Dalszöveg fordítások

A keresés eredménye oldal 58

Találatok száma: 3712


Keresni a Szerelmet

Kimozdulnak, hogy lássák őket
Elvesznek a ritmusban
Nem a szerelmet keresik
Nem a szerelmet keresik
(Verse 1)
Engedd, hogy magával ragadjon a ritmus
Én így szeretem, pont így
Több van ebben az éjszakában, nem korlátozom magam
Jó a zene és nem tudok ellenállni
Kimozdulnak hogy lássák őket, hogy szeretnek táncolni
Elvesznek a ritmusban, kezdik elfelejteni
Hogy nem keresnek semmit, jól érzik magukat ahogy vannak
Hogy ne beszéljenek vele a szerelemről, ami nem az élete része
Kimozdulnak hogy lássák őket, hogy szeretnek táncolni
Elvesznek a ritmusban, kezdik elfelejteni
Hogy nem keresnek semmit, jól érzik magukat ahogy vannak
Hogy ne beszéljenek vele a szerelemről, ami nem az élete része
(Verse 2)
Ma elhagytuk az inkognitót
Bajba fogunk kerülni
Csak hezitálunk, baby, nem gyűrűt keresünk
Mikor elindítják a zenét, adjuk neki mindenhogy
Ki ne szeretne látni egy latin nőt táncolni a reggateonra?
Gyere, ha ki akarod próbálni, menj, ha szerelembe fogsz esni


(Verse 1)
Az ajkaid a bűnöm
Bármit kockáztatok egy csókért tőled (kockáztatok)
És a szíved az enyémmel ver
Egy egy tökéletes ütem (tökéletes)
Csókról csókra rájöttem, hogy
Szükségem van rád, pont mint eddig
Úgy akarlak, ahogy vagy
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
Csókolj meg lassan
Csókolj meg lassan
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
(Verse 2)
Meggyógyítottad a szívem
Életet adtál annak, ami halott volt
Nem hittem el hogy ez szerelem
Mert nem volt itt az ideje
És minden figyelmeztetés nélkül, figyelmeztettelek
Ha nem lehetsz az enyém, belebolondulok
Szükségem van rád mellettem
Senki nem adja meg nekem azt, amit te adsz
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
Csókolj meg lassan
Csókolj meg lassan
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
Csókolj meg lassan
Csókolj meg lassan
Az ajkaid, az ajkaid
Az enyéim bűne, enyéim bűne
A bűnöm
Bármit kockáztatok egy csókért tőled

The Last Poem About You

Darling, I think it’s high time
to look at everything anew.
Today, there’s too litlle of us between us,
words that are too strong divide us
and I know that you think the same.
We just cannot go on this way.
It’s true that our dreams were telling something else

Látni fogod

Hazafelé megyek, tele a fejem, hideg van
Már megint itt az ősz, az évnek majdnem vége
Sok minden történt, még akkor is ha erröl most nincs sok tudomásom
Veled kapcsolatban nem minden egészen világos, hogy mi legyen, igen
Elkápráztatsz, tudom, tedd csak, nem zavar
De ne feledd, tegyél meg mindent, ami szükséges
Port és piszkot nyelek, igen
Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd
Azt akarom, hogy tudd
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod
Rossz vesztes vagyok, könyörtelen
Mindig túl sok, mindig túl kevés, a telhetetlenség gödrében
Mi vagyunk a gyermekeitek, és túl hamar felnövünk
Igen és az veled kapcsolatban nem túl világos
Imádkoznék, csak tudnám kihez
Mégis elkápráztatsz, tudom, tedd csak, nem zavar
Csupán azt akarom, hogy tudd
Csupán azt akarom, hogy tudd
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
Megveszem neked a világot, ha azt akarod, igen
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod)
( Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
( És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod)
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, ha akarod)
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, kedvesem
Adj nekem ezt a dalt, ha akarod, igen, igen
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt ( ezt a szerelmes dalt, igen )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt , igen
Megveszem neked a világot, ha azt akarod, kedvesem

Látni fogod ( Amazon eredeti )

