Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 108


Az Atya ül a trónusán

Versions: #2
Az Atya ül a trónusán,
a Pártfogónk a jobbján áll,
az Ő neve szent Szeretet,
Övének vall Ő engemet.
Tenyerén hordja éltemet,
szívébe véste nevemet,
trónja örökre szilárdan áll,
nincs erő, mely lerontaná,
Ha kishitűség tör reám,
s a Sátán újra sárba ránt,
csak föltekintek Őreá,
ki bűnöm fáját hordozá.
Szeplőtlen Bárány meghaltál,
kereszt oltárán megváltottál,
kiengesztelve jó Atyád,
ki Érted nékem megbocsát.
Feltámadt Bárány, letérdelünk,
véredben mossuk (meg) életünk,
örökké élő nagy Király,
dicsőség, béke száll ma rád!
Halállal meg nem halhatok,
drága vérével megváltott,
életem Benne rejtezik,
Krisztusban élettel telik.

My Cutie Pie

It's up to you, you can try to be like everyone else
You can try to be what other people like
But with me, you don't have to try so hard
When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you
Trust me when I say that you're really cute
You are enough, no more and no less
In my eyes, all I can see is your cuteness
In my eyes, you didn't realize, but I'm falling hard for you
Hey, you cutie, you're making me crazy in love
Where did you learn how to do that?
I can’t handle your cuteness, oh bae
I want to tell you, I want to hug you
Hey, you cutie, you're making me think about you all the time
Don't be like everyone else
Just be yourself
I love you just the way you are, my cutie pie
If you were me, who gets to look at you all day
If you were me, who gets to be so close to you every day
You will fall in love just the way I do
In my eyes, all I can see is your cuteness
In my eyes, you didn't realize, but I'm falling hard for you
Hey, you cutie, you're making me crazy in love
Where did you learn how to do that?
I can’t handle your cuteness, oh bae
I want to kiss you
Hey, you cutie!
You're making me think about you all the time
Don't be like everyone else
Just be yourself
I love you just the way you are, my cutie pie
Hey, you cutie, you're making me crazy in love
Where did you learn how to do that?
I can’t handle your cuteness, oh bae
I want to marry you
Hey, you cutie
You're making me think about you all the time
Don't be like everyone else
Just be yourself
I love you just the way you are, my cutie pie

Pandeminus 1

pandeminus 1
so many things planned
the whole calendar marked
sitting at home is a slow torture
to make it easier
always imagine something
for example, that this is a strategic boobytrap
now they will come
let them come closer
and only then use the grenade
it will blow out all the windows
the moment passed
maybe its a cut
can you put on a band-aid?
disinfect it
it's late, been sitting too long
time to go to sleep
eat watch read
need to reset my mind
all these things in the head
need to try to stop thinking
and imagining
so zero -1
pandeminus 1
maybe minus her
how she disappeared
can't be described with a few sentences
without exaggerations
the most tragic story
turn the page
applaud the doctors
and what could they do?
no medicine
well don't know, don't know
I will hold onto my opinion
when the enemy is nearby, traitors
maybe they just lost their minds
it is now that it went so far
unacceptably hopelessly painful
you really need to reset your mind
I know, it's hard, but try to calm down
all these things in the head
try to stop thinking and imagining
so zero
minus her
pandeminus 1
Be quiet just for a while
head is about to explode
and here you with your barking
no please
don't ask
me for any comments
how I pull this
what I feel
what I think about this
Hell, I don't know anything
Leave me the alone
don't watch don't read don't eat
with flowers
when I plant them and water
I am a typical introvert
that can't be introverted
and isolated
when the whole world is introvert
I am sitting abject
what else do you want?
something changed
had something broke and bent?
if to postpone this apocalypse
the country is on fire
flammable alcohol
and hydrogen peroxide
where to replace the carbon valve
to continue filtration
if you all approve
I continue my report
pandeminus 1

A költö egy költemény

A költö egy költemény, napi 24 órán át.
A költö alkémista, aki a mindennapokra ránehezedö
ólomból aranyat képes kovácsolni.
A költeményei önmagukért beszélnek.

Miért Hallgatunk Zenét?

Hogy megszabaduljunk a gondjainktól és hogy egy kellemes életet élhessünk
Hogy tudjunk egy kicsit szórakozni

Miért Nevetünk?

