Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 2

Találatok száma: 62



Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)
füstöl az éjszaka
Az agyam zavartabb, mint korábban
Nézem a fotódat és álmodom
Mondd, hogyan tudnék betelni veled
Madár leszek, melletted repülök
Az utam felfelé halad
Akár meg is halhatok
Minden módon próbáltam
Nem, nem fogok kuss lenni
Csak a neved világítja meg az éjszakámat
Az utak messze vannak, nincs út
Nem tudok jönni, nem tudok
Beszorultam a négy fal közé
Nem szegem meg a tilalmakat
A nyomaid eltűnnek, ha nem látom az arcodat
Kifulladtam, Isztambul
Miattad oh
Nem tudják, hogy nem tudják
Azokra a fekete éjszakákra
a kész szótagokhoz
Esküm van, esküm
Nem kérdezhetek senkit
Hidd el, nélküled nem kel fel a nap
Nem kapok levegőt nélküled
mit csináltál nekem
A legrosszabb szerelem már rám talált
Az utak messze vannak, nincs út
Nem tudok jönni, nem tudok
Beszorultam a négy fal közé
Nem szegem meg a tilalmakat
A nyomaid eltűnnek, ha nem látom az arcodat
lélegzetvisszafojtva állj meg most
Nem tudják, nem tudják
A két kezem meg van kötve és a karom is
Nem vagyok abban a hangulatban
Olyan vagyok, mint egy törött üveg
A két kezem meg van kötve és a karom is
Nem vagyok abban a hangulatban
Olyan vagyok, mint egy törött üveg
És nem tudják, hogy nem tudják

Business and Pleasure

The times face the other side but I don’t mind if it’s right or wrong
I cannot get out of there because I’m always mixing business with pleasure
Only when time and condition is right, I’ll push it through
And that’s just fine
Having said that, now it’s boring
Stay there if you can
Cannot hit Hi-HO, day by day
If you move on, call me back
Let’s enjoy it right away
From Monday until Sunday, I mean
365 days, you’re my top priority
Good morning and good night
Even in a dream
You couldn’t be replaced
The future is looking this way

Friend Song

Doing all kinds of silly things again and again
We were having a good time, wherever and whenever
It’s been a long while since we last met, hasn’t it?
I wonder how everyone’s doing well
If you feel lost in every passing day, let’s take a little rest
Putting away yesterday’s sorrow and tomorrow’s worries
Let’s have some dreams and instead laugh today
Just like those times we didn’t know anything too much
Let’s keep laughing so hard til the morning
No matter what others say at any place
Being around with everyone, I’ll forget all bad things
I know that my squad wasn’t so smart
But each one of us had their own worries
If you take a tumble over a repeated reality, let’s take a little rest
Blow your heart into the wide sky as you got hurt from small things
And try looking down at your feet
I didn’t realize what’s been there for me, but you’ll ever know
There’s certainly a feeling that you ought not to forget
In the changing life of living, there’s something you’ll lose
But there’s something that never changes too, right?
Putting away yesterday’s sorrow and tomorrow’s worries
Let’s have some dreams and instead laugh today
Because I begin to feel like it’s quite wonderful to be alive
Let’s keep laughing til the morning

The other side of the maddalion

The lovers, the beloveds laugh everyday
The smilers, smilers become happy
Sometimes the smiler cries
Suddenly his happines passes away
This is the other side of the maddalion
Trees, trees scatter life
Flowers, flowers become beautiful
Sometimes the flower wither
Suddenly its beauty passes away
This is the other side of the maddalion
Every beauty passes away one day
Before you know it, the life ends
Every beauty passes away one day
This is the other side of the maddalion
Every beauty passes away one day


The sky feels blue as if it's mourning
Who knows how much lovers are waiting for the morning
The sky feels blue as if it's mourning
Who knows how much lovers are waiting for the morning*
It will take a long time for the sun to rise
Sorrows come one after another, suffering doesnt end
It will take a long time for the sun to rise
Sorrows come one after another, suffering doesnt end
Fear wont defeat the death** you know
What good will it make to come back from half of the way
I've been in trouble, as much trouble as possible, already
Whether this love ends, or it will go on
I've been in trouble, as much trouble as possible, already
Whether this love ends, or it will go on
I don't know if the nights are angry with the morning
It's all dark out there, no sound at all
I don't know if the nights are angry with the morning
It's all dark out there, no sound at all
Living is an another challenge, laughter is coincidencial
What day of mine was away from love or fight
Living is an another challenge, laughter is coincidencial
What day of mine was away from love or fight
Fear wont defeat the death, you know
What good will it make to come back from half of the way
I've been in trouble, as much trouble as possible, already
Whether this love ends, or it will go on
I've been in trouble, as much trouble as possible, already
Whether this love ends, or it will go on