( Intro: Disarstar)
(1. Strófa)
Hazafelé megyek, a fejem tele és hideg van
Már megint itt az ösz, az idö rohan, a naptárlapok hullanak
Sok minden történt, még akkor is ha erröl most nem túl sokat tudok
A nyár forró volt, most jéghideg vagy, igen
Veled kapcsolatban nem minden világos, egyszer eltünsz, máskor itt vagy
Az ember teszi a dolgát, úgy beszélünk, mintha ez sosem lett volna fontos
Aztán tovább lépünk, ne feledd, megteszek mindent, amit csak kell
Port és piszkot nyelek, valamikor bezárul a kör
Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd
Csak azt akarom, hogy te -
( Chorus )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
És én megveszem neked a világot
( 2. Strófa )
A bukás lehetösége mindig ott van a háttérben (hej )
Mindig túl sok, mindig túl kevés, mégis mindig reménykedve
A nagy álmok az évekkel hasznossá válnak
Körbe-körbe járunk, és oda érkezünk, ahol már voltunk
Igen, hogy mi lesz velünk, az nem egészen világos
A csomag útra kész, de te nem vagy sehol
Igy hát, akár mit is teszel most, remélem, hogy utánam jössz
A kérdés csupán: 'Hogyan tovább?'
Bántalak, bántasz, úgy teszek, mintha ez nem lenne probléma
Hajnalban érkezünk haza, kivörösödött szemmel, a bortól émelyegve
És újra egymáson fekve alszunk el
Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd
Azt akarom, hogy tudd
( Chorus )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
És én megveszem neked a világot, hogy ha azt akarod
( Post- Chorus )
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, hogy ha azt akarod)
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
(Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen)
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
(És hamarosan megveszem neked a világot, hogy ha azt akarod)
Adj nekem egy kis időt, ha akarod
( Chorus )
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt
Látni fogod, kedvesem
Egy napon látni fogod, amit én mindig is láttam
Adj nekem egy kis időt, add nekem ezt a dalt, igen
És én megveszem neked a világot (megveszem neked a világot )
Ha azt akarod (Ha azt akarod )
Hm, és majd megveszem neked a világot ( és majd akkor megveszem neked a világot)
Ha azt akarod (Igen, ha azt akarod )

Toy World

Versions: #1
Toy world, Toy world,
This game is so easy, you play too
destroy, make and ruin
Actually all we are children
Some people act soldier
Some act cops and robbers
Some play playing house
I act musician too now
Some children never settle down
They have been always a killjoy
They made sad other children continual
The game rules was reversed all the time
Some play hide and seek
Some play tag
Some act doctor
I act musician too now


(It's 5 oclock)
Small child complains...
Dawn of tears
Hugging the world!
A rooster crows.
Small child complains...
The compassionate
Mouth of the universe!
The dawn is cold.

Let 'em die

Yo, this is Sega feat
His garden gnomes.
Kind Santa, read my letter,
Kind Santa, I've been a docile boy,
Kind Santa, I've been a good boy,
Read my letter, read my letter:
Let 'em die, let 'em die,
Let 'em die, let 'em die,
Let 'em die, let 'em die,
Let 'em die, let 'em die.
What we sow, we reap


The biggest war between running away and hiding
We drove slowly while looking at the signs on the side of the road
Everywhere I go with you is a twist
My garden is filled with thorns
It got forgotten when the summer ended
When you flied and fell
Where did it hurt?
Did the cats survive?
Let it go
Let it go, ah
Let it go
Let it go, ah
I’m greeting you all
Just the two of you
The one I’m looking for isn’t here
Sometimes it comes to my mind
The madness I built
Let it go
Let it go, ah
Let it go
Let it go, ah
I couldn’t be happier
(The biggest war between running away and hiding)
(I couldn’t be happier)
(The biggest war between running away and hiding)
(I couldn’t be happier)
(The biggest war between running away and hiding)


Goodbye my soul mate....say goodbye to my wounded heart
Because bidding a goodbye is hard...and my longing towards you will ooze.
So forgive what I did.....your heart is wide and forgiving
I love you even if we separate....because a soul is next to soul
So stay well my brother....and stride thoughtfully
And remember me and our friendship.....and pray for me, my soul mate


