A keresés eredménye oldal 21
Találatok száma: 1138
Idegen odabent
Ez a nap az eddigi legrosszabb lehet
Egyszerűen nem tudok fellélegezni, nem kapok levegőt
Mert elegem van, belefáradtam abba, hogy majd jobban leszel
Mégis honnan tudod, tán gondolatolvasó vagy?
Szóval, addig vegyél, amíg csak tudsz, hogy megfelelj az igényeknek
Az őrületem az, amiben te kiteljesedsz
Tépd hát ki a lelkemből, hogy a végén mindenki megtudja
Mi sosem voltunk barátok
Valaha is, érezted már magad annyira elveszettnek, nem szeretettnek legbelül
Hogy majdnem belehaltál?
Valaha is, léptél már ki a fényből, és rájöttél
Egy idegen van benned?
Ne rajtam töltsd ki a tudatlanságodat
Nem vagyok felkészületlen a féltékenységedre
És tudom, hogy azt hiszed, nem látom a jeleket
Mégis honnan veszed, tán vaknak tűnök?
Szóval, addig vegyél, amíg csak tudsz, hogy megfelelj az igényeknek
Az összeroppanásom az, amiben te kiteljesedsz
Tépd hát ki a lelkemből, hogy a végén mindenki megtudja
Én vagyok a törés, te pedig a megtört
Valaha is, érezted már magad annyira elveszettnek, nem szeretettnek legbelül
Hogy majdnem belehaltál?
Valaha is, léptél már ki a fényből, és rájöttél
Egy idegen van benned?
Egy idegen odabent
Valaha is, érezted már magad annyira elveszettnek, nem szeretettnek legbelül
Hogy majdnem belehaltál?
Valaha is, léptél már ki a fényből, és rájöttél
Egy idegen van benned?
Valaha is, érezted már magad elveszettnek legbelül?
Valaha is, léptél már ki a fényből, és rájöttél
Egy idegen van benned?
(Soha többé, soha nem hátrálok meg, soha nem hátrálok meg
Soha többé, soha nem hátrálok meg, soha nem hátrálok meg)
Nem kívánnám ezt akárkinek
De úgy tűnik, veled egyezik az impluzusunk
Nem venném el ezt akárkitől
De úgy tűnik, neked tetszik a végeredmény
Összekötöm a pontokat, és te megmondhatod, mikor álljak le
De én inkább folytatnám, minthogy olyasvalami legyek, ami nem vagyok
A szokás rabjai vagyunk, nem tudunk nélküle létezni
Nem kell válaszolnunk senkinek
Üldözzük a nyulat, mint a szokás rabjai
És senki más nem tudja, honnan jövünk
És soha nem változik meg semmi, mert nem futamodok meg
Nincs szükség a pánikra, mert ugyanolyan végzetes vagy
A szokás rabjai vagyunk, nem kell válaszolnunk
Nem nyűgöz le akármi
De az adott körülmények között (Soha többé, soha nem hátrálok meg)
Te leszel a magányos, én megvédelek
Amikor már minden esélyedet eljátszottad
Összekötöm a pontokat, és te megmondhatod, mikor álljak le
De én inkább folytatnám, minthogy olyasvalami legyek, ami nem vagyok
A szokás rabjai vagyunk, nem tudunk nélküle létezni
Nem kell válaszolnunk senkinek
Üldözzük a nyulat, mint a szokás rabjai
És senki más nem tudja, honnan jövünk
És soha nem változik meg semmi, mert nem futamodok meg
Nincs szükség a pánikra, mert ugyanolyan végzetes vagy
A szokás rabjai vagyunk, nem kell válaszolnunk
A szokás rabjai vagyunk, nem tudunk nélküle létezni
Nem kell válaszolnunk senkinek
Üldözzük a nyulat, mint a szokás rabjai
És senki más nem tudja, honnan jövünk (Soha többé, soha nem hátrálok meg)
És soha nem változik meg semmi (Semmi nem változik)
Mert nem futamodok meg (Soha nem futok)
Nincs szükség a pánikra, mert ugyanolyan végzetes vagy
A szokás rabjai vagyunk, nem kell válaszolnunk
(Soha többé, soha nem hátrálok meg
Soha nem hátrálok meg, soha nem hátrálok meg, soha nem hátrálok meg...)
