Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 10



Versions: #1
Dan dabadan dabadan...
You, let's stay here let's stay there
There's love at dinner and you
Tell me yes if you feel like
My bed is strong and you
Weigh a bit more than foam rubber
You, why you aren't here
And I'm taking off my clothes
You, how old you think I am
I have a strange job
You, come on you know it
You, seen by close,are more beautiful than ever
Kisses that last a minute
You never give, never give
Who let you in?
You, that burn me it's you
And even my extra gear
And a bit of crazyness
As much as it's enough because you
Like her are not mine
If you make love with me
I will sing you as you were a song
I will sing and I will wake up walking
Who is dreaming more than me
In the world it's just you and me
Sad girl, I will sing
To the rain to fall down
To the wind to calm down
To the sky to be more blue
And smile at me, you
Dan dabadan dabadan...
Dan dabadan dabadan...
You, wouldn't be you
A soap bar that
Slipping is not there
Tell me that it's an hour
That you need me
That i oxygenate you more
Tell me that you aren't
a mirage, but you
I will sing and I will wake up walking
Who is dreaming more than me
In the world it's just you and me
Sad girl, I will sing
To the rain to fall down
To the wind to calm down
To the sky to be more blue
And smile at me, you
Dan dabadan dabadan...


Christmas '76, it's too cold for Jesus
that at the first snatch he did not go down
Council houses upon me, two or maybe three parents
Shreds of Sicily in the mists, divided by
They are all still there and still dream sands
I left school on Monday, full of sand
Taking the law has become a fever
and courage is not but a syringe for me
It's the law of Menga, but you cry in prison too
The memory fades
and even a woman gets lost if for a while she doesn't tighten
Bank of America, you want it to be
Ten million to be divided in three
It says << If you want the stuff give me the danè ('money' in Milanese dialect)
... if you want to sleep and also love her
it takes a bit of this hell now >>
<< Marshal, you have family. What are you doing? ... No, get up >>
I've never known anything but cages in my life
If he/she waited for me I would live, but it would be too beautiful
Do me a favor Jesus, make this hook that holds
Let the blue be away from these cages soon
I've never known anything but cages in my life
If he/she waited for me I would live, but it would be too beautiful
Do me a favor Jesus, make this hook that holds
Don't leave me down here, not like a eagle in a cage

The Song of Truth

I sang certain stories,
and they were always mine:
the defeats and the victories
and my poetry.
In the twists of life,
how long does a round last?
But the masks I put on—
they will never change me.
How much of a road do I have left?
How many places have I known?
How many times have I moved
to search for something better—
always running faster—
never knowing where you are going.
But the mechanics of time
never influence me.
No, man—
it is not only a matter of speed—
it is not the night ahead
that makes us feel so fragile—
that robs us of our happiness:
the truth,
is that we never have
It is not that you lack
desire or fantasy
in this fleeting time—
and what makes us feel so weak
and robs us of our happiness:
the truth,
is that we never have
How many nights have I wasted
bombarding myself with questions?
How many people have I known
that I should have known better?
And how many deeper wounds
from which you will never recover?
But the cuts received—
they will never hold me down.
No, man—
it is not only a matter of speed—
it is not the night ahead
that makes us feel so fragile—
that takes away our happiness:
the truth,
is that we never have
it is not that you lack
desire or fantasy
in this fleeting time—
and what makes us feel so weak
and robs us of our happiness:
the truth,
is that we never have
is that we never have

Almost Almost

It's in my memory
inside my soul
a habit that
struggles to go away
Almost almost almost almost you're there
you slowly overlap her
that way you smile
can't be regretted, you know
A feeling can't
end up being nothing, it can't
I open my arms like this
and hug everyone, I do
look, look, look, look who's there
a great new love for me
I'm coming back to existence
and I don't want to resist anymore
See, see, see, see over there
how many colorful meadows over there
it looks like a picture to paint
but that flower wants to emerge, you.
It does hurt a little
it melts, a tear flows
sugar and salt in the heart
little big pain
Almost almost almost almost you're there
you slowly overlap her
that way you smile
is unmistakable, you know
How good it is to be together now
a great tree is growing, us
in the unfenceable space
no one is ever deletable, ever
Almost, almost, you know
almost, almost you're there
I feel you spreading inside me
the present comes back to life, you
See, see over there
a floating cloud
it looks like a picture to paint
life is so fascinating.
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Diamond Seashell

A hot wind smells and walks with me
Eating strawberries I have a sweet taste of you
And so, inside a journey as such, I see a different wave
And I re-emerge with you, each time with you
floating in the air, sailing
For you, I will live on a diamond wave
I will love you by winning the current
And it will be a game for us
A great day has that eternal taste with you
Do not limit the planets for me
They are too strong for me
And so, in my dream as such
I redraw a life
It forms better
Each time a little better
We will follow the waves by sailing on them
It is right to re find ourselves here
On the swing we are here
Indivisible for he who has lost time
And shipwrecked I will live with you
Holding each other by the hand
Between your arms
(That from the source will open)
I will dive, sailing through
I will be the most important ocean
(I will follow the water source)
Together to you diamond seashell
Because like you, they don't exist anymore
I have no more alibis with you
I have just a feeling in me
And it will be an ark that immerses wealth in us
the tenderness that
I will live on a diamond wave
Sailing with you
I will love you by winning the current
I will love you by winning the current
I wiIl get on the ark finally
I will get on the ark finally
Together with you diamond seashell
And it will be a game for us
The wave is reborn with you to love each other more
The wave is reborn with you to not lose each other anymore
The wave is reborn with you to love each other more
The wave is reborn with you to not lose each other anymore, to love each other more