The color of your eyes’ may embrace my whole soul
Today is the day when black flowers bloomed in the heart of mine
If you ask for me from winds cordially
They shall say “He already is passed away for your soul”
From the sparks of your eyes going into hearts
Come my love, come and serve me a poisined drink
It spirited up my heart which had never been spirited before
Yes it did, the charm of yours which casts a spell on me
Oh the hard woman whose eyes looks strongly
You may either make me suffer from love
Or stab me in the heart of mine to make my end come
Even if I die my love for you will continue to exist


Look, After this, life
Neither will be more sad
nor more content
it seems
If i die tomorrow
Keep my smiles not my victories.
Yet still we pity, we cry once again
Yet still we be fooled, we cauterize once again
Yet still it comes off, we tie up once again
Lan* This life is ours!
Yet still it hurts, we cry once again
Yet still we be fooled, we cauterize once again
Yet still it comes off, we tie up once again
Isn't the subject 'living'?
Look, After this, life
Neither will be more sad
nor more content
it seems
If i die tomorrow
Keep my smiles not my victories.
Yet still we pity, we cry once again
Yet still we be fooled, we cauterize once again
Yet still it comes off, we tie up once again
Lan* This life is ours!
Yet still it hurts, we cry once again
Yet still we be fooled, we cauterize once again
Yet still it comes off, we tie up once again
Isn't the subject 'living'?


Your lips are my vice.
I risk everything for one kiss of yours
and your heart beats along mine.
It's a perfect tempo.
Kiss to kiss, I realised
I need you just like yesterday.
I want to have you just like you are.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
Kiss me slowly, kiss me slowly.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
You healed my heart.
You gave life to what was dead.
I didn't believe in love
because it wasn't the right time.
For there was no warning, I warn you,
if I don't have you, I get all ill.
I need you with me.
No one else gives me what you give me.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
Kiss me slowly, kiss me slowly.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
Kiss me slowly, kiss me slowly.
Your lips, your lips
are a vice of mine, a vice of mine.
They're my vice.
I risk everything for one kiss of yours.

Damn It

I’m so sad today
Looks like I’ve lost you
A dagger in my back and there, your hand,
That’s how I picture it now
This flame burns and won’t go out
It won’t kill you
Yet it brings you down
The ambition that drives you further along the path
But won’t bring you back, alas, dries out
I won’t say no, don’t do it anymore
These words of mine bleed
It was never said
But we loved each other, it was no dream
I was hurt
All my animals hunted down
Roads no longer serve me
The flowers in my mouth I thrust them into darkness
That’s no lie
A lie... a lie...
I cry
All my gold leaf now deceived
I am the darkness that does not dawn
I understand, this love is beyond your depth
But that won’t heal my wound

Give It All to Me

A little bit of heat.
Side by side, keep it up.
I already gave you control.
Finish what you started.
We're not thinking, we're fine.
What if it's a sin? I don't know.
Stopping, for what?
Finish what you started
'cause nothing feels,
nothing feels, my love,
nothing feels better
Than my name in your mouth, mouth, mouth.
I feel you and you don't touch me, touch me, touch me.
My name in your mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth.
I feel you and you don't touch me, touch me, touch me.
Give it all to me!
Stay 'cause I want to lose all my manners until dawn.
And everything you have to do, you already know it.
You say my name and I don't care at all.
Others try it, but no, they never achieved anything.
Others try it, but no.
Finish what you started
'cause nothing feels,
nothing feels, my love,
nothing feels better.
Than my name in your mouth, mouth, mouth.
I feel you and you don't touch me, touch me, touch me.
Give it all to me!
I like mentioning you
with the sexy voice I use to impress you, hey.
You like me calling you late.
I'm going to try calming down.
I respect you a lot.
If she teases me, I don't calm down.
No job is left incomplete.
She's got an angel face but I'd sin for her.
Try me and I dare you to find another like me.
She's a record-breaker.
Men stick to her as if she was a magnet.
I sneak inside her mind.
She deserves a ring — if it's up to me, I'll engage her.
I'll bring grandchildren to her mommy.
Finish what you started
'cause nothing feels,
nothing feels, my love,
nothing feels better
Than my name in your mouth, mouth, mouth.
I feel you and you don't touch me, touch me, touch me.
My name in your mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth.
I feel you and you don't touch me, touch me, touch me.
Give it all to me!