Vedd fel, vedd fel, vedd fel
Vedd fel a telefont
Te magad mondtad, félsz az egyedülléttől
Te magad mondtad, hogy fel tudod törni a kódot
De a hallott statikus állapot önállóságra késztet
Remélem, készen állsz, kitartó vagy, keresztül törsz a terhen
A dráma, a trauma, nem játszd a primadonnát
Istenem, te magad mondtad, hogy sosem állnál le
Amíg meg nem érezted, ahogy a tű leesik
Ezért most pakolod a táskáid
Az összejövetel olyan húzós
És bárki megmondja, te mérgezed a hangulatot
De nincsenek hibák
Kivéve, amiket csináltál
Tudnod kell, hol a helyed
Mert hamarosan nehezebb lesz
Hamarosan beindul
Így van, mert lövöm, lendítem a napalmot
Vagyis, senki se mozduljon
Mert azért jöttem, hogy figyelmeztesselek
Az ördög a szomszéd szobában van
A csend, a csend
A vakító ultra erőszak
Kopogtat az ajtódon
Futkos össze-vissza
Mi lesz most?
A suttogások és sikolyok
A sztereotip profilalkotási rituálé
Gonosz és obszcén
Ezért most pakolod a táskáid
Az összejövetel olyan húzós
És bárki megmondja, te mérgezed a hangulatot
De nincsenek hibák
Kivéve, amiket csináltál
Tudnod kell, hol a helyed
Mert hamarosan nehezebb lesz
Hamarosan beindul
Így van, mert lövöm, lendítem a napalmot
Vagyis, senki se mozduljon
Mert azért jöttem, hogy figyelmeztesselek
Az ördög a szomszéd szobában van
Mert hamarosan nehezebb lesz
Hamarosan beindul
Így van, mert lövöm, lendítem a napalmot
Vagyis, senki se mozduljon
Mert azért jöttem, hogy figyelmeztesselek
Az ördög a szomszéd szobában van
(Nehéz, nehéz, nehéz)
Így igaz, az ördög a szomszéd szobában van
(Nehéz, nehéz, nehéz)
Így igaz, az ördög a szomszéd szobában van
(Nehéz, nehéz, nehéz)
Vagyis, senki se mozduljon
Mert azért jöttem, hogy figyelmeztesselek
Az ördög pontosan melletted van
Bird on a briar
Bird on a briar, bird, bird on a briar,
Mankind is come of love, love thus craves.
Blissful bird, have pity on me,
Or dig, love, dig thou for me my grave.
I am so blithe, so bright, bird on briar,
When I see that handmaid in the hall:
She is white of limb, lovely, true,
She is fair and flower of all.
Might I her at my will have,
Steadfast of love, lovely, true,
From my sorrow she may me save
Joy and bliss would renew me.
Witness my predicament, my friends (neighbours), as I shall relate it to you:
[What] never has there been, neither in the past, nor in your lifetime,
A [similar] heart, ungoverned, without lord or sultan,
That threw me down a well, with broken stairs
Where, yearning to drown, I descend the steps of my downfall,
I climb back up and down again, always faced with high seas.
It (she) fell, my building, its foundations collapsed
We're coming, we're coming, you damn rabble!
We're coming, we're coming, you damn rabble!
Face us and start shaking out of fear!
Look, the fields of Thrace
Are full of countless warriors.
The enemy has enslaved our land,
He tramped on it for centuries.
The day for retribution has come.
The war horn is calling for us.
Let bright faith in our strength
Warms our hearts!
Over the Balkan and Rilla
Peace and harmony will reign!
We're coming, we're coming, you damn rabble!
Face us and start shaking out of fear!
