Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 9


Hurts me

Moonlight dissolves
envelopes you in its shine
soft sounds your song
and the silence awakes to dance
what brings me here vanishs
what I was is long gone
I am lost
caught in the magic of you
Hurts me, oh hurt
for eternity I will fall for you
wherever you going
I will follow your spell
Show the way!
let it be my downfall
your wish will happen
hurts me, oh hurt
hurts me, oh hurt
Silently assumed
lays a veil for a long time on me
Ah who wears him,
their soul applies to you
Arised from the darkness
which normally hides you from me
so I stand here
I am yours, no matter what happens
Hurts me, oh hurt
for eternity I will fall for you
wherever you going
I will follow your spell
Show the way!
let it be my downfall
your wish will happen
hurts me, oh hurt
I fall into your arms
and the waves around us see
what life-longs softens
My soul follows after
and the mirror holds it smooth
softly brushed by the wind
Moonlight dissolves
envelopes you in its shine
soft sounds your song
and the silence awakes to dance
Hurts me, oh hurt
for eternity I will fall for you
wherever you going
I will follow your spell
Show the way!
let it be my downfall
your wish will happen
hurts me, oh hurt
hurts me, oh hurt

The Bell

A bright tone to greet maiden voyage
A bright tone to greet maiden voyage
Golden glow on deck, all men, listen to her
Golden glow on deck, listen, the bell rings
Dingedingdangdong - and forever sounds the bell
Dingedingdangdong - and forever sounds the bell
Even when our ship would sink, last trip deep down
Even when our ship would sink, our clock would ring
There she hangs under the curtain of the years
There she hangs under the curtain of the years
Like in the good old days, always there, bright and clear
Like in the good old days, she shouts. 'Are you ready'
A bell sound in the fight of dark powers
A bell sound in the fight of dark powers
Bright thought the hell storm, ship in need, wave dead
Bright trough the hell storm, everything is lost
In eternity we hear her from far away
In eternity we hear her from far away
Deep from the seabed, ghostly silence, long be gone
Deep from the seabed, she rings her hour
[Refrain] (2x)
Our bell clinks, our bell clinks

Lány Haithabuból

Már Haithabuban voltunk
Egy tavaszi napon májusban.
Mi teljesen elfoglaltak voltunk
És fennakadtunk
És emellett Rumunk sem volt
Az út mentén
Álltunk part előtt
Egy szépség egyszerű öltözetben
Tündérszerű volt
''Üdvözöllek titeket
Gyertek velem, ha szomjasak vagytok''
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
És elindultunk
A ti kis falutokba
És mondta: ''Eileennek hívnak''
A piacon ilyenkor
Ahol az ünnepség kezdődik
Minden nő olyan fiatal és szép volt
Engem Eileen ragadott meg
Odahúztam magamhoz
''Táncoljunk, te és én''
Nincs az országban
Aki úgy fellobbantott az éjszaka
Mint a lány Haithauból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
(Hey ho)
(Hey ho)
(Hey ho)
És mi töltöttünk
Ittunk rumot és bort
A karjaimban feküdt Eileen
És halkan énekeltünk
A reggeli pirkadatig
És a nap ragyogott az égen
Délben felkeltem
Kinéztem az ablakon
Lábaim, fejem, mindenem fájt
Amit átéltünk
Több mint egy este volt
Mert már leeset az első hó
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból
Északról délre
És keletről nyugatra
Nem számít milyen messze és mennyi ideig utaztam
Nem találtam egy embert
Aki úgy tud ünnepelni
Mint a lány Haithabuból

Close to the Wind

Everyone here knows their maps
Has a life to lose
When we, daily, gamble with the storms
For the journey's destination
No way back, escape is forwards
No matter what, we stay the course
Where the waves break,
Fortune is with is
Because we sail close to the wind
'Til our souls catch fire
Always close to the wind
As long as life burns inside us
Come on! We're sailing close to the wind
Hold on tight, the journey's beginning
This ship sails
Close to the wind
Close to the wind
There are no half-done things
Commit yourself: black or red
When the dice roll for us
They mean life or death
He who never grows old has still lived more
Than an old man on land
Even if no gravestone
Bears his name
Because we sail close to the wind
'Til our souls catch fire
Always close to the wind
As long as life burns inside us
Come on! We're sailing close to the wind
Hold on tight, the journey's beginning
This ship sails
Close to the wind
No way back, escape is forwards
No matter what, we stay the course
Where the waves break,
Fortune is with is
Because we sail close to the wind
'Til our souls catch fire
Always close to the wind
As long as life burns inside us
Come on! We're sailing close to the wind
Hold on tight, the journey's beginning
This ship sails
Close to the wind
Close to the wind

