Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 23



Versions: #1
A fákon nőtt már a körte és alma
A folyó felett sűrű köd lebegett
Katyusa sétálni ment a partra
Mely magas volt és meredek
Ott sétált ő, s énekelni kezdett
A kékes sasról a sztyeppén
És arról, kit legjobban szeretett
Kinek hűen őrizte levelét
Ó, te dal, ifjú leánynak dala
Repülj a felhőtlen égen át
A távoli határra, ott van a katona
Ki úgy várja Katyusa üdvözlő szavát
Hadd hallja, ahogy dalol
Így idézheti fel a szerény lánykát
S amíg ő hazájáért harcol
Katyusa őrzi szerelmüknek lángját
A fákon nőtt már a körte és alma
A folyó felett sűrű köd lebegett
Katyusa sétálni ment a partra
Mely magas volt és meredek

Collective Farm Toast to Stalin's Health

All our collective farms, the whole joyful land
All of us sing a song to Stalin's health.
The Father of the People, we call you with respect
On your bright and glorious celebration
We've defended native fields by green outpost
According to your plans
Our Soviet land is proud of
its golden, fruitful glory
Eveyone is happy on your birthday party
Having gathered a large harvest for the Fatherland,
And we ask you, our dear and beloved,
Come to our collective farm for a joyful celebration
We've honestly fulfilled our commandment
Bread was given to the Motherland in abundance and on time.
To Stalin are the first clinking bowls
For Stalin is the first ruddy pie
Groves and waters make noise with your glory,
Your native land blooms with your glory.
For eternal happiness, for the longest time
Let Stalin our sunshine shine from the Kremlin to us!

Oh Frost, you Frost

Oh Frost, you frost
Don't you freeze me
Don't you freeze me
Nor my horse.
Don't you freeze me
Nor my horse
Nor my horse
My white-maned horse.
My horse
My white-maned horse
I do have a wife
Oh, she is very jealous.
I do have a wife
Oh, she is a beautful woman
She waits for me at home
She waits, she is grieving for me.
I am coming to her
At the sunset of the day
I will embrance my wife
And I will groom my horse...

Outside the window, the bird cherry sways

Outside the window, the bird cherry sways
Dissolved the petals of it's flowers ...
Behind the river, the familiar voice is heard (2x)
And the nightingales sing all night.
The girl's heart beat with joy ...
How fresh, how wonderful in the garden!
Wait for me, my darling, my sweet heart, (2x)
I will come to you at the promised hour.
Oh why did you take my heart out?
For whom is my glittering look now?
I'm not sorry that I was abandoned by you, (2x)
It's a pity that people condemn me a lot...*
Outside the window, the bird cherry sways
The wind breaks off the leaves from the bird cherry.
Behind the river, the voice isn't heard (2x)
The nightingales no longer sing there.

The Last Fighting of ‘Varyag’

Cold waves‘re splashing and rising,
Breaking on that stone beach,
Where white seagulls are flying.
Grief is in their loud screams.
These gulls are rushing and darting,
For something made them alarm.
Listen! They hear the rumble
Of some explosions afar.
Look! In the Yellow sea waving
One Russian navy flag runs.
It’s the unequal last fighting,
They see the proud ‘Varyag’.
Its high strong mast has been shot down,
Its armor has been breached through
Its crew is still trying struggle on,
But foe’s strong and fire’s too.
You, white seagulls send a message
To the great world and it’s sad:
“Having not given up the vessel,
We fell for honour in battle.
Tell, we have never got down
Russian Andreyevsky flag ,
We ourselves blew ‘Koreyets’ up
We ourselves sank ‘Varyag’”
Cold waves‘re splashing and rising,
Breaking on hard stone beach,
Seagulls are flying to Russia
Grief is in their loud screams.

The Concertina

Versions: #1
All in a sunlit glade one day
A wide-eyed lad did play
Upon his concertina of
The girl that he did love.
He courted her on nights so clear
And warm, and he would buy
Such pretty little shawls for her
To remember him by.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
When off to fight the dreadful war
The lad was to depart
Upon a dark and starry night
He offered her his heart.
She answered him in jest although
She was of him so proud,
“Come back home with an Army Cross
And then we'll work it out.”
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
The concertina was his friend
As he fought near and far
And at a battle's fearsome end
He won a Silver Star.
And then to him so far from home
A letter from her flew
That she would wait for him alone
A Silver Star would do.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.