Look, the fields of Thrace
Are full of countless warriors.
A szíved
Még mikor alszol is téged nézlek
(téged nézlek)
A fénylő angyal elcsábította a sötét vámpírt
(sötét vámpír)
Közel vagy, mégis végtelenül messze
Felébreszted bennem az embert
Te vagy a fény a sötét éjszakában
(sötét éjszaka)
Egy sötét hős vagyok, aki téged őriz
(téged őriz)
Maradj mellettem, majd ébreszd fel bennem az embert
A szívedbe nézek és felismerem benne magamat
és mégsem leszek soha a világod része
érezlek, érezlek, osztozom a fájdalmadban
ha keresel, akkor csak nézz a szívedbe
A szívemet a kezedben tartod
(a kezedben)
Soha nem ismertem ilyet, mint a szerelem
Megszelidített, a szívem megbénult
Felébreszted a bennem lévő embert
Egy darab belőled (soha nem leszek)
Most pedig itt állunk (együtt egyedül)
De neked adom a szívemet
A szívedbe nézek és felismerem benne magamat
és mégsem leszek soha a világod része
érezlek, érezlek, osztozom a fájdalmadban
ha keresel, akkor csak nézz a szívedbe
(A szívedbe nézek és felismerem benne magamat)
(és mégsem leszek soha a világod része)
soha a világod része!
(érezlek, érezlek)
ouh, érezlek Baby, Babe
Ha keresel, akkor csak nézz a szívedbe
Fragments of love
My feelings are always painful and miserable
Now you leave by the door and your footsteps go away
For this love that always cries when we meet
Only I shrug my shoulders and plug my ears to words
All came too late, I'm lonely today too
The fragments of a frozen love stick into my cold body
A word that it's always disheartening is 'goodbye'
When I start forgetting it, the passage of time carves it in my chest
I was always stumbling hiding my sadness
Only I search for the whereabouts of the love I lost
All came too late, I'm lonely today too
The love storm I hoped to end, sticks into my withered heart
Secret love of tears
Secret love, even if I'm loved, there are only sighs
Secret love, to touch my sadness
Secret love, even if I'm hurt, there's only tenderness
Secret love, damped in tears even with a kiss
On a corner of the room where you used to come and go
Leaning against the wall with no lights turned on
Secret love, without being able to tell my memories to nobody
Secret love, now I look like a husk
In front of the door that I opened with the key
With the chin in a hand and no lights turned on
Secret love, without being able to tell my memories to nobody
Secret love, bonds were broken making noise
Unconsciously I liked you
Unconsciously I dreamed of you
Unconsciously I knew your name
Unconsciously I was walking by the city
Unconsciously I found your house
Unconsciously I opened the phone book
Unconsciously I started to walk with you
Unconsciously time passed
Unconsciously I started to live with you
Unconsciously we couldn't beak up
Cool man boogie
In Ginza, Harajuku, Roppongi
Baggy tops and hip bone skirts
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Afro hair, lame shirts
London boots, three piece suits
Rings, pierces and pendants
Cheeky striped trousers
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Coo, coo, coo, cool man
An empty appearance in the surface
Smoke, mirrors and deception, why?
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Youngs of now, discotheques
Jitterbug, twist and boogie woogie
All year long from morning to night
Staring at the fashion book
(Cool man) I wanna be
(Cool man) I can't be
(Cool man) I gotta be
That's the cause of my problems, right?
Coo, coo, coo, cool man
I dream to be an adoring cool man
In the room with the blinds fully open
The summer light surges
Like the coldness of an ice cube
Your words melt tenderly
'You kept me waiting. Will you laugh saying it's a detour?'