Dream within a dream

Give me your word, to be in the dream with me, already
My simple advice - stop being shy
Give me your hand already - on the other side
I am slightly better suited to fight
Your palms chained mine into a numbness of embraces, under the ice of your caresses
I understand - this is needed, I open my eyes and hear the rustle of curtains, sounds of broken glass
You put on your wings and walk out of the window
And with every flap you are closer, closer to the full moon
And I try to shout, but there is a lump in my throat
And I do not know, how to check, if this is reality or a dream within a dream
In a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream, in a dream?..
Give me your word, to be in the dream with me, already
My simple advice - stop being shy
Give me your hand, already...

I'm whistling

Long time ago, as I was a kid, dunno what age
around 5, I was wandering and suddenly,
I saw a little white butterfly in the lake
'Hey, save me, can't you see that I'm '
I'm wondering terribly about his Demi Moore-like
raspy, kind of angry voice
I'm holding it in my hand, that's in vain
says 'whatever happends from now on, whistle and I'm gonna come!'
I'm whistling and calling it
and bike guides me farther
I'm whistling, let's twist again
I'm whistling...
Come on, let's twist again!
After some more years,
I said 'what a foolish thing' and I laughed
Talking butterfly fullfilling whishes
But oh, how I need you to be one
I'm whistling and calling it
and bike guides me farther
I'm whistling and outside is
pretty nice, no matter if it's day or night.
How happy, how happy
you can feel, why not, why not
I'm whistling, let's twist again
I'm whistling...
I'm whistling and calling it
I'm whistling and calling it
I'm whistling and calling it
I'm whistling and calling it
riding my bike farther
I'm whistling, let's twist again
I'm whistling...
I'm whistling and calling it
riding my bike farther
I'm whistling, let's twist again
I'm whistling...
and calling it!


This is a boy's mov.
Brother, do not blame, but you are driving a puny.
When the carrier held out AUX
All my wolves do AUF
All my wolves do AUF
Come on on the facts, brother.
You're closer to the ground than my nine.
If we're not talking about money.
Then you hear in the phone : 'Fuck off!'
The bass is pounding from the speakers, people hate us.
You’ll blow your fucker when the basin hits the courtyard.
The bass is thumping from the speakers, people hate us.
You’ll fill it up your fucking guy when the pelvis falls into the yard.
This is a kid's mov.
Brother, don't blame me, but you're taking the dumbass.
When the driver held out AUX
All mine wolves do AUF
All my wolves do AUF
I remember our childhood, I remember our place
I remember who is gangsta, and who is a nit from Kadetstvo
Shots at the local - it's a street orchestra.
I came to you - you didn't wait.
It's quiet here without me, but smooth surface
Mom, mom, we are not punks
We are just guys in comfortable pants
Every new day is like a gif.
This is a sad picture
The nine-story building is my blue.
And the Moscow River is my stuffing, bingo!
B only tigers perform at the circus
Well, wolves get into credits
Every new day on the battlefield
Like heroes of myths, we cut off the heads of the Hydra
And the city has fallen
Lead fog
After all, he dropped it.
Awesome kid.
This is a boy's mov.
Brother, don't blame me, but you're taking the dumbass.
When the driver held out AUX
All my wolves do AUF.
All my wolves do AUF

The Longest Kisses In Poland

I play, play, play the cello
I play, play, play, play
I play the chello in a band
I play, play, play the cello
I have a good view from the stage
On the longest kisses in Poland
He, he, he, she as if out of the blue
Let themselves be surprised
With the longest kiss in Poland
I let myself be surprised With the longest kiss in Poland
With the longest kiss in Poland
With the longest kiss in Poland
The longest kisses in Poland
The longest kisses in Poland
The longest kisses in Poland


I'm not able say to say I love you
I miss you, I cannot breathe anymore
Existentialism and french crullers
We're being guided in everything
Light and darkness coexist today
Sadboy meets with Riot Grrrl
Our love will keep stagnating forever
It's like you were killing me
Because it is only a dream, it is too far to reach
Our pinkies don't touch1
I want you too much, the way it is now
My eyes set at night
  • 1. Pinky swear is a symbol of the red thread of fate that connects two people who are destined to be with each other.

