Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 20

Találatok száma: 625


A remény egy szoba

Látod, a remény egy szoba
Csillagokkal a plafonon
De valami történt
Ne menj el, beszélnem kell veled
Ne menj el, beszélnem kell veled
Azt gondoltam
Elég ha velem vagy
Ma már ez nem igaz
És elzárkózom nélküled
Látod, látod, látod, látod
Látod, a remény egy szoba
Ahol örökké várom
Hogy történjen valami
Ne beszélj, el kell hogy hagyjalak
Ne beszélj, el kell hogy hagyjalak
Ne beszélj, el kell hogy hagyjalak
Nem tudom mi ez
Ez a világ körülöttem
Ami sír és nevet
De tudom, hogy többet él nálad
Látod, látod, látod, látod
Látod, a remény egy szoba
Tele csillagokkal a plafonon

With you

So many nights, I kept company
To my loneliness till morning
And my heart was empty of love
But this night when we're together
I fly to the moon and spread my wings
I feel like I was born just now
I only need you by my side
With you, I lived everything in one night
I feel like I didn't exist before I met you
With you now, I changed my life
And I make dreams from the beginning
Moments came when I asked for some love
And a hand to hold onto
But all the girls I met took something (from me)
But this night when we're together
And I erase all the mistakes of my life
I want to feel like a small child
That wants to learn everything in one night

You never cried

You went away and left
My life empty again
You went away and from your cold eyes
The heart froe
I didn't find a reason to keep you
To get hurt for one more time
Go wherever you want to
Live however you want to
Your life doesn't concern me
You never felt pain
You never cried
I went through everything alone
And all I asked
Was for the love to be kept alive
You never felt pain
You never cried
Not even now that love
Has fallen on earth like a teardrop
And the road
Has no return
You went away and the hours seem like a year
In loneliness
You went away and one more pain
Spread its wings
And took away everything I loved forever
I am not holding any grudges, be well
Go wherever you want to
Live however you want to
Your life doesn't concern me
You never felt pain
You never cried
I went through everything alone
And all I asked
Was for the love to be kept alive
You never felt pain
You never cried
Not even now that love
Has fallen on earth like a teardrop
And the road
Has no return

You wanted it very much

You wanted it very much and you finally did it
You drove my mind crazy with a kiss of yours
A night is enough to change a life
And if the heart says so, who can resist
To get drunk from your kisses till morning
To get lost in your arms like a small child
To get drunk from your kisses to totally lose it
And without drinking a drop to surrender
You wanted it very much and I didn't see if I should
I signed on a white paper without no's
And I did only what you asked
And if the hearts says so, who can resist

I will never be your friend

I was watching you walking always alone in the street
I was going to talk to you, but I was saying to myself 'what, what am I doing now?'
and I was following a shadow inside the crowd
now I am losing you again
I will never, never, never be your friend
I will never, never be
I am looking from above at two dots, I am an airplane
the lovers inside a forest where I am lost and I don't even know where I am going
and you, with tears on your eyes, trying to find...
what you want is what I want too
I will never, never, never be your friend
I will never, never be
Longing for you is like an indefinite period of time, a love that never gets tired
you are like an eternal plant asking for rain, a great illusion
if only everything could be a dream and you was a love song
I will never, never, never be your friend
I will never, never be

Do I recall it wrong?

Do I recall it wrong but did we sleep in bed whole Sunday?
Did you smile ever time you got it?
Are memories always gilded by time?
It's like years ago when we met
In the front of the mall a uncomfortable hug
I've been longing the past time, secretly
Forgetting everything that I do not want back
I wonder if it's time to send you a sms? (no)
I wonder if it's time to heat it up again a bit? (no)
Should I let it go and see what comes? (no)
Should not think about things at time of day (us)
Easier to say that than to do it
It's a coincidence that I dropped by into the same place with you
But our split was no coincidence
I can't believe I'm falling again to nostalgy
Well what can you do, my memory is not perfect to pick
It keeps reminding all the good stories
It wasn't walk in a park, quite a bit opposite
So tell me how it went, kikidi Karri Koira
Do I recall it wrong but did we sleep in bed whole Sunday?
Did you smile ever time you got it?
Are memories always gilded by time?
Do I recall it wrong but did we fight whole Monday?
Who would clean it up, do I miss that back really?
Note from unpaid electricity, that's last memory of you and me
I guess it got forgotten, like lots of other stuff
I'm not broken anymore but a bit scarred by you
Well exactly it's not totally your fault that I can't give up
Not hoping that I could bring it back
those times laying in bed with no problems
Eating pizza and checking out all nature tv-shows
Journey thru Himalaya, from top to bottom
Fast as hell
We were not able to climb back up that fast ever
But we did it anyway so many times
At last we didn't just have stamina for doing it once more
We paid that relationship dearly
I should look forward instead, but still I hope it would not had broken down
Do I recall it wrong but did we sleep in bed whole Sunday?
Did you smile ever time you got it?
Are memories always gilded by time?
Do I recall it wrong but did we fight whole Monday?
Who would clean it up, do I miss that back really?
Yea I did get your sms but I ain't gonna reply
I can't let the old feelings get back again
Eventhough I remember you everytime I hear Drake's music
I know I cannot live with you no more
You got a new one, all is good, no point screw up things, you don't belong to me
We know that pretty well, yup
We were happy but there's a reason for why we broke up
Do I recall it wrong but did we sleep in bed whole Sunday?
Did you smile ever time you got it?
Are memories always gilded by time?
Do I recall it wrong but did we fight whole Monday?
Who would clean it up, do I miss that back really?
Do I recall it wrong but did we sleep in bed whole Sunday?
Did you smile ever time you got it?
Are memories always gilded by time?
Do I recall it wrong but did we fight whole Monday?
Who would clean it up, do I miss that back really?


