath my feet anymore
I look as she walks away and she comes back, back and says:
Oh baby, I want love
From no one else but you
I don't need roses or cars, no big garden
The only thing I want is you
Oh, Baby, I want love
From no one else but you
I don't need to look far into distance, no 5 star (rating),
The only thing I want is you
I am awake
Since I realized what this woman is capable of
I am hot and cold at the same time
You are the most beautiful creature alive
And without you I am not leaving
without you, without you I'm not leaving
Oh baby, I want love
From no one else but you
I don't need roses or cars, no big garden
The only thing I want is you
Oh, Baby, I want love
From no one else but you
I don't need to look far into distance, no 5 star (rating),
The only thing I want is you
I bought her thousands of things, promised her the world for us both
And I was never there for her, even when I was
Oh Baby, I want love
From no one else but you
I don't need roses and cars, no big garden
All I want is you
All that you want
All that you want

Barátom a rózsa

Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel.
Hajnalban születtem, rózsának kereszteltek.
Ki vagyok pirosodva.
Boldog és szerelmes vagyok.
A nap sugaraiba.
Éjszakára bezárultam.
Felébredtem Idősebben.
Mégis nagyon szép voltam.
Igen, én voltam a legszebb.
A kerted virágai közt.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel
Lásd az istent, aki engem teremtett.
Lefelé hajlította a fejem.
És úgy érzem, hogy összeesem.
És úgy érzem, összeesem, szívem
szinte meztelen, lábaimmal a sírban állok.
Többé már nem vagyok.
Tegnap még csodáltál, mára poros lettem.
Holnaptól mindörökre.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
És a barátom, a rózsa meghalt ma reggel.
A hold ma éjjel, a barátomat nézte.
Álmomban, láttam őt. Káprázatos éjszakák.
Ővele táncoltam.
Már jól láttam.
És ki mosolygott rám?
Hiszi, aki képes elhinni.
Nekem szükségem van reménységre.
Különben nem vagyok semmi.
Nekünk jó kevés dolgunk van.
Barátom, a rózsa mondta ezt ma reggel
Lásd az istent, aki engem teremtett.
Lefelé hajlította a fejem.
És úgy érzem, hogy leesik.
És úgy érzem, hogy összeesem
a szívem már szinte meztelen.
A lábaimmal a sírban állok.
Többé már nem vagyok.
Tegnap még megcsodáltál,
és mára poros lettem.
Holnaptól mindörökre.

Az enyém lehetnél

Én egy rideg szívtipró vagyok
Izgass fel engem, és kettétöröm a szívedet
Azután otthagylak téged az ágyadon
Kívül leszek az ajtón, mielőtt felébrednél
Ez számodra már nem újdonság
Mert azt hiszem ezt láttuk a filmben is
Mert az enyém lehetnél
De te kilógsz a sorból
A bosszantó nyafogásoddal
És a kokainos nyelveddel
Veled semmi sem történik
Azt mondtam, az enyém lehetnél
Most jönnek az ünnepek, azután megyek
Mára már nincs több újdonság
Ezután gyűjts máshonnan emlékeket
Amikor késő éjjel járok haza
Ne kérdezd meg, hol voltam
Csak számold a csillagaidat, s újra otthon vagyok
Mert az enyém lehetnél
De te kilógsz a sorból
A bosszantó nyafogásoddal
És a kokainos nyelveddel
Veled semmi sem történik
Azt mondtam, az enyém lehetnél
Túl sokat panaszkodol
Miért nem pihensz kicsit
Kellene találnod
Másik okot a síráshoz
Míg a hátam mögött megcsaltál,
Én eldobtam az agyamat
Nem számít, hogyan csináljuk
Mert mindig ugyanaz marad
Több mérföldet tudsz lenyomni
De a lábaid eléggé vékonyak
És aludhatnék rajta, reggelig
De ez a rémálom soha nem ér véget
Ne felejtsd el felhívni az ügyvédemet
A nevetséges igényeiddel
Ki tudod meríteni a szánalmamat
De ez több, mint amit állhatok
Ez a kanapéutazás megöregedett
Mondd csak, mennyi ideig tartott,
Mert az 5 év örökkévalóság volt
És te még mindig nem nőttél fel
Mert az enyém lehetnél
De te kilógsz a sorból
A bosszantó nyafogásoddal
És a kokainos nyelveddel
Veled semmi sem történik
Azt mondtam, az enyém lehetnél
Te lehetnél
Az lehetnél az enyém