If we reached here it's a success, success
A woman waits with the face of yesterday
By the window with the blinds half closed
The light interweaves, like a striped pattern
Relaxing on a rocking chair
Only your voice chases me
'You kept me waiting. Only you gave me troubles'
If we reached here it's a success, success
A woman cries with the face of today
In the room with the blinds totally down
Light doesn't pass, it's a momentary sea
The afternoon of sighs passes painfully
And I entrust my body to your words
'You kept me waiting. The next harbor doesn't even exist'
If we reached here it's a success, success
A woman carries the face of tomorrow
Body and soul
A dog's howl was incessant for a while
When I woke up and looked at the clock
Wasn't the night yet, and without changing of color
The moonlight shines on my hands
My words are useless
But I want to believe in warmth
My tears betray me
But we can share tenderness
Body and soul, body and soul
Now they melt into one
Woman who sleeps in my arms
A siren echoes faintly from far
It's on charge to lower the curtain of the night
Have I recognized in my sleep
Someone clinging to my chest joining her cheeks
Time is easy to change
I want to believe in tranquility
To you who don't call it love
I want to be sincere
Body and soul, body and soul
Now are one life
Woman who dreams in my arms
Body and soul, body and soul
Now they melt into one
Woman who sleeps in my arms
The light comes from the Sun
The light comes from the Sun and the Earth treasures it
The blacks are colored brown by it, others are white
But at the bottom of the hot climate zone and at the shore of the Elba
It has only one color, the blood is only red
If the heart can love in every language
If the heart can hate in every language
So it does hate in every language, oh, oh, it loves
Oh, oh, what the heart throbs
It's up to you to make your lives nicer today people
The verdant fields produce their treasures
And in the factories the worker tailors laws voluntarily with quick hands
Here humans have already become humane
Doesn't everything sings it aloud? The Earth will be wiser
Doesn't everything sings it aloud? The Earth will be richer
Doesn't everything sings it aloud, it'll be nicer, oh, oh, it'll be better
Oh, oh, the Earth will be happy
There are still many countries where hard working people
Dig like slaves and just endure as they always have
Where lots of machines just stand there instead of serving the people
Because the money, the money is the sole ruler
There, they never say: Happy, happy days
There, they never say: Happy, happy days
There, they never say: Happy, oh, oh, happy
Oh, oh, happy, happy, days
Today the struggle still seems endless
The nations know very well, that peace is a great treasure
But the dawn will surely come, there'll be peace on Earth
All the shackles of slavery will shatter
And the song will fly: Очень хорошо
And the song will fly: Очень хорошо
And the song will fly: Очень, oh, oh очень
Oh, oh, очень хорошо
And then the Earth will be happy for real
The oppressors crack their whips on our backs,
the white army stands against us.
We must fight,
die or win,
we do not know the destiny ahead us.
But we lift the purple cloth,
which calls the workers to battle.
Bravely for the brotherhood cause
we march and our song echoes everywhere.
For our only cause, so precious and righteous
you drudges, march on
For our only cause, so precious and righteous,
you drudges, march on
Our brothers are imprisoned in dungeons,
the avengers took what is more precious than gold
The thugs and thieves walk around gloating,
we will allow this no longer!
On the road of battles against injustice
we walk and our swords ring with revenge.
Though individuals may fall there,
their memory can never die!
For our only cause, so precious and righteous
you drudges, march on
For our only cause, so precious and righteous,
you drudges, march on
We smash the sceptres and crowns.
we break the chains of slavery
You are painful
You are painful, you are my culprit
I don't think you are suffering
You wounded in a black day
You are mighty and selfish
You are painful, you are my culprit
If I knew you before adored
I would left before I have drowned
I would slow down in my time
I would have been in a different situation
You are painful, you are my culprit
I thought you were like me, a lover
You wouldn't be able to leave me
I thought that my passion had bound you
That was my expectations
You are painful, you are my culprit
You know what else I say
I don't need any solutions
Lord from your wound healed me
It took me seconds
You are painful, you are my culprit
Hymn of the United Left, Peru
Wake, for we are advancing
Wake, for we are advancing
Wake, for we are advancing
Victory will not be ours, not till we own this land
Not till our lineage lives free of the pain of poverty
Not till our lineage lives free of the pain of poverty
Let the light of brotherhood guide you
In every struggle, united we shall fight
Thousands of our people crying out,
'Let us be family,'
For the voices of all who dwell in the motherland
Will be heard by those who govern
Wake, for we are advancing
Alongside the United Left success shall be ours
Together, everyone raise up
Raise the flag of our solidarity
Together, everyone raise up
Raise the flag of our solidarity
Don't Tell
If your heart is close to breaking
Don't tell
Because the love of your breast is cooling
Don't tell,
And if your hopes are shattering,
Don't tell
I pledge
I pledge to heal the my nation’s wounds,
How come my unfortunate brothers rot away?