A szavaid úgy hangoznak nekem,
mint a vihar egy napsütéses napon.
A búcsú és az elválás hideg szele,
hirtelen lengedezni kezd, hirtelen lengedezni kezd.
A jövőbeli boldogság nevében kérlek.
Újra és újra kimondom ezt a szót.
Együtt muszáj minden mást legyőznünk.
Hogy semmit se kelljen megbánnunk.
Nemkérem, hogy az elmúlt napok visszatérjenek,
a lelkemben örökké élnek majd.
És ezt sem leszek képes kitörölni magamból,
soha de soha.
A jövőbeli boldogság nevében kérlek.
Újra és újra kimondom ezt a szót.
Együtt muszáj minden mást legyőznünk.
Hogy semmit se kelljen megbánnunk.
Amikor az utolsó csillag is felemelkedik,
te azt mondod majd 'Nem' és pedig újra azt kiáltom 'Igen'.
Senkinek sem adom a kezébe a sorsom,
és majd megérted, hogy mennyire szeretlek.
A jövőbeli boldogság nevében kérlek.
Újra és újra kimondom ezt a szót.
Együtt muszáj minden mást legyőznünk.
Hogy semmit se kelljen megbánnunk.
HU: Ezen a webhelyen minden fordítás szerzői jogvédelem alatt áll. A szövegek másolása és publikálása egy másik weboldalon, vagy egyéb médián nem engedélyezett a szerző írásos engedélye nélkül, még forrásmegjelölés esetén sem. Tehát ha szeretnéd máshol is publikálni a fordításaimat, kérlek kérj előtte engedélyt.

EN: All translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author. So, if you want to republish my translations in other sites, please ask me before doing that.


Szultánként nézel a magasból
minden nő a közeledben van
mindannyian a háremedben akarnak lenni
de te mindegyiket elutasítanád miattam
ha egyszer kipróbálnád az ajkam,
a titkaidat elárulnád
ezeregy éjszaka
segítséget fogsz hívni
Van még több adum,
még a többi alkakalomra
szeretni fogsz,ugye?
csak engem nézz.
Úgy fogsz csókolni,ahogy iszol
semmit sem kell eltitkolnod
lem tökéletes leszel
Tied vagyok,Isztambul
Szultánként nézel a trónodról
most mindenki Monna Donnát iszik
hamarosan rólam fogsz álmodni
és elborulsz szépségem előtt
ha egyszer kipróbálnád az ajkam
a titkaidat elárulnád
ezeregy éjszaka
segítséget fogsz hívni
Van még több adum,
még a többi alkakalomra
szeretni fogsz,ugye?
csak engem nézz.
Úgy fogsz csókolni,ahogy iszol
semmit sem kell eltitkolnod
velem tökéletes leszel
Tied vagyok,Isztambul
Van még több adum,
még a többi alkakalomra
szeretni fogsz,ugye?
csak engem nézz.
Úgy fogsz csókolni,ahogy iszol
semmit sem kell eltitkolnod
velem tökéletes leszel
Tied vagyok,Isztambul

Mellettem áll

Akarom őt, birtoklom őt,
Két év mostanra már eltelt
De nem tudok viszonyulni
A soha véget nem éréshez
A játékok, amiket játszol,
Mialatt a vágy áthalad,
Aztán nyitott vagy
Az igazságra
Remélem megérted
És a szerelmed
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll
Az az egy, akiért esedezel
Olyan érzést kelt, mintha a fiatalság volna
És nevetni fogsz
Újra és újra
És inni fogunk
A gondolatokra
Ő emlékezni fog rád
Talán holnap
És a szerelmed
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll
És a szerelmed
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll
Akarom őt, birtoklom őt,
Két év mostanra már eltelt
De nem tudok viszonyulni
A soha véget nem éréshez
A játékok, amiket játszol,
Mialatt a vágy áthalad,
Aztán nyitott vagy
Az igazságra
Remélem megérted
És a szerelmed
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll
Éppen mellettem áll