Hey You, Steppe, How Vast You Are

Versions: #1
Hey you, Steppe, how vast you are
So wide, carefree
Hey you, Volga-Matriarch
Volga free-flowing
Hey you, Steppe, how vast you are
Steppe so wide, carefree
Hey you, Volga-Matriarch
Volga free-flowing
Oh, that's no steppen eagle there
On a fastest rise
That's a stream burlak
Going free and wild
Don't you fly, prey bird
Low overland
Don't you come, burlak
Close to river banks!
Hey you, Steppe, how vast you are
So wide, carefree
Hey you, Volga-Matriarch
Volga free-flowing

Was it in a Garden, Was it in an Orchard

Was it in a garden, was it in an orchard?
A young girl was strolling:
Short in stature, with a round face,
With a rosy-cheeked face.
And after her, walking after her,
Was a brave young man.
He called the beautiful girl
To gather mushrooms in the pine forest.
I'll go, I'll go with you,
My feet will get tired,
Bring a carriage for your beloved,
I'll sit in and ride with you.
If you love me then you'll buy me
A golden ring,
And your golden ring
I will hold against my heart.
The young man doesn't move,
He stands against a tree stump,
Kissing the beautiful girl
And holding her to his heart.
We'll live together, my beloved,
We'll live wonderfully in love,
And a year will seem to us
As if only it has been an hour.
Thank you for taking the time to read my translation, and I hoped you liked it! In the event that you feel it is good enough to be shared with others, please don't forget to credit me as the author. Thanks again!

Deep Night, Gardens Rustle Quietly

Deep night, gardens rustle quietly
Only you, mom, are not sleeping.
I hear a rustle of your mouth - you´re repeating everything
In your hot supplication there is my name.
I know, the God hears your prayings
For your dear child
And in my soul with thanksgiving
I regain the light and the warmth.
What would I do if I wasn´t
On the trial next to you.
Mom, you sent me to God
And brought me to the church of God.
Grey hair is already on your temples
My dear mom - that is all me.
But I am begging you mom, forgive me
That I caused you grief, forgive me.
On your face, familiar since childhood
Life left traces of grief.
Mom, it was me with the disobedience
I hurt you without thinking - you cried.
May the Lord reward all our mothers
For their prayers for their children.
So they could see in eternity
All their sons and daughters.

Bitter Frost, Deep Frost

Versions: #3
Bitter frost, deep frost,
Don't bite me, I plead!
Do not freeze me please, do not freeze my steed.
Do not freeze me please, do not freeze my steed,
Do not freeze my steed, white-maned pure breed.
Do not freeze my steed, white-maned pure breed,
For I've got a wife - green-eyed one indeed.
I have got a wife, lovely like a belle,
She awaits me home, struck by sadness spell.
I will come back home when the day recedes.
I'll embrace my wife and will feed my steed.
Bitter frost, deep frost,
Don't bite me, I plead!
Do not freeze me please, do not freeze my steed.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

The Red Army is Stronger than All

The White Army, the black baron
Are once again preparing the Tzar's throne for us,
But from the Taiga to the British Seas
The Red Army is stronger than all
So let the Reds
Grasp authoritatively
Their bayonets with their calloused hands,
And we all should
Without restraint
Go forth into the last deadly battle!
Red Army, march march forward!
The Revolutionary Military Council calls us to battle.
Indeed from the Taiga to the British Seas
The Red Army is stronger than all!
We are fanning the global flames,
Churches and prisons we level to the ground.
Indeed from the Taiga to the British Seas
The Red Army is stronger than all!

Why did my dear I've got to know you?

Versions: #2
Why did my dear I've got to know you,
Why did you answer to my love?
It would be better if I didn't know the sorrow,
Than wouldn't beat so fast again my heart.
You are tormenting my young heart, my dear,
Your sweetheart is calling you, do come,
The golden time will only disappear,
So why are you not coming, my desired one?
I'm waiting, and my long-awaited here he comes,
Tenderly taking me by the hand and kissing on and on...
Oh. dear friend, my gentle my desired one!
And my heart is singing a joyful song.

Along the Murom Tract Road

Along the Murom tract road three pine trees stood chagrined,
My darling bid his farewell to me until next spring.
He crossed his heart and swore that just me alone he'd love,
That he would not forget me in faraway wild lands.
He mounted his horse and [then] he hurried to depart,
Just sadness and despair he left in my sick heart.
On one occasion I saw a terrible night dream,
My darling married someone, he broke his pledge to me.
I laughed at this bizarre dream, I told my girlfriends that
It really can't be true that he could forget me, brat!
But soon my dream has come true, and in the early spring
My darling has returned with beauty wife and ring.
I stood at city gates when he passed across the town,
His glance found me in crowds of people all around.
He saw my bitter tears and lowered eyes in shame,
The love rat realized that my life went up in flames.
Along the Murom tract road three pine trees stood chagrined,
My darling bid his farewell to me until next spring.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Golubi letyat nad nashey zonoy (Голуби летят над нашей зоной)

Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет,
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На родную землю улететь.
Но забор высокий не пускает
И колючек в несколько рядов,
Часовые с вышек наблюдают,
И собаки рвутся с поводов.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк.
На тюремных нарах напевает,
Что-то напевает паренёк.
Он поёт, как трудно жить на свете
Без красивых ласковых подруг,
А ещё труднее жить без воли,
Вся тюрьма заслушалася вдруг.
Плачут в дальних камерах ребята,
Вспоминая молодость свою,
Вспоминая прошлое когда-то,
Как говорили ласково - люблю.
Даже самый главный надзиратель
У стены задумчиво стоит,
Только он один и знает
Сколько пареньку осталось жить.
А под вечер вздрогнули засовы,
Повели по лестнице его,
Он сказал последние три слова -
Приведите сына моего.
На площадку лестницы тюремной
Привели парнишку лет пяти,
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Он кинулся на шею с криком - папа,
Папа, ты с собой меня возьми.
Вечер за решёткой догорает,
Солнце тлеет, словно уголёк,
А под утро вся тюрьма узнает -
Ночью был расстрелян паренёк.
Голуби летят над нашей зоной,
Голубям нигде преграды нет.
Как бы мне хотелось с голубями
На свободу к маме улететь.

My Yiddish mother

No heart that's more tender
Than my dear mothers heart
Nothing can compare
To the flame of her holy soul
...The good luck is changing
...But the mother always comforts us
...For her dear children's sake
...Everything to sacrifice
In any bad weather
There is always a source of warmth
All the troubles and tribulations
Our mother always softens
In the misery and sorrow we
Find comfort at her breast
Where there's a storm raging
She provides sleep and rest
Like the heart of my mother
There is nothing on this earth
Price the orphan learned for ever,
Of her love and holy soul


Tal'yanochka*-has no equivalent in english12
On the sunny glade
bended [own] eyebrow like arc
Young guy is playing about love on tal'yanochka*
[He is singing] about how [he was] spending hot nights
with girlfriend,
[and] what nice shawls [he was] gifting to her
Play, play, tell [the story], tal'yanochka* yourself
About how blackeyed girl
Had crazyed [him]
When young guy was walking
to the scary battle
He had offered [his] heart to her
at dark starry night
At answer a proud girl
probably was joking with him:
-When you'll be back with Order,
then we'll talk about [that]
The warrior among smoke and gunpowder
Was friendly with tal'yanochka*
And in scary battle with enemy
He deserved a Medal.
A flying letter has come
to the snowy distance [to him]
That [she] is waiting
And, at last resort, [she] is agreed for Medal...
  • 1. *-diminutive form of 'tal'yanka'
  • 2. tal'yanka-perhaps abbreviation from [I]talianka-means harmonica with italian music structure and simple (3-6)x(12-15) buttons in one row, was a very popular russian musical instrument

Down The Street A Winter Windstorm's Drifting Snow

Down the street a winter windstorm's drifting snow,
Right behind the storm my darling walks in tow:
Wait a little bit, my sweetheart, my allure,
My joy, let me slowly feast my eyes on you!
Wait a little bit, my sweetheart, my allure,
My joy, let me slowly feast my eyes on you!
On your beauty, on your pleasing lovely looks,
Or on your white face, your eyes that give me hooks.
Wait a little bit, my sweetheart, my allure,
My joy, let me slowly feast my eyes on you!
Wait a little bit, my sweetheart, my allure,
My joy, let me slowly feast my eyes on you!
Your good looks have driven me a bit insane,
Withered handsome lad with grief he can't sustain.
Wait a little bit, my sweetheart, my allure,
My joy, let me slowly feast my eyes on you!
Wait a little bit, my sweetheart, my allure,
My joy, let me slowly feast my eyes on you!
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Hey, heave ho!

Hey, heave ho!
Hey, heave ho!
One more time, now, one more time!
We hoist down the birch tree now,
We unfurl its matted boughs,
Oh, yes, yes, oh yes, oh, yes, yes, oh yes,
We unfurl its matted boughs.
We climb up the sandy shores,
Sing to the sun, keeping us warm.
Oh, yes, yes, oh yes, oh, yes, yes, oh yes,
Sing to the sun, keeping us warm.
Hey, hey, pull on the rope harder!
Sing to the sun, keeping us warm.
Hey, heave ho!
Hey, heave ho!
One more time, now, one more time!
Oh, Volga, mother-river,
How deep and how wide you are,
Oh, yes, yes, oh yes, oh, yes, yes, oh yes,
How deep and how wide you are.
Hey, heave ho!
Hey, heave ho!
One more time now, yes, one more time!
Hey, heave ho!
Hey, heave ho!