Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 9


The Most Beautiful

I flee
Into your magic tent
In the breathing forest
Where the tips of grass
Bow down
There is nothing more beautiful

Elmúlt szerelem

Ne menj el
Maradj itt még egyszer
Emlékeztess milyen érzés oh
És essünk szerelembe még egyszer, utoljára
Szükségem van rád
Összetörök, mikor elutasítasz
Könyörgöm, kérlek csak maradj velem
Sajnálom, ne hagyj el
Veled akarok lenni
Tudom hogy már nem szeretsz
Nem kapok levegőt, olyan gyenge vagyok, tudom hogy ez nem könnyű
Ne mondd, hogy már nem szeretsz.
Nem szeretsz többé.
Sajnálom, ne hagyj el
Veled akarok lenni
Tudom, hogy már nem szeretsz
Nem kapok levegőt olyan gyenge vagyok, tudom hogy ez nem könnyű
Ne mondd, hogy nem szeretsz
Nem szeretsz többé
Ne mond, hogy nem szeretsz többé, nem szeretsz többé
Ne mond, hogy nem szeretsz többé, nem szeretsz többé, nem szeretsz többé
Nem szeretsz többe
Tudom hogy ez nem könnyű(könnyű)
Nem szeretsz többé


Who will remember me
when I go?
Not the sparrows
that I feed,
not the poplar
outside my window,
not the North Park,
my green neighbor.
My friends will
be sad for an hour or so
and forget me.
I will rest
in the body of the Earth.
It will transform me
and forget.

You Are Still Here

You are still here.
Throw your fear
into the air.
your time will be up,
the sky will grow
under the grass,
your dreams will fall
into nothingness.
the carnation is fragrant,
the thrush sings,
you may still
give away kind words,
you are still here.
Be what you are.
Give what you have.

Nothing Lasts

Days come and go,
everything remains as it is.
Nothing remains as it is
and shatters like porcelain.
You try
to glue the shards together
to form a vessel
and cry
because it doesn't work.

The Angel Within You

The angel within you
rejoices over your
weeps over your darkness.
From its wings rustle
words of love,
caresses of poetry.
It guards
your way.
Steer your step


I travel a lot, I like to travel
Far and near and near and far
I'm at home everywhere
My language: international
I like to please everyone
Yeah, my vocabulary isn't bad
A sharp sword in the battle of words
With the other gender
I'm not a man for one night
I stay, at most, one, two hours
Before the sun is laughing again
I'm already gone
And continue my rounds
I'm a foreigner (foreigner)
Mi amore 1, mon chéri 2
Foreigner (foreigner)
Ciao, ragazza 3, take a chance on me
I'm a foreigner (foreigner)
Mon amour 1 Я люблю тебя 4
A foreigner (foreigner)
Come on, baby, c'est, c'est, c'est la vie 5
Other countries, other tongues
So I forced myself early on
to the chagrin of misunderstanding
That you have to learn languages
And when the sun sets
And you stand in front of foreigners
It's helpful if you then
can make yourself understood.
I'm not a man for one night
I stay, at most, one, two hours
Before the sun is laughing again
I'm already gone
And continue my rounds
I'm a foreigner (foreigner)
Mi amore, mon chéri
Foreigner (foreigner)
Ciao, ragazza, take a chance on me
I'm a foreigner (foreigner)
Mon amour Я люблю тебя
A foreigner (foreigner)
Come on, baby, c'est, c'est, c'est la vie
You come with me, I make good
You come with me, I make good
You come with me, I make good
  • My love
  • 2. my darling
  • 3. Hello girl
  • 4. I love you
  • 5. that's life
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to


