Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 5


Zumba Zum

I became a seamstress
And collapsed from my workload
I sew only for men, for men, for men
And my money rains down like leaves
I organized a system
Everyone has their own schedule
My store works until daybreak
So that people don't get fussy
I've got a plethora of customers
I just keep changing needles
The house and the streets are full
The needle goes zumba zum, zumba zum, zumba zum
Zumba zum, zumba zum, zumba zum

Caution Chauffeurs!

Halt chauffeur
Where are you hurrying?
Do not speed so fast in your vehicle
Because you cannot withstand the curb
And you will get injured somewhere
Don't you see
That death is everywhere around you
Because of your damned speeds
When the alcohol and fatigue takes it's toll
What awaits you no one knows, nor when
Do not drink as you sit in your car
Because you'll bring pain onto your loved ones
Do not wrap your mother in black
And leave behind orphaned children
All chauffeurs, let them know this
So that they may easier drive their vehicle
So that they may easier navigate the roads
Because then they will avoid an accident

Cajka from Novi Sad

Tsai-tsai-tsaika from Novi Sad
Tsai-tsai-tsamule, I will buy you heeled shoes
And white socks for thick legs
Again tsaika from Novi Sad
Entered the devil in the house, created a misfortune
Drank half a kilo
While he sang the tsaika
Again tsaika from Novi Sad
One woman fishes
She caught two fishes, lifted her head up to the attic
She caught a big fish, thick as your hand
The cook cooks a chicken
The chicken is raw
We will eat the the chicken
And kiss the cook
Tsai-tsai-tsaika from Novi Sad
Whenever a good wife leaves
Every husband gets a headache
'Hush husband why are you yelling
Tomorrow you have to wash everything
And cook me dinner and watch my kids
I'd love to help, but I must go to the cafe'
Again tsaika from Novi Sad
Borislav got married
And got into a fight with Stanoyka
Pots and pans flying
And rolling pans and lids
And now, the other men don't wanna get married
These men that get married
Change their wife every week
The older ones are in no rush
They wait three months and then take off
Oh Miloyka, wink at a guy ohh....

Herbal Nurse

Kukukukukuku if you have a heasache (x2)
I'll give you the medicine, to live 100 years (x2)
I wear a skirt with two pockets
I became a Herbal Nurse
I cure diseases, I heal wounds
Because the governmenet doesn't forbid me to do so
If someone needs medicine, I'm the pharmacy to go to
I raise the stomach, fold the naval
And I give a dry shave
Moulin Rouge, Moulin Rouge,
My 5th husband has died
I gave all them the herb
Of Hellebore, Hellebore
I copy the recipes
I'm already cooking up the cure in my head
I recognized every illness
Even when you have cancer
I cured Stanimir
He had ulcers in his stomach
And rheumatism still on his bones
God, please forgive his soul
Recipe, Recipe
To the black cat, I say shoo
Cuz when it passes you by
You too, will die
Boil tea just like eggs
And don't worry about misfortunes
You'll feel an increased heartrate
You'll be faster than a pig
When I mix different herbs
I raise many heads
When you bond different herbs
Even the handicapped can move
Raskovnik, Raskovnik
I'm familiar with every trick
By the recipe I go step by step,
One two, One two
When a woman isn't fertile
And she can't have anymore kids
Let her just drink some grass
And she'll be back to the way she was
When your wife is nagging you
Just give her some nerium
Yes, that plant is worth money
It stops every fight
Neirum, Neirum
Every womam isn't fair
That's why her husband beats her
Left and Right
If someone asks me
Stone-soup is for every woman
And the most beautiful, just like a Goddess
Approach him just like a shruberry
Juice from radish and whey
Has been known to extinguish every illness
If it still persists after that
Then it's necessary to pray
Black coal, green dish
You cannot hide from your faith
You've stepped on the track
Poor you, poor you
I cook grass and hyoscyama
And municiple tax-collectors
Cuz they need soemthing from me
So my tax becomes lower
I left behind a thick furrow
From my teas I buy a mazda
And from hay and blossoms
I have 5 cottages
Hahaha, hahaha
From the hyoscyama I make tea
When you drink that tea
The crazy runs around confused
If your peer listens to you
Then your throat sings
And if he doesn't listen
He will end up doing penance
I even heal doctors with my tea
When they battle an illness for long
When the illness has gotten so severe
That not even the needle will help
Squeeze, Squeeze
When the cigarette burns out
Not even I can help
Oh, fate is cruel
Kukukukukuku if you have a headache
I'll give you the medicine, to live 100 years...

Marriage is harder than taxes

My mother decided to wed me
So she gave me countless occupations to choose from
So I can get married and settle down
And to get rid of my worries
For a doctor
With a doctor there's lots of medicine
But his woman is short lived
Through his stethoscope
He listens to the heart of teen girls
For a blacksmith
A blacksmith hammers nails
And that is greatly heard
The noise is heard far away
Of the girls he makes shout
For a fisherman
He always steps in water
His woman he seldom watches
His underpants are always wet
And for dinner he never knows what he wants
For a hairdresser
He lathers other women with soap
And always lies to his own
With his cologne he sprays away
And that fools other women
For a tradesman
If I choose a tradesman
I have clothes and I have money
His thumb is thick though
Oh dear mother, what do I have there
For a (folk) shoe maker
He weaves and crotches (folk) shoes
He never has money mother
Will I have faith in him
When everyone takes their share?
With his women there's always fire
A fire that he considers only a spark
He lights one up, and puts the other out
With a guy like that, you don't know whose you are
And a director
His house just advances
Like his work
It just keeps going
So others just drive his woman to work
And a teacher
Education is thin ice
So he doesn't make enough not even for onions
Prepare 100 packages mother
Or look for a new son in law
And a server
Server's are full of good manners
His word is worth millions
He always says it'll come tomorrow
So I always wait every day
For a farmer
Don't tell me about farmers
That fate isn't easy
He always thinks of hybrids
And never goes from the field
For a drywaller
He plasters walls up high
And throws his glance at others
If these women were at least attractive
I'd be up there looking too
For a painter
All his earnings he drinks
And then hides away at others
He paints and dyes his woman
As another weaves his hat
For a lime worker
His gutters are crooked everywhere
So he always lives with a crisis
Whenever a pretty woman comes by
He shoves his own in the gutters
For a chauffeur
When he reaches for his blinker
He finds a girl beneath his hand
And in going fast he makes a mistake
And finds himself in a mess
For a bartender
3+5 is 28
I don't know who I am with him
When I lay with him in bed
He tells me that 0 is 9
For a tablemaker
In the cafe he chases fog
And his home doesn't have a door
Always messing up peoples stuff
So his woman waits an era
For a shoeshiner
With him it's always crooked
And he drinks everything by the kg
He drinks at night, naps at day
That's why he never has money
For a locksmith
He would be a real master
If he ever put his key in the lock
But there are master-keys in this world
So his woman takes one of them
For a sewer
He's always pricking something
And always nagging his woman
His machine is always going
His woman never gets a word in
Mom, I like my freedom now
Just like a fisherman only likes water
I don't need marriage mother
Because it's always harder than taxes