Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 6


Meg fogom találni a hazavezető utam

Kérdezed honnan is kezdjem
Bűneimben annyira elvesztem
Kérdezed a mélybe honnan zuhantam
Nem tudom megmondani mikor történt, nem én akartam
De ha lelkem elveszett azelőtt
Hogyan találom meg a mellettem levőt
Ne kérdez, nem vagyok egyedül
Valahogy hazatalálok végezetül.
Ha a napom az keleten kelne,
Szívem így nyugalomra lelne
És ha azt kérded ez mikor történik
Azt mondom a végével kezdődik
Tudod, a szabadság utáni vágyad
A szeretettből titokban szétárad
És beszélgetés alakítja majd fohászod
Valahogy magad egyszer csak otthon találod
Barátod melletted áll
És ősnyelven dumál
Egy alkalmi vágy valóra válik
Az összes évszak veled kezdődik
Egyazon világból származunk
A világmindenségben egybeolvadunk
Csak fogd a kezem és ott leszünk
Valahogy valahová majd elmegyünk
Valahogy valahová majd elmegyünk
Kérdezed honnan is kezdjem
Bűneimben annyira elvesztem
Kérdezed a mélybe honnan zuhantam
Nem tudom megmondani mikor történt
De ha lelkem elég kemény
Tudom nem tarthat soká: van remény
Nem kérdéses, nem vagyok társ nélkül
Valahogy hazatalálok legvégül
Valahogy hazatalálok legvégül
Valahogy hazatalálok legvégül
Valahogy hazatalálok legvégül

For us

Did you think my stream of sentences wasn't shortly interrupted
when I saw you
Do you doubt my awareness that you should be cherished
because you are different
Are you afraid that by my dragging around I don't know anymore
what my heart desires
I see in you so much more than cuddling and wild sex on DVD-nights
so much more
Because I see in you more than you dare to hope for
What I wish for us is to grow always
Every time when I am in bitch mode
Know that I really am trying to be present
I want to be for you who I really am
Without having to play a part
Like I did so before
Like I did so with others
Like my ego did so all the time
Do you feel me baby
Because I see in you more than you dare to hope for
What I wish for us is to grow always
Grow grow
Kick me when I'm lying on the ground so fragile
I won't be responsive or conditioned
But when you do decide to get to know me
Know that I will be brave
I will show myself to you
Because I see in you more than you dare to hope for
What I wish for us is to grow always
Because I see in you more than you dare to hope for
What I wish for us is to grow always
Grow grow
We grow


Day of wrath and doom impending
David's word with Sibyl's blending
Heaven and earth in ashes ending
Oh, what fear...

Monastery of La Rabida

From the deep, I exclaim to thee Lord
Lord, listen to my voice
And He shall redeem Irsrael
For ever and ever
From the deep, I exclaim to thee Lord
For ever and ever

Meeting mother

She was the first who showed me the moon
and the first snow on the spruces,
and the first rain.
Back then, I was as little as a tiny seashell,
and mother's black skirt rustling sounded like the Black Sea.
A night.
The oil in the lamp is burning out.
A mosquito laments around my ear.
Maybe it is you, mother, in the sky,
is it you, this trickle of stars?
Or the white sail on the lake?
Or a wave against the sloping shore?
Perhaps your hands have sprinkled
my manuscript with stardust?
The clouds, hollows, acorns and knots
have lighted up with great glare --
as if the whole world was a silver spruce,
a silver bittern singing songs.
The leafs begin to rustle,
the birds start singing,
My mother used to buy such candles,
They are dozing. A nice intention is dwelling in them.
Just arrange them and light them,
and see what goes out of them:
a precious, rounded face gleam in the candles.
Mother raises a finger. The wind will die away.
Kiss mother's hands and hair
then sprinkle the snow on the alley ways,
so it twinkles and crunches.
Then all the twinkling lights...

Exotic Perfume

Most cherished,
more than anything else...
until you get to understand well...
Ah, this life
what a so very beautiful life,
the most beautiful thing
I have in this life
is love
Love for life
love for others
and love for oneself