Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 9


Forbidden Fruit

It revolves around itself, unholy
Overlooking every call and sinking
Into the same dust it came from
Unmourned, unhonored, unsung
Like dead rain falling down onto acidic ground
Seeping into the soulless maw of the soil
In the ruins of ourselves,
embers smolder.
And while we stand up again,
new courage kindles.
Tell us, what have we done?
Is it really just because
the fruit from this tree was forbidden to us?
Our chance, abruptly squandered.
Punished, outcast, and banned
From the highly praised land,
because it was forbidden.
Because this kiss hits like a gunshot!
Tell me, how can this be? We are alone here.
And this kiss administers the gunshot!
Tell us, is there no forgiveness? Can we free ourselves?
Forbidden fruit
Solidified in sunlight
On borders that one believes in
Continually stripped of freedom
Long since robbed of mercy
Stuck to the horizon
Not further than one falls
and looks out through the cell
Like the big wide world
Tell us, what have we done?
Is it really just because
the fruit from this tree was forbidden to us?
Our chance, abruptly squandered.
Punished, outcast, and banned
From the highly praised land,
because it was forbidden.
Because this kiss hits like a gunshot!
Tell me, how can this be? We are alone here.
And this kiss administers the gunshot!
Tell us, is there no forgiveness? Can we free ourselves?
Forbidden fruit
It revolves around itself, unholy
Overlooking every call and then sinking
Into the dust it once came from
Unmourned and unsung


I slit my throat
To see if I'm still alive,
And out of the way,
My soul splinters into pieces

My Love

Blinding light,
Day after day,
Far too fast,
Head infarct*,
Your soul collapses
I am the one who stands by you,
Who strengthens you, who protects you,
So that you don't freeze me to death here
My love will support you forever,
You will never be alone again,
Til the end of these dark times,
Untouched, it will free you
Far too loud to understand,
Far too much to accept it,
Far too cold to endure
I'm your shield, I'm your sword,
I'm the word that proves itself,
So that the meaning isn't lost

Az időd lejár

Nem tudom, ki akarsz lenni
Ahogyan itt állsz előttem
Hogy mit érzel
Amikor így összezavarsz
Nem lehetek az, mi te vagy
Nem maradhatok, ha te mész
S ezt nem fogod megbocsátani
Soha többé
Az időd lejár
Többé nem látjuk egymást
Leszállok a trónról
Hogy megérthessem a jeleket
Minden, ami létezik, eltűnik
A jövő ismeretlen
A vég már régen meghatározott
Akkor is, ha elfelejtették
Nem akarom látni, mi történik
De a hideg megcsókolt és felébredtem
Soha nem bocsátok meg neked
Egyedül vagyunk
Az időd lejár
Többé nem látjuk egymást
Leszállok a trónról
S a világ egyszerűen megáll
Amikor így összezavarsz
Nem lehetek az, mi te vagy
Nem maradhatok, ha te mész
Amit a fájdalom teremt az soha hiányzik
És többé nem bocsátasz meg

Attempt to live

In my dream
I can see
You standing in front of me
That will never fade away
Every night
In my dream
You cry softly
But you had to go
We believed so strongly
That nothing could tear us apart
We lived like the day
That was best for us
The world meant nothing to us
It was too pale and vapid
But in the same way
We never saved anything1
The path that we like
Us against the rest of the world
Lead by our own lights
And we had no doubts
Lived experience of self-deception
We never got enough
Because that was clear to us
So clear like nothing else
And this one moment
It comes back every night
This pleading in your eyes
But still you had to go
You still had to go
You had to go
  • 1. As in saving money etc.
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


The last dance

Kindred spirits, but we barely know each other
We rush through life and lose our dream
Death destroys everything and is not yet finished
While one thing comes to an end, another begins
We would like to believe that there is a higher reason
For what happens, so that it is less terrifying
Because life is chaos, determined by random
Convinced of our destiny, because otherwise we'd drown in fear
This is the very last dance with you
Only whoever knows how to treasure the moment
Only they are created for eternity
Whoever only know what they have when they've lost it
Will perish guilty when they notice it's too late
This is the very last dance with you
The world shines before me with your radiance
This is the very last dance with you
You turn like the autumn leaf is dancing with me
The world shines before me with your radiance
This is the very last dance with you
The world shines before me with your radiance
This is the very last dance with you
Then you shine before me beautiful and sublime
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.


The fall

We are born alone
There is no reunion
We lied to each other so often
And don't want to admit it
No word is lost
There is no way back
And if we both die
Then that's our luck
We feel chosen
We don't want to take responsibility for anything
Not built1 long enough
To ever step back
We've lost many battles
But we never backed off
And if we die here now
Then that's our luck
No word too far, we are so far away
One word too far and we will go down
No word too far, we are ready
To avoid war, to suffer alone
We were born too proud
To step back
We have betrayed each other
Instead of compromising
We feel lost
There is no way back
And so will the 'We' die now
And that's our luck
  • 1. 'Ausgegoren' more literally means 'fully fermented'. It's difficult to find an adequate translation here. 'Not made enough' is another alternative--e.g. in the phrase 'half-made man', 'halb ausgegorener Mann'. Suggestions welcome!
If you share my translations elsewhere, please link to this page/my profile and give me credit for my work. Corrections are always welcome.