Jer, Barátom...

Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Vigyázd, s Gondolj a Tórára!
Hangzott az egy Isten szavára,
Egy Adonáj, kinek glóriája
Az egész világot körüljárja.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Menjünk hát a Sábbát elé,
Áldások forrása az övé.
Kezdetektől kiválasztott,
Első helyre kívánkozott.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Szent lakóhely, királyváros,
A romlásból éledj, távozz!
Elég volt már a sírásból,
Könyörül rajtad, ki Téged meglát.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Magadról most rázd le a port,
Öltözz díszbe, ruhád ragyogjon,
Mert itt van már Isáj fia,
Ki elhozza neked a megváltásod.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Támadjon fel fényességed,
Emelkedjen dicsőséged!
Énekeld a melódiát,
Urad dicsfénye jár téged majd át.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Ne szégyenkezz, ne jöjj zavarba!
Miért érzed magadat lesújtva?
Szegényeim benned bíznak,
Falaid újból magasodni fognak.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Kifosztóid kifosztatnak,
Pusztitóid eltávoznak.
Örül neked a te Istened,
Mint vőlegény a jegyesének.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Meghajolhatsz jobbra, balra,
Az Örökkévalót áldva.
Mert Perec utódja által
Örvendezel, s vigadozol majd.
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!
Jöjj békében, Büszkeségem!
Ujjongással, énekléssel,
Kiválasztott néped áldjon,
Jöjj, Menyasszony! Jöjj, Menyasszony!
Jer, Barátom: itt a Sábbát.
Jöjj Pihenés, te várva várt!

Yo yo

Until it breaks, head spinning, kiss the ground
Before death catches
You need to do something
Why won't the feeling go?
Think this day as last one
Let's run at home in the space
Let's run at home in the space
Let's run at home in the space
Let's run at home in the space
Cosmos is calling
We are invited by the space
And, space is calling
And, space is calling
Tell, are you ready to go there now?
Recognizing from space
Recognizing from space
Let's go home, home
Lift up the mood, mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Let's go home, home
Lift up the mood, mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Along the milky-way, yeah
The sky is 20 million...?
Stars instead of lights
Open window gives little freezing
This, next stop is Andromeda, Andromeda, Andromeda
The nearest galaxy is Andromeda
The nearest galaxy is Andromeda
We'll fly
Let's go
Cosmos is calling
We are invited by the space
And, space is calling
And, space is calling
Tell, are you ready to go there now?
Recognizing from space
Recognizing from space
Let's go home, home
Lift up the mood, mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Let's go home, home
Lift up the mood, mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
To home, (yeah, yeah)
Lift up the mood, (yeah, yeah)
Come, dance, yo yo (yeah, yeah)
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!(yeah, yeah)
Lift up the mood,
Lift up the mood,
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Let's go home, home
Lift up the mood, mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Quick-quick-quickly, to home, to home
Lift up the mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Let's go home, home
Lift up the mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!
Let's go home, home
Lift up the mood
Come, dance, yo yo
Take me away, kiss me! Love me!

All those years ago

When the bomb flies through the night
Just don't show any fear
Take your wife and your children
Tin cans and a radio
Go into the cellar quickly
Then calm down your wife
Do you remember, all those years ago?
Do you remember, the beautiful nights?
Do you remember, all those years ago?
Do you remember, what it was like back then?
When the bomb has detonated
Protect your head with a bag
Just don't show any fear then
And breathe through a damp cloth
Or sing a song
And make new plans
Do you remember, all those years ago?
Do you remember, the beautiful nights?
Do you remember, all those years ago?
Do you remember, what it was like back then?
Then take a spade
And bury the dead
First the women and children
Then the reconstruction begins
After the war comes peace
And after the peace comes victory!
Do you remember, all those years ago?
Do you remember, the beautiful nights?
Do you remember, all those years ago?
Do you remember, what it was like back then?