The Forefathers' will

The forefathers' will
Commands us with a great flame,
Siblings of a mother and a father
We, Aromanians from time immemorial.
From beneath their gravestones
Our good parents cry out:
'Cursed be the home,
of the one who forsakes his language'.
He who forsakes his language
Let him be burned by fire,
May he struggle all his life
And his tongue be burned by fire.
In his childhood home,
May he not have the joy of having a family,
May he not know that kind of joy
And may he not be blessed with offspring.
May the one who runs from his mother,
And from his parental name,
Be left without the love of God
And the sleep's sweetness!'

The Golden Age of Love

My hands are in love,
alas, my mouth loves -
and see, I am suddenly aware
that things are so close to me
I can hardly walk among them
without suffering.
It is a sweet feeling
of waking, of dreaming,
and I am here now, without sleep -
I clearly see the ivory gods,
I take them in my hands and
thrust them, laughing, in the moon
up to their sculpted hilts -
the wheel of an ancient ship, adorned
and spun by sailors.
Jupiter is yellow, Hera
the magnificent shades to silver.
I strike the wheel with my left hand and it moves.
It is a dance of sentiments, my love,
many a goddess of the air, between the two of us.
And I, the sail of my soul
billowed with longing,
look for you everywhere, and things come
ever closer,
crowding my chest, hurting me.

Bring him back

1. Verse (Carp-E)
I would remind if I could but something still arrest me,
You didn't have to go, however the destiny in this way wanted just good.
I don't forget you, today the candle is burning for you,
It shows the way for You, to if you come back you can find.
But the place, where thousands of hearts wait for you with painful tears,
The blurry memories are breaking up just for you.
Inside me doesn't change what I feel for you,
I hope you heard the prays which I said for you.
Please bring him back, just for one fleeting moment,
Because I want to believe that perhaps he would stay here.
Please bring him back, just to I can hug him one more time,
Because I want to believe that this will wake him up.
Please bring him back, I don't want to let him go anymore,
But how I dare ask something like that, when my name is nobody.
Please, if the train comes at least it would honk,
I want him back, or just let me follow him.
Refrain (Kriszta, Horus)
Doesn't matter how much time to you could understand
Doesn't matter, bring him back
You took him away from me too early
I wait him here, still I live
Without him the life is hard
You brough me, bring him back please
You took him away from me too early
I wait him here, still I live
2. Verse (Shady)
Bring him back please, with this you bring me back to the life,
I can't bear this suffer, I ask just this,
But I know it is impossible, I realize it fighting with my tears,
I will be proud about the time which we spent together.
On the tomb I cry out my anguish, my head hurt on the headstone,
If I'm leaving I hope I can find a place next to you.
I have never cared on my heart nobody like you,
Bring him back please dad, for me he was everything!
For you he was nobody, but for me a family member,
Where he has been walked, now nobody walk just the smell of the death.
Bring him back! The emptyness can't be replaced with anything else,
I couldn't tell, but I still owe a confession.
Maybe I'm still young but I know what does the love mean.
Anytime when my arm wrapped around him it feels.
Rest in peace, for me this day is already black,
I would be happy again just if I could get him back.
Refrain (Kriszta, Horus)
Doesn't matter how much time to you could understand
Doesn't matter, bring him back
You took him away from me too early
I wait him here, still I live
Without him the life is hard
You brough me, bring him back please
You took him away from me too early
I wait him here, still I live
3. Verse (Horus)
Come back, don't let me drown into the sorrow,
It still can't work alone, I still need help.
Where can I cry, how could I speak with a tomb?
The sky not even listen me, how could I believe for myself now?
Why you had to go, why left me alone?
Why I don't feel that somebody would stay with me today?
Where does everybody run? Tell me, who decide over this?
Who decide who stay in the life and who leave it?
Who has the right to break a family?
And who has the right to tell who has to be punished and who has to be blessed?
Who diced that I have to reborn or die?
Today I lost, but tomorrow you will fail orthers.
Bring him back, you don't have the right to break him away from me,
Just for one day, please I would like to say good bye correctly.
Just one more time, last time, I believe today this I deserve,
Bring him back and don't let me die in the sorrow.
Refrain 2x (Kriszta, Horus)
Doesn't matter how much time to you could understand
Doesn't matter, bring him back
You took him away from me too early
I wait him here, still I live
Without him the life is hard
You brough me, bring him back please
You took him away from me too early
I wait him here, still I live

A Poem

Versions: #1#2
Tell me, if I caught you one day
and kissed the sole of your foot,
wouldn't you limp a little then,
afraid to crush my kiss?...