Versions: #4
you're missing in the air,
you're missing to a hand
that works slowly.
You're missing to this mouth
that no longer touches food.
And always this story
that I call Gloria.
Gloria, on your hips,
the sun rises in the morning,
hate enters and love comes out
with the name, Gloria.
you're missing in the air,
you're missing like the salt,
you're missing more than the sun.
Melt this snow,
that suffocates my chest!
I'm waiting for you, Gloria.
Gloria, (Gloria)
country church, (Gloria)
water in the desert, (Gloria)
I leave my heart open. (Gloria)
Escape without making noise
from work, from your bed.
By the steps of an altar
I'm waiting for you, Gloria.
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah,
for those who light up the day
and, instead of sleeping,
with the memory go back
to a dive in the poppies,
in a free land,
for those who breathe fog,
for those who breathe anger,
for me that without Gloria,
with you, naked on the sofa,
I'm making cardboard stars
thinking about Gloria.
you're missing in the air,
you're missing like the salt,
you're missing more than the sun.
Melt this snow,
that suffocates my chest!
I'm waiting for you, Gloria.
Gloria, (Gloria)
country church, (Gloria)
water in the desert, (Gloria)
I leave my heart open. (Gloria)
Escape without making noise
from work, from your bed.
By the steps of an altar
I'm waiting for you, Gloria.
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.

Another life

How old are you - You are here because
how many promises have you done to end this way
knocking at the door in order not to die
when in the dark can only cry near a god.
Perhaps you have already touched the bottom
hours can really, I'm not talking about that
I am partly foreigner.
Start here another life
spring is back between your fingers
will live until for his eyes
only then we will - for eternity.
Next to you - I will be there I
not hesitate if you can back my dear friend
it happens sometimes really, is the magic that I thee
lighting the fire more true
and burns all why.
Start here - is not over
spring and is back in my life
as long as I live - inside your eyes
only then we will - and will be for eternity.
Start here - is not over
spring and is back in my life
as long as I live - inside your eyes
only then we will - and will be for eternity.
As long as I live - inside your eyes
only then we will - and will be for eternity.

Szeretlek teged

Szeretlek teged
Feldobok egy ermet
a levegobe, szeretlek teged
ha fej az azt jelenti vege
engedd, hogy szeressuk egymast, szeretlek teged
almaimban, szeretlek
ferfi vagyok aki szive melyen
nem rideg,
az agyban en parancsolok
de megis reszketek
melleid elott
gyulollek es szeretlek teged
egy pillango aki szarnyait verdesve elpusztul
a szerelem amit az agyban atelunk
vedd el a masik felemet is
ma visszaterek hozza
Majus elsejen, batorsag!
En szeretlek teged
s bocsanatodat kerem,
emlekszel meg ki vagyok?
Nyisd ki az ajtodat egy sekihazi (szarhazi) harcosnak
s adj konnyu borodbol
mit akkor keszitettel mikor en nem voltam ott
s a lenvaszon agynemun
adj almot
egy kisfiurol
aki lovakkal almodik s visszater
s adj egy kis munkat
hagyd, hogy oleljek egy not aki enekelve vasal
s aztan bolondozzunk kicsit
mielott szeretkezunk
oltoztesd at haragodat bekebe
es szoknyadat emeld meg a fenyben
En szeretlek teged
s bocsanatodat kerem,
emlekszel meg ki vagyok?
Nyisd ki az ajtodat egy sekihazi (szarhazi) harcosnak
s adj konnyu borodbol
mit akkor keszitettel mikor en nem voltam ott
s a lenvaszon agynemun
adj almot
egy kisfiurol
aki lovakkal almodik s visszater
s adj egy kis munkat
hagyd, hogy oleljek egy not aki enekelve vasal
s aztan bolondozzunk kicsit
mielott szeretkezunk
oltoztesd at haragodat bekebe
es szoknyadat emeld meg a fenyben
en szeretlek teged, szeretlek teged.

Tengeri emberek

Mi akik alföldi emberek vagyunk
Tökéletes sofőrjei a városnak
A tenger minket kicsit elrettent
A túlzott szabadság gondolatától
Mégis sós a hajunk
Lelkünkben ott van a mély tenger
Didergő nők a sáljukban
Akik arra várnak amiről mit sem tudnak.
Tengeri emberek akik elmennek
Odamennek ahol jó, amit nem ismernek.
Emberek kik a nosztalgiába halnak bele
De egy nappal később a visszatérésük után
Belehalnak az útra kelés iránti vágytól.
(Tengeri emberek)
És amikor megállunk a tengerparton
(Emberek elmennek)
Az égboltra irányuló tekintet elmegy
(Tengeri emberek)
Az elsodort gondolatokat hozzák el nekünk
A túlzott szabadság gondolatát.
Tengeri emberek akik elmennek
Odamennek ahol jó, amit nem ismernek.
Kalóz emberek akik nincsenek többé
Messzi emberek akik a szívbe elhozzák
Ezt a nagy kék testvért.
Túl a tengeren, van valaki
Van valaki aki semmit sem tud rólad.
Tengeri emberek akik elmennek
Odamennek ahol jó, amit nem ismernek.
Mi ennek a városnak a foglyai
Csak a mának és a tegnapnak élünk
Valóság leszegez minket
És a tengeri emberek elmennek.