If for them I regret not, grieve for them
St Ivo was a Breton
St Ivo was a Breton,
A lawyer and not a thief
Hello, Major Gagarin
The whole world heard the news from TASS
The whole world remained wordless
The whole world jumped when they heard it on the radio
And they looked up
Hello, Major Gagarin
So we've done it now
The world drunk red wine and cheered on you
People waved at you from below.
Please say to the Moon
Say it amongst the stars
What we all want to say today
that we will soon follow you
I can't sing it properly
My voice is shaking today
They say you are just twenty-seven, Major
And the world is young according to you
Please say to the Moon
Say it amongst the stars
What we all want to say today
that we will soon follow you
I can't sing it properly
My voice is shaking with fear today
They say you are just twenty-seven, Major
And the world is young according to you
Mere Naam Tu - only chorus part of the song
it's only perfect love in the evening
(c'est seulement parfait l’amour au soirée)
if love goes out
(si va me sortie l'amour )
it's only perfect love in the evening
(c'est seulement parfait l’amour au soirée)
if love goes out
(si va me sortie l'amour )
Come to spread the roses( English Version)
Come to spread the roses
We will pour wine into the cup,
Demolishing the roof of the ship,
And we will re-build it from a new.
If the enemy prepared an army,
To blood of the lovers shed,
We will attack him
Me and the waiter together
And we will demolish his structure
And we pour out the drink
of Al arjewan
With the water of a rose in a mug
And We spread the perfume breeze
And we scatter sugar in the embers
If it was a beautiful melody
Obey your hands
And Sing for us beautiful poetry
To read the yarn dancing
And swaying with pleasure
The cast dust was through of us
In our enlightened with that high side
May have a look
From Shah al-Hassan
One is boasts of his mind
And the last weaves illusions
Come make these claims
And let the judge of justice rule between us
If you want Paradise, Aden
Come with us to the pub
Let's meet your cup
To the Kuothar basin
In Shiraz they do not appreciate
The meanings of speech and magic statement
Come, Hafez, let us take
To other kingdoms
Why do you neglect me?
I truest your dimension or I believe my feelings.
You want to live your life away from me!
You become closer to my breath more than my own family.
And you left me, and you swore to me you would never leave me.
Hope in my eyes became like disappointment !
Your contradicting love is exhausted me.
If we parted, you would be a callous soul in my eyes.
And as soon as we meet, you have a good spirit that captivates me with passion.
I feel myself soul sad suffocating my breathing,
Suffocating by my passion, which made me like that.
My heart told me that I need to believe in my sincerity feelings.
I Sincerely will believe what you say from my sincere feelings.
But I have a question going on in my head
Why? When your heart longs and misses me? You are ignoring and neglecting me ?!