Why my thoughts fight

Why my thoughts fight
Experience tells me,do not speak
Run both of you now
Let my heart speak.
The first look of your eye
suitable to the bright sun
he captivated my heart,
made him a slave.
To love you, ah, the only one
I will tell the whole world,
Just from you, ah,my sweetheart,
This secret I will hide

My heart is lost

My heart is lost, and I don't know where to find and when?!
Lead to her eyes.
I want to talk to her and say how much my heart loves her.
This is my heart, and I know my heart is lost from me.
I swear it is lost from me.
I had never met anyone like her, either before or after.
This is what is called an angel.
Or perhaps called destruction, I don't know!
Regardless if it destruction or an angel,
You will die

Only With You

Are you drinking the whole time again?
Yes, I know how much you need it
I sit down with you, I pour myself one
And your gazes are cold and my voice is warm
Yes, yes, cheaper than your perfume
Red wine lips covered in makeup
You're still awake, it's already 4:30
Is what helps you and much too much of it
Mm, yes
Only when you fly are you big enough
Then Berlin is good at just that moment
1, 2 , 3, 4
Only with you am I not alone
Only with you, I don't have time
Only with you, no distance is too far, yes
Only with you am I not alone
Only with you, I don't have time
Only with you, no distance is too far, yes
Life is a game
You win and you lose
Give me this night and I'll start to quit
Yes, yes, cheaper than your perfume
Red wine lips covered in makeup
You're still awake, it's already 4:30
And is what helps you, and much too much of it
Yes, yes
Only when you fly are you big enough, yes
Then Berlin is good at just that moment
Only with you am I not alone
Only with you, I don't have time
Only with you, no distance is too far
Only with you am I not alone
Only with you, I don't have time
Only with you, no distance is too far, yes
But only with you
Only with you, yes
But only with you
Only with you, yes
Only when you fly are you big enough, yes
(Then Berlin is good at just that moment)
(Only with you)
Are you big enough
(Only with you)
Then you're big enough, yes
(Only with you)
1, 2, 3, 4
Only with you am I not alone
Only with you, I don't have time
Only with you, no distance is too far, yes
Only with you am I not alone
Only with you, I don't have time
Only with you, no distance is too far, yes, ey

Just Friends

Grew up together
Escaped together
Life under the hill
Leaves a mark and hopes for more
Pushing out the freedom ahead of us
Everything dies, everything sleeps except for us
Now you're saying you're okay
I say, 'Then I am, too'
You're lying to my face
You're lying to my face
And because we're friends, just friends
Because we're just good friends
Because we're friends, just friends
Because we're just good friends
You take away my sense
And blow it into the air
And you smile at me
Or laugh at me
I've still never understood
And because you hurt, I hurt with you
Because you understand what I carry with me
Because you understand what you have in me
And because we're friends, just friends
Because we're just good friends
Because we're friends, just friends
Because we're just good friends
And because you're everything and nothing at all
Because you're everything and nothing at all
And because you're everything and nothing at all
Because you're everything and nothing at all to me
To me, to me, to me
Because we're friends, just friends
Because we're more than just friends
Because we're friends, just friends
Because there's more than just friendship there
Now you're saying you're okay
I say, 'Then I am, too'
You're lying to my face
I am, too

Unidentified Identity

I remember
That's right, at that time, I was a bird
With wings that were fluttering
And the blue sky was like the box that we store away
While the world revolves around places that are still unknown
I then pocketed 'love'
That's right, I became a human after that
And I remembered how to shed tears
When I am in front of you, surely, just like human
My heart throbs, you see
Just like a firework bursting into life,
We are born into this world
And until I forget the marks left by my wings,
I will hold you tightly
I remember
Unsure whom to be, I become me
Somebody who has your heart, and yours only
And in this world, a certain happiness
Surely exists
When the memories of that sky gush out
I wonder how I should call the name of this heart
Unable to forget and leave
We will keep walking
Just like flower petals that fall someday
We, too will surely meet our end
And the two hearts that were shaped similarly
Will remain there
Just like a firework bursting into life,
We are born into this world
Without being able to forget the marks left by my wings
We will continue to hold hands
And live through now