You are as radiant as a rose

You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
The red wild rose has bloomed
On your carmine lips
Cornflowers are not as blue as your eyes
And in my heart
The nicest flowers cannot compare with you
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
When I first saw your face
It was so dazzling!
I thought I saw in a mirage
All the springtime flowers
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
The red wild rose has bloomed
On your carmine lips
Cornflowers are not as blue as your eyes
And in my heart
The nicest flowers cannot compare with you
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
You have got the whole range
Of the loveliest flesh-colored flowers
If you marry me
I shall forget winters
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine
The red wild rose has bloomed
On your carmine lips
Cornflowers are not as blue as your eyes
And in my heart
The nicest flowers cannot compare with you
You are as radiant as a rose
And you are as fresh as jasmine


She asks you where you are
You reply, still behind
A while ago you lost track
Of the conversation
You want to leave but don't go
Last night hurt more
Than you thought, and perhaps
Because it's not your decision
The sun has risen
Arrogant and Spanish
And in your heart
It's raining all the time
Your case is in the books
That you can classify
In your anxiety, your torment
There is nothing original
You think you still have an ace up your sleeve
If you need to take it out
And the world will roll back
By higher order
The sun has risen
Arrogant and Spanish
And in your heart
It's raining all the time


¿Qué fue lo que pasó?
Qué te llamo y tu no coges el teléfono
No se por que te escondes de mi baby si yo
Deje de ser de mi pa' mi para entregarte to'
[Coro: Alex Rose]
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet (percocet)
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)
Dime por qué me ignoras
Me tienes metiendome percocet
Que si estas con otro yo no se
Tengo ganas de volverte a ver (volverte a ver)

My sweet, let us see whether the rose...

for Cassandre
My sweet, let us see whether the rose
which this morning had openend
its purple dress in the sun
has retained this evening
the folds of its purple dress,
and its complexion so akin to yours.
Alas! See in how little time,
my sweet, it let fall, alas,
its beauty on the ground!
Oh, nature, cruel mother,
for such a flower only lasts
from dawn until dusk!
So, if you trust my words, my sweet,
as your age is blooming
in the prime of its youth,
pick, pick your youthfullness.
Just like for this flower, old age
will tarnish your beauty.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

I Am Me (We Are Us)

Versions: #5
Am I still a part of this
Or have I been out for a long time?
Time takes the first flight
I tried to run after it
I was just born yesterday
And I have been able to walk for a short time
I have lost my balance
Still I am able to stand tall
There is so much anger in my head
I couldn't sleep last night
It was good for me that you were there
Please, don't ask any questions now
Because I would only regret
If I had bent for you
I certainly was not faithful all the time
But I have never betrayed you
This is me
This is me
This is my only fault
This is me
This is me
This is me
This is my only fault
I am now
I am here
I am me
This is my only fault
I am now
I am here
I am me
This is my only fault
I don't have to find myself now
I just may not lose myself
I was just born yesterday
I have been able to walk for a short time
I have lost my balance
Still I am able to stand tall
I am now
I am here
I am me
This is my only fault
I am now
I am here
I am me
This is my only fault
We are now
We are here
We are us
This is our only fault
We are now
We are here
We are us
This is our only fault
Am I still a part of this?
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

Pretty Lover Boy

Versions: #2
When I felt lost
One day
Buried and extinct
Through kisses, you gave sense
To my dusty life
To the ice of my soul
And I started believing
A firestorm would be something hot
Farewell, pretty lover boy
I accept your leaving now
Never mind what I wanted
Even broken pieces flourish sometimes
Farewell, cool fire
And let me stay cold
Who knows, maybe I won't
Lose you in my next life?
Whatever loving taught me
I forgot it quickly
The experience was too lovely
So lovely and yet so outworn
So outworn and so tainted
It was said too often and too soon
That words kill hearts
While souls remain cold
Farewell, pretty lover boy
I accept your leaving now
Never mind what I wanted
Even broken pieces flourish sometimes
Farewell, cool fire
And let me stay cold
Who knows, maybe I won't
Lose you in my next life?
Farewell, cool fire
And let me stay cold
Who knows, maybe I won't
Lose you in my next life?