Messze A Naptól
Ide jutottunk
El kell érnem, hogy ennek az életnek legyen értelme
Meg tudja valaki mondani mit tettem
Hiányzik az élet
Hiányoznak a világ színei
Meg tudja valaki mondani hol vagyok
Mert most ismét ott találtam magam
Nagyon mélyen, messze a Naptól
Ami beragyogja a legsötétebb helyet is
Nagyon mélyen vagyok, messze a Naptól ismét
Messze a Naptól ismét
Végeztem ezzel
Belefáradtam, hogy a sötétben éljek
Lát valaki engem ide lent
Az érzés elmúlt
Már nincs semmi, ami felemelhetne
Vissza a világba, amit ismerek
És most ismét ott találtam magam
Nagyon mélyen, messze a Naptól
Ami beragyogja a legsötétebb helyet is
Nagyon mélyen vagyok, messze a Naptól
Ami megvilágítja nekem az utat
Hogy megtaláljam az utat vissza a karjaiba,
Annak, aki törődik az olyanokkal, mint én
Nagyon mélyen vagyok, messze a Naptól ismét
Ide jutottunk
El kell érnem, hogy ennek az életnek legyen értelme
Meg tudja valaki mondani mit tettem
És most ismét ott találtam magam
Nagyon mélyen, messze a Naptól
Ami megvilágítja nekem az utat
Mert most ismét ott találtam magam
Nagyon mélyen, messze a Naptól
Ami beragyogja a legsötétebb helyet is
Nagyon mélyen vagyok, messze a Naptól
Ami megvilágítja nekem az utat
Hogy megtaláljam az utat vissza a karjaiba,
Annak, aki törődik az olyanokkal, mint én
Nagyon mélyen vagyok, messze a Naptól ismét
Oh nem...
Én elmentem...
Song of the Flemish Lion
Versions: #1
Ne’er shall they tame him, the proud Flemish Lion,
Even if they threaten with chains and roars his freedom.
Ne’er shall he be tam’d, so long as one Fleming liveth,
So long as the Lion can claw, so long as he hath teeth.
Ne’er shall he be tam’d, so long as a Fleming liveth.
𝄆 So long as the Lion can claw, so long as he hath teeth. 𝄇
Time devoureth cities, thrones ne’er shall last,
Armies may topple, but a folk dieth not.
By grievous danger besieg’d, the foe cometh, marching in
Death to the US imperialist aggressors
Comrades, let's always heighten vigilance
Before our eyes are the US imperialists
The bloodthirsty wolf, the US imperialist aggressor
is out of their mind, barking about war
The US imperialists are our sworn enemy
The enemy that every generation bears deep resentment against
Our blood is boiling with hatred and anger
Let's sweep them away, let's annihilate them, let's kill them
Comrades, let's always heighten vigilance
Before our eyes are the US imperialists
By occupying our southern territory
They are infringing on my socialist homeland
The US imperialists are our sworn enemy
The enemy that every generation bears deep resentment against
Our blood is boiling with hatred and anger
Let's sweep them away, let's annihilate them, let's kill them
Comrades, let's always heighten vigilance
Before our eyes are the US imperialists
As they are going into the grave of doom
They redouble efforts on every step, but in vain
The US imperialists are our sworn enemy
The enemy that every generation bears deep resentment against
Our blood is boiling with hatred and anger
Let's sweep them away, let's annihilate them, let's kill them
Play touching the strings with your hand
And being full of inspiration,–
Play when you are alone with yourself,
Play on stage in front of a crowd,
May silence be turned
By you into a melody.
Play not hiding your heart's excitement
In an exalted flight of notes.
Play both tenderly and deeply,
Play solemnly and austerely,
Play as if before God!–
My dearest violinist.
The Iceland Song
You people who inherited misery!
Destitute and thirsty at the bountiful springs of life.
Little nation, charged with mighty sins,
erect, in deed, the mark of will -
will is all you need.
Believe in your own hands, and not in miracles!
Raise the plow, there's a tussock in your way!
The dreams of books,
the merry sound of poetry,
turn into wake and work.
You son of champions,
don't look so longingly across the ocean,
don't stand dismayed by the old, fallen house,
build a new one, bright one, warm one,
break the foundations of the other.
Look outside and be enlightened,
look outside, but don't forget our mother.
Don't abuse the land,
don't break the bond,
the commandments of your heart.
See, over ocean and land,
vacant and neglected, looks the sun.
I am sure, that even though nights are long at Christmas,
there is more to do than weaving and spinning,
if you look closely.
Trouble and disaster comes of sleeping,
but don't flee! You didn't sleep yourself to death.