When you walk through Hongdae at night
And see chaos everywhere
You can also discover so much beauty
There are walls made from concrete
And the streets are full of song
You know that I hear them
It's so beautiful here with you
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
A city that you don't know
Their language is foreign to you
But so much, that unites us
You get lost in the feeling
You know exactly what you want here
But not, what you will find
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
(Our love is like Seoul, like Seoul, like Seoul)
We experience a high-altitude flight
Feel like we already drank three Sojus.
I get lost with you
I get lost with you
Where the skyscrapers stand
And we can't see the sky anymore
Our love is like Seoul
Where the colorful lights shine
And the houses line up into eternity
Our love is like Seoul
(Our love is like Seoul)

Breaking Dawn

Dark night, it’s dangerous, my universe that’s been all covered up
The feelings that have grown cold in the silence in which
I’ve been holding my breath
Standing still as if abandoned under the sky of faded light
Like a maze with no end
Fear spreads and comes like a storm,
I can’t endure it anymore
Before I become used to the dark
I must find an answer and wake up from this
terrible dream
Breaking dawn, I see the moment the dark splits
Breaking dawn, Shining
Far away, I follow one strand of light
To the moment I face yet again the future I lost before
Breaking Dawn, You and Me
We won’t stop
Show me, You dare, We make it, I swear
Shatter the distant and long darkness, I want some more
Go one step closer to the light
I’ll light up our dawn, check it
Lift away the mist, fade in fog
Break out of the limits, now we go
To us, giving up can’t be a worry or help
So Breaking dawn
Another road that appeared once I followed the light
I go towards that place, never done
Still, Never fade away
It’s just a momentary darkness, push away the thick night
Return all these shattered things and match up these last shards
And overcome this long, long wait.
Breaking dawn, I see the moment the dark splits
Breaking dawn, Shining
Far away, I follow one strand of light
To the moment I face yet again the future I lost before
Breaking Dawn, You and Me
We won’t stop
Got it, I got it, everyday that keeps on repeating
Step over the uneasy yesterday, tomorrow will be different
For the moments that will shine again someday
Overcome them, Stop line
We will go even further
Without a notice, nonfiction
Woo yeah, in confusion
Can’t help but make it and go forward
A shining star that illuminates its light
Your prayer, Our dawn
Breaking dawn
I see, you can free it
Breaking dawn
Shining, lead the way
The moment colorful hope blossoms
Breaking dawn
You and me, our future will shine

My life

My life, are you alive? If so, that's fine
New bottles every night, I think I'm exaggerating
Hostesses, confetti fly, fly, fly, fly
Good car, new Rola threatens me, threatens, threatens
[Verse 1]
Fast life is the fault, drunk every night
This style, I love it, we all chose it
Esta manana, esta noche, let them do what they wants
Romeo and Juliet, forbidden fruit
And I gave you life, and you take my soul
You are here, then you're not, your eyes are the color of malice
And we wanted happiness, we dreamed of our children
Does all this bother you, I'm the worst for you
My life, are you alive? If so, that's fine
New bottles every night, I think I'm exaggerating
Hostesses, confetti fly, fly, fly, fly
Good car, new Rola threatens me, threatens, threatens
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
[Verse 2]
She told me in a light tone that she was leaving
When the door slams he won't come back
But only if at least one more time, trust me
I would stop anything that bothers you, my love
what are drugs and drinks and expensive clothes
When I'm weak on you, and you're stronger than that
Fuck all the city stories and whores around the table
My life, are you alive, tell me where she is now?
My life, are you alive? If so, that's fine
New bottles every night, I think I'm exaggerating
Hostesses, confetti fly, fly, fly, fly
Good car, new Rola threatens me, threatens, threatens
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?


There was once a boomerang.
It was a bit too long.
It flew a short distance,
but it never came back.
The crowd there, for hours, still
waited for the boomerang.