Hogy megmutassuk, boldogok vagyunk
Néha azért, hogy leplezzük a bennünk lévő fájdalmat

Elegem Van Ebből

Elegem van ebből a világból mostmár, elegem van a létezésből
Ennyi érzéketlen és tapintatlan ember között
Elegem van az országom rendőrjeiből
Elegem van abból, hogy elengedik a bűnözőket
Elegem van abból, hogy az emberek beleszólnak a jogainkba
Ez maradt Mustafa Kemal Ataturkból?
Mekkora tudatlanság!

Hívás a hegyekből

A hullámok ellen, kardjainkkal a kezeinkben
A tenger ellen, a hátunkat a falnak támasztva
A harag ellen, mely ellenségeink szemeiben lángol
A vihar ellen, mely erősen az arcunkba csap
A hívás az égbolton keresztül jön
Egy kiáltás, a darvaktól, miközben repülnek
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
Mi az a vihar, mely legbelül ösztönöz minket?
Mi ez a vágy, mely az arcunkat felemeli?
Mi ez a hang, mely e fekete felhőkön keresztül tör?
Mit ígér nekem ennek a hárfának a hangja?
Egy kiáltás hangzik a szélen keresztül messziről
Egy ígéret, a darvak kiáltása mellett
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
A hang, mely a szélen keresztül jön, egy jelet ad nekem
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
Hívás a hegyekből
Hang az Alpokból, a hívás otthonról
A dal a hegyekből, a hang a szívemben
A dal a hegyekből

The Astromancer

Versions: #1
The laughing children gaze at a shining fallen star,
The telescope's bombarded with ashes from a hearth.
The peasants, drinking vodka, all dance around the flame
They killed the astromancer,1 erased the witch's name.
And how could I
Gain some more time to survive,
Just to stretch out the high?
And how could I
Weave my new path with the threads
Of unthinkable life?
The holy books are burning, erasing magic words,
Their most important mysteries are wiped from off the earth.
The secrets cast to heaven their melancholy eyes

Well-packed Toitico

How's your coffee?
How was your water and panela?
The arepas that Doña Rubiela prepares are so good!
And how about the ajiaco, in the chill of the morning?
And the taste of the potato I brought you fresh there on the sheet?
Pardon me, if I'm interrupting your breakfast
This is my best chance to clear up some questions.
Tell me if you're familiar with the grist
Or is sugar just a bag that they buy you at the store?
And tell me, what do you know of your land?
Tell me, what do you know of your grandmother?
Tell me, what do you know of corn?
Or maybe you've forgotten your ancestors and your roots?
Draw me the cacao tree, while you drink
that chocolate and toast
Tell me, Your Grace, what do you know of the hoe?
That's what gets your soup to the ladle
And tell me, what do you know of your land?
Tell me, what do you know of your grandmother?
Tell me, what do you know of corn?
Or maybe you've forgotten your ancestors and your roots?
Come and I'll regale you with stories of the orchard and the taro,
the yucca, the yota, the chontaduros, the quinoa, the lima beans and the guatila
I have guandú, arracachas and pumpkin for you,
I bring you bananas, as well as chachafruits
And some potatoes in my backpack
Oh, pardon me, Sir!
For my having been so imprudent
It's just that sometimes
these irreverent thoughts come to me
Why on earth would you want to know about the plow?
As long as you find well-packed toitico on the corner!

Nobody Knows

The man doesn't know how sad he will be
And how lonely one day.
He knows not too much, and if he knew
He would love as strong as before.
I remember how much I loved you.
I didn't understand why you run away
And what did you do with love
When you left from my life.
It's your fault, it's my fault
For everything that happened.
I wonder who will ever know
How to really love?
No one will ever know
How much it hurt me,
But I will mourn for what it once was
And today it's just the past.

Őszi ábránd

Itt az ősz megérkezett takard be valamivel szívemet,
egy lomb-árnyékkal, de inkább saját árnyékoddal.
Aggódom, nem mindig foglak majd látni,
hogy éles szárnyaim a felhőkig nőnek,
hogy elbújsz egy idegen szemüregbe,
mely bekebelez mint egy üröm levél.
És akkor közeledem a kövekhez és hallgatok
Fogom a szavakat és a tengerbe folytom
Süvöltöm a holdat, felkeltem és átváltoztatom
Egy nagy szerelemmé.