Mesopotamian Idea of Innocence

The melancholia of the forest
The grief of the ferns
The sky is tinted in blueberry
Glamorous figures, frenetic eyes
Fly around the light of my world
He was seen in the deep dark
I saw the light that lured us on to destruction
Mesopotamian idea of innocence
Fantastic interfluve
Nobody plays the way that you do
Nobody observes the way that I do
The coldness of the desert
The weight of the dust
Covers the world that I have seen
Petrified beauty
Disguises the numbness
I was punished for your misdeed
Who was seen in the deep dark?
I saw the trail that lured us on to destruction

La vie en rose

With eyes which make mine lower,
A smile which is lost on his lips,
That's the unembellished portrait
Of the man to whom I belong.
When he takes me in his arms
He speaks to me in a low voice,
I see life as if it were rose-tinted.
He whispers words to declare to me his love
Words of the everyday
And that does something to me.
He has entered into my heart
A piece of happiness
the cause of which I know full well.
It's him for me, me for him in life
He said that to me, swore to me 'forever'.
And as soon as I see him
So I feel in me
My heart which beats
May the nights on which we make love never end,
A great joy which takes its place
The trouble, the grief are removed
Content, content to die of it
When he takes me in his arms
He speaks to me in a very low voice,
I see life as if it were rose-tinted.
He whispers words to declare to me his love
Words of the everyday
And that does something to me.
He has entered into my heart
A piece of happiness
the cause of which I recognise.
It's him for me, me for him in life
He said that to me, swore to me forever.
And as soon as I see him
So do I feel in me
My heart which beats

Museviliğin başka bir mucizesi

Selam, Tanrı
Gerçekten hiç konuştuğumuzu sanmıyorum
Eğer izin verirsen
Şimdi bir mucize nasıl olur?
Var olup olmadığını bilmiyorum
Parmaklarının şıkırdadığını duyamıyorum
Acaba büyük bir psikiyatrist misin?
Ya da bir şeylerin olmamasını sağlayabilen misin?
Bunu benim için yap
Ve karşılığında
Ben de yahudi olayım
Lütfen arkadaşımın ölmesini engelleyebilir misin?
Saf değilim
Bu kolay olmaz
Ama arkadaşımın ölmesini engelleyebilirsen
Bu Museviliğin mucizesi olur
Bu Museviliğin mucizesi olur


Роза - это роза, а я - это я
Роза слепа, но я могу видеть
Роза глуха, но я могу слышать
Роза нема, но я говорю отчетливо
Роза - это роза, а я - это я

Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg

Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå
Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå
Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå
Oh, Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, is Trondheims fotball team
Oh Rosenborg, oh Rosenborg, takes the victory home today
We stand up tall, when the 'troll kids' enters the field
Cause no one beats RBK åheiåheiåheiåhå

La Rose Jaune du Texas

Il y a une Rose Jaune au Texas
Que je suis allé voir
Aucun autre soldat ne la connait,
Aucun soldat excepté moi
Elle a tant crié quand je l'ai quittée,
C'est comme si ça avait brisé mon coeur
Et si jamais je la retrouve
Nous ne nous séparerons plus jamais.
Elle est la plus gentille fille de couleur
Que ce soldat n'aie jamais connu
Ses yeux brillent comme des diamants,
Ils scintillent comme la rosée
Vous pouvez parlez de votre chère May
Et chanter Rosa Lee,
Mais la Rose Jaune du Texas
Bat toutes les belles du Tennessee.
Là où le Rio Grande coule
Et où les cieux étoilés brillent
Elle marche le long de la rivière
Par une calme nuit d'été
Elle se demande si je me souviens
Quand nous nous sommes quittés il y a longtemps
J'ai promis de revenir de nouveau
Et de ne pas la quitter ainsi.
Elle est la plus gentille fille de couleur
Que ce soldat n'aie jamais connu
Ses yeux brillent comme des diamants,
Ils scintillent comme la rosée
Vous pouvez parlez de votre chère May
Et chanter Rosa Lee,
Mais la Rose Jaune du Texas
Bat toutes les belles du Tennessee.
Oh, mes pieds sont déchirés et sanglants
Et mon coeur est plein de tristesse
Je retourne en Géorgie
Trouver mon oncle Joe
Vous pouvez parler de Beauregard
Et chanter Bobby Lee,
Mais le vaillant Hood, du Texas,
Il a joué l'enfer dans le Tennessee.
Beauregard, Robert Edward Lee (Bobby Lee), et John Bell Hood furent tous trois des généraux Confédérés durant la Guerre de Sécession aux Etats-Unis.
Cette chanson est une adaptation confédérée de la chanson populaire 'the Yellow Rose of Texas'.

