Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye

Találatok száma: 8


Blue in blue

Today I don't wanna do anything
Today I just wanna be
Lock the world out
Stay here all alone
See the clouds go by and I fly after them
A melody comes from somewhere
and dissolves, somewhere in the nowhere
The thoughts flee, I dream after them
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
My world is big and the sky's my dress today
rainbow-wide, weightless
Dive into myself
There's nothing more to do
Ease is one
Let me rest beside you
See the time go by and I don't go after it
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
Something's carrying me, I'm floating high above the time
My world is big, weightless
Lalalalala Lalalalala ....
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
My world is big and the sky's my dress today
rainbow-wide, weightless
I'm wearing the sky
am one with everything
am blue in blue, weightless
Something's carrying me, I'm floating high above the time
My world is big, weightless


Valami, ami maradandó, valami, ami elég,
Valami, ami megmutattja, hogy jók vagyunk,
Ameddig nem találunk valamit, ami boldogít,
Amit érdemes megosztani, szívesen éreznénk ilyet,
Mindenhol keresünk, látszólag nem találunk semmit,
Ami megtart minket, ami ígérettel teli,
Amit valóban szeretnénl, amit mind keresünk
De sosem kapunk elegant, mert mindig több kell
Értjük, hogy miért forog a föld,
Az űrben kutatunk, nem elég egy bolygó
Emlékműveket építűnk, örökre fiatalok akarunk lenni,
Képeket gyűjtünk, de hiányzanak az emlékeink,
Hülyének tetetjük magunk, és pénzt keresünk vele,
Minde évben feltalálunk valamit, ami szükségtelen,
Mert még mindig van egy kicsivel több,
Akkor is ha már értelmetlen
Keresgélünk valami után,
Keresgélünk valami több után,
Keresgélünk valami után,
De senki sem tudja elmagyarázni miaz,
A lényeg, hogy kicsit több
Valaki aki marad, valaki aki megmutatja,
Hogy látszólag tudja, kik vagyunk valójában,
És ha végre rá lelünk, nem tudunk maradni,
Nem akarjuk lekötni magunk, mert akkor talán,
Lekésünk valamit, ami valahol ránk várhat,
Ami hiányzik, mert még nem a milyénk,
Nyomokat hagyunk magunk után, mint a friss kátrányba,
A következő generáció már nem tud lépést tartani,
Még magasabra, még távolabra kell jutnunk,
Egyre gyorsabbak leszünk,
Mert lassan lejár az időnk,
Nekünk több, és több kell, már magunk sem tudjuk,
Kik vagyunk valójában, elveszítjük a félelmünk,
Dolgoktól melyektől kéne, elfelejtettük rég,
Hogy kell osztozni, pedig mind így jöttünk világra,
Még mindig van egy kicsit több,
Akkor is ha már értelmetlen
Keresgélünk valami után,
Keresgélünk valami több után,
Keresgélünk valami után,
De senki sem tudja elmagyarázni miaz,
A lényeg, hogy kicsit több

Turn Your World Into The Light

What is missing you is a friend
Who is guessing thoughts and who stays with you
And who knows without words that you have pain
Who knows a solution that he also tells you
What also is missing you is time for yourself
Someone who is giving you what you get nowhere
You want a new life a new face
And remember how you forget fast
Turn your world into the light
Too less is no plan
What counts in life
Is that what you can do long time
Don't lose the faith!
Make a new plan!
Try to look to the horizon!
The cold headwind you don't ordered
You always have to stand up for so less money
The end result is really lousy
But there is a thing that you always forget
Everything what's missing for you isn't who or what you are
Rich is the someone who don't is missing
What wasn't don't have to be here
Change your view and just look forward!
Turn your world into the light
Too less is no plan
What counts in life
Is that what you can do long time
Don't lose the faith!
Make a new plan!
Try to look to the horizon!
Come we two send away the heavy things
And don't stand ourself in our way
Exchange Drama with Romance
Look in the light look forward
Make an inventory of all the luck!

Good Morning Freedom

I filed my questions after sense
And on the back of the Order is staying crosswise who i'm not
Glued all old photos in it
After date and Face relevant or not
Cleaned up with old things
Sweeped all worries under the carpet
And the scratches on my soul i polished
So that my mirror shows me that i live
Good Morning Freedom
It feels so good to see you again
Good Morning Freedom
Come in you don't have to stay outside hey
We're open wide up all windows
Sun in and everyday life out
Good Morning Freedom
Feel like you're at home!
Repaired all holes in the bags
And tipped-out all the half-full half-empty glasses
Filled the up with luck
Cleaned my crown and straighten it back
Locked my sorrow in the closet
Screwed tight the hope
Knocked really out my heart
And it frees from all stains and dust
Good Morning Freedom
It feels so good to see you again
Good Morning Freedom
Come in you don't have to stay outside hey
We're open wide up all windows
Sun in and everyday life out
Good Morning Freedom
Feel like you're at home!
And once i rearranged
Putted everything again in Rubble and ashes
Some scratches never heal
I'm sorry that can happen if you live
Good Morning Freedom
It feels so good to see you again
Good Morning Freedom
Come in you don't have to stay outside hey
We're open wide up all windows
Sun in and everyday life out
Good Morning Freedom
Feel like you're at home!

More Than You See (Pt 1)

You think you know me.
I am tired of it.
You are talking wrongly and badmouthing me,
Twisting, consuming me
Beyond recognition.
The idea you get of me: totally wrong.
I forget myself,
Break the mould
Until you finally realize who I am.
And stay with me
Where my poses are.
I know that all the best is starting here.
There is much more, more, more than you see, see, see.
There is much more, more, more than you see (see, see).
Behind the pictures, all the clichés,
So much more, more, more than you see.
Like the corners, the edges,
They are part of me.
No matter if you want to see them or not.
Deeply and unrecognized lies
The biggest power within me.
It keeps me balanced day and night.
I forget myself,
Break the mould.
I want to show everyone who I am.
There is much more, more, more than you see, see, see.
There is much more, more, more than you see (see, see).
Behind the pictures, all the clichés,
So much more, more, more than you see.
I forget myself,
Break the mould.
I want to show everyone who I am.
(There is much more)
(Than you see.)
(There is much more)
(Than you see.)
More than my appearance, more than what you like.
More than your applause, and that's why I scream out to the world:
There is much more (more, more) than you see (see, see).
There is much more (more, more) than you see (see, see).
Behind the pictures, all the clichés,
So much more (more) than you see.
More than you see.
More, more, more than you see.
When there's no source given for the translation, I made it personally.

colours of my world

With the strength of my life I'm standing here.
Carried by feelings, no strangeness left
I speak from heart, I live for this
I share all my happiness and misery with you
I catch it with words, hoping it will stay a trip to infinity for you
I'm reading from the book of stars, lend me an ear
Travel far with me
Let me take you through that gate
Refrain :
Colours of my world, reflecting the soul's light
Told by me
Touching the source of feelings
Colours of my world
Can free you of your pain
Open your heart
They let you dream again
As long as the world spins, I'll trust her, show everything from me.
I'm talking only for myselfI'm all alone here
Seeing it through my eyes surely won't be hard for you
Because without you all of these words would be so empty
Take my hand, you're entering new land
I'm reading from the book of stars, just lend me your ear, travel far away with me, let me take you through the gate
Colours of my world, reflecting the soul's light
Told by me
Touching the source of feelings
Colours of my world
Can free you of your pain
Open your heart
They let you dream again