Versions: #1
Sokat utazom, szívesen utazom
Távoltra és közelre, közelre és távolra
Mindenhol otthon vagyok
Az anyanyelvem: nemzetközi
Szeretek mindenkinek tetszeni
Igen, nem rossz a szókincsem
Egy éles kard a szavak csatájában
Az ellenkező nemmel
Én nem egy egészéjszakás férfi vagyok
Legfeljeb egy két órát maradok
Mielőtt a nap újra felnevet
Már hosszú ideje eltűntem
És folytatom tovább az utamat
Idegen vagyok (idegen)
Szerelmem, kedvesem
Idegen (idegen)
Szia kislány, adj nekem egy esélyt
Idegen vagyok (idegen)
Szerelmem, szeretlek
Egy idegen (idegen)
Gyerünk bébi, ez, ez, ez az élet
Más országok, más nyelvek
Szóval így kényszerítettem magamra
A csalódottság félreértését
Nyelveket kel tanulniuk az embereknek
És amikor a nap lemegy
És a férfi a külföldi lány előtt áll
Előnyt jelenthet, ha a férfi
Meg tudja magát értetni
Egy éjszakáig nem férfi vagyok
Legfeljeb egy két órát maradok
Mielőtt a nap újra felnevet
Már hosszú ideje eltűntem
És folytatom tovább az utamat
Idegen vagyok (idegen)
Szerelmem, kedvesem
Idegen (idegen)
Szia kislány, adj nekem egy esélyt
Idegen vagyok (idegen)
Szerelmem, szeretlek
Egy idegen (idegen)
Gyerünk bébi, ez, ez, ez az élet
Velem jöttél, jól vagyok
Velem jöttél, jól vagyok
Velem jöttél, jól vagyok


[Part 1]:
I'm born here and will grow old out here
I am a Turk with indefinite residence
You needn't look at me like that, homie[?], just because I've got black hair
It wasn't easy here, it was 26 hard years
And our parents, canim, needed the money
They've worked hard here and built a new world
Dad was hassled as if he was a terrorist
Therefore today I live where the toughest ghetto is
Where only Kurds, Russians, Arabs and Turks live
Where people must fight for a small salary
You are well off up there but down here we have a rough ride
For you we are wogs but still must join the army
I am not fascist - I've just grown up like this
When I'm in East Germany, I also know some skinheads
We're at home here, it's about time you get it today
Almost everyone of us on the street's got a German passport
I'm a foreigner but I'm born here
Too many are in prison, only a few have become something
I'm a foreigner, canim, it's not been easy for us here
The street in the ghetto hasn't made anybody rich
I'm a foreigner but Berlin is my home
My home, my city, sometimes you also get your face smashed here
I'm a foreigner but for you I'm a wog, canim,
but still I'm here and live under the German flag
[Part 2]:
There are many gangs here and too many daredevils
Yes it's true, most of them are foreigners
Look, every other one in our district has got a criminal record
You act like a gangster but nobody in your village is tough
In the past everything was different, I've also stolen
And some good friends of mine have been deported
I know one has no reason and no right to attack someone
But they'll always find a reason to turn you in
And today we beat up each other
Much has changed - it's not like 30 years ago
Back then we stuck together and were just against nazis
Now you've got trouble with people you see every day
But in my district we're like a family
I like living in Schöneberg because I love everyone here
I can't go away because I need this place
Look, Berlin is my home
Berlin is our home
I'm a foreigner but I'm born here
Too many are in prison, only a few have become something
I'm a foreigner, canim, it's not been easy for us here
The street in the ghetto hasn't made anybody rich
I'm a foreigner but Berlin is my home
My home, my city, sometimes you also get your face smashed here
I'm a foreigner but for you I'm a wog, canim,
but still I'm here and live under the German flag
[Part 3]:
You have to believe me, dealing with you isn't easy
You throw us all together and say we're all the same
I often fought, but my brother didn't want to be like that
But still he can't go to any club because of his looks
Turks kill for honour and also go on a caper
And some Germans rather have sex with little children
Not all of us would deal in coke or heroin
I mean, I also don't say every German is mental and paedophile
It's like a vine with big and small grapes
If one is bad it doesn't mean that all are rotten the same
We had to fight and never wanted anything from you
You should just know, we're also a part of the German people
I'm a foreigner but I'm born here
Too many are in prison, only a few have become something
I'm a foreigner, canim, it's not been easy for us here
The street in the ghetto hasn't made anybody rich
I'm a foreigner but Berlin is my home
My home, my city, sometimes you also get your face smashed here
I'm a foreigner but for you I'm a wog, canim,
but still I'm here and live under the German flag