Oh you learned yet again yesterday
That someone had died in your house.
That was Andrew-the-junkie -
Another number is crossed out.
You pass by, staring down
What number day? It seems to be every [day]
A neighbor boy from your yard
Is running into the basement -
You don't care!
And you feel no guilt,
You seem to be not involved
But I consider indifference, complicity!
Close your eyes and turn your back
You don't need this pain
Why do you need others' life?
Your son and daughter are doing well at school anyway
Close your eyes, shut the door
And you're all in concrete armor
But rememebr that this beast
Passes straight through your cordons
You didn't expect that
You'd receive a call from the ambulance that day
Cause you had a home, a job and a family -
And a son heating up a spoon!
You lost at that very moment
When you turned your back once,
And when the neighbor's trouble
Became yours - you were horrified
They feel no guilt,
They're not involved
But you consider indifference, complicity!
Close your eyes and turn your back
You don't need this pain
Why do you need others' life?
Your son and daughter are doing well at school anyway
Close your eyes, shut the door
And you're all in concrete armor
But rememebr that this beast
Passes straight through your cordons
Close your eyes and turn your back!


Á, B, C, D, E
Az elején a betüket olvasod
Az az élet egy versnek tünik
Nem tudod, hogy repülhetsz
Egy papírrepülőn,
Azt mondta a matek tanár
'Istrate, te álmodsz, nem fogsz messzire haladni'
Elképesztő, hogyan telik az idő
Amilyen bonyolult, olyan egyszerű
Azt mondták, hogy nem lehetséges
De nem adtam igazat nekik,
És a legjobb része
Hogy az álmok valóra válnak.
Gyere velem
És fogsz tudni énekelni,
Még ha el is vesztetted
Mindent, ami számított
Van egy világ, ahol könnyű repülni
Gyere velem
És fessünk színeket,
A szürke égre, ott a felhőkön túl
Van egy világ, ahol könnyű repülni
Papírrepülőben, ie, ee
Papírrepülőben, ie, ee
És vágyakat írok a papírrepülőre
Amikor kicsi voltam ez egy álomnak tünt,
Ma egy új dal.
Albérletben lakom, tehát életben kell tartanom a reményt
Román vagyok, tehát keményen kell hajtanom
És kell legyen válaszom minden kérdésre
Annyira ver a szívem, mintha kardióznék
Amikor hallom a dalom a kubokban és a rádióban.
Azt mondták, hogy nem lehetséges
De nem adtam igazat nekik,
És a legjobb része, hogy az álmok valóra válnak.
Gyere velem
És fogsz tudni énekelni,
Még ha el is vesztetted
Mindent, ami számított
Van egy világ, ahol könnyű repülni
Gyere velem
És fessünk színeket,
A szürke égre, ott a felhőkön túl
Van egy világ, ahol könnyű repülni
Papírrepülőben, ie, ee
Papírrepülőben, ie, ee
És nincs motorja,
Nincs propellerje,
De könnyen repül.
A remény él, egy papírrepülőn
Van egy állomgyár ott a szívedben
Ne ad fel és le fogsz tudni szállni,
Gyere velem
És fogsz tudni énekelni,
Még ha el is vesztetted
Mindent, ami számított
Van egy világ, ahol könnyű repülni
Gyere velem
És fessünk színeket,
A szürke égre, ott a felhőkön túl
Van egy világ, ahol könnyű repülni
Papírrepülőben, ie, ee
Papírrepülőben, ie, ee

A weird Christmas

Weird holidays... I'm sick of all this fun.
It's winter, winter outside
And there's a moon in the magic sky
A candle's burning, it's dark all around
And we're celebrating Christmas
And outside the snowflakes are melting,
Outside someone is getting
Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us
Jesus Christ, our savior
Have mercy, mercy upon us
And don't leave us at this hour
And outside the dogs are barking
Outside someone is getting...
It's winter, winter outside
And there's a moon in the magic sky
A candle's burning, it's dark all around
And we're celebrating Christmas
And outside the snowflakes are melting,
Outside someone is getting


Kids were starina at a fallen star, laughing
And the ashes are flying away throug a telescope
And the peasants are drinking vodka, dancing around a bonefire
They've killed an astrologer, tore the sorcerer apart!
Oh how can I
Live my life a little bit longer
How can I prolong the pleasure?
Oh how can I
With whole new threads,
Sew my wonderful way?
The blind books are burning, so are the magic words
And the major secrets are going nowhere
And the mysteries show their sad eyes to the skies
The astrologer's been killed, the scoundrel's been torn apart!