Sentimental Story

Versions: #1#2
Then we met more often.
I stood at one side of the hour,
you at the other,
like two handles of an amphora.
Only the words flew between us,
back and forth.
You could almost see their swirling,
and suddenly,
I would lower a knee,
and touch my elbow to the ground
to look at the grass, bent
by the falling of some word,
as though by the paw of a lion in flight.
The words spun between us,
back and forth,
and the more I loved you, the more
they continued, this whirl almost seen,
the structure of matter, the beginnings of things.

Another kind of Mathematics

Versions: #1#2
We know that one times one is one,
but an unicorn times a pear
- have no idea what it is.
We know that five minus four is one,
but a cloud minus a sailboat
- have no idea what it is.
We know that eight
divided by eight is one,
but a mountain divided by a goat
- have no idea what it is.
We know that one plus one is two,
but me and you, oh,
we have no idea what it is.
Oh, but a comforter
times a rabbit
is a red-headed one of course,
a cabbage divided by a flag
is a pig,
a horse minus a street-car
is an angel,
a cauliflower plus an egg
is an astragalus.
Only you and me
multiplied and divided,
added and substracted,
remain the same...
Vanish from my mind!
Come back in my heart!

Isztanbul (nem Konstantinápoly)

Isztambul Konstantinápoly volt,
Most Isztambul, nem pedig Konstantinápoly,
Már régen eltűnt Konstantinápoly,
Most török csemege egy holdfényes éjszakán.
Minden konstantinápolyi csaj
Isztambulban él, nem Konstantinápolyban,
Szóval ha randid van Konstantinápolyban,
Isztambulban fog rád várni.
Még a régi New York is valaha Új Amszterdam volt,
Hogy miért változtatták meg, nem tudom,
Az emberek így biztosan jobban kedvelték.
Akkor vigyél vissza Konstantinápolyba,
Nem, nem mehetsz vissza Konstantinápolyba,
Már rég letűnt Konstantinápoly,
Miért ítélték el Konstantinápolyt?
Ez nem tartozik senkire, csak a törökökre.
Még a régi New York is valaha Új Amszterdam volt,
Hogy miért változtatták meg, nem tudom,
Az emberek így biztosan jobban kedvelték.
Isztambul Konstantinápoly volt,
Most Isztambul, nem pedig Konstantinápoly,
Már régen eltűnt Konstantinápoly,
Miért ítélték el Konstantinápolyt?
Ez nem tartozik senkire, csak a törökökre.
Akkor vigyél vissza Konstantinápolyba,
Nem, nem mehetsz vissza Konstantinápolyba,
Már rég letűnt Konstantinápoly,
Miért ítélték el Konstantinápolyt?
Ez nem tartozik senkire, csak a törökökre.

Fehér Mustang

Összepakoltam az összes cuccom a nyárra
Az ágyamon fekszek, ez egy dőzsölés
Mert nem telefonáltam, mikor megkaptam a számod
Pedig eléggé kedveltelek
A ruhámban csúszva lágy szűrőkben (*?)
Mindenki azt mondta, hogy egy gyilkos vagy, de én
Nem tudom megállítani azt, ahogyan éreztem azon a napon, amikor
A lemezed kijött
Azon a napon, amikor láttam a fehér Mustang-od
A fehér Mustang-od
Azon a napon, amikor láttam a fehér Mustang-od
A fehér Mustang-od
Elkaptalak az álmaimban és elfelejtem
Hogy úgy viselkedtem, mint az armageddon, mert te
A karjaidban tartottál, egy kicsit túl szorosan is
És azt gondoltam,
A nyár a szeretésre és az elhagyásra való
Annyira bolond voltam, mert elhittem
Hogy megváltoztathatsz minden olyan módot, ahogy korábban éltél
De te csak nem tudtad abbahagyni
Azon a napon, amikor láttam a fehér Mustang-od
A fehér Mustang-od
Azon a napon, amikor láttam a fehér Mustang-od
A fehér Mustang-od
Felgyorsítod, felgyorsítod, felgyorsítod
És a hang rémisztő volt
És te részt vettél benne
Meg fogsz csapni, mint a villámlás
Fehér Mustang
A fehér Mustang-od
Azon a napon, amikor láttam a fehér Mustang-od
Azt mondtad, te egy vad musztáng vagy
Meg fogsz csapni, mint a villámlás
Meg fogsz csapni, mint a villámlás
Ha valami pontatlanságot észleltek, üzenetben vagy kommentben jelezzétek! :)