On the moon there's no rose

If an astronaute would tell me:
'Come on, I take you with me. We
Will fly both
To the moon'.
I'd reply: 'no, no,
I won't go there, I'm
happy here.'
La la la...
On the moon,
There's no rose.
On the moon,
There's no moonlight,
No love,
No friends,
No flowery apple trees,
there's no Italy.
My love, it's 'cause I wanna
Live with you.
On the Earth for the rest of my life.
La la la...
On the moon,
There's no rose,
There's no wine and music,
There's nothing but a sand desert,
a stony desert,
There's nothing beautiful.
My love, it's
'cause I wanna
live with you
On the Earth for the rest of my life.
La la la...
On the moon,
There's no rose,
On the moon
My friend Pierrot,
There's no pen
To write you a word
In rhyming couplets or in prose.
My love, it's 'cause
I'm fine in your arms.
I love it when you offer me
a rose.
La la la...

A Song About Good Mood

If you happened walking frowning out of the house
If you are not happy with the way your morning went
May there will be a smile coming from a stranger
To make that stranger seem to you as if your good old friend
And the smile will touch your eyes
Without a doubt right away
And the good mood
Will be with you for the rest of your fabulous day
If by any chance you’ve quarreled with your girlfriend
Very often lovers quarrel for no cause
Look into each other’s eyes a little closer
Sometimes looks are louder than any healing words
And the smile will touch your eyes
Without a doubt right away
And the good mood
Will be with you for the rest of your fabulous day
If there was somebody left alone in trouble
Or you are upset about unfortunate event
Just remember good guys – they are all around you
The world is full awesome people you haven’t just met yet
And the smile will touch your eyes
Without a doubt right away
And the good mood
Will be with you for the rest of your fabulous day

Egyedül neked

Kisírt, egyedül neked
Mi van benned? Dobj egy csontot.
Ó élet, mit tudtál?
Hogy döntünk mi valaha is?
Óvatos szerelem, fújd el
Menjünk oda, mit mondasz?
Ó élet, miért vársz?
Hogy jutunk el az égig?
Kihívott, egyedül neked.
Mit tettél? Te talán tudod.
Ó élet, hagyj mindent elmenni
Hogy jutunk el az égig?

Rendben van

Tarts itt
A szívem közel van
A szerelmem eltűnt
Mondd meg őszintén
A szívem új
A szerelmem eltűnt
Rendben van
Tudom, egy nap majd veled leszek
Rendben van
Tudom, egy nap majd veled leszek
Beszélj hozzám
A szívem szabad
A szerelmem eltűnt
Mondd meg őszintén
A szívem kék
A szerelmem eltűnt
Rendben van
Tudom, egy nap majd veled leszek
Rendben van
Tudom, egy nap majd veled leszek
Rendben van
Tudom, egy nap majd veled leszek


Megérte a látványért
Minden jól nézett ki fentről
Minden rózsa virágzott
Virágpor volt a levegőben
Minden jön és megy
Minden jön és megy
Mindezek a bajok
Három százszorszépet tettem a noteszbe
És néztem a szirmokat mind kihullani
Csináltak egy jelet a papírra
És ezt a jelet nem lehetett ledörzsölni
Minden jön és megy
Mindezek a bajok
Mindezek a bajok