But I know it

I could do
As if there were no evil spirits spying us in the night
I could do
As if the Lord weren't my master, I could see myself with no sky
I could trust you all
As if I knew nothing of your plans, nothing of your fury and greed
I could do
As if there were neither glow nor tears and no more pain
I could believe, one morning, if I didn't know better
I could sleep with no cares, if I didn't know it
But I know it!
I know it now!
I could do as if there were no evil, no expiation, no torture
But I know it!
I know it now!
I could do as if there were no end
But I know it!
I know it now!
I could do
As if your mouth, which had sworn eternal fidelity to me, had never lied to me
I could do
As if no one had never betrayed me, as if it had never happened
I could do
As if love were eternal for me, just as joyful as a child
I could do
As if there were no devil and no death, as if I were deaf and blind
I could stay silent and forgive if I didn't know better
I could live in peace if I didn't know it
But I know it!
I know it now!
I could do as if there were no evil, no expiation, no torture
But I know it!
I know it now!
I could do as if there were no end
But I know it!
I know it now!
Hey, Hey (Hey, Hey)
Hey, Hey (Hey, Hey)
Hey, Hey (Hey, Hey)
But I know it!
I know it now!
But I know it!
I know it now!
I could do as if there were no evil, no expiation, no torture
But I know it!
I know it now!
I could do as if there were no end
But I know it!
I know it now!
Hey, Hey (Hey, Hey)
Hey, Hey (Hey, Hey)
Hey, Hey (Hey, Hey)
But I know it!
I know it now!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.


From the Noth Sea to the murder sea
Divorced from the mainland
The Frisian Islands are at peace
And testify to the world-destroying rage
Diving Hallig on Hallig from fleeing Flood
Defiance of Naked Hans
Oh Defiance of Naked Hans*
In the middle of the ocean is sleeping 'til the hour
A Monster deep on the ground
He breathes deeply for six hours
Rungholt is shouting out loud your Name
Rungholt is shouting out over the sea
Rungholt is shouting since thousand years
Naked Hans we defiance you
Defiance of Naked Hans
Oh Defiance of Naked Hans*
On Rungholts Market at all his alleys
Loud People drunken Mass
They went out onto the dike
We defiance you naked Hans North Sea dike
Rungholt is shouting out loud your Name
Rungholt is shouting out over the sea
Rungholt is shouting since thousand years
Naked Hans we defiance you
Defiance of Naked Hans
Oh Defiance of Naked Hans*
And how they clench their fists
And raise them against the ocean
Comes silently out of the mud
The octopus the claws
And rushing, black, long-lamented wave
Are coming like raging steeds
A single shouting - the City submerged
And houndredthousand People drowned
Today i was sailing over Rungholt
The City submerged some years ago
Rungholt is shouting out loud your Name
Rungholt is shouting out over the sea
Rungholt is shouting since thousand years
Naked Hans we defiance you
Rungholt is shouting!
Rungholt is shouting!
Rungholt is shouting!
Defiance of Naked Hans
Oh Defiance of Naked Hans*
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

I'll Bring You Home

Versions: #2
The waves rock us, but don't sleep
In the morning light, we'll be there
You and I
Look with me for the way home on the horizon
And don't give up
We're strong, you and I
Do you see the distant light?
We're already close
Believe me, we'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
Don't close your eyes, come, look at me
And think about how
I'm here for you alone
If the night creeps in to you and courts you
Don't leave me
We're strong, you and I
Can you see the morning?
It's already close
Believe me, we'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
I'll bring you home
The waves rock us, but don't sleep
In the morning light, we'll be there
You and I
Do you feel the wind?
It moves softly through your hair
So don't give up
We'll be there soon
I'll bring you home
Through a thousand miles of loneliness
I'll bring you home
Even if our way is still so far
Back toward home
Back, where your loved ones are
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
I'll bring you home
Back home

Seven Years

Dance for me, my beauty
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
Dance for me, my beauty
As if it were the last time
As if it were the last time
Tomorrow I must travel
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
Tomorrow I must travel
Far across the harsh sea
Far across the harsh sea
Dance, dance
Seven years will pass by
Dance, dance
My oath, it will persist
Dance, dance
Seven years will pass by
Dance, dance
Then I will stand before you
Sing for me, my beauty
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
Sing for me, my beauty
Play me a farewell song
Play me a farewell song
I want to carry it on my lips
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
I want to carry it on my lips
Until no more land can be seen
Until no more land can be seen
Dance, dance
Seven years will pass by
Dance, dance
My oath, it will persist
Dance, dance
Seven years will pass by
Dance, dance
Then I will stand before you
Show yourself to me, my beauty
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
Show yourself to me, my beauty
Just as god conceived you
Just as god conceived you
Your image shall accompany me
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
Your image shall accompany me
As long as I can think
As long as I can think
Dance for me, my beauty
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
Dance for me, my beauty
As if it were the first time
As if it were the first time
Tomorrow I must travel
Dom digi digi dom, lomdi lomdi
Dom digi digi dom
Tomorrow I must travel
Far across the harsh sea
Far across the harsh sea
Dance, dance
Seven years will pass by
Dance, dance
My oath, it will remain
Dance, dance
Seven years will pass by
Dance, dance
Then I will stand before you
Then I will stand before you (hey!)
I don't speak fluent German so feel free to correct
Ich spreche Deutsch nicht fließend, Korrekturen sind willkommen