Those, who want
to wake up and understand
will find a thousand ways.
Ode of Showa Restoration
Angry waves swell from the depths of the Miluo[P 1]
Mount Wu's peak is hazy with swirling clouds
Alone I stand in this murky and turbid world
My blood simmers in righteous anger
The monied elite, beholden to nought but wealth and status
Thinking nothing of this land and its fate
High and mighty are the zaibatsus and their ilk
In their hearts are nowhere our soil and grain[P 2]
Alas, these signs of the nation's collapse
The masses dancing blindly in the stupor of this world
In this nightmare, a political din
The world is reduced to a round of Go(围棋)
Under the spring sky of the Showa Restoration
The man[P 3] who marshals a righteous cause
In his heart is the march of a million million
Ready to fall like ten thousand sakura blossoms
Transcending the shell of crumbled bones
One body among the wisps of clouds
Standing up with concern for the nation
the righteous man's ode begins
Whether the rage of heaven or the cries of earth
The roar of the epoch is thundering now
From the people's sleep, endless kalpa past
Arise, Japan, at this morn's light!
Storm clouds gather in the heavens nine
Across the four seas, waves rage and crash
The hour[P 4] of revolution is here and nigh
Sweeping Japan like the winds of dusk
O thee boundless sky and land
A labyrinth path the man must tread
Of the splendors and praises in this dusty earth
Whose high castle may yet be seen?
Fame and glory are but the figments of a dream
What is immutable is the truth alone
Feeling the will and spirit of mortal life
Who holds the keys to failure or success?
A tragic ode, the Sorrow at Parting[P 5]
Here the heavy elegy finds its end
Setting our hearts we draw our swords
A surging sweep, a dance in blood
Song of the Onion
I love an onion fried in oil,
I love an onion, it's so tasty
I love an onion fried in oil,
I love an onion, I love an onion
In step, comrades, in step, comrades,
In step, in step, in step
In step, comrades, in step, comrades,
In step, in step, in step
Just one onion fried in oil,
Just one onion turns us into lions
Just one onion fried in oil,
Just one onion, just one onion
But no onions for the Austrians,
No, no onions for those dogs
No onions for the Austrians,
No onions, no onions
Love the onion fried in oil,
Love the onion, it's so tasty
Love the onion fried in oil,
Love the onion, we love an onion
Great Compassion Dhāraṇī
1. Adoration to the Triple Gem. Adoration to ārya Avalokiteśvarā, bodhisattva, mahāsattva, the Great Compassionate One. Oṃ. Having paid adoration to One who protects in all dangers, here is the [recitation] of the names of Nīlakaṇṭha, as chanted by ārya Avalokiteśvarā.
2. I shall enunciate the 'heart' [dhāraṇī] which ensures all aims, is pure and invincible for all beings, and which purifies the path of existence.
3. THUS. Oṃ. O Effulgence, World-Transcendent, come, oh Hari, the great bodhisattva, descend, descend. Bear in mind my heart-dhāraṇī. Accomplish, accomplish the work. Hold fast, hold fast, Victor, oh Great Victor. Hold on, hold on, oh Lord of the Earth. Move, move, oh my Immaculate Image. Come, come, Thou with the black serpent as Thy sacred thread. Destroy every poison. Quick, quick, oh Strong Being. Quick, Quick, oh Hari. Descend, descend, come down, come down, condescend, condescend. Being enlightened enlighten me, oh merciful Nīlakaṇṭha. Gladden my heart by appearing unto me.
To the Siddha hail. To the Great Siddha hail. To the Lord of Siddha Yogins hail. To Nīlakaṇṭha hail. To the Boar-faced One hail. To the One with the face of Narasiṃha hail. To One who has a lotus in His hand hail. To the Holder of a cakra in His hand hail. To One who sports a lotus(?) in His hand hail. To Nīlakaṇṭha the tiger hail. To the mighty Śaṇkara hail.
4. Adoration to the Triple Gem. Adoration to ārya Avalokiteśvarā, hail.