Prologue. A killed love.

Oh ladies and gentlemen
Allow us to start
And show you a play
About death and love...
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!
Purity and incest
Gomorrah and Sodom
Betrayal and honor
And a midget with an axe!
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!
And who loved who -
Can't be told anymore
And who killed who -
We can't judge
Because the play about love
Was played by dead men
And the viewers, alas,
Have been all dead for a long time!
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!

Gray Mourning

A cat jumped onto the sun
The cat burned up there
Like a shadow, through the window
It's coming back to us
And so are grey shadows
In the burnt kittens' womb
We'll take the kittens
Under our gray banner
And we don't give a crap about the cat
A Chinese empress
Lived for two thousand years
And in some Chinese hospital,
She finally died
Come on, come on, on your own
With your last penny
Join us under our
Gray banner
While we still accept newcomers


Versions: #1
Come to me,
The gloom
Take me
Save me
Sing me a forgotten song
And take me with you.
It hurts
When you want to live so bad
And for no reason
You're running somewhere
In a negligee
Straight into nowhere
Where it will
Never ever
We drank our goodbye wine
To the bottom
And we're pretty okay with everything.
We gathered and burned
The dreams we had
And we feel no remorse at all.
Whole different clouds
Are probably waiting for us
And a different sky will call for us.
Just a little bit,
A tiny bit it will hurt
And it'll all go away itself
There's no beginning and there's no end
We'll paint the life by all the colors
Just like the first time, now and again -
We'll paint everything differently.
Even if we don't live at all
The life will pain itself
It'll find itself for everyone
Its colors, your colors!
There's no beginning and there's no end
And with a fresh start, yet again
We'll paint the life by all the colors

A weird Christmas

Weird holidays... I'm sick of all this fun.
It's winter, winter outside
And there's a moon in the magic sky
A candle's burning, it's dark all around
And we're celebrating Christmas
And outside the snowflakes are melting,
Outside someone is getting
Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us
Jesus Christ, our savior
Have mercy, mercy upon us
And don't leave us at this hour
And outside the dogs are barking
Outside someone is getting...
It's winter, winter outside
And there's a moon in the magic sky
A candle's burning, it's dark all around
And we're celebrating Christmas
And outside the snowflakes are melting,
Outside someone is getting


Kids were starina at a fallen star, laughing
And the ashes are flying away throug a telescope
And the peasants are drinking vodka, dancing around a bonefire
They've killed an astrologer, tore the sorcerer apart!
Oh how can I
Live my life a little bit longer
How can I prolong the pleasure?
Oh how can I
With whole new threads,
Sew my wonderful way?
The blind books are burning, so are the magic words
And the major secrets are going nowhere
And the mysteries show their sad eyes to the skies
The astrologer's been killed, the scoundrel's been torn apart!

Prologue. A killed love.

Oh ladies and gentlemen
Allow us to start
And show you a play
About death and love...
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!
Purity and incest
Gomorrah and Sodom
Betrayal and honor
And a midget with an axe!
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!
And who loved who -
Can't be told anymore
And who killed who -
We can't judge
Because the play about love
Was played by dead men
And the viewers, alas,
Have been all dead for a long time!
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!
A killed love!
A killed love!
A killed love
In the dead men's theater!

Gray Mourning

A cat jumped onto the sun
The cat burned up there
Like a shadow, through the window
It's coming back to us
And so are grey shadows
In the burnt kittens' womb
We'll take the kittens
Under our gray banner
And we don't give a crap about the cat
A Chinese empress
Lived for two thousand years
And in some Chinese hospital,
She finally died
Come on, come on, on your own
With your last penny
Join us under our
Gray banner
While we still accept newcomers

Humbly I Pray

With this sacred pipe I send my prayer
With this sacred pipe I send my prayer, (I say it unto you)
Help me, with my struggles in this world, you watch over me
With this sacred pipe I send my prayer,
I send my prayer to you