Holiday Pass
Holiday pass, you are the prettiest of all passesHoliday pass, and when you take me to my homeland
Where a girl is still waiting
Oh girl, you are the prettiest of all that's pretty
Oh girl, you long for me night and day
And loved only me, always
Oh soldier, you are a man who can bear everything
Oh soldier, you are a man who just laughs about everything
Oh soldier, and in a hot battle when death dances over us
You laugh at her, always
Oh homeland, you're more delicious than all vodka's
Oh homeland, you are the best of all that's good
Oh homeland, and when your sparkles shines in the glass
I can truly laugh again
Oh gloomy tomb, you will be the one to deny me life
Oh gloomy tomb, you're the rest that I will be given
Oh gloomy tomb, where the sun rises and casts its golden rays
Here the